The Dark Arts
James Potter Severus Snape
Action Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/10/2005
Updated: 07/10/2005
Words: 911
Chapters: 1
Hits: 145


The Pottermaven

Story Summary:
James Potter has found himself wandering around Lucius Malfoy's dark manor in an Invisiblity Cloak, spying on Death Eaters and learning Voldemort's plans. It's a bit nerve-wracking. But when he's finally ready to leave, a stupid flutter of cloth gets him captured, alone in the hands Voldemort himself and his inner circle. How will he ever get out with his life?

Chapter Summary:
For once, this one *isn't* a background story for my fic Harry Potter and the Return to the Riddle House...

James pressed himself against the wall as another masked Death Eater swept down the dim hallway. When he was out of sight, he managed to relax a bit and caught his breath, nervously pulling his Invisibility Cloak tighter around him. Lucius Malfoy was playing host to Voldemort's innermost circle tonight, and James had been right--he had managed to get a great bit of information. But he had gotten all that he could, and now he just wanted to get back home to Lily. He took a deep breath and continued stealthily down the corridor. Showing up at creepy old houses and stunning Death Eaters was one thing, but slinking around their very meeting place, outnumbered easily twenty to one... at least he was invisible. Shaking his head to rid himself of the slight dizziness he suffered whenever he considered his position, James turned a corner and paused, hearing voices. Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy, their masks limp in their hands and their hair matted slightly with sweat, were muttering darkly to each other as they swept down the narrow walkway. James kept near to the wall to avoid brushing against them--and Snape froze. He touched Malfoy's shoulder, and he stopped, too. They were both looking directly at James. He glanced down, and his heart skipped a beat. The light, silky fabric of a flag bearing the Malfoy crest was fluttering obviously.

The nearest window was ten yards away, and locked tight.

Death Eaters are always suspicious.

He had been caught under this cloak before.

Before James could think, both men blasted Disarming Spells at him, one ripping the cloak right off his body and the other yanking the wand from his hand. There was a moment of stupefied silence, Snape clutching the Invisibility Cloak and James' wand, and Malfoy still staring. James knew he probably looked like a deer in headlights, and tried very hard to keep from panicking. Then Snape actually smiled, and James had to try harder.

"Severus, go get the Dark Lord--quickly!" Malfoy said, his voice raised in excitement and his wand still at James.

"You get him," Snape's abrupt answer caught Malfoy by surprise. He glanced curiously at his companion. Snape looked back at him. Then Malfoy smiled.

"Of course, you would want to savor this..." he said, in a laughing tone. "I'll go."

Malfoy whipped around a corner. James quickly weighed his options. None were good--Snape hadn't even turned to glance at Malfoy's rapidly retreating back. James opened his mouth, intending to buy himself a bit of time (Snape was easy to provoke but hard to drive irrational), but as soon as Malfoy had gone, Snape took two quick steps toward James and shoved the cloak into his chest.

"Nobody is at the side entrance. Back down this hallway and as far as you can go left. If you hurry you'll get out," he said in a sharp, short tone. He held James' wand out, with the handle facing him.

"What?" James said stupidly. Was this a trap--why would Snape trap him now? And why would he give him his wand?

"Idiot! Move! He'll be back soon!"

James took his wand, and glanced at Snape while pulling the cloak over his head. He looked furious--but then, he always did. James took a few stumbling steps backward.

"I--thank you..."

"Get out!" Snape said heatedly.

Needing no further motivation, James turned and fled disbelievingly down the hall.

Snape looked down the empty hallway for a moments, his angry expression unchanging. Then he raised his own wand to his temple and Stunned himself.


Less than a minute later, Lucius had lifted him by one shoulder and was muttering "Ennerverate." As soon as Snape could think to react, he leapt to his feet and shouted, "Potter!"

"What happened?" Lucius cried out. "Where is he?" A dark figure behind him slipped to his side.

"Where is Potter, Severus?" Voldemort said, calmly but with hideous venom. Snape bowed his head low and spoke to the ground.

"He had another wand, my lord. His--his wife's, I think. He Stunned me, but I glanced him... he may be slowed enough to catch."

"Shall I send out searchers, my lord? I know Nott is still here, and Avery may be--"

"No. He is gone." Malfoy immediately fell silent as his master spoke. "Severus, I'm disappointed in you. Did you really make such a foolish error?"

"Yes, my lord..."

Snape did not move. He did not feel. He was empty.

"Then you know what I must do to those who do not meet my expectations."

Snape almost panicked. Voldemort would expect to sense fear, but if he let go now, he would give everything away... fear rose in him, just a bit--just enough.

"Crucio," the Dark Lord hissed. Snape's yells filled the shadowy hall for a few moments. Again, as soon as he had power to move, he picked himself up off the floor, wincing, and returned to his former bowed position.

"Very well. It is too late to get to Potter. We will meet tomorrow to alter our plans."

"Yes, my lord..." both men murmured, and Voldemort swept away. Within a few minutes, Severus had bid a hasty farewell to Lucius and was on the cobbled street in front of the building where he lived, hardly able to believe what he had just done. He started toward the entrance to the flat, then paused an turned. Oh, bloody hell, he was having a drink.