Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom Nymphadora Tonks
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Published: 09/18/2003
Updated: 09/18/2003
Words: 1,126
Chapters: 1
Hits: 2,213

Strip Poker

TCRegan and Sophie Richard

Story Summary:
In an alternate universe, members of the Order (including Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna) gather for an evening's relaxation. Pretty much everyone ends up naked. Don't worry, Dumbledore doesn't attend.

Chapter Summary:
In an alternate universe, members of the Order (including Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna) gather for an evening's relaxation. Pretty much everyone ends up naked. Don't worry, Dumbledore doesn't attend.
Author's Note:
Note: This story is set in an alternate universe, but all you really need to know is that Tonks and Moody are lovers, and Luna and Neville have puppy love stuff going on.

Harry followed Remus into the drawing room, which had now been set up with a large, round table and comfortable chairs. Tonks, Moody, Neville, Luna, Sirius, Hermione and Ginny were sitting around the table. Sirius looked up from flirting with Ginny as the three came in. "We were wondering when you would be done. Hey, Snivellus, did you wash your underwear this time?"

Snape glared at Sirius and took a seat as far away from him as possible. Remus shook his head and sat next to him. "Sirius, maybe if you hadn't cheated so badly last time-"

Sirius looked appalled. "I NEVER cheat." He grinned at Harry and scooted over a bit. "Here, Harry. I'll teach you how to play your first round."

Nervously, Harry took a seat. "Um.. what are we playing? Poker?"

"Five card stud," Moody growled dealing out the cards. Everybody sat back, looking at their hands quietly for a moment.

Luna was the first to speak. "One card, please." She accepted her card with a look of abstraction, and put it in her hand.

"Four cards," Tonks grinned. Moody pushed them to her, giving her a look in the process.

Sirius looked at Harry's hand. "You want three. Keep those two."

Harry requested and received three cards, and then Tonks said, "I'm in," much to Moody's apparent disgust.

"I - I guess I'm in," Harry said, blinking.

"Me too," Sirius said, smiling smugly.

"I - I'm in," Ginny said shyly, even though her hand didn't warrant it, but with Sirius' eyes on her like that, and that SMILE, what else could she do?

There was a long pause and then Luna glanced up. "I'm in."

"Fold," Neville said glumly.

"Fold," Snape echoed, but Remus stayed in, as did Hermione.

"In," Moody grunted. "Now show."

Hands went down in succession. To the surprise of everyone except perhaps Neville, Luna was the winner, with four jacks. One by one, items of clothing were peeled off. Tonks tossed her t-shirt at Luna, Sirius discarded his outer robes, as did Moody ad Remus. Hermione pulled off her hairband, to vigorous protests, but Luna merely smiled and accepted it. Ginny, blushing scarlet, pulled off her dress.

Harry stared, open mouthed as the players peeled off their clothing. He blushed scarlet, realizing that he'd gotten himself into a game of STRIP poker. Dumbfounded, he looked at Sirius.

"Take something off," Sirius urged. "Go ahead."

Harry looked around at the rest of them, then, blushing slightly, pulled off his outer robes and passed it to Luna, who accepted it with a very polite, "Thank you," and a dreamy smile. Harry felt sort of awkward, but a bottle of Butterbeer was pushed into his hand.

"That'll take the edge off," Sirius said, sipping from his own.

Moody collected the cards, shuffled them expertly, and began dealing. They all took various numbers of cards, though Sirius was distracted by staring at Ginny and forgot to take any. Tonks declared herself to be in again, to a loud groan from Moody. Harry nervously folded, though, as did Moody and Sirius. At Moody's command, they all laid down their hands. "Full house," Remus said with a rather wolfish smile.

Tonks turned to look at Moody. "Alastor," she said, in a very seductive voice, "Would you rather I took off my bra, or my jeans?"

"Jeans," Moody growled angrily.

Tonks grinned and took her jeans off, handing them to Remus. Harry watched as Hermione pulled off her shirt and was slightly shocked to see a well defined chest under Snape's as his joined the pile of clothing as well. He was glad he folded. He'd had only a pair. Neville, slightly nervous, took off his shirt and blushed. Luna patted his arm reassuringly. The men looked to Luna and Ginny now, the former easily pulling off her shirt and handing it to Remus while Ginny blushed.

"This is worse than playing with my brothers," she mumbled, reaching back to unhook her bra and missing the stares that everyone cast in her direction. She self-consciously crossed her arms over her chest.

Sirius winked at her while Moody reshuffled and dealt again.

Tonks, with Moody's warning gaze on her, folded for the next few hands, keeping herself decent. Neville on the other hand, was down to his briefs, while Luna had managed not to lose any more clothes and had amassed quite a sizeable pile in front of her. Neville was torn between blushing and looking depressed. "What's the matter, Neville?" Luna asked innocently.

"You've only lost one thing!" he almost howled, to laughter from the other men in the room.

"Oh," she said softly and thought for a moment. "Four cards." She handed Moody four-fifths of her royal flush.

Astonishingly, Harry won that hand, though the look Snape gave him on handing over a pair of black silk boxers was enough to curdle milk. He didn't have anything to be ashamed of, though, Harry mused, taking in the potions masters' sizeable endowments. Luna pulled off her skirt, much to Neville's pleasure, and Remus was down to a pair of trousers. Ginny had defiantly folded every hand since she had lost her bra, and she was valiantly hiding her assets until Sirius began tickling her, which of course led to her downfall.

"Now I hope everyone remembers," Tonks said brightly, "that no one can fold once someone's naked."

Moody glared at her and shuffled the cards.

The next hand saw Sirius' triumph and Harry waited before pulling off his boxers. Neville, blushing red, took down his briefs and Luna, smiling, took off her bra. Hermione shed her jeans, leaving her still decently clad, but Ginny refused to take off her knickers and Sirius cut her a deal: stay topless for the rest of the night, don't play anymore hands, and she could keep them on. This was not received well by the others but Moody, being in charge, let the deal stand. However, he grabbed Tonks' hand before she could unhook her bra.

"What?" she asked him innocently.

"Bed, now," he growled, grabbing her clothes and shoving them into her hands. He stood up, despite the protests from everyone else. "We're going to bed, but you're all more than welcome to stay up."

He left, and Snape, doing his best to hide himself, nodded to Harry. "Boxers off," he said.

Harry blushed. "Remus hasn't taken his off, either," he said defensively.

"Fair is fair," Remus said, standing and pulling off his boxers without a hint of modesty.

Sirius nudged Harry. "Go ahead."

Harry pulled off his boxers and threw them at Sirius. "Hope you're happy, you bastard." He sat down.

"Well, at least the game's over," Neville said, shivering slightly. "Can I please have my clothes?"