The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/27/2004
Updated: 08/09/2005
Words: 37,732
Chapters: 6
Hits: 2,644

The Dreamkeeper's Secret

T Proctor

Story Summary:
The third part of the Dreamwalker series. Sarah battles with the aftermath of her experiences with the Dreamwalkers in her second year at Dragon’s Wood. She takes a trip to the desert, meets a young Jesse McCade, and faces her demons. She finds out some new things about what she can do, meets some new people, makes some new friends, and participates in intramural games. However, it’s finding the secret locked away in someone’s dream that will be the key to her whole year.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Sarah returns from the desert with more questions and a new found determination that could send her in the wrong direction. Will the love of her family and friends be enough to keep her on the right path?
Author's Note:
Again, I'd like to thank The Annoying One for letting me include his character Jesse McCade in this story. Check out his AU story Year V found here http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/The_Annoying_One/ if you're interested in more about Jesse.

Chapter Five: Wants, Fears, Needs, and Desires

Sarah wasn't sure if Zoe was relieved or frustrated when she informed her that they would be going home in the morning, but she hadn't spoken much to her as they had packed up everything sans their sleeping bags and a change of clothing before turning in that night.

They were allowed to say good-bye to Jesse before they left the next morning. Sarah again thought it was rather odd that Professor Chalipun had been the one to bring it up. She had even come along this time and had talked quietly with Jesse's parents. By the time they were on the trail back to Indian Wells, Sarah's mind was racing with unanswered questions.

"I don't understand why we couldn't have just taken a port key from the camp site if they were so concerned about your safety," muttered Zoe only once. Sarah didn't bother to tell her that she had no fear for her safety. Zoe didn't like it when she knew things.

David Screaming Eagle gave them both a special gift before they departed. Zoe had been eager to tear hers open and promptly used the silver and turquoise bracelet as a great excuse to give him the squeezing she had been dying to the entire trip, her face turning a brilliant shade of red. Sarah opted to open hers at home and thanked him with a smile and a nod. Just before, they disappeared though she heard him chanting something softly and a chill ran down her spine. What had he been protecting her from?

Oddly enough though to both girls, although neither one pointed it out to the other, the journey back did not take as long as the journey out had. Funny how that always seems to happen, especially in the magical world. Neither one of them complained about the port key home, which had to be a first, but then there hadn't been much conversation at all.

Sarah was glad that Mrs. Turner and not Eric awaited them at her mother's house. This meant however that her father and Mr. Turner were once again off somewhere. Abigail greeted her with a hot dinner and assurances that her mother would be home soon. Sarah only nodded and headed off to her room to unpack. She watched Zoe and Mrs. Turner pull out of the driveway and then sat down at her computer. She knew she needed to go eat but she just didn't feel like being social. She looked at the blank computer screen and contemplated her email, and then she saw the reflection of the package. She turned and stared at it.

"Well you're not going to find out what it is unless you open it," she told herself out loud. Max sauntered in at this moment and gave her a peculiar look. "Yes, I'm talking to myself." The large fluffy cat gave her one of his looks and then jumped up on the bed and sat next to the brightly wrapped package. "Fine I'll open it. Nag, nag, nag!" The cat lie down and begun to clean his backside, Sarah supposed he was making a statement.

She did her best to ignore him as she sat on the bed and took up the package. As she unwrapped it slowly, she imagined Zoe jeering her. It was always quite irritating to her that Sarah liked to keep the wrapping in tact. When she started to reveal the contents Sarah felt her breath catch in her chest. Pulling back the paper and the plastic that covered her gift, Sarah remembered Professor Chalipun showing her pictures of them before and talking about them. In fact, she herself had one in her quarters at Dragon's Wood, or so she had told Sarah as much. She pulled it out and held it up a large wooden loop. In the center of the loop where woven beads and hanging from the bottom was six feathers, they looked to Sarah to be eagle feathers and five silver chimes in between. It was blue and brown and made of leather and twine, her mouth dropped open. She had seen Dreamcatcher's but never one this beautiful.

Max hopped up on his hindquarters and batted at the feathers. "Max stop," she said pushing the cat over. He just lie there and looked at her offended. Sarah ran her hand across the bottom and it made a soft chord.

"That's beautiful."

Sarah almost dropped it. "Mom," she said as her mother approached. She looked from her to the Dreamcatcher.

"It is isn't it?"

"You got that in Arizona?" she asked sitting next to her on the bed.

"Our guide gave it to me as a gift." Sarah ran her hand across the chimes again. The sound had a soothing effect.

"That was nice." Her mother looked at the paper folded neatly to the side and smiled. She picked up something Sarah hadn't seen. "There's a note here sweetie."

Sarah's eyes drifted from the Dreamcatcher to the paper in her mother's hand. She reached over and took it from her.

We are the music makers,

We are the dreamers of dreams.

To protect you on all your journeys.


Sarah again felt a cold chill. "What does it say sweetie?"

"It's just a verse Mom, nothing special," Sarah folded the paper and stuck it in her pocket. She stood up. "We should go have dinner or Abigail's going to have a cow."

Her mother gave her a nod and a frustrated, mother knowing look then stood as well. "Where are you going to hang your," she paused and looked at the Dreamcatcher. "What is it?"

"It's just cool, that's all," said Sarah. "I think for now I'll hang it in the window. It has chimes after all."

Elizabeth watched her daughter walk across her room to the open window. Sarah parted the gingham curtains and squinted in the sunlight. There was a strong breeze blowing through the large maple tree in her front yard. She drew in the smell of the end of summer and put the loop at the top of the Dreamcatcher around a nail on her windowpane. The chime began to sound and Sarah found herself lost in the music.

"Sarah sweetie, dinner," said her mother watching her lost in the sound of the chimes.

Sarah nodded and repeated the verse in a whisper. "We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams."

Sarah stared out the dining room window and chewed on her meatloaf. It was a bit to take in, hot meatloaf and potatoes, when hours ago she had only dried beef and fish. It wasn't the food though; it was trying to analyze everything that had happened. "Mom," she said a bit of meatloaf still lingering in her mouth.

Elizabeth Nettleton cringed slightly. "Yes?"

"Tell me about Aunt Janice."

Elizabeth looked at her curiously and smiled. "Well she was a bit strict I suppose." She blushed and shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "I suppose I'm a bit more like her sometimes than I'd like to be." Sarah grinned. "But she loved me, I know that," she added quickly.

Sarah nodded. "She took care of you all your life?"

Elizabeth drew in a deep breath. "Yes Sarah, I know we've talked about this." Sarah knew that talking about being raised by her aunt wasn't one of her mother's favorite subjects. Sarah always felt like maybe her mother needed to be going to a few of those counseling sessions with her.

"I'm sorry Mom, I'm just curious. We talked about family on the trip and well, I don't know much about mine, cept for you and Dad," fibbed Sarah.

Her mother surveyed her face and then nodded. "I suppose your father and I haven't been very forthcoming." She paused took a drink of her tea. "Maybe I'll try to find my old photo albums and I can show you some pictures of Aunt Janice." Elizabeth then smiled and then went back to eating her dinner.

Sarah sighed and nodded. She had hit the boundary again. Her mother did not like to talk about her childhood, her Aunt, or the loss of her own mother and father. Sarah knew very little about it all, and what she knew she knew from over hearing conversations and from convincing her father to tell her. Sarah had always envied Zoe and her large extended family, and how she knew them all. It was something she never had.

Sarah finished her dinner and festered. Her mother changed the conversation to one of the impending school year, which further fueled Sarah's angst and made her mood twice as volatile. By the time they began to clear their plates and head out to the yard, Sarah was almost angry. She made up her mind that one way or another she was going to find out what she wanted to know.

Abigail was cleaning up the rest of the dishes as Sarah and her mother made their way to the front porch swing. It was the first part of August and the evenings were still quite warm. Sarah sat next to her mother in the front porch swing and swallowed hard. This was the first time she would do this and be searching for something. Her heart raced, would it work? Sarah forced a grin and her mother smiled back. "I love you," she said her voice a bit shaky.

Elizabeth repeated the sentiment, and then did exactly what Sarah hoped she would. With tears pooling in her eyes, she reached forward and hugged her daughter tightly.

Whoosh! Sarah gasped. It was the most overwhelming it had ever been. Then she had never gone searching into someone deliberately before. She was in a large room that looks something like a library. There were shelves of large books lining the walls on three sides and a large fireplace on one.

In the center of the room was a large desk with a small group of people gather around it and a small child, a girl, who looked to be three or four years old. She had short strawberry blond hair and blue eyes, and she was dressed in little denim overalls with a pink shirt. She was holding the hand of a short woman, who had short black hair and she was tugging and the long cape that she was wearing. Sarah couldn't see the woman's face, because she was turned away, but she had a feeling that she knew her. She was having a rather heated conversation with the man behind the desk. "I can't imagine," she was saying, "That Mr. Underwood would what her to raise the child. She doesn't practice our ways. Will she be safe?" With this last remark, Sarah watched the woman pull the small girl closer.

The man behind the desk began to speak, but Sarah wasn't to hear it. She felt a strange sensation, and then hands pulling her. Again, she gasped and she was back on the front porch. Elizabeth Nettleton looked at the expression on her face and then her ex-husband's. "John what is it?" she asked.

"Sarah we need to talk."

John pulled Sarah into the house and out of earshot. "Daddy."

"Don't you 'Daddy' me Sarah Nettleton, that is the most despicable thing I think I have ever seen you do. Not mention how dangerous it was." John was ranting and pacing the floor. "Do you realize what you've done? Do you know what a stunt like that could open someone like yourself up to?"

Sarah had never seen her father so mad. She was actually scared. It was as though the Auror in him had taken over and her father had disappeared. She backed away and pretended not to understand. "What are you-"?

"Don't go there with me young lady! You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

Sarah had backed herself into the couch, which she now fell back on; silent tears began to roll down her cheeks. Abigail entered the room and Sarah looked pleadingly toward her. "Everything all right John?"

Sarah's mouth dropped open, she had never heard Abigail address her father so casually. He nodded. "Sarah and I are just having a little lesson in privacy," he said drawing a deep breath to calm him. "Would you please see if Mrs. Nettleton is all right?" Abigail nodded and headed out the front door. John took two steps into the shadow of the living room and then pulled his pipe from his pocket. A moment later, he was puffing on it quietly. Sarah had never seen him smoke in the house, her mother's house, she dared not say anything, but she knew she had made him angry.

"Dad, I'm, I'm sorry."

He turned and blew out a large puff of smoke. "For?"

Sarah looked at her hands. "You think I did something wrong obviously," snipped Sarah quietly.

John shook his head. "And you do not?"

The truth was that Sarah did know she had done something wrong. In her heart, she knew that what she had done could be considered by some borderline dark magic. She had very propos fully searched into her mother's thoughts for her own benefit. Not to help anyone else, to help only her self, and not by accident. She had gone on a hunt for information she wanted. She lowered her eyes. "How did you know?"

He shook his head again and crossed to the couch. "I'm afraid," he said sitting next to her, "this is one of the things you must live with. I'm going to know."

Sarah stood up, she was angry. "That's not fair! As a matter of fact all of this is not fair!"


"Don't I have the right to know? It's not fair that my whole life has been a chain of secrets. If I'm going to have this crappy gift, can't I use it for something for me without everyone going ballistic, without you thinking I'm a Dreamwalker?" she shouted.

"That is the most selfish thing I've ever heard you say. Me, me, me, when did Sarah Nettleton decide she was the only person on Earth?" he asked placing his pipe back in his pocket.

"When the rest of you decided to run my life!"

Elizabeth poked her head in the front door. "John, Sarah what's going on in here?" She looked drained, dazed. Sarah looked from her mother to Abigail who had just entered behind her, to her father. Tears choked her throat now; she turned and ran out the back door. "John?"

"It's all right," he said reaching out for Elizabeth.

"She was supposed to come back better. We should go after her."

He squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, someone's already taking care of it."

Sarah slammed the back door and the jumped the side fence. In less than two minutes she was storming down the tree lined streets of Clear Lake. Her mind was so full of anger she didn't notice that a car had slowed to pace her. "Hmm? I'd say parent-itous; you have all the clear signs. Red face, rushed pace, one tracked mind."

Sarah froze. Why hadn't she known he was there? She blew out a breath and found the strength to walk on. "Leave me alone Eric Turner," she grumbled loudly.

Eric chuckled and pulled closer to the curb. "This is so much fun."

"Hate you."

"Likely story." Sarah had come to a street corner. Eric sped up and pulled in front of her. "Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly." Eric grinned as the door opened by itself to allow her access.

"Think you're clever cause you can do magic outside school."

"No, I think I'm clever because I am," he said winking at her.

Sarah tried to best to keep her angry face but it was difficult when he was so charming. She stared into his dark eyes and began to melt. "Still hate you," she said sliding into the seat next to him.

"Noted," he replied with an additional chuckle. "Sarah Jane Nettleton, I do believe you went to the desert a wreck and came back an ass." Sarah glared at him and Eric laughed.

They drove for a while in silence; Eric decided the tree-lined streets were scenic enough. Sarah hung her head out the window and tried to find her center. "Want to talk about it?"

Sarah shook her head. "Not really." She sighed.

"Groovy," he said nodding. They drove a bit longer.

"You suck."

"I beg your pardon."

"It's so simple for you to just sit there and hand out advice. You don't have to deal with all the crap," ranted Sarah.

"Oh?" Eric pulled the Dart over to the side and stilled the engine. "You think this has all been easy for me?" Sarah looked away. "We're not here to talk about me, we're here to talk about Sarah Jane Nettleton."

"Let's not," mumbled Sarah.

"I came to you because I thought you needed me, and all along I was making things worse. You know how that makes me feel?" Sarah turned and their eyes met. Eric swallowed hard. "I ah, I do believe you grew a bit in Arizona." He shifted uneasily in his seat. "A little sunshine and fresh air seems to have been good for you."

Sarah hadn't thought about it. She hadn't been near a mirror in weeks, let alone a scale. She turned to the side view mirror and glanced at her face. She had changed. She looked more like a teenager, a young lady. Sarah wondered how much of this aging was stress and how much was growing up? Zoe had been right whether Sarah wanted to admit it; she wasn't your ordinary almost thirteen year old. She ran a hand across her chin and then through her hair. Then she remembered Eric and blushed. "I'm not different, it's just . . . me."

Eric wasn't so sure. This was the first time they had really been alone since they had come home. He stared into her eyes and saw everything. Things she would have rather he didn't see. However, she couldn't turn away, instead she closed her eyes and felt his arms slide around her waist.

Eric wasn't sure why he did it, it just seemed natural, and when she closed her eyes, necessary. So, he pulled her closer until his lips were about to meet with hers.

"Can't get enough of me?"

Sarah felt Eric release her so quickly that she fell against the car seat and made a smacking sound. She opened her eyes to find Zoe's head popping in the window and staring at them both. Eric's face was turning from red to white, Sarah was straightening up, and looking confused. "Well I'm supposed to meet Raphael so I better get going," he said not making eye contact with either of them. "One of the benefits of apparating. Roll up the windows before you go okay?" He said nervously then he was gone.

Zoe looked at he empty spot where her brother had been and then Sarah. "What the hell were you two doing? And why aren't you at home?"

Sarah looked at Zoe intimidated for a second and then cleared her throat. "Bite me!" She reached over rolled up the windows and got out of the car. "I went for a walk and we weren't doing anything," she said storming off.

Zoe stood dumb-founded and then went after her. "Like hell you weren't. You were going to kiss him," she said trying to keep up with her.

"I was not going to kiss him. He was going to kiss me, thank you very much," corrected Sarah.


"Get a grip Zoe, if he wasn't your brother you'd be in aw. Me, a junior, kissing a senior."

Zoe reached down and picked up a leaf off the ground as they walked. "Good point, but he's my brother so it's ewww, and it's Eric so it's double ewww."

Sarah found a laugh. "Yeah well thanks for interrupting." Her words dripped with sarcasm.

"Yeah sorry." She put an arm around her friend. "I'll try not to do that again."

Sarah kicked around in the dirt for a moment and then spoke. "I doubt he'll try to kiss me again," Sarah decided. "That was a fluke."

"I dunno, he's been pretty messed up over you all year." Sarah stopped and so did Zoe.

"He saved my life Zoe, did you know that?" Zoe didn't answer. "I'd be dead I know it. I mean I know it now."

Zoe was trembling. "I thought, I mean, we thought you." She couldn't finish.

"I couldn't kill Dillon or Professor Radcliff, so I was going to kill myself." Zoe had been backing up and tripped over the edge of the sidewalk. Sarah grabbed her arms to keep her from falling and felt the terror inside her. "I'm sorry." Zoe shook her head.

"Don't say that. I didn't know." She stepped closer and hugged her best friend tightly. "I would die without you, you can't go away." They were both in tears now. After a moment, Zoe pulled back. "Did something happen at home?"

Sarah nodded. "I did something really stupid. I need to go home and fix it."

"I'll walk you home." It was with these words that Sarah realized Eric had driven them to the Turners house. She agreed and they were soon on their way to the house.

Sarah told Zoe it was best that she didn't come in. She expected the worse and found a father that wouldn't accept an apology. He also decided that it was best they didn't explain in detail why he had been angry with her to Elizabeth. Sarah took all these blessings, skipped dessert, and headed to the bathtub. She was week's dirty, days tired and wanted to be alone. As she sunk into the warm bubble bath, she wondered how the hell she was going to survive another day, let alone the few weeks she had until school started. "School," she moaned dunking her head into the water. "Kill me now."


The next couple of weeks went by without too much trouble. Sarah and Zoe spent a lot of time hanging around Zoe's house watching Tabatha for Mrs. Turner and talking about school. Things were feeling more normal than not because Sarah had decided to just push all of it out of her head. Usually they spent a lot of their summer at the lake, but Sarah noticed that ever time they talked about it both families became nervous.

When the time came for the families to go school shopping, Sarah was very happy when her Mom informed her they were all going to Chicago again. She was certain with how crazy everything had been that summer that they wouldn't be. The best part about it was that they would be there for Sarah's birthday.

"I love this hotel." Sarah found her sea legs and Zoe while she dusted off the last bit of soot. "Even if it requires Floo travel."

Zoe giggled. "Well we could drive up, but what a waste of time."

"Come on girls, we need to find the rooms so we can get settled in." Glenda Turner grabbed Tabatha, who was wandering toward the Muggle entrance to the hotel and pulled her toward the elevator. Tabatha moaned.

Elizabeth watched Bill and John talking to some gentlemen in the lobby and then followed behind Zoe and Sarah.

"Eric, are you coming?" asked his mother from the elevator. He had just popped into the lobby close to his father.

"I'll be up in a minute," he said catching Sarah's eye and winking.

Sarah's face went hot. She hadn't spoken much to him since they had had their near miss kiss in the car. He'd been busy working or hanging with his friends. She wondered though, if he'd been avoiding her. She couldn't help think about him, and everything that they'd been through. She absent-mindedly put her fingers to her lips.


"What?" Sarah asked shaking her head and turning to see Zoe standing across the hotel room.

"You haven't heard a word I've said," complained Zoe.

"Sure I did. You hope that the Mom's will let us wander around a bit by ourselves after we get our school supplies."

"You guessed."

"Shut up Zoe."

"I just want to go find something cool. I got some birthday money and I want to shop without parents," whined Zoe.

"What are you trying to sneak back to school?"

"Nothing," answered Zoe quickly turning her back and donning a wicked grin.

Sarah laughed. "Should I be worried?"

"You have enough on your plate than to worry about what I'm up to. But if you must, your choice." Zoe began to fiddle around with her luggage. Sarah laughed louder. She was having a good time and this was one of her favorite places, even though she hadn't been there but a couple of times.

It didn't take long for Sarah and the others to unpack and go looking for the adults. They were anxious to get shopping or at least wandering about the Wizarding section of Chicago. Usually the Mom's would take them out to do their school shopping while the Dad's hung around at the Inn. Sarah wasn't surprised at all when they tagged along. Annoyed and frustrated were much better words.

"I wish they would trust me," muttered Sarah as they walked along. Zoe and her were bringing up the rear of the group after they had just bought new school robes.

"What?" Zoe asked, who was trying to read her new History of Magic text while they walked.

"Nothing," she said shaking her head.

Zoe closed the book and look at her friend. "Sarah, they just want you to be safe, it's not a matter of trust."

"She's not here."

"I hate it when you say that," Zoe said with a shudder.

"Well, she's not," said Sarah deciding not to apologize. "When she comes for me, I'll know."

Zoe stopped. "You know, I could have gone all day, no actually the rest of my freaking life and not known that." Then she stormed off toward the parents, leaving Sarah standing alone. Sarah mumbled the word that got Eric grounded last year for a week and then sat down on the curb.

Elizabeth tugged on John's sleeve. "I'll get her."

"Can I?" John turned around and saw Eric watching her as well. He looked at Elizabeth, then with a knowing smile he nodded. Eric walked over to where she was and crouched down. "Want to go for a walk?"

Sarah looked up and then pulled back. Eric had caught her off guard. She had been so lost in thought, that she hadn't heard or felt him approach. She thought about his question and then answered with a nod as well. They walked along for a long time quietly and then Sarah spoke. "You told me once that you could sense me more than others."

Eric stopped, looked at her, and then started to walk again. "Yes."

"Well, then why can't anyone understand that I know Michayla -"?

"Sarah!" Eric stopped and grabbed her arm. "It's not that we don't believe you."

Sarah stared into his eyes.

"Why didn't you kiss me?"

Eric released Sarah and stepped back. "I, I love you Sarah, like I love Zoe. You know that. I-"

Sarah took two steps forward, put both arms around him, and pressed her lips against his. On her tiptoes, eyes closed, she waited for him to push her away and onto her ass, but instead his arms again slipped around her waist and she then felt her body pressing close to his. Sarah felted her heart racing, and her breath catch in her throat. Was this what she wanted? She cared deeply for Eric, but he had said it, he loved her like he loved Zoe.

Sarah pushed back and released Eric's lips. Her eyes wide and terrified, like a wild animal. She turned to bolt, but Eric grabbed her arm. "Oh no you don't!"

"Look Eric, it was a joke, I didn't mean." She let out a phony laugh.

Eric shook his head in frustration. "Well this one won't be," he said pulling her into his arms again.

Sarah couldn't breath by the time Eric pulled his lips from hers. This time when Sarah opened up her eyes, she leaned into his arms. She swallowed twice, as though this was a preparation for finding the right words to say. "Eric," she whispered. "This isn't right."

"Are you so sure?" he answered softly in return.

"We're all mixed up, because of what happened," continued Sarah.

"We're mixed up? Are you confused Sarah?" he asked holding her hands tightly.

Sarah didn't know what she was, truth be known. She had had a crush on Eric since they had started Dragon's Wood and in two years, they had been almost killed twice together. So many emotions, so much to think about, Sarah didn't know the answer. "Eric," she whispered again, her lower lip quivering. "I'm just a," Sarah couldn't say kid, or Junior, or any of the things that came to mind. She didn't feel like a kid right now. Not after what she had been through. Not after her time in St Michaels. Not with her body pressed next to Eric's. "I'm just scared is all."

Eric nodded and allowed her to pull away from him. "I can understand that. I'm a little frightened as well."

Sarah found this hard to believe. "So?"

"So we'll try this some other time?" he said searching her eyes.

Sarah answered with a nod and a "Sooner than later."

He grinned. "Off to look at Quidditch supplies then?"

Sarah looked at him and chuckled. "Sure." He grabbed her arm and pulled her off down the street.

"We need things for the Inter-Murals, new gloves, protective gear, charts for plotting new strategies. We've got to work, work, and work as soon as classes start." Eric was ranting insanely as Sarah laugh louder. "Cleats we all need new cleats."


"You did what?" Zoe's mouth was hanging open and her eyes were the size of oranges.

"I can't repeat it," said Sarah staring out the window. "Don't think of him as your brother. Imagine someone else."

Sarah watched Zoe's face take on an odd blank expression and then she looked a bit less terrified that before. "Alright, he's this really cool, great looking senior in the Keynes dorm, now you can go on."

Sarah shook her head and laughed. She then closed her eyes and leaned back on the hotel bed. "I don't know Zoe, it was so strange. When I kissed him, I could feel everything he was feeling. It was scary."

Sarah watched Zoe shudder. "You freak me out and I've been around my Dad my whole life. And to think I wanted you to be a witch."

Sarah wanted to laugh it off, but she knew Zoe was only half kidding. She couldn't apologize for being herself, for being who she was. "I'm going to bed, it's been a long day."

Zoe wanted to kick herself as Sarah picked up headed toward her own bed. She opened her mouth to make an apology but something told her not too. She sighed and fell back onto the bed they had been on, her bed, and cursed her stupidity under her breath.

Sarah pulled the covers over her head and concentrated on how many days were left until their return to Dragon's Wood. She ran her fingers across her lips as she fell asleep.

Sarah woke early, snuck past Zoe and Tabatha, and after dressing went down to the Lobby of the hotel. It was one of her favorite things to sit in the Lobby early in the morning and watch the people check in and out of the Inn. This time she was surprised to see someone familiar entering. Sarah took off across the room and met the Radcliff family for a full on embrace with the Professor. "Sarah," she said pulling her to arm's length and smiling widely. "Happy Birthday."

Sarah tilted her head and blushed. "Wow, yeah thanks."

"You're looking very well," said Mr. Radcliff stepping up and giving Sarah a hug as well.

"Dillon, aren't you going to wish Sarah a Happy Birthday?" asked his mother.

Dillon had half hidden behind his father when Sarah had approached. He now stepped out and Sarah got a good look at him. Sarah couldn't handle all this, Eric last night, Dillon today. It hadn't been that long ago that he had tried to kiss her at Dragon's Wood. Did she have feelings for him?

Dillon stepped forward; he certainly looked older now, even older than just a few weeks ago. He smiled oddly and moved in closer. "Absolutely," he said in a voice that made Sarah suddenly uncomfortable. "I have a present for you Sarah," he said taking her by the arms. "Something to remember me by, something so you'll never forget me."

Dillon was holding her rather tightly, his nails digging into the soft creases of her arms. "Dillon, you're hurting me," she said trying to pull away.

"I just want to give you a birthday kiss," he said, his eyes glowing red now.

Sarah pulled hard, her heart beating fast. "Dillon," she said louder, all most screaming it. She looked up to see that Professor Radcliff and Mr. Radcliff were not watching, in fact they seemed to be pulling away, disappearing into the distance of the Lobby. "Dillon, please."

Then he pulled her forward and kissed her hard on the lips. Sarah tasted the blood in her mouth as he withdrew from her. "Happy Birthday bitch!" Dillon began to laugh.

Sarah sat up. Her whole body covered in cold sweat. There was a sliver of light peeking through the curtains of the hotel room. "Not again, no please not again."

Author notes: The verse is an excert from Arthur O’Shaunghnessy's The Minstrels Ode, I poem that I loved growing up. These first lines are forever burned in my mind.