The Dark Arts
Albus Dumbledore
Drama Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/22/2002
Updated: 11/04/2005
Words: 44,472
Chapters: 18
Hits: 10,954

Death Is Our Gift


Story Summary:
Liam Summers is the only son of the Slayer, and is alone in his world. He begins an amazing journey to Hogwarts with an uncertain past, a dark secret, and a family friend named Harry Potter - who teaches him that "Death Is Our Gift" and the responsiblity that it brings with it. Look out for familiar faces, new friends, and a few deep, dark secrets.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
Okay, first fic. I've chosen a cross-over because I think that BtVS/HP are very complimentary of each other. Neither's cannon contradicts the others, so all's fair. And I enjoy reading them, too.


"Bridges Between Worlds"

Albus Dumbledore had been a part of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for most of his life. Whether as a student, a teacher, or its current headmaster, Dumbledore considered the place his true home, much like many others who had passed through those halls. And each of them went on to do great things - some terrible, but all great things. Dumbledore often wondered how many other great wizards and witches would pass through those halls.

But his current concern was the welfare of a few new students; ones he knew would do great things.

Dumbledore entered the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey was sitting at her desk, updating the students' charts and moving those of the seventh-year students who had just left out into a box, which would be placed in storage in one of the dungeons. Dumbledore chuckled as she sorted quickly through the files.

"My dear Poppy, there are quicker ways to do that task," he said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Headmaster, but as I have no students to take care of, it gives me an opportunity to review any special cases and prepare my cupboards."

Dumbledore nodded. "As to 'special cases', Poppy, we will most likely have another special student attending this year. He will have some additional needs." He handed a parchment to Madam Pomfrey. She unrolled it and read through its contents. Her face went pale.

"You don't mean to allow-"

"Poppy, I'm sure you remember a certain young man by the name of Remus Lupin who attended this school-"

"But with Lupin we knew what to expect. This child -"

"- needs an education," finished Dumbledore. "I assure you that he is quite aware of who and what he is. And besides, all we need to do is stock a certain potion for him. He will come to you when he is in need of it. Our only real concern is to make sure that he does take the potion and that his 'condition' isn't aggravated."

"Aggravated? The first time he steps on a Quidditch pitch, his condition will be aggravated".

"Poppy, what makes you think he will want to play Quidditch?"

"All boys want to play Quidditch, unless they're Muggles."

Dumbledore's eyes got that twinkle of acknowledgment. Poppy understood a little more. "As always, I trust you, Headmaster," she said. "If you think this child is not a danger to the others, then I will make his stay here as comfortable as possible."

"As I knew you would, Poppy." Dumbledore smiled. "Professor Snape has added this to his monthly potions list and should supply you with the first batch by the end of August. If you find any problems with it-"

"I shan't go to him with them," huffed Madam Pomfrey. "Last time he bit my head off about a batch of Pepper-Up potion."

"Well, all things considered, Severus is not the most approachable of men, but he realizes that the needs of the students are above our own." He could tell he was not going to convince her of this point, so decided to take his leave. "Thank you again for your support in this matter."

The hallways were always too quiet during the summers. Dumbledore missed the life that the children imbued into this old castle. He often thought of the spirits of the Founders, looking at what remained of their vision. It had survived longer than most expected - through so many wars, plagues, purges, and changes in the magical landscape. But it always boiled down to the children. They were what made the school what it was.

Dumbledore opened a door in one of the far towers. Inside were several magical quills, scribbling the famous Hogwarts letters to the various students. There looked to be a greater number of first years than in recent memory. With Voldemort defeated, people were not as scared to practice magic it seemed. The Fates had bestowed gifts on more children, which was to be expected. His staff would have their hands full this year, he could tell. Or "He could tell his staff would have their hands full this year".

One letter was placed away from the others. This letter, and two more he had in his possession, were to get special attention. Dumbledore would deliver them personally. Two were for staff positions that needed to be filled. The third was for a student who had been weighing heavily on his mind. He tried to not show favouritism to students, but often failed. And he knew this student would be no exception, and knew that again he would fail. He already had a soft spot for the boy, though he had yet to even meet him.

Dumbledore placed the letter in his pocket and left the room. In a matter of moments, owls would be sweeping into the room to take the letters to their intended recipients. He chuckled at the memory of the first and only time he had been in the room when that event occurred. Owls, although beautiful and clever creatures, can be a bit... messy.

In the hallways, Dumbledore passed the caretaker, Argus Filch, who was currently polishing a suit of armor that had no desire to be polished.

"Ah, Argus, just the man I wished to see," said Dumbledore.

"Yes, Headmaster?" Filch said.

"I wished to inform you that we will be having another Weasley attend the school this term."

Filch shrugged. "Another. Do they not know how to keep from shaggin'?"

"Actually, this is one of the twins' children."

Filch's eyes became large. "Oh, dear me... I'll have to get another filing cabinet."

"I supposed you might, so I had the liberty of having one brought up from the dungeons. It should be outside your office as we speak."

Filch began to make his hobbling way down the hall. "But Argus," called Dumbledore, causing the man to stop mid-stride and turn. "I would like to emphasise that in no way are you to chain this one to the ceiling. Do I make myself clear?"

"Right, Headmaster," said Filch, winking at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore just grinned. He so enjoyed seeing Filch happy at the prospect of being allowed to harass yet another Weasley. It had been far too long and Dumbledore was afraid that Filch might have lost his touch.

He continued to walk through the corridors towards the History of Magic classroom. The current professor, who was far more exciting and ... solid than Professor Binns, had filled the classroom with charts and maps. Dumbledore found the professor in question copying information out of his personal collection of ancient manuscripts.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything," Dumbledore said.

The professor leapt to his feet. "Of course not, Headmaster. Just finalizing some lesson plans. Won't you please sit down?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you would take a walk with me. I find that if I sit down too much, I tend to feel my age."

"Of course." The professor moved around the table, putting on his wire framed glasses in the process. "How can I be of assistance, Headmaster?"

"Rupert, you have been at this school long enough to call me 'Albus'."

Rupert Giles blushed. "Of course, Head- Albus."

"See," smiled Dumbledore, "not so hard to say. As to your question, I am in need of your services to deliver a few letters." Dumbledore reached into his pocket and withdrew two of the letters. He passed them to Giles.

Giles looked over both of them. His face showed a thousand questions about each, and Dumbledore knew that he would not be able to answer them all.

"But Albus, what about-"

"I have spoken with Severus and Poppy about his requirements. They are both aware of what needs to be done. As for his abilities, I believe that they are already manifesting themselves, albeit mostly in an accidental and uncontrollable fashion given his current situation."

"But there is the matter of-"

"There has been a long history of personal issues between students and teachers. I should think that this is not to be unexpected and considering the fact that it would have most likely happened anyway, a bit preemptive."

"Ah, well, I see your point," said Giles, "but what about Wil-"

"We will discuss with her the options and the repercussions of her decision. But I believe that it is time to allow her back into our world, with proper guidance of course."

Giles took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Dumbledore placed his hand on Giles' shoulder. "Many would say that you walked from one fantastic world into another. You were not the first, nor will you be the last. Some can see all these worlds laid before them like a tapestry. I feel that it is time for more of your 'old world' to be allowed into this 'new world'."

"Albus, I do believe you know far more than you let on."

Dumbledore smiled. "Yes, it does appear that way at times." Dumbledore removed his hand. "But please, do not let anyone else know. I do so like it when they realize it themselves. So, will you assist me in delivering these letters?"

Giles thought for a moment. He could never make the journey alone, but he wasn't being asked to. All he was being asked was to be a bridge between the two worlds. How hard could that be?

"Harder than you might think," said Dumbledore, that famous twinkle in his eye.

"I do wish you would bloody well stay out of my mind," said Giles in a joking manner. "But, I suppose I have nothing to lose."

Dumbledore chuckled. Nothing to lose, but everything to gain.