The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/27/2004
Updated: 08/09/2005
Words: 37,732
Chapters: 6
Hits: 2,644

The Dreamkeeper's Secret

T Proctor

Story Summary:
The third part of the Dreamwalker series. Sarah battles with the aftermath of her experiences with the Dreamwalkers in her second year at Dragon’s Wood. She takes a trip to the desert, meets a young Jesse McCade, and faces her demons. She finds out some new things about what she can do, meets some new people, makes some new friends, and participates in intramural games. However, it’s finding the secret locked away in someone’s dream that will be the key to her whole year.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Sarah’s trip heats up in an amusing way. Sometimes finding what lurks in the soul of other’s is good for your own soul. Answer’s sought and answers that raise more questions, sometimes you just wish they’d leave you alone.
Author's Note:
Again, I'd like to thank The Annoying One for letting me include his character Jesse McCade in this story. Check out his AU story Year V found here http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/The_Annoying_One/ if you're interested in more about Jesse.

Chapter Four Target Practice

Zoe hadn't slept well, but then how could she when her best friend had announced to her that she knew in her heart that she was going to kill someone. Whether or not Zoe considered this person to be the incarnate of evil, this was not something she could dismiss.

She woke early and found Sarah's sleeping bag empty. This was of course because she was already up and meditating with the Professor, something that this morning was quite a task.

Sarah was having a hard time dealing with things this morning, her conversation with Zoe, ringing in her ears.

"You don't seem to be with me today Sarah," said Chalipun studying Sarah. "Perhaps too much playtime yesterday."

"No, Professor," said Sarah quickly not wishing to get Zoe in trouble. She hung her head. "I, Zoe and I talked about things last night."


"Yes, she wanted to know about what happened. I suppose I shouldn't have told her."

"And this conversation has disturbed you?"

Sarah stared at her and then off into the brook they had sat beside. It was a very peaceful place to concentrate. "I had a thought about the things I can do now and then . . . well it made me uncomfortable, like it could have been a dark thought."

Chalipun raised her eyebrows. "And what would that be?"

"Does it matter?" Sarah asked.

"I suppose not," answered the Professor softly. She continued with an even tone, "but Sarah as we have discussed before you need to stopped dwelling on the negative. It will make it very hard for the wounds to heal inside."

"Even Zoe doesn't look at me the same ma'am," she said whimpering slightly.

"I guarantee you that no one is going to either Sarah. You have to adjust to that. However, as we grow we all change and all changes affect how people see us. We don't always keep the same friends that we have when we are young. You don't have to be touched by darkness to have your life changed," said Professor Chalipun. "We're all different and are differences, our uniqueness' are what make us who we are. We cannot change that; we can only learn to live with it."

Sarah new this was true, but she hated it just the same. "Professor, I've been waiting for words of wisdom, magic, secret words, that will make everything okay. So I can feel fine again and head back to Dragon's Wood all cured."

Chalipun smiled. "Is that what you think is going to happen on his journey?"

Sarah thought about what she had said for a moment and then shook her head slowly. "Not really, but I did think that one night we'd been sitting on a rock or something and it would all suddenly make sense."

Chalipun chuckled softly. "Sometimes the answers we're seeking come from the most unlikely places."

Sarah screwed up her face as the Professor closed her eyes again and turned her face up to the sun. She knew this was the signal that the conversation was closed and that Sarah should return to her meditation. Sarah cursed under her breath, but she was careful to make sure the Professor did not hear her. "Relax Sarah," she finally instructed herself. "You'll be here until she feels you are finished."

When they had returned to camp, they found Zoe and David fixing breakfast. Zoe as always irritated, throwing things about because they had got into some sort of disagreement. "Miss Turner?"

"Don't ask," warned Zoe, setting the table with plates and silverware.

Professor Chalipun looked at David who stifled a laugh. Sarah went to help her friend. "You look tired," she whispered as they began to dish eggs onto the plates.

"I'm fine," replied Zoe not being quite as truthful as she could be.

Sarah sighed. "What do you have planned for today Professor?" asked Sarah ignoring Zoe's attitude.

"Well David and I need to go and retrieve more supplies, and since the two of you cannot apparate, you have my permission to have the day off," she said catching David's eyes and winking.

Zoe knocked over a cup as she jerked to look up. "Day off?"

"Really Professor? I mean we sort of goofed off half the day yesterday," observed Sarah drawing an elbow to the rib cage from Zoe. "Ouch!"

"Really Sarah. If you're lucky Mr. McCade is still around and you can enjoy one more day of his luxuries," she added sitting down to the newly served breakfast.

"Oh could we Sarah? He was a bit obnoxious, but it was fun and I'm used to obnoxious, I've lived with Eric for thirteen years." Zoe quickly realized she had rattled this off rapidly without thought and blushed.

Everyone laughed but Zoe. "Well, I suppose if it's okay with the Professor, we could go see if he wants us," Sarah said smiling at her friend.

"YES!!" squealed Zoe. "Civilization, or close to it anyway." She began to dance until she noticed that everyone was staring at her. "Oh, sorry." She sat down and they all began to eat breakfast. Zoe was ten times happier than she was a few minutes earlier.

"Then it's decided," said the Professor returning to her breakfast.

An hour later, David and the Professor gone, Sarah and Zoe headed down to Jesse's camp. "I hope he doesn't mind us just dropping in on him," said Sarah as they rounded the last hill and came to where they could see it.

"Are you kidding he loved having us there. How can he resist our charming personalities?" asked Zoe tossing her hair. Sarah laughed.

"Yeah right."

They paused at the top of the hill and watched the camp. There were two people they hadn't seen the day before sitting at the table with Jesse in the middle of the compound. "Parents?" said Zoe looking to Sarah.

"Probably," she agreed. "Shall we go anyway?"

Zoe considered them. "They look alright. Sort of Indiana Joneish."

Sarah laughed. "Yeah. Come on." She started down the slope. As they got closer however, Sarah could tell that perhaps they shouldn't have, she stopped and put her arm out to stop Zoe. "Oh Zoe, maybe we shouldn't." They were just outside of camp and they could now see the trio about ten feet away and were beginning to be able to make out parts of the conversation.

Jesse was holding his head down slightly while his father, or who they supposed was his father, a thin man with dark glasses and long hair pulled back like Jesses, sat across from him and glared at him. There was a woman who looked a bit more worldly and who had a high pitched voice with what sounded like a cross between a French and a southern accent, pacing back and forth and ranting at him.

Zoe cringed. "Looks like Glenda and Bill when I've been up to something."

Sarah smiled and shook her head. "Wonder what he did?" Sarah hated being a snoop but there was a part of her that couldn't turn away. Ever since she had met and touched him, she had been curious about him. Then there was the fact that Professor Chalipun kept pushing the two of them toward him. Sarah took a couple of steps closer causing Zoe's eyebrows to rise. Usually she wanted to snoop. Zoe shrugged and then followed.

"Merde! Tu est allé trop loin cette fois, Jesse!" Sarah and Zoe both looked at each other blankly and then the woman began to speak English. "Do you know what could have happened if someone saw you?" she shot accusingly at the boy. "Tu garçon stupide!"

"Now Simone," the man across from Jesse spoke up. "Clearly no one saw or we would all ready know."

The woman glared at him and then turned back to Jesse who had looked up when his father had come to his defense. "I'm sorry, I was bored. I mean there's only so much you can do in the desert," moaned Jesse.

"I thought you said you had visitors," she retaliated. "What if they had come back?"

"Ah well, it sounds to me like they're hiding something so I wouldn't worry about it," scoffed Jesse. "You know," he said after a moment of silence, "if you were to let me go to Veg-"

"No!" said both his parents at the same time.

"Think about it," said Jesse. "If I were in Vegas, I'd probably be working a show, doing actual magic, making money, and no one would even know."

"That's fine, Jesse," said his mother, "Except you're forgetting one thing."

"And that is...?" asked Jesse.

"You're grounded," said his parents in unison once more.

"All right, I'll be good," whispered Jesse.

"And," started the man, "no more target shooting right?"

Zoe looked at Sarah. "Target shooting?"

"Vegas? And he thought we were being dishonest," whispered Sarah.

"Okay," said Jess with a moan, deciding in his head what other applications his skills could be used for.

The woman looked at the boy frustrated, then sighed and kissed him on the cheek. "Your father and I will be on the north ridge today. Try and stay out of trouble."

"Yes Mom."

The man rose from the table, stood next to her and they began to give him instructions on things he should do around the camp.

Sarah looked at Zoe. "Well?"

"Oh, come on. The worst thing they can do is tell us to buzz off. Hopefully, they'll let us hang out with him and he can have a break as well," purposed Zoe.

Sarah nodded and they headed the rest of the way down the hill and into camp. Sarah was careful to make lots of noise as they entered the encampment. Jesse was the first one to see them; she was glad that he smiled. "Sarah, Zoe, cool you came back." He turned to his parents and gestured to them. "Mom, Dad this is Sarah and Zoe, see I wasn't hallucinating," he said with a great deal of sarcasm.

The adults both looked at Jesse and then the girls. "Hello," said his mother first. "I'm Simone McCade, and this is my husband, Jesse's father Devin McCade." She reached out and took Zoe's hand.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. McCade." Sarah nodded to them both but did not shake their hands. She was remembering Jesse and how angry Mrs. McCade was just a short time ago. Zoe watched Sarah's expression and quickly moved things along. "So you're out here digging Jesse said?"

"Yes and we need to get going actually," said Mr. McCade looking at Sarah and Zoe curiously. He turned to Jesse. "I guess you'll be with the young ladies today then?"

"Is that okay?" he asked looking at his father first.

Devin McCade looked at his wife who in turn looked at Jesse. "Well, I suppose as long as you stay out of trouble and get your chores finished."

"I promise," said Jesse crossing his heart. Zoe and Sarah both stifled a chuckle. It didn't take someone with insight or second sight to see he wasn't being sincere. They could tell by the expression on Mr. and Mrs. McCade that they were skeptical as well. However, with a kiss on his forehead from mom and a pat on his shoulder from his dad they were on their way. "I thought for sure I'd be confined today," he said with a sigh as they disappeared over the first hill. He sat down and pushed the breakfast dishes across the table. "Thanks for coming along."

Sarah and Zoe looked at each other and shrugged. They sat down as well and Zoe helped herself to a piece of toast. Sarah frowned at her then turned to Jesse. "For what?"

"For coming along," he repeated looking at her slightly annoyed.

"No," said Sarah in an equally annoyed tone. "Confined for what?"

"Oh that?" he said picking up a fork and playing with it.

"Yeah," joined in Zoe, her mouth full of toast. "Yesterday you were quite irritated with us for not being up front with you and it seems you have your own skeletons."

Jesse looked up at Zoe, glared at her for a moment, and then rose from the bench. He walked off a few paces and then stopped. "We're not going to hang around here all day are we?"

Zoe looked at Sarah who shrugged again and then shook her head. "I suppose not," answered Zoe standing.

"Any suggestions?" Sarah asked as she stood, but Jesse had all ready begun to walk off.

Zoe let out a frustrated breath and then started after him grabbing Sarah by the arm. "He's nearly as irritating as you!"

"Bite me Zoe," muttered Sarah as they followed.

As few minutes down the trail, Sarah noticed that Joscoe had joined them. Somehow having the cat follow put her mind at ease, but she didn't know why. Zoe had caught up with Jesse and had managed to engage in him quiet conversation about how hot it was so early in the morning.

After about twenty minutes or so, they came upon some caves, and it immediately became apparent that this was Jesse's destination. Sarah was the first one to stop. "Caves?"

"Yeah, you want to know what I did," he said looking quite smug. Sarah nodded slowly. "Well, I can't get caught doing anything in public again, or Mom and Dad will have a cow. So," he gestured toward the caves.

Zoe laughed loudly. "You're good."

Sarah shook her head. "He's just like you."

"Take it as a compliment," said Zoe slapping him on the back. "Although I'm sure she didn't mean it that way." She laughed again and then headed toward the caves. "Oh come on," she called back to Sarah.

Jesse had begun to follow Zoe but stopped to watch her coax Sarah, who once more shook her head and then followed.

"Why should you care anyway?" Zoe asked as the trio entered the cave entrance, led by Joscoe. "He's the one who's going to get in trouble, not us."

Jesse scowled.

"Are you sure?" Sarah asked ignoring his expression.

"You're such an old woman," groaned Zoe. "Where's your sense of adventure?"

"I left it in my other suit," mumbled Sarah.

Jesse chuckled softly. "Are you sure you two are best friends?"

Sarah looked at Zoe and then at the same time Sarah answered "No!" and Zoe "Yes!" Jesse laughed loudly and shook his head.

"Jos, like I said before, odd pair we've run across." The cat looked up at him, meowed indignantly, sat down in the middle of the cave, and began clean his backside. "Some help you are."

Sarah and Zoe both laughed this time. "All right, all right, we're here and it's damp and cramped and even though it feels so much better than the ninety degree weather out there," started Sarah seating herself on the first rock she could find as they settled in the largest space they found in the small cave.

"Quit being such an old lady!" griped Zoe sitting next to her. "Come on then, let's see," she said turning to Jesse.

Jesse laughed again and shook his head. Then he stood for a moment, as though he were trying to figure out what he could get away with. "No target practice eh?" he mumbled to himself. "Well then," he continued quietly. He found a stick on the ground and picked it up. Holding in his left hand he held out his right hand, palm side up. He stared at it for a moment blankly crinkling his nose slightly, his eyebrows knitted together.

Zoe leaned over to Sarah. "He's lost it."


Zoe moaned, sat up, and was about to ask him what the hell he was doing when a small blue ball of fire appeared in the palm of his hand. Zoe jerked back, nearly falling off the rock and taking Sarah with her. Sarah pulled Zoe upright and again scolded her with a motherly sound. Joscoe looked up at the three of them and then went back to cleaning his backside.

Jesse heaved a sigh and then using the ball of fire lit the end of the large stick. Looking very pleased with himself, he turned and motioned toward the other end of the room where there was an exit. He headed that way. "Coming?" he said just before he reached the small opening.

Zoe's eyes widened, she grabbed Sarah by the arm. Sarah, who had been sitting, slightly open mouthed, turned to look at her. "Sarah, do you know what he is?" she whispered looking slightly terrified. Sarah shrugged apparently not knowing. "He's an Elemental. I've read about them, and I've heard Dad and Mom talk about them," continued Zoe pulling her closer.

"And?" said Sarah flatly.

"Well, I mean, they can be dangerous," she whispered watching him carefully.

Jesse had stopped and turned. He didn't have to hear what she was saying to know what she was saying. He lowered his handmade torch slightly and frowned. Before he could say anything though, Sarah turned to her, anger in her eyes.

"Hmm? Seems to me that you've read the same thing about me," barked Sarah. "Seems to me that anyone that didn't know me could feel exactly the same way about me," Sarah continued. "I thought you didn't judge people by what they were, but for who they were."

Zoe backed off and looked from Sarah to Jesse. "Jeez, Sarah," she whispered.

Sarah looked down at her hands that were shaking. She knew she was loosing control. She drew a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. As she did, Sarah began to think about what she had said. She had been talking to Zoe, but she should have directed the words to herself. Then she remembered what Professor Chalipun had told her earlier. "Sometimes the answers we're seeking come from the most unlikely places."

Jesse once again wondered what he had got himself into. This time though he felt as though he had opened himself up to danger so he wanted answers, too. "Hello!" he said wave the flaming stick around. "I'm in the room."

Sarah turned to look at him but Zoe spoke first. "Jesse I'm sorry, Sarah's right, you just spooked me is all." Sarah waited for some sort of explosion, but Jesse merely shrugged. "It's just that well, I have this thing about reading. When I heard my parents talking about Elementals once I wanted to know more, so I read about them." She paused but Jesse didn't speak. "Well, you don't look like the rampaging, insane monsters I read about."

Jesse nearly snorted. "Yeah . . . well . . . you caught me on an off day." Jesse looked at "torch" and then threw it on the ground. "Besides, I don't rampage, I'm more of the sneaky bastard type."

There was a pause and then they all laughed. Sarah watched the flame die on the stick and then sighed. "I suppose you'll want to know what all that ranting was about."

Jesse chuckled. "Well, it's only fair."

Sarah nodded. "True." She returned to the rock and sat down. Zoe sat next to her and put an arm around her. Jesse knelt next to Joscoe who had still been cleaning himself. He gave up this pursuit to roll over for a chin and ear scratch. "Ever heard of Dreamwalkers?"

Jesse shrugged. "Can't say that I have." He paused and looked like he remembered something. "Hey wait, didn't something happen at your school that involved the Assistant to the Secretary of Magic last year? I heard someone mention something about Dreamwalker's in relation to that."

Zoe gripped Sarah tighter. "It's all right Zoe," she whispered.

"Look Jesse, if you're all right, and I think you are, you need to know that Sarah is too. No matter what she or anyone else thinks," insisted Zoe.

"I see." Jesse took a seat on the ground next to Joscoe. "So you're a Dreamwalker?

Zoe glared at Jesse. Sarah swallowed hard. "I'm not a Dreamwalker," she answered softly. "Not really. I say that because now Dreamwalker's are considered to be dark wizards and witches," she explained. "I can however, do some of the things they can do."

"Like?" asked Jesse.

Zoe opened her mouth, most likely in protest but Sarah stopped her. "Zoe, it's all right." She nodded and closed her lips. "You came very close to seeing my best trick a moment ago."


"It seems when I'm angry, upset things have a way of going crazy."

Zoe chuckled. "Especially where Griffin is concerned, wild Bludger's, flaming robes, falling chandelier's," rattled off Zoe.

"That's enough," warned Sarah.

"I'm glad I'm not this Griffin person," said Jesse with a laugh.

"In more ways than one. He's disgusting, thinks he's better than everyone because his family has lots of money and of course because they're pureblood wizards." Zoe said the words pureblood, like they left a bad taste in her mouth. "As if that meant anything. My family is pureblood and Sarah's mom has lots of money, doesn't make us any better than anyone else." She leaned over and hugged Sarah again. Then she muttered Griffin's name and some words that would have her grounded for a month if her mother had heard them.

Sarah smiled. "Well, he's the least of my problems now isn't he?"

"You're going to be all right Sarah, Professor Chalipun says so, and Semiramise and that crazy shrink of yours."

Sarah rose and walked toward the entrance of the cave. "Maybe so." She turned and looked at Jesse. "Elemental is that what Zoe said?" Jesse nodded. "Nice trick with the fire." Jesse bowed his head and smiled. "No wand necessary eh?"

"Not for that one," answered Jesse shaking his head.

"The Dreamwalker's are like that. But then it's sort of hard to take your wand into someone's nightmare." Jesse's eyes widened this time. "Yes, scary thought eh?"

"Maybe we've discovered enough about each other for one day," decided Jesse.

Sarah smiled and nodded. "Maybe so."

"Yeah, I think we're supposed be getting into things. Or watching your TV one or the other," quipped Zoe.

"Good point," agreed Jesse. "Why don't we go play some video games or something, that will take our mind off things?"

Zoe started to bounce. "There you go. Just what we need."

Sarah laughed a bit of a forced laugh. "Yes, a little mindless TV to distract us." Her mind was still on the conversation she had with Professor Chalipun and Elementals. Zoe caught the far away look as they headed out of the cave and sighed. It was a constant reminder that Sarah wasn't who she used to be.

"You're good," sited Jesse, tossing his controller across to Sarah and rising from his chair. Zoe pretended to polish her fingers on her shirt.

"It comes from years of being creamed by your older brother." She killed off her last round of "bad guys" and made a victory dance with her feet. Sarah laughed as she picked up the controller.

"This is why I stopped playing with her years ago," she said giggling. Sarah punched a few buttons, but made no actually effort to play. Jesse laughed loudly and returned with a round of Dr. Pepper's.

"Well don't loose on purpose with my control," he said grabbing it back from her.

Zoe snickered. "Victory is mine anyway, you might as well give in."

"How do you put up with her?"

"Years of practice and I ignore her a lot."

Jesse chuckled. "Ha!" he said pushing hard on his controller. Zoe moaned loudly. "I've got you now my pretty and your little dog too."

Sarah cackled. "You're worse than she is." Sarah looked up at the clock. "We should get back, this was fun but."

Zoe knew she was right, but it wasn't the Play Station or the Dr. Pepper. It was the fact that they were kids for three hours, even if it had started out with them discussing dark powers. She considered for a moment debating with Sarah about it, but she knew that eventually she would have to give in. She let out a sigh and allowed her player to be killed. "I suppose all good things come to an end. Twas fun though."

Jesse reached over and turned off the TV. "So how long are you going to be out here?"

"As long as it takes," answered Sarah shrugging. Jesse looked at her confused. "Yeah I feel that way too." She giggled. "I've been through a lot the last few months and I'm trying to find peace with it. I suppose I'll be here until I do that, could be sooner or later."

"Well, my parents are here for at least another week, so maybe we'll see each other again," offered Jesse.


"I'll propose it," said Zoe grinning. Sarah laughed.

"Too bad your school doesn't participate in the Inter Murals," Sarah said getting to her feet. "We'd be seeing you at Dragon's Wood."

"Well," started Jesse looking mischievous, "don't count me out yet. Sounds like fun. Perhaps I'll drop by and check things out."

Sarah looked at him suspiciously and Zoe laughed. "I'm telling you, I like this guy more and more each time he opens his mouth."

Sarah shook her head. "Don't tell me anymore, either of you. I don't want to know."

Zoe and Jesse shared a laugh.

On the way back to camp, Sarah's thoughts drifted back to the cave. She was trying to decide if she was going to talk to the Professor about Jesse. It was obvious to her that Chalipun knew about him. Had coming to him been the purpose of the trip?

Zoe watched Sarah and knew she was going over everything. She hated there was nothing to do to help her friend, to ease her pain. It was the most frustrating part of all this. When it had first been proposed to her that she come along, she had been excited. Finally, she could do something to make Sarah well! Weeks had passed and Zoe had been out of the loop, unable to do anything to help her, despite her desire to do so.

"You're here Zoe, that's what's important," Sarah muttered breaking the silence and taking Zoe by surprise. Zoe froze. Sarah walked a few paces further and then stopped. "What?"

"That's scary as shit Sarah."

"I'm sorry, it's just that you're the easiest," Sarah said looking apologetic.


"Out of everyone I know or have met, you're the easiest to read," explained Sarah. "You always have been."

Zoe was flabbergasted. "Always?"

"It's not like I just started doing this Zoe," said Sarah sounding frustrated. "As long as I could remember I could tell when some things were going to happen or what some people were thinking. I just thought everyone could, or that you were supposed to. Then when I figured out everyone couldn't and that people looked at you funny for it, I stopped letting people know about it. I mean Mom and Dad fought about everything that had to do with my life, I knew better than to bring anything out of the ordinary up."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were a Witch?" retorted Sarah bitterly.

"Not fair!"


They stood in silence for a minute, both staring each other down.

"This is getting us no where," Zoe said finally.

Sarah sighed and nodded. "Anyway, it's not like I try to read your mind or anything. And that's not how it works, I've told you that." She started walking again as she talked and Zoe followed reluctantly. "I'm just more in sink with you, that's all."

Zoe considered her words and decided this was probably okay, so she sped up and was soon beside her again. "I guess you are scared huh?"

Sarah didn't hesitate. "What do you think? Wouldn't you be?"

"Fear is often what keeps us alive, Miss Nettleton."

Sarah felt her heart sink. Not here, not in her peaceful sanctuary when she thought she might be figuring things out. Again, Zoe froze. She grabbed Sarah's hand. "Being with you is not always a good thing," she whispered. "You attract trouble."

Sarah considered calling Zoe a few the names she had learned from watching late night TV but decided that the newest arrival to their party wouldn't approve. She instead forced a grin and turned to face him. "Hello Professor."

Abydos smiled his deceitful smile and nodded. "I stopped by to see how my favorite student was doing," he said looking her up and down. "I find you speaking of fear and I wonder."

"I fine really," she said shaking her head at him and walking off toward camp. Zoe's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that Sarah just blew off the scariest teacher at Dragon's Wood.

"She's got a lot on her mind Professor," said Zoe after swallowing a time or two.

"Don't apologize for your friend Miss Turner, she has a right to be angry with the world and apparently me."

This frightened Zoe more. She swallowed additionally. "Shall we go after her?"

"I think that would be best."

Zoe hesitated and then started after Sarah, she could feel Abydos following closely. She didn't know what to say to him, so she chose to remain silent. All she had wanted to do when she started Dragon's Wood is to be trained up as an ordinary witch like her mother and have fun, blend in with the rest of the students. She never wanted to get close to any teachers or certainly spend anytime outside of school with them, thank you very much Sarah Nettleton. Of course, she had no idea when she helped to keep her best friends identity from her for eleven years that she would end up being anything or anyone special. Or did she? Zoe had thought about this a lot lately. She was remembering conversations overheard when she was little and things that she had read and she was beginning to wonder.


Zoe had wondered herself into Sarah who had stopped at the edge of the encampment. Abydos wasn't the only unexpected visitor there.

"Professor, sir," she swallowed hard, "I can't believe you came all the way to Arizona-"

Killainka didn't let her finish her sentence; he stretched his legs out and beckoned her to come sit next to him. "Even for an old man such as myself, Arizona is a short distance to seek someone you care for."

Sarah stood staring at him for a moment and then approached cautiously. "You, I, but Professor I'm only one student. Haven't I been trouble enough?" Sarah sat next to him and sighed deeply.

"You think I wouldn't do as much for Miss Turner or Mr. Radcliff?"

Zoe cringed at the mention of her name and looked to her right to find Abydos now standing next to her. "Kill me now," whispered Zoe. She was sure she heard Abydos chuckle, but dared not look.

Sarah glanced up at Zoe and then shook her head. "I know Professor, it's just," she paused and looked around at the encampment. "It's beginning to look like a faculty meeting around here."

Killainka chuckled and put one arm around her. "You've been through a lot these last few months, we're just here to show our support." Then he smiled widely and sat up straight. "Not to mention that this all took place on Dragon's Wood grounds, I mean if we were to be derelict in regards to your recovery, it could come back to us in the long run. Your mother is a lawyer after all."

Sarah looked at him and then shook her head. "You're teasing me right?" Killainka laughed, Sarah sighed and rose to her feet. The elderly Professor looked at the others and then Sarah.

"Miss Turner, I think it's time we showed Professor Abydos what we've been up to, don't you?" said Chalipun rising to her feet. Zoe looked confused and then like a light bulb had gone off.

"Oh right ma'am, we need to amscray."

Sarah closed her eyes and laughed. Professor Chalipun grabbed Zoe by the arm. "Yes Zoe, amscray, we'll be back Professor. Coming Romulus?" she said winking at Abydos who was still staring blankly. Apparently, he didn't speak pig Latin. He eventually followed. They were soon alone in the campsite.

Sarah watched as Killainka stretched out his legs on the short three-legged canvas chair he sat on. "You'd think I'd been squashed in the back seat of a station wagon for a fifteen hour trip of something," he complained.

"Professor, why have you come?" asked Sarah solemnly.

Killainka drew a deep breath. "I wish you believed that I just came to visit." Sarah didn't respond. "Aw well, that is not to happen." He rose to his feet and approached the fire that constantly burned in the center of the camp. "I've told Professor Chalipun that I feel it is no longer safe for you to be here. The Department has not been able to track down all of the people responsible,"

"She's not coming for me," Sarah spoke in an even tone.

The Professor stopped talking and turned. "What?"

"Michayla, she's not coming for me," repeated Sarah.

He stared at her for a moment, shook his head, and chuckled softly. "Why am I worried about you?" He stepped forward and lifted her chin with the tips of his fingers.

Sarah looked into his eyes and felt things she'd never felt before when he had been near her. It was warmth and caring, but so much more, it was as if he was a part of her. Then as though he sensed she was feeling this he pulled back, as if he had touch a flame. "What? Sir?" He had turned away. Sarah reached out for him, but was afraid to touch him. Her frustration grew. "Professor, ever since . . . you know . . ." Sarah stopped and Killainka turned. She found the strength she needed in his eyes. "Ever since I tried to kill Dillon and Professor Radcliff." The Professor stepped forward, shaking his head.

"Sarah, you have to know that you were not in control," Sarah backed off and cut him short.

"Stop, let me finish." Killainka did as he was told. "Ever since I tried to kill them, I've been more and more convinced that I'm here for a propose and that you're not willing to tell me that propose. That's fine, I'll deal with that for the moment." Killainka smiled. "I just don't understand why I can't know anything, if it's seems that I do know some things, whether you know it or like it."

Killainka drew in a deep breath and contemplated his hands for a moment. "She's your Great-Grand Mother," he said quietly.

Sarah's eyes widened. She reached across and grabbed his hands. Whoosh! Sarah knew where she was, but it was different some how, it was newer, not as lived in. It was the seventh greenhouse at Dragon's Wood the one her and Eric had visited on Valentines Day. In the corner, by the lilies was a woman with long strawberry blond hair and eyes that looked like hers, laughing and singing to herself. It was Jessica Bellarmine. Sarah recognized her from the portrait that hung in the common room of the Bellarmine dormitory. Sarah gasped and gripped him tighter, she wanted to know more. She heard another voice, a man's voice but she couldn't see who it was. She stretched out to see, but the vision was gone.

Sarah drew in a deep breath and released him. She looked into his eyes and stepped back. "No!"

"Sarah, it's all right." He said reaching out for her.

"No!" she repeated, "No, I mean, I'm okay, I'm just confused."

The Professor smiled and nodded. "In time all will be clear."

Sarah hated phrases like these, but she nodded anyway, tears pooling in her eyes. "Is this why, why they're after me?"

He stepped foreword and put his arms around her again. Sarah was sure that he was capable of blocking her out, for this time she was unable to read anything from him. "It's part of it, yes. For now you'll have to trust me on the rest."

Sarah nodded, and then she screwed up her face. "Professor, how can I be her Great-Grand Daughter? I mean who?"

"In time little one, in time."

Sarah wasn't sure she was feeling any better; in fact, she thought perhaps she was more frustrated in a way, but she had an answer. This explained a few things. Why she looked like her. Why she could sense her, why she had helped her. "So you're here to take us home?"

"Are you ready to go home?"

Sarah looked at him curiously, all the days' events now passing through her head. How did he know? "Yeah I think I am."

"I supposed I shouldn't have worried." Killainka stood next to Professor Chalipun and watched Sarah and Zoe talking beside the largest tent.

"She's stronger than we think and yet," she shook her head slowly.

"What is it Priscilla?" he asked surveying her face.

"I'm worried about her connection with the girl."

Killainka turned and as he did Sarah turned and faced them both. Their eyes met and she smiled. "I know," he said nodding and returning her smile. "I fear what lies ahead, if we cannot break it."