Astronomy Tower
Sirius Black Severus Snape
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 46,598
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,612

Love Potion HP

Tavalya Ra

Story Summary:
Snape and Sirius have always shared an intense, mutual hatred, but never before have they been obsessed with each other. Whether it's love or lust, they're both disgusted by it. Someone is playing cupid, but is it fate, Dumbledore, or Voldemort?

Chapter 07

Author's Note:
Thank you to Stacey of "Thin Line" for beta-reading, Anna for indulging and encouraging this insanity, and Simeone for loaning me her copy of "Goblet of Fire", without which, I never would have been inspired to write this ridiculously long and thoroughly disturbing story.

Chapter Seven: Peeves Pushes the Plot

The dots had reappeared together on Harry's map.

Harry could not stand to think of what was happening between Snape and Sirius. It was beyond comprehension and completely unnatural- and not because Snape and Sirius were both men. He did find the idea of two men in love a bit weird, but he could accept it. No, the problem was Snape. Sirius hated Snape. Why would he-

Harry shuddered to think of it.

It had to be magic and no mere love potion, but an enchantment of a dark and vile nature. He had only one determination in mind: to save Sirius.

Unfortunately, there was nowhere and no adult to which to turn. His only resources were the dedication of his friends and the Hogwarts archives. At the start of December, he, Hermione, and Ron began a systemic search of the library.

* * *

"Would you stop biting my nose?!"

Sirius jerked his face away from Severus.

"Honestly!" Severus ranted. "What is your fixation with my nose?"

"It's such a... funny shape," Sirius teased.

"Is not," he said sourly. "There's nothing wrong with my nose- except that you keep trying to eat it."

"Well, you always bite me on the shoulder," he countered. "What about your fixation with that?"

"It is not a fixation," he retorted. "It is perfectly normal..." His voice trailed off.

"...for people to bite other people on the shoulder?" Sirius finished.

"Oh, shut up."

"A bit snippy this evening, aren't we?"

"I'm always snippy," said Severus. He laid his head on Sirius's chest, draping his left arm across him. It was tied with a bandage to hide the Dark Mark, which, according to Severus, had not burned since the day he fainted. "Oh, I hate you..." he murmured, closing his eyes.

Sirius idly caressed Severus's arm as he laid in the darkness and pondered at the changes he had witnessed in the Potions Master. Although his quips were as snide as ever, they were fewer and were playful rather than nasty. Except for some odd bites on the shoulder and a single scratch on the cheek, he was much less violent, but that might merely be because he was still weak

In the three weeks since Severus had fainted, Sirius's life had become fairly normal- at least, as normal as the life of an escaped convict from Azkaban who spent his days as a dog and his nights making love to the most disagreeable professor at Hogwarts could be. None of that was to say doubt did not linger in his mind. He barely understood the circumstances which had brought him and Severus together. Where had their attraction come from? If it was so strong, why had they not felt it years before? And most importantly, who had kissed whom on October first?

As he held Severus's head against his heart, a gesture he had never dreamed he would share with the Potions Master, he wondered if the answers truly mattered. Although it contradicted every previous sentiment he had held towards the man, he truly felt content with Severus in his arms.

He yawned and began to nod off when he heard a loud crash outside the door.

* * *

Severus awoke with a start. He sprung from the bed, ignoring that doing so dug his heel into Sirius, and snatched up his wand. With a wave, he called out, "Gossmere!" A set of black robes materialized onto his body.

"Get dressed," he ordered Sirius, scooping a gray bundle off the floor and tossing it to him. He gave him just enough time to pull on his robes before flinging open the door.

Outside, someone had taken a Quaffle from one of the Quidditch teams and decided to play bowling with a set of gargoyles. Severus frowned. Whatever student had done this would soon regret crossing ways with Hogwarts's Potion Master. As he glanced down the hall, he wondered if the culprit could be Potter. He had caused a similar ruckus with a large egg last year, Severus was sure of it. Unfortunately, thanks to Potter's invisibility cloak...

Severus suddenly heard ghostly laughter from above his head. Peeves!

I'll kill that poltergeist! he thought irrationally. He actually did know a spell that would send Peeves, or any ghost, to a permanent grave but would never for more than a brief flight of fancy consider casting it within Hogwarts. Certain things not even Dumbledore would tolerate.

Peeves, who hovered near the ceiling, stopped snickering as soon as he saw Severus's wand pointed straight at him.

"I don't believe this is the first time I've had to teach you a lesson," Severus said coldly.

Peeves's smile went slack, but it took Severus a moment to realize it had nothing to do with his threat.

"Behind you, Professor!" he shrieked. "Sirius Black!"

Peeves soared off in a dizzying spiral shouting, "Sirius Black! Sirius Black! He's at Hogwarts! Sirius Black!"

Severus spun on his heel and snapped at a panic-stricken Sirius, "Morph now."

Sirius needed no second warning.

Severus sprung into the hall, a canine Sirius after him, and swiftly slammed shut the door. Around him, the other professors dashed from their quarters with worried murmurings. Severus elected himself in charge before anyone else had a chance.

"Sprout, McGonagall, Flitwick! Go check on your Houses," he ordered brusquely. "Where is the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher? Sinistra! Make yourself useful and check on the Slytherins for me- I will report this to Dumbledore."

Madam Trelawney, bedecked in bangles even in her star-spangled night robe, stepped into the center of the ring that had formed around Severus. Placing her hand against her forehead, she swooned, and pronounced in an eerie treble, "Oh, what a fool I was to keep silent! I had foreseen this would occur-"

"Yes, very nice, Sibyll," Severus said dryly.

"- Oh, I knew the heir to the Dark Lord would return-"

Severus glanced down at the shaggy dog beside him. A most impressive heir, indeed.

McGonagall stepped forward. "Yes, Sibyll, well then, please check on my Gryffindors for me. I think I had better go with Severus..." she said. Spying Sirius, she remarked, "Oh, look, Hagrid's watchdog. I think he should go with us, too, don't you, Severus?"

"Mmm," Severus smiled nastily. "Yes, thank you, Minerva..."

He turned away from the other professors as if disgusted with the whole lot and stalked after McGonagall.

"What happened?" she whispered as they passed through the halls.

"Sirius and I were talking in my quarters. Peeves caused a crash; I opened the door and he saw him," he explained quickly, clearly indicating he thought it none of McGonagall's business.

McGonagall was unfazed, but did not question further. She and Severus had an understanding due to their manners; both acted stern and aloof, however, unlike McGonagall, Severus really was the way he behaved.

They stopped before the large, ugly gargoyle blocking the passage to Dumbledore's office.

"Fizzing Whizbees," McGonagall said, and the wall split, revealing a spiral staircase. They ascended to the headmaster's chambers.

Dumbledore was already awake and dressed to greet them. He nodded at Sirius, who resumed his human form.

"We have a problem," said McGonagall. "Sirius has been spotted."

"By whom? And where?" Dumbledore asked.

"By Peeves and... I believe in your bedchamber, Severus?" she asked, her tone either uncertain or suggestive.

Dumbledore pursed his lips and gave Severus a concerned look. "Your bedchamber?" he repeated, feigning confusion for McGonagall's sake.

Severus took a deep breath. "Yes, well..." he began stiffly. "Sirius and I had a small detail to discuss, which we were, when we heard a crash. Naturally, I opened the door to see the matter and found Peeves playing with a Quaffle."

The Headmaster's eyes sparkled knowingly. "Yes, I see... Minerva, go and arrange some search parties. In about an hour or so, I'll announce it was a false alarm. I need to speak with Severus and Sirius privately."

McGonagall nodded. "Of course, Albus," she replied and left.

After her departure, Dumbledore turned to Sirius. "What were you doing in Severus's room?"

Sirius shifted nervously. "Well... ah... I... we..."

"Were experimenting again?"

"Ah, yes," he replied.

Severus's mouth twitched.

Dumbledore shrugged. "Nothing unusual about that. However, gentlemen, I said you could continue to meet so long as it did not interfere with your work and this, quite clearly, is interference."

Sirius clutched Severus' hand. Severus roughly shoved it away.

"So then," he continued, "there is a small cabin behind the castle, just on the edge of the forest. As soon as possible, Severus, I want you to move into it."

Severus blinked. "What?"

"Obviously, it's impractical for you to continue to meet inside the school," said Dumbledore. "The cabin would be less risky and much more convenient, as it would provide a place for Sirius to stay. You know, I'm rather surprised I didn't think of it before."

"Wa- Why are you doing this?" Severus stammered. "Our relationship is a hazard to Hogwarts- it's a hazard to ourselves. And I- I'm Head of House Slytherin. I need to be inside the castle..."

"I have no intention of separating the two of you," Dumbledore pronounced firmly and earnestly. "Severus, this is the first time in years I have seen you truly happy."

Severus opened, but then quickly shut, his mouth. For the first time since James Potter spiked his pumpkin juice with Pigment Potion when they had been second-years, he turned a bright, angry red.