Spinner's End


Story Summary:
A one shot following Severus Snape from the end of HBP to the final battle, with flashbacks to his past.

Chapter 01


Spinner's End

Severus Snape was distinctly unamused.

Draco Malfoy was in his living room, crowing triumphantly. It was clear to Severus that the young man was bluffing, but who could blame him? As far as Draco was aware, his mother Narcissa was an ardent follower of the Dark Lord. Severus shivered as the face of the Dark Lord rose in his mind. The Dark Lord would be delirious with delight when tonight's events were relayed to him. That was an event which Severus wished to delay as long as possible, although he knew that it couldn't be for much longer.

The time was drawing near in which he would have to decide. Some might say that the decision had been made not thirty minutes previously, with the death of his mentor Albus Dumbledore. Bile rose in his throat at the thought. Despite having been responsible for many deaths before, this one was the most difficult to reconcile. It was understandable considering that Dumbledore was the only man with whom Severus had a relationship that was anywhere near friendship. The image of Dumbledore pleading to Severus sat uncomfortably in his mind. He, who had once been rightfully renowned as the greatest wizard alive, begging - no, he deserved death. This man, the leader of the Good? For there to be any chance of victory, or even a tolerable amount of opposition, Dumbledore had to be replaced. The man was fading fast - his injuries this year had been a sure sign of that. He would certainly be unable to face the Dark Lord again. It was certain in Severus' mind that the Order would never have allowed him to step down. The death of the leader of the Order was the only way to ensure that the battle could continue - and Severus did enjoy a good battle.

He left the library and strode towards the sound of Draco's boasts. Narcissa Malfoy arose from her seat by the fire as he entered the room.

"Severus...I...I cannot thank you enough," she stammered, her voice seeming to catch in her throat.

"You are most welcome, Narcissa," he replied.

"Though it is I, Mother, who deserves the credit - was I not the one who trapped him in the tower?" Draco cut in swiftly.

"Be quiet, you idiot boy," Severus snapped. "You, deserving of credit? You did well with the cabinet, I grant you, but I wish you luck in explaining to the Dark Lord precisely why you were lowering your wand when I entered the tower."

Narcissa gasped. "But the Dark Lord gave the task to Draco. When he hears about this..."

"Yes, Narcissa, you are quite correct. But as I am certain you will recall, we entered into an Unbreakable Vow that bound me to carry out the task for him if Draco seemed likely to fail. And that was the case tonight," Severus replied. Draco paled. "Yes, Draco, I believe you are right to worry. The Dark Lord has never liked a failure," he snapped as he turned towards the window.

Failure was something that Severus too deeply despised. Another was Draco Malfoy. Unfortunately, his father Lucius stood rather high in the Dark Lord's estimation, so to give any indication of his feelings towards the boy would be foolish indeed. However, after tonight's events, he strongly suspected that the Malfoys would be falling somewhat in the Dark Lord's eyes.

Severus sighed. The inevitable could not be delayed for much longer, surely. It seemed that he could no longer play both sides against the other - Dumbledore was the only one in the Order of the Phoenix who trusted him completely. The others would rally behind Potter, and he could not expect Potter, of all people - Severus' lip curled at the thought - to trust him, especially after watching him murder the Headmaster. Certainly, when the Dark Lord knew exactly what had occurred, any lingering mistrust on his side would be removed. Maybe it was time to throw his lot in entirely with the side of the dark. Still, Severus could not shake the feeling that there was something missing. However, it seemed clear that the choice had already been made for him. The weakness of the Order was becoming more apparent daily - even if Potter were suddenly to emulate a younger Dumbledore, Severus was beginning to suspect that it would not be enough.

The familiar burning sensation on his arm interrupted his train of thought. From the renewed sounds of sobbing behind him, he knew that the Dark Lord was calling his Death Eaters to him. He spun around to face Draco. "Come."

Unsurprisingly, they Apparated into the graveyard in Little Hangleton. For one so talented, Severus thought, the Dark Lord was severely lacking in imagination. As they effortlessly fell into a circle around the Dark Lord, Severus chanced a glance at Draco. The boy was clearly about to go to pieces, his self-belief shattered. The silence was beginning to become uncomfortable, but the Dark Lord let it build still further. Nagini, his snake, slithered around the circle, finally coming to rest in front of Draco.

The Dark Lord stepped towards him. "So," he hissed, turning to face the rest of the circle. "It would seem that young Mr. Malfoy here has some news to share with you all. Please, Draco, tell my loyal followers what happened at Hogwarts tonight," he said with a dangerous light in his eyes.

Draco gulped. "Er..." he stuttered. "Well...Dumbledore - he's dead," he said, eyes downcast. There were gasps across the circle, and Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco's aunt, began to applaud.

"Silence!" snarled the Dark Lord. "I do not believe Draco is telling you the whole truth. Perhaps Severus would like to assist him?"

Severus moved forward. "My Lord," he acknowledged. "Draco is quite correct that Dumbledore died - I know that to be true, because I cast the Killing Curse myself."

Draco crumpled, as Bellatrix shrieked and rushed towards him. The Dark Lord smirked at her. "Thankyou, Bellatrix."

She stopped in her tracks. "For what, my Lord?"

"Why, for volunteering. You should all know by now that I do not accept failures, and the Malfoys have let me down one time too many. They must be punished."

"You...you wish for me to cast the Cruciatus Curse on my own nephew?"

"Oh, no, Bellatrix," he said softly. "I command you to cast the Killing Curse on him instead."

Her eyes widened, but Severus knew that Bellatrix was incapable of disobeying the Dark Lord. Draco's fate was sealed.

Bellatrix raised her wand, and called out the phrase which had clearly been practised many times. "Avada Kedavra!" Draco's body hit the ground, eyes still wide with shock, mouth slightly parted as if to call out. Strangely, Severus felt no emotion upon seeing the corpse of the boy he had known since he was but two days old. Draco was weak, and those who were weak deserved death. Weakness was a fault that must always be overcome.

Bellatrix shrieked, and rushed away from the graveyard. Voldemort made no move to stop her, but instead turned towards the rest of the Death Eaters. "It seems we have much to celebrate tonight. Tomorrow, we shall begin to plan our next move, but tonight...Tonight, we celebrate," he stated. "The death of that cursed old fool is just what we need. Potter is useless without him."

As the circle broke away into smaller groups, Voldemort came over to where Severus was standing. "So, Severus, it would appear that you are indeed my most faithful servant."

"As was always the case, my Lord." With that, Severus believed that his fate was, like Draco's, sealed. Unlike Draco, he would stay alive, and by the side of the Dark Lord.

Narcissa Malfoy was still standing by the fireplace when Severus returned to Spinner's End.

"I would recommend that you go into hiding, Narcissa. The Dark Lord is most displeased with the Malfoys at present. Needless to say, I do not expect you to still be here in the morning."

He glanced back to see Narcissa sliding down the wall, then turned back and went to his bedroom to retire for the night. It seemed unlikely that he would sleep tonight, but he needed to put his thoughts in order. Luckily, the Pensieve he'd had to leave at Hogwarts was merely his spare. The faint glow of the other Pensieve drew him towards it, and he raised his wand to his temple. Again and again he repeated this, until his mind was beginning to feel clearer. Severus stepped back from the Pensieve and went to lie down, until he saw the face of Albus Dumbledore rise to the top of the bowl. He felt an irresistible pull towards it, and lowered his face into the Pensieve.

29th September, 1971

Severus Snape peered apprehensively around the corner. Seeing that the coast was clear, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly made his way towards the Slytherin common room. Hogwarts was nothing like he had expected. All his life, he had believed that he would come to Hogwarts and find the home he so desperately desired. But even here, no one seemed to accept him. He went down the staircase, and heard the sound of a group of seventh year Slytherin boys ahead of him. Panicking, he looked for a place to hide, but he was not fast enough. They strode towards him.

"What do we have here, then?" smirked the boy who seemed to be their leader. Severus recognised him from the house common room - what was his name again - McCoy, or something like that? "A filthy half-blood, that's what. And you know what happens to Mudbloods in this school, don't you boy?"

Severus refused to answer, and started shuffling along the wall, trying to escape.

"They must be cleansed, boy. Cleansed of their filthy blood." The boys raised their wand as one and began to advance upon him. Severus whimpered. He had no idea how he was to escape now. Suddenly, the boys were pulled back from him as if a massive invisible hand had hold of them. Severus' eyes widened - surely he had not caused that? Then Professor Dumbledore's voice echoed through the corridors, "Could Professor Slughorn immediately come to the second floor corridor to deal with some members of his house?"

Dumbledore hastened towards Severus. "Are you alright, Mr. Snape?"

Severus would not meet his eye. He was ashamed of having had to be rescued by the Headmaster. He knew he was incapable of saving himself, and that stung bitterly. Severus resolved that from now on, he would stamp upon any sign of weakness. Next time someone tried to attack him, they would find him more than capable of defending himself. Dumbledore escorted him to the Slytherin rooms, and the memory swirled into the next one.

13th March, 1980

Severus Snape walked up towards the Hog's Head. As he turned the corner, he saw that Muggle-loving fool, Albus Dumbledore, offer his arm to a bespectacled lady as they went through the door. He was certain he recognised the woman, despite the many layers of shawls she was wearing. Perhaps he should follow them - it was irritating him now, and the Dark Lord was always pressing for information on Dumbledore's movements. He slipped through the door in time to see them disappear up the stairs into one of the private rooms. He quickly disillusioned himself before anyone saw him, and followed them up the stairs. Fortunately, there was the barest crack in the door, through which he could see what was happening.

"Albus, I assure you, my great-grandmother's talent was passed on to me," insisted the woman.

"My dear Sibyll, I have never doubted that," replied Dumbledore. Of course; Cassandra Trelawney's descendant, thought Severus. "However, the subject of Divination is one that I am not wholly certain should continue at Hogwarts. It is no offence to you, of course-"

Dumbledore was interrupted by a gasp from Sibyll Trelawney. He started towards her, as her head dropped and her eyes went out of focus. Suddenly, she sat up straight again, and a harsh voice issued from her mouth, "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies..."

Severus felt a hand grasp his arm, and he was pulled down the stairs without hearing the remainder. The bartender, a scrawny old man with untidy long hair, threw him out of the door without another word. His mind was spinning. One with the power to defeat the Dark Lord? He must be informed of this immediately. Severus Apparated away.

August, 1981

The Dark Lord took Severus aside. "I have a new task for you, Severus."

"My Lord?" replied Severus questioningly.

"You are to go to Dumbledore and beg for a job at Hogwarts. Pettigrew's usefulness as a spy is coming to an end and I need someone who is closer to the school. Dumbledore's weakness has always been his need to believe the best of someone. I have taught you well in Occlumency, and I believe that you can deceive him."

Severus was already beginning to see how this could work well for him. The Dark Lord was certain that he could defeat the young child mentioned in the prophecy - he had not yet revealed whom he believed it referred to. Severus, though, was not so sure. However, if he were to follow the Dark Lord's instructions, then whichever side proved victorious, he could claim that his loyalties lay with them. Yes, this could work. "Of course, my Lord. I shall go directly."

As he once again walked the path to the school, Severus considered how best to approach the Headmaster. He was not well known as a Death Eater, but it was certain that there would be some kind of enchantment upon Hogwarts to stop any with the Dark Lord's mark passing through its gates. Fortunately for him, just as he was debating this, Dumbledore himself came out of the gate. Severus knew that the events about to pass would define the rest of his life. "Professor Dumbledore?" he said, with a pleading note to his voice. "I need your help."

Dumbledore stood there, and stared at him. Severus felt as if Dumbledore was looking into his very soul. Surely there would be no way of hiding from him? Unbidden, his memories of Voldemort, and of revealing to him the prophecy rose to the surface. He turned and began to walk away from Dumbledore.

"Severus...stop. There is something you must know before you leave."

"But surely you want nothing to do with me now you know what I have done, sir?" Despite their different beliefs, Severus still had a grudging respect for the old man. After all, he was extraordinarily talented.

"I believe that what I have to tell you will change your ways, Severus." Again, Dumbledore looked at him intently, then sighed. "The child in the prophecy - we know who it is."

Severus' interest was piqued. "But the Dark Lord has not revealed it to anyone."

Dumbledore smiled sadly. "With the right information, it was not difficult to work out. There are a few couples who could be said to have defied him thrice, but only two of those had a child last July. The Longbottoms, and the Potters."

Severus started. "The...the Potters?"

"Yes, Severus, and we have determined that it is the Potter's son that Tom will mark out as the one in the prophecy. Already, he has tried to get to them. Severus, I need you to think back to your sixth year, and a certain incident which occurred between you and James Potter."

His face soured instantly. "I do not understand what their childish antics in our sixth year have to do with my present situation. Black's idiocy nearly caused my death..."

Dumbledore interrupted him. "You agree, then, that if James Potter had not come after you then you would have died?" Severus looked away. "Yes, you see where I am going with this. You owe James Potter a life debt, Severus Snape. Life debts are amongst the most ancient magic, magic at its most impenetrable, and to fulfil them, one is required to protect not only he to whom the debt is owed, but those dependent upon them too. If you wish to work here - yes, I know that is what you desire - then you must understand that. I ask you to undertake an Unbreakable Vow to protect Harry Potter to the best of your abilities, as surety for that vow."

Severus paled. But it was clear that he had no choice. If he returned to the Dark Lord unsuccessful, he would be killed, of that he had no doubt. How he resented this, he knew Dumbledore had no idea. To be forced to protect the Potter's brat was almost intolerable, but it was vital. "Then I must do that, Professor."

Dumbledore looked delighted. "Please, Severus, call me Albus." His face became serious again and he said "Severus, you must allow us to help you. You have had a very difficult time of it recently, but I believe that your biggest enemy is yourself." Severus looked sceptical, and Dumbledore smiled. "Think on what I have said Severus, but for now, let us make our way to the Hog's Head, where my brother Aberforth will act as our binder for the Vow. After that, you should make your way back to Tom, and explain that you have been successful."

24th June, 1995

"Severus, I must apologise for what I was forced to ask you to do tonight. Unfortunately, as dearly as I wish that you would never have to be in Tom's presence again, you and I both know that that is impossible." Dumbledore sat down behind his desk and sighed deeply. "Did he punish you severely for being late, my boy?"

Severus took a seat as well. "At first, Albus, he believed I had left him forever. However, once I explained that I merely delayed until you sent me so that you would still think me faithful, he was delighted. I believe my position has not been damaged."

"Good. I think that went as well as can be expected. I always thought he would return one day - I just hoped it would not be so soon. Go and rest for now, Severus; you seem weary. I think you will have a difficult summer ahead of you."

Severus rose, and went to leave.

"Severus? Never forget how proud I am of you, I beg you. I know of no one else who could do this as well as you." Severus swore he could see a tear trickle down the old man's cheek, and he left the room swiftly before he said any more. It was difficult to keep deceiving both sides, and most especially to deceive the man who had become a friend and mentor to him. Although he never directly lied in their conversation, he knew that if Albus were to look deeply enough, he would see the many layers of deception that Severus had laid. However, Albus would never do that. He trusted Severus too much.

Severus pulled his head out of the Pensieve. He could not shake the image of Dumbledore on his knees, pleading for his life. He had deeply wronged him, he could see that now. There were ways around the Unbreakable Vow he had agreed with Narcissa, he could see that now. Much as he hated to admit it, he had taken the coward's way out by murdering his only friend. He trembled as he realised it. Surely he could not go back to the Dark Lord with thoughts like this in his head? He resolved to go back to Hogwarts. Maybe he could persuade them all that Dumbledore had planned his death all along, as the spur Harry needed. Dumbledore had admitted that he was weakening to all the staff - there was a strong chance that they would believe it was the sort of stupidly noble thing he would do. Tomorrow he would rest, and then he would go to Hogwarts. Perhaps that would make up for his earlier weakness.

Severus walked through the grounds of Hogwarts, disillusioned of course. He had decided to go to Professor McGonagall, she had always been the most reasonable. As he passed one of the larger beech trees, he caught a snatch of conversation, "But where will you go if you don't go back to school?" It was that damned Weasley boy - and wherever he was, Potter was likely to be nearby. Severus crept closer, and heard Potter himself, "I've got to find them and destroy them and then I've got to go after the seventh bit of Voldemort's soul, the bit that's still in his body, and I'm the one who's going to kill him. And if I meet Severus Snape along the way, so much the better for me, so much the worse for him." It was clear from the malice and anger in the boy's voice that he meant every word. There was no chance of convincing him, Severus saw that now. He stayed long enough to hear them make their plans for the summer, then Apparated to the Dark Lord's side. It was true enough that he had sworn a vow to protect Potter, but his friends were not included in that. As he sped away, though, Dumbledore's face would not leave the very forefront of his mind.

The Dark Lord was ready. It was time for the Final Battle. Since last June, they had made many advances. With Severus' information, they had hit Potter where it hurt the most. The latest casualty had been Molly Weasley, only last week. The Dark Lord believed that this would have weakened Potter immensely, and Severus agreed. Thus, they had decided that now was the optimal time to attack, and the Dark Lord seemed certain of success. They were to attack at Hogwarts, where the Order of the Phoenix had gathered, rallied around Potter. Severus knew that no one could make the wards as strong as Dumbledore had, so they would be easy enough to pull down. They had the armies of Inferi, werewolves, giants, Dementors and Boggarts - yes, this was it. They were to Apparate to the gates, then begin their attack. The Dark Lord gave them the signal, and the Final Battle began.

Half an hour later, and they were through all of the wards. The Order could be heard thundering down to meet them; subtlety had never been one of their strong points. The first through the doors was that miserable oaf, Hagrid - one of the others could deal with him. Severus would wait for a more worthy opponent. There were certainly more there than the Dark Lord had anticipated - it seemed that all of the students above third year were fighting. He chanced a look behind him, and it reassured him. The battle seemed to be going well; there were many members of the opposition on the ground already. However, they all knew that it meant nothing if the Dark Lord could not get to Potter. Where was he? Just then, Severus spied Bellatrix having trouble with what was clearly a Boggart. They could not afford to have her tied up so - Severus sped over to assist her. He was not afraid of a Boggart, for they merely turned into some embodiment of his failure, easy enough to deal with. But Severus was in for a shock. The figure of Albus Dumbledore began walking slowly towards him.

"Severus, how could you? How could you do that to me? I trusted you, I loved you like my own..."

Severus began sobbing. The Dementors around him picked up on his despair, and swooped towards him. Gathering his wits, Severus shouted, "Expecto Patronum!" And that was his second shock of the night, for his Patronus had changed as well. His Patronus now was Harry Potter himself. It made sense, in a strange way, he supposed. Harry Potter was the very embodiment of the Light side itself, and deep down, Severus had always needed to be saved by the Light, be it Dumbledore or Potter himself. The Death Eaters had spotted the figure of 'Potter', and the Dark Lord himself was making his way over.

Before Severus had a chance to explain, the Dark Lord was raising his wand, clearly hoping to catch 'Potter' off guard. The Patronus was directly between Severus and the Dark Lord, so he was hidden from view. He was glad, as he had no desire for the Dark Lord to see him in his state. The Dark Lord would probably taunt Potter first, giving him time to move away. But this was to be Severus' third, and final, shock of the final battle. "Avada Kedavra!"

The Patronus faded from view, and the Killing Curse hit Severus Snape full in the chest. The web he had spun had finally come to an end.