Astronomy Tower
Sirius Black Severus Snape
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 46,598
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,612

Love Potion HP

Tavalya Ra

Story Summary:
Snape and Sirius have always shared an intense, mutual hatred, but never before have they been obsessed with each other. Whether it's love or lust, they're both disgusted by it. Someone is playing cupid, but is it fate, Dumbledore, or Voldemort?

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
Thank you to Stacey of "Thin Line" for beta-reading, Anna for indulging and encouraging this insanity, and Simeone for loaning me her copy of "Goblet of Fire", without which, I never would have been inspired to write this ridiculously long and thoroughly disturbing story. If anyone wishes to archive this story on his or her site, please contact me at

Chapter Two: Mutual Confusion


Severus had never felt so livid in his life as he stormed down the hall towards the castle caretaker. Students fled from his path as if he were the Dark Lord himself. The fresh scratches on his face emphasized the deep lines wrath etched onto his skin.

Argus Filch glanced at Severus with alarm in his lamp-like eyes, but stated calmly, "Something wrong, Professor?"

"Perhaps it has escaped your attention that a large DOG is running loose through HOGWARTS?!" Severus boomed.

"No. I know about the dog."

"Then why haven't you DONE something!"

"Headmaster's orders, Professor," Filch replied. "He told me to leave the dog to it's own business, mentioned something about it being a special watchdog Hagrid found."

Severus's lips grew as thin as they could without inverting in on themselves.

"Are you alright, Professor?" Filch asked. "That's a nasty scratch on your cheek."

Severus was so angry that frustration caged his voice within his throat. Glaring at Filch, he opened his mouth, closed it, then turned on his heal and stalked away.

* * *

Sirius sat alone in the small corridor outside Albus Dumbledore's office, one of the few places in Hogwarts where it was safe for him to be human. He gently touched his face, still tender from Severus' nails. His thoughts were a jumble and his emotion was indescribable.

What had just happened? He remembered Severus tumbling into his arms, which was purely by accident; he would have more than gladly allowed the Potions Master to fall flat on his face. But after that, a glitch in his brain had deleted a few seconds of memory. All he could recall was the press of Severus' lips against his own.

Sirius would never kiss Severus. Not in a million years, even under the Imperius Curse. He tried to think of a more repugnant act and his imagination failed him. Which mean that it was Severus who had kissed-

A tingling sense of disgust shuddered through him and for a moment he writhed with revulsion. The kiss itself was not repulsive. It was the fact that it was Severus.

Sirius remembered being overcome with a bright and burning anger, sudden compellation to tear Severus to shreds in the most thorough and terrible way. It had taken him over fifteen minutes to realize into what that was translating. He had let go and Severus had slumped to the floor like a rag doll, watching stupidly as Sirius had left the room.

The first time, Severus had kissed Sirius. He knew that had to be true, even though he could not remember it. But that kiss had triggered in him an urge to utterly consume Severus.

And Sirius still felt that way.

What was wrong with him? Yes, he hated Severus, no question there, but to act upon that abhorrence in such a repulsive and feral manner-

Was he losing his mind? Could it have something to do with being a dog? Since he had escaped from Azkaban two years ago, he had spent most of his time transformed. Was it effecting his brain? He and Severus had certainly acted like dogs the way they had torn at each other's faces.

He had to get away from Hogwarts. Part of him wanted to stay; he felt safer personally keeping an eye on Harry, but it would be far worse for his godson- and everyone else- if he went crazy. Severus was right about one thing. Sirius was capable of murder and he did not want to think of what he might do if he really did snap.

Three days ago, Dumbledore had asked Sirius to consider traveling into mainland Europe to gather news of Voldemort's doings. Sirius had reluctantly agreed- he genuinely wanted help Dumbledore but Harry, as always, was his highest priority- but Severus had decided for him. As soon as the headmaster returned, Sirius would inform him that he was leaving tomorrow.

* * *

Harry toyed with his sausage, taking a nibble every so often then despondently setting it back on his plate. He had barely eaten dinner last night, but he still was not hungry. He simply felt too queasy.

"There's only one explanation," Hermione stated between bites of egg. "Snape and Sirius got into a fight and started throwing potions at each other- that's why we saw explosions. But a love potion or two was mixed in with the explosives and they hit each other with them. They should be back to normal in a day or so."

Harry shook his head. "Why would Snape have a love potion?"

Ron snorted. "Because he needs one."

Hermione scowled. "That's beside the point. I mean... it makes no sense otherwise. Sirius and Snape?"

"Snape and anybody?" Ron interjected.

Harry shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I guess it makes sense..."

"Actually," Ron continued, "I rather fancied Snape and Lockhart as a couple."

Hermione responded with a withering look.

* * *

Harry stared bleary eyed at his parchment. The words on the test swam in front of him as Snape's eyes bored into his back. The Potions Master was in a particularly foul mood even by his own standards. For once, Harry silently thanked Malfoy. If today's class had been a lab instead, it would have been more than merely unbearable, but downright deadly, and not just because of Snape. Harry had already made enough blunders in Charms and Transfigurations to rival Neville. Several teachers, including Madam Trelawney, who loved nothing more than for a student to faint in class, had asked him if he ought to see the nurse.

Harry glanced up at Snape and instantly regretted it. The nausea in his stomach intensified. Few of Snape's students, Harry included, had failed to notice the red marks crisscrossing the Potions Master's face, particularly the prominent scratch along his left cheek. Angry crescents, the obvious work of fingernails, along the sides were ineffectively obscured by his hair. Rumors had been flying faster than a Snitch through the halls of Hogwarts all day. Of course, no one dared mention anything to Snape directly.

At least it was a Friday and the start of a Hogsmeade weekend. Hopefully the village would provide a pleasant distraction. Harry just could not shake the image from yesterday from his mind.

* * *

Hogwarts's dungeon was the last place to which Sirius wished to return, but the manner in which he had departed from it yesterday left Severus's position in question. Severus hated him, but he had also kissed him and those two things just did not mesh. Whatever sick plot the Potions Master had in mind, Sirius would nip it in the bud right now.

Severus spied Sirius a few moments after he, in Animagus form, trotted into the classroom. He reacted immediately, snatching up a glass flask off his desk and lifting it menacingly in the air.

"Come near me and I will shrink you," he informed Sirius calmly.

Sirius did not doubt for one moment that Severus was serious. Remaining at his spot, he changed back into himself and cleared his throat. "What happened yesterday-"

"What about yesterday?"

"No, no, no. What happened yesterday?" he demanded. "What was that supposed to mean?"

Severus' patience was brittle as he answered, "What happened yesterday is that you made... we'll call it an 'overture'... using physical force. Now, how do you expect me to explain your actions?"

"You kissed me!" he shouted. "Not the other way around, Snape!"

Severus' eyes widened threateningly and he raised the flask. Sirius stepped back and retorted, "Oh, put that down! I'm not anywhere near you!"

Severus hesitated, then lowered his arm. "No, nor will you ever be again."

"Look, whatever happened yesterday..." Sirius began, then gave up at being nice. "Severus, with only the exception of Pettigrew, you're the most revolting person I've ever met and I'm sure that sentiment is mutual. Let's forget yesterday ever happened. I'm going away for a few weeks tonight, so that shouldn't be so hard, should it?" He bit off his final words with a glare.

"Excellent suggestion," Severus said. "I won't miss you."

He turned towards his desk and ignored Sirius for the few moments he remained standing before morphing back into a dog and leaving.

* * *

Potions class, more so than ever, had become a lesson in endurance. Harry was amazed at how long he could remain on his feet while nauseous. Every time he looked at Snape's face-

It was just a love potion...

He found himself marking the passage of time by the healing of Snape's scratches. They were almost gone by October tenth, when Harry received an owl from Sirius.

Like Hermione said, it makes no sense otherwise...

His godfather was returning on the sixteenth.

...it was just a love potion.

So why did Harry still feel like the Snitch was trapped in his stomach?

* * *

Five more days, Severus thought.

Five more days until October sixteenth. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs in the morning; Slytherins and Gryffindors in the afternoon.

Four more days.

Why was he counting down the days? Was he dreading Sirius return- or anticipating it?

Why should he care either way?

Three days. Two days.


* * *

Sirius returned exactly when planned. The next day, he, along with McGonagall and Snape, met with Albus Dumbledore in the headmaster's office. The room was filled with all sorts of curiosities strange to even the wizarding world: rare instruments of silver that puffed smoke and made odd sounds, moving portraits of previous headmasters, and the ever-present pet phoenix Fawkes, currently in his full, resplendent scarlet and gold plumage.

The four sat around a mahogany conference table that Dumbledore had conjured into the room expressly for their meeting. Dumbledore, a tall, thin wizard with twinkling blue eyes behind half-moon glasses and a beard as long as his waist-length gray hair, sat at the head of the table. Despite his age, he had a sprightly air, just like McGonagall, who sat his left. Minerva McGonagall, Transfigurations teacher and Head of Gryffindor House, was the only member of the Hogwarts staff, other than Severus, which Dumbledore trusted with such sensitive information. Although seventy, her black hair, which was pulled tightly into a bun, had not yet begun to gray.

"Voldemort's activities seem limited strictly to revenge among his ranks," Sirius informed them, rather disturbed at the sense of detachment in his own voice. "Many Death Eaters, most of which were cleared by the Ministry of Magic fourteen years ago, have died, apparently tortured by the Cruciatus Curse. Among the dead is Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang."

McGonagall adjusted her robes nervously. "Karkaroff was just here several months ago."

"Is there any evidence Voldemort tried reading his victims' minds?" Dumbledore inquired. "Particularly Karkaroff?"

Severus abruptly straightened himself in his chair.

Sirius nodded. "I'm afraid there's strong evidence in favor of that, especially with Karkaroff. But why is Karkaroff important?"

The headmaster paused a moment before responding. "Karkaroff knew something I would have much preferred remained a secret: definitive proof of Severus' true allegiance. He knew Severus remained a Death Eater only in name to be my spy."

Severus seemed to pale slightly. "How did Karkaroff know this?" he asked softly.

For a moment, Dumbledore looked weary, weighted by his thoughts. "I am at fault," he confessed. "Shortly after his initial capture and imprisonment at Azkaban, Karkaroff went before the Ministry and offered names in exchange for freedom. He was most adamant about yours. I revealed you to silence him. Forgive me."

Severus made no reply. He stared into space with a blank expression.

"In light of this development," the headmaster began, "we will have to modify our plans. You, Severus, must remain at Hogwarts."

Severus only nodded.

"Now, is there anything else?"

"Yes," Severus said. "The Mark started burning again today, for the first time since Black left."

"He's summoning his followers again?" McGonagall inquired.

"Possibly, but the Dark Lord can control individual Marks if he wishes. Which means he's either summoning everyone or..." Severus's voice dwindled for a moment before pronouncing with dread, "...just me."

Dumbledore stood up with a determined glitter in his eyes. "Severus, I am very serious. I must ask you, under no circumstances, to leave the Hogwarts grounds, unless it's to go to Hogsmeade- and only then in the company of either Minerva or Sirius. Do you understand?"

Severus' face was cold, not with anger but something akin to fear. "Yes, of course. But there has to be something I-"

"Just keep me informed of when the Mark burns again," he said. "Between that and Harry Potter's scar, we have a decent warning system set up."

Severus slumped back in his chair. Sirius knew he was probably secretly infuriated at being placed upon the same level as Harry.

"If there is nothing else," said Dumbledore, "then you are all dismissed."

* * *

Severus and Sirius stood in the tiny corridor just outside Dumbledore's office after McGonagall's departure. Severus knew the Headmaster wished to speak to Sirius alone; nothing more was required of himself. Why did he choose to linger here? Part of him wanted to leave Sirius' presence as soon as possible, and yet the other part...

He resisted, but the words left his mouth without his consent.

"I lied," he confessed.

Sirius gave him a funny look. "About what?"

"I did miss you."

Severus turned and left without another word.