The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/27/2004
Updated: 08/09/2005
Words: 37,732
Chapters: 6
Hits: 2,644

The Dreamkeeper's Secret

T Proctor

Story Summary:
The third part of the Dreamwalker series. Sarah battles with the aftermath of her experiences with the Dreamwalkers in her second year at Dragon’s Wood. She takes a trip to the desert, meets a young Jesse McCade, and faces her demons. She finds out some new things about what she can do, meets some new people, makes some new friends, and participates in intramural games. However, it’s finding the secret locked away in someone’s dream that will be the key to her whole year.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Sarah takes a trip to the Arizona Desert to find peace and finds it in the most peculiar way. Again, I'd like to thank The Annoying One for letting me include his character Jesse McCade in this story. Check out his AU story Year V found here http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/The_Annoying_One/ if you're interested in more about Jesse.

Chapter Three Jesse McCade

Zoe threw her bags in the back of Eric's car and then herself into the front seat. "Have you even seen her since you saw that shrink person of hers?" asked Zoe after Eric slid in next to her.

"Yeah, I've seen her," answered Eric in a tone that reminded Zoe that it was probably none of her business.

"And?" Eric started the car and turned to look at his sister.

"And," he repeated in an irritated tone. "We had a nice conversation about pesky baby sisters." Zoe scowled and slapped Eric on the arm. Eric grinned and begun to back the car out of the driveway. "You know you're going to miss me greatly while you're in Arizona," he continued as they pulled out into the street and headed down it.

Zoe was quite sure that she was going to miss her big brother, but she knew this was something she had to do for Sarah. Besides, traipsing around in the desert with her favorite Professor, with her best friend for four weeks didn't sound all that bad.

Moreover, she was going to get to use magic outside of Dragon's Wood. "It couldn't get much better than that," she thought as they pulled into the cul de sac where Sarah's father lived. Her and Sarah had all ready endured four lectures from their parents about how they were not to abuse this privilege. (Zoe noticed that both sets of parents seemed to spend a great deal of time looking at her.)

Zoe felt the butterflies returning to her stomach as they pulled into the driveway. Eric's hand slipped across the car seat and took his sister's. "It's going to be all right sis." Zoe didn't turn, she sighed and nodded her head. She knew it was going to be all right, somewhere deep in her heart, but there was a part of her that still wasn't sure.

"Mom, dad, they're here!!" Sarah jumped up from her position by the window and bounded across the living room. Elizabeth and John Nettleton emerged from the kitchen in response to their offspring's cries. "Zoe and Eric are here," she announced loudly.

"All right pumpkin," responded her father. "It's not as though they haven't been here before." He chuckled slightly at the disgruntled look he now received from his daughter.

"Oh dad!" moaned Sarah rolling her eyes and looking at her mother. "Mom," she whined.

"Now John, she's just excited," said Elizabeth with a giggle. She placed an arm around Sarah and pulled her in tight. "Come on let's go get Zoe."

Zoe looked at Sarah's portable CD player and sighed. "I can't believe that we can't even bring along music." Sarah giggled and rolled over on her bed.

"I dunno, Professor Chalipun said I could bring along my piano if I wanted to." Zoe rolled her eyes and plopped down next to her. "Zoe it's going to be a blast really." But Zoe wasn't convinced and she could tell Sarah wasn't either by the tone in her voice.

"So, where exactly is it that we're going?" asked Zoe looking up at the ceiling.

"Not sure. All I know for sure is that tomorrow we're taking a port key to a place called Indian Wells, Arizona. Professor Chalipun says we're going to pick up supplies, horses and a guide there that's going to help us on our journey," explained Sarah. Zoe rolled over and screwed up her face at Sarah.

"Indian Wells, huh?" Sarah nodded. "Well I've never been to Arizona," admitted Zoe. Sarah giggled. There was a long silence and then Zoe rolled back and stared at the ceiling again. "Sarah?" Sarah hummed a positive response. "Are things ever going to be normal again?"

Sarah felt her emotions up heave, but she managed to keep hold of herself. She rolled over, sat up, and swung her legs off the bed. "I can't imagine that things could ever be "normal" around you Zoe Turner." Zoe forced a laugh, but she knew that this was Sarah's way of avoiding the question. "Come on, we better get some sleep. We have to get up very early tomorrow."


"David Screaming Eagle?" said Zoe who was laughing hysterically.

"Shhh!" scowled Sarah. "He'll hear you. Or worse Professor Chalipun will hear you." Zoe tried to stifle her laughter; Sarah gave her a swift kick behind her back.

"Ouch!" Professor Chalipun sighed deeply and looked across the corral at the girls. The tall thin Native American man standing next to her chuckled softly.

"They have a lot to learn Professor." He spoke softly and he faced away from them as he spoke. Professor Chalipun smiled.

"I seem to remember another young man who we felt the same way about." David Screaming Eagle blushed. Professor Chalipun turned and faced Zoe and Sarah. "They're going to be just fine. They just need your special touch." With this remark, they both chuckled.

"We'll stay here tonight," he said pointing to the cabins behind the barn. "We'll start for Keams Canyon in the morning." Chalipun nodded, and then looked across to Zoe and Sarah who were looking a bit more subdued now that they were admiring the horses. "So she's the one?"

"Yes," answered the Professor simply. "I'm counting on you're help to keep her safe."

"That won't be a problem," he assured her.

Sarah lay on her bunk and thought about the last words her parents said to her just before the living room disappeared. Final wishes of love and encouragement. Her father always knew the right thing to say and of course mom was just mom. Since Sarah's return from Dragon's Wood, she had felt more in control of her emotions and herself than she had in a long time, but she still felt the underlying doubt.

She had battled the demons in her head and won, even if it had only been in her head. She felt like she could do it again. She rolled over and looked at Zoe, sleeping soundly next to her. Could she? Could she be drawn into the game again?

"Sarah, you should get some sleep." Sarah looked across the cabin to see Professor Chalipun sitting quietly in a corner. The oil lamp that hung on the cabin wall illuminated her face.

"I know. I guess I'm just excited," Sarah lied. It wasn't exactly a lie. She was excited about her journey, but she was just as anxious about it. Professor Chalipun smiled.

"You have come a long way from where you were a short time ago Sarah Nettleton. You need to allow yourself to go into this journey with confidence."

Sarah sighed and nodded. "Professor I have so many questions. Things that I've wanted to know for a while now. Questions about who am I." She paused. "Will any of those questions be answered?"

Professor Chalipun turned to look into the flame of the lantern. "It is not for me to say what will and will not be answered Sarah." Sarah looked over at the Professor and shook her head.

"Sometimes I don't feel as though I get a straight answer out of you or Professor Semiramise at all ma'am," she said sounding a bit frustrated. Chalipun chuckled.

"I suppose I would feel that way if I were you." Chalipun continued to stare into the flames. "But when the time is right, all that you need to know, you will know." Professor Chalipun reached up and turned the flame down on the lantern. Sarah knew that it was her way of ending the conversation.

She rolled over and drew a deep breath. Since her and Horatio had left Dragon's Wood, she hadn't been able to get Jessica Bellarmine out of her head. She had revisited a conversation that she had had with Professor Killainka in her mind and her curiosity was once again getting the better of her. "Why do I look like Jessica Bellarmine?" Sarah closed her eyes and thought about Professor Killainka. She was soon drifting off to sleep.


It was a chaotic morning where Zoe managed to fall off her horse twice before they actually got on their way. It wasn't as thought they hadn't ever been on horses. They had both been to camp several years in a row when they were in primary school. Professor Chalipun suspected it had something to do with the David Screaming Eagle's sparkling blue eyes.

"I've never seen an Indian with blue eyes," whispered Zoe to Sarah when they had gotten their first good close up look of David the following morning. It seems that he was a striking young man with long black hair. Sarah shook her head and elbowed Zoe.

"Native American," she whispered back crossly.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry for not being politically correct. Anyway, he's cute don't you think." Sarah rolled her eyes and giggled.

It didn't take Sarah long to fall in love with the Appaloosa that she had been given to ride. Even Zoe, riding a fine Pinto, seemed to be having a good time after her two spills. When they made their first stop for lunch, Sarah did her best to ignore her complaints. "My butt hurts and we've only been riding for five hours. Jeez, can you imagine what it's going to be like by the time we get to where ever it is we're going," complained Zoe. Sarah laughed and shook her head.

"I love you Zoe," she said after taking a bite of her sandwich.

"And man it's like the fricking army." Zoe stood and crinkled up her face. " Zoe feed and water your horse first. You need to take care of your animal, so he will take care of you," she said imitating David and rolling her eyes. "Did I say I thought he was cute this morning? What was I thinking?" She plopped down next to Sarah and grabbed her sandwich. Sarah giggled. Zoe continued to mumble. "Brown bread, no mayo, and not a chip in sight."

"You'll survive Zoe." Sarah leaned over and put an arm around her friends shoulder. "Just think of the stories you can tell everyone when we get back to school." Zoe's eyes began to widen. "And I'll back up anything you say." Zoe's eyes grew wider and then she looked across at Professor Chalipun.

"Yeah but the Professor won't," she said with a pout.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," said Sarah looking up and meeting Chalipun's eyes, Chalipun winked. Zoe looked from Sarah to the Professor and then shook her head.

"You two can be very scary you know that." Sarah giggled again as Zoe continued. "I just keep telling myself that I'm doing this for you. I'll be all right." Sarah sighed and looked down at the ground. Zoe felt like a heel. "Crap, sorry sis."

"It's all right, it is why we're here. I'm not forgetting that." Zoe nodded and shoved the other half of her sandwich in her mouth, perhaps she felt it was safer that way. Sarah smiled and continued with her own sandwich.

"Another fifteen minutes and we'll be on our way again girls." It was David Screaming Eagle and he was standing over them and spouting instructions. Zoe scowled.

"Girls?" she said as soon as he walked away. "Girls," she repeated indignantly. Sarah shook her head.

"Zoe, we are girls. We're only thirteen, and I'm not even that yet," proposed Sarah.

"We're teenagers. You're close enough, I just had my birthday, and he doesn't have to be so patronizing," moaned Zoe. Sarah giggled. "Besides, with everything that you've been through, no one should be looking down at you or treating you like a child." Sarah turned and glared at Zoe and even she knew she had gone too far.

"I don't want to be treated differently because of what happened to me Zoe," answered Sarah raising her voice. Zoe backed up. Chalipun sighed and then leaned forward.

"Ladies, I believe that if you're finished with your lunch we can be on our way now." Sarah turned to look at the Professor and nodded. She looked at Zoe, opened her mouth to apologize and then Sarah shook her head.

"No, don't I shouldn't have--"

"Okay girls if you're through sniping at each other," interrupted David. Sarah and Zoe both turned to him and gave him a look of contempt. However, at that moment they were on the same side again. "It's time to get back on the trail."

Sarah listened to Zoe mumble the rest of the afternoon and on into the night. She complained about everything, up until she fell asleep next to her in their tiny tent. Sarah snuck out and enjoyed a bit more of the starlit night before giving in herself the first night. By the second night she was even able to convince Zoe of it's beauty. She did suspect all along though that her best friend was completely full of crap and enjoying every moment of their trip.

By the time they reached Keams Canyon and had set up their permanent camp, Zoe and David Screaming Eagle going at each other the whole time, she was sure that on at least one level Zoe was having a great time. She just had to convince Zoe of it.

"Oh get off it Zoe, we've only been out here for a week. Besides, the food's been rather good, the air is incredible, I've been able to think more clear than I have in months." Sarah had convinced Zoe to go on a hike with her because she was driving Professor Chalipun and David crazy pacing around the camp.

"It's easy for you to say," complained Zoe as they walked along. "You and the Professor have been meditating and exploring half the time." She made a very unpleasant face. "I've had nothing to do but hang out with David."

Sarah laughed. "Yeah I'm sure you're very upset about that," she said sarcastically.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" asked Zoe slapping Sarah across the arm.

"Well, he isn't bad on the eyes now is he?" answered Sarah with a giggle.

"He's like twenty five or something Sarah," complained Zoe. "Besides I've been writing to Jeffrey all summer. He'd have a cow if he knew I was even looking at other boys." Sarah's mouth dropped open and she stopped.

"You've been what?"

"Oh shut up!" said Zoe turning red. She turned to walk away but Sarah grabbed her arm. "I can't help it. He was really there for me when you went away, you know, to the clinic." Sarah smiled and drew Zoe into a hug. She felt tears pooling in her eyes. "Don't start that sappy stuff."

"Sorry, it's just that despite all this and Horatio, I'm still on edge," confessed Sarah. She felt the wand in the pocket of her jacket and thought of how true this statement was. They had been allowed to bring them on the pretense that Professor Chalipun might need to teach Sarah something. However, Sarah knew that was bunk. She knew that there was still danger. There were still Dreamwalker's, and they were still out there, and so was she.

"I know what you're thinking about and you need to stop," said Zoe watching her eyes. "They're not going to let anything happen to you." Sarah drew a deep breath and focused on Zoe.

"Do you know why?" Zoe looked taken aback.

"What do you mean?" she asked her face turning red.

Sarah surveyed her expression. "Do you know why they're protecting me?"

Zoe turned and walked a few paces away. "Well, I suppose they'd hate to have to explain to your mother about you getting killed or something," she explained awkwardly. "That's a stupid question Sarah. They don't want anyone to get killed." She turned back and huffed. "I'm hungry and I'm really tired of dried beef and fish. What I'd give right now for some pizza." Sarah looked at Zoe irritated. She had worked herself up into a frenzied state and was very upset with Zoe that she was more interested in pizza than her present state of mind. She turned and started to walk off. Zoe threw her hands up "Shit," she said knowing that she was being obnoxious and unfeeling. She started to go after her when she saw a flash of light beside her and heard a voice.

Sarah who had had too many experiences with flashes of light lately swung around and pulled her wand. Zoe jumped and let out a small scream. On the other side of a group of tall bushes came the voice of a young man. "Okay, Joscoe . . .next time I say we're eating out . . . please don't take us to Sydney." A soft, muffled meow followed the male voice and then a teenaged boy, with long dark brown hair and green eyes, emerged from the bushes carrying a large pizza box and preceded by a cat that had a rather large fish in his mouth. They both stopped when confronted by Sarah brandishing her wand with Zoe and stared at them.

"G'day," he said as though it were nothing to come across two girls in the desert, one of them pointing a stick in a threatening way. Zoe looked at the cat, the fish, and then the Pizza box.

"You've got Pizza!" she exclaimed excitedly. "How the hell did you get pizza out here?"

The young man looked at Zoe curiously and then back to Sarah. Zoe reached up and lowered Sarah's arm. "Sarah you're going to get us in trouble," she whispered. However, Sarah had a look of terror on her face.

"Who are you?" she asked raising her arm again. The young man smiled slyly. Zoe stepped forward and in between Sarah's wand and the boy.

"Sorry my friend's gone quite mad. She thinks she's the fairy godmother. If you hang around long enough, she might grant you three wishes." Zoe giggled uncomfortably, took Sarah's arm, and began to pull her away. "Come on Sarah Dr. Kincaid will make it all better." Sarah wouldn't budge.

The young man began to chuckle. Zoe was feeling very uncomfortable and was about to run off for the Professor when the cat suddenly dropped his fish and began rubbing himself on Sarah's legs. Sarah looked down and after a moment or two of listening to him purr, lowered her wand. She reached down to pet him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," warned the stranger. Sarah stopped and looked up at the boy with a glare. " Jesse McCade," he said looking Sarah up and down. Sarah stood. "May I at least know the name of the person who is threatening to fry me?" Sarah's glare softened into a smile.

"Sarah Nettleton," she answered. She extended her hand and a moment later the young man reluctantly took it. Whoosh! Sarah took two steps back, the pain was unbearable, and she could hear laughter. She released the boy's hand and regained her composure. Zoe examined her expression and then the young man. It was obvious that he didn't know what she had seen. Zoe opted to let it go. She stepped forward and extended her hand now.

"Zoe Turner and how do you know, I mean," stumbled Zoe.

"That she's a witch," finished Jesse. He turned and started to walk away. "Well I'd rather be a illusionist in Vegas but unfortunately I'm a wizard." Zoe and Sarah looked at each other and then Zoe took off after him.

"What do you mean you're a wizard?" asked Zoe following close behind. (In truth she was really after the pizza.) Jesse stopped, causing Zoe to nearly run into him, and turned.

"I suppose you go to Dragon's Wood," he said in a condescending tone. Zoe looked highly offended.

"Of course I do, as if it's any of your business," she retaliated.

"If you're a wizard why don't you?" asked Sarah suspiciously, she had still not put away her wand. Jesses turned toward Zoe.

"Because I go to the Salem Center back east," he explained with a smirk.

"Oh I've heard of that," answered Zoe with a hint of sarcasm. "It's where the elite crowd send their spoiled offspring." Jesse glared at Zoe for a moment and then began to chuckle.

"Touché." He looked down at Joscoe who had once again begun to intertwine himself in Sarah's legs. "It seems my cat has taken a liking to you."

Sarah looked down at Joscoe as well and for the first time since Jesse's arrival relaxed a bit. "He's cute," she said kneeling down to pet the purring calico. Jesse thought about repeating his warning but Sarah had already placed a hand on Joscoe's back. "Why did you try to stop me from petting him before?" she asked after she had been stroking his fur for a few minutes. Jesse looked at Sarah and then Zoe.

"Well, Joscoe has a special skill that makes him dangerous to touch at times," explained Jesse.

"Oh, that. Well he's not going anywhere right now. He's tired and he knows you're irritated at him for his trip to Sydney," said Sarah matter-of-factly. Sarah picked up Joscoe and stood. She had retrieved his fish and stowed away her wand. "Our camp is not that far away from here. Would you like something to drink with your pizza?"

Jesse's eyes widened. "Ah, yeah, sure," he said dumb-founded.

"Good cause Joscoe needs some water," said Sarah walking off with the cat. Jesse looked at Zoe. Zoe giggled.

"You get used to it after a while," she said after reading his expression. She turned and began to follow Sarah towards camp. The young man shrugged and began to follow also. "So are you going to tell me how you got the pizza in the middle of the desert?"

"I suppose I'm going to have to tell you over lunch," resigned Jesse.

When they arrived back at camp Professor Chalipun and David were gone. Sarah was sure that this was good, since she was positive David wouldn't consider sharing Jesse's pizza living off the land. Zoe however, felt like it met the entire requirement's he had laid down. They had found it in the dessert, they hadn't had to pay for it or use magic to retrieve it. After all, it wasn't their magic that provided it.

"So, why are you out here in the middle of nowhere?" asked Zoe when they were halfway through the pizza and lemonade. Joscoe had made himself very comfortable beside Sarah and finished off his fish and the bowel of water she had gotten him straight off. He had then spent a good ten minutes grooming and was now fast asleep.

Jesse leaned back against the large stone he was propped up against and frowned. "Parents," he moaned.

"Parents?" asked Zoe with a mouth full of pizza.

"Yeah they're digging again. And for some strange reason they just don't trust me home alone," he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Digging?" repeated Zoe.

"Yeah, they're historians, you know archaeologists," explained Jesse. "They've been given special permission to dig on the Native American Burial ground on the other side of that mountain," he said pointing off toward the west.

"McCade, McCade," repeated Sarah. "Our new History of Magic book author is a McCade. I remember seeing it on the list."

"That's probably them," said Jesse taking another drink of his lemonade. "They've written a few." He rolled his eyes.

"List, you've seen the new book list?" asked Zoe accusingly. Sarah lowered her eyes and continued to stroke Joscoe gently.

"Yes well, Professor Semiramise brought me my letter the first day she came to the house. They were doing everything they could to convince me to come back to school in those days," mumbled Sarah. Zoe sighed.

"So, you didn't want to go back to Dragon's Wood this year?" he asked watching her with his cat. Sarah nodded silently. Joscoe rolled over on his back and Sarah begun to rub his belly. "Do you mind if I ask why?"

"That's a very personal question for someone who you just met in the desert twenty minutes ago don't you think?" intervened Zoe. Sarah shifted uncomfortably. Jesse held up his hand.

" 'Salright, it's cool. You don't have to answer I was just curious." He leaned forward and plucked the last piece of pizza. Sarah placed Joscoe gently off onto the ground, got to her feet and walked to the edge of the creek that bordered their camp. Zoe shot Jesse a dirty look. "How was I supposed to know? As you so eloquently pointed out, I've only known you twenty minutes." He leaned into his rock and took a bite of his pizza. Zoe drew a deep breath and sighed. He was right and it was irritating.

"You know," she said standing up. "You're annoying." Jesse grinned over the top of his pizza at her. " And I like it," she added smiling. She walked over to where Sarah stood and put her hand on her shoulder. "Hey I thought you said a little while ago you were feeling better."

"I'm fine. I guess I'm just contemplating his question," offered Sarah.

"You've been through a lot Sarah. No one blames you for doubts." Sarah turned and hugged Zoe tightly taking her quite by surprise. Jesse leaned over and rubbed Joscoe behind the ears. The calico had simply rolled over on the spot Sarah had sat him and gone back to sleep.

"Strange lot we've stumbled onto Jos," he said watching Zoe and Sarah. "Two underage witches in the middle of the Arizona dessert, apparently armed and very edgy." Joscoe opened one eye and gave him a slightly irritated glance. "I blame this on you." Joscoe closed his eye, rolled over, and acted as though he could care less that his "master" was irritated at him.

"And who might you be?" Jesse jerked at the sound of the woman's voice and turned to find Professor Chalipun standing over top of him.

"I might be in the wrong camp apparently," he said standing up and bringing a very infuriated pussycat with him. "If there was every a time that you needed a fish," whispered Jesse to Joscoe. However, Joscoe wasn't known for taking his trips at Jesse's convenience. Joscoe rolled his belly up and went back to sleep.

"We met him on our hike Professor," explained Zoe approaching from the side. "His name is Jesse McCade."

A smile blossomed on the Professor's face, as she looked Jesse up and down. "Simone and Devin's boy?" she asked suspiciously. Jesses' eyes widened.

"You know my parents?"

"Yes I know your parents Mr. McCade." She smiled widely and then looked at the empty pizza box. "McNeill's? Good pizza, I especially like his spinach and artichoke with Alfredo sauce," she said turning to walk away. All three teens looked at each other and then the back of the Professors head as she disappeared into the largest tent.

"Who was that?" Jesse asked as soon as he thought she was out of earshot.

"Professor Chalipun," explained Zoe sitting back down and picking up her lemonade. "Guess we're not in trouble for the pizza."

"Suppose," agreed Sarah joining her. Jesse continued to stand flabbergasted.


"Yeah, she teaches transfiguration at Dragon's Wood," said Sarah matter-of-factly.

"All right. You have to admit that you owe me an explanation as to why you're in the middle of the desert with your transfiguration teacher. You did eat half my pizza," said Jesse sitting down on his rock again. Sarah and Zoe both chuckled.

"He's right you know," agreed Sarah. Zoe nodded.

"I suppose. You tell him then, it's your vision quest," decided Zoe. Sarah sighed.


Jesse watched the two girls banter for a moment and then rolled his eyes. "And you said I was annoying." Zoe giggled.

"If it's all right with you, can we just say for right now that I'm sort of taking a long summer school field trip," said Sarah reaching over and taking Joscoe from Jesse once more. McCade gave her a strange look and then watched his cat melt under her touch again.

"Sounds a bit fishy," he said grinning. "Like you're up to something just my kind of people apparently."

Sarah and Zoe giggled. "Well, your pizza saved my life. I've been going crazy. Nothing to do but stare at trees and eat dried things and fish," complained Zoe. Sarah tutted and shook her head.

"Don't start again Zoe. You agreed to do this for me and now you have to stick to it."

"Yeah, but I guess I really wasn't thinking about no TV, no CD's," she pointed at the empty pizza box, "no proper junk food." Sarah shook her head.

"So you're on a summer field trip that requires pain and suffering eh?" asked Jesse with a chuckle.

"Well that's the way Zoe sees it. Actually, we're just supposed to be living off the land. We weren't supposed to bring anything electric with us. All we could bring was our clothes and toothbrushes basically," clarified Sarah.

Jesse made a humming noise. "I see Zoe's point. Sounds like suffering to me." Zoe smiled and threw up her hands.

"Thank you finally someone who speaks my language. You know I grow to like you more each time you open your mouth." Sarah shook her head again.

"You know Sarah, it wouldn't be breaking the rules for you to enjoy my luxuries," started Jesse.

Sarah went to open her mouth in protest and Zoe held her hand up. "Hush, I want to hear what he has to say." Sarah gave them both a dirty look and closed her mouth. "Good, now you," she said pointing at Jesse, "go on."

Jesse chuckled. "Ah, yes, well what I was going to say was, you ate my pizza, and it was obviously all right because you didn't break a rule to get it." Sarah looked toward the tent that Professor Chalipun still occupied and had to admit that she hadn't hit the ceiling about the pizza. "So whose to say that coming back to my camp and listening to my music and enjoying a bit more civilization wouldn't be all right as well."

Zoe beamed at Jesse and then looked to Sarah like a new puppy wanting her mother's approval. Sarah was thinking back to their handshake and wondering about Jesse's motivations. "What's in it for you?" asked Sarah accusingly.

"Other than the fact that I get to show off all of the really cool stuff that I have. I get to spend time with people my age for a change." Sarah continued to look at him like he was lying. "All right, all right, I've been with my parent's for a month now, alone in the middle of the desert. I'm just as anxious for the company," admitted Jesse. Sarah laughed.

"Now I believe you." She turned to walk toward the tents. "Let me make sure it's all right with the Professor." She stopped at the entrance to the Professor's tent and cleared her throat. "Excuse me Professor."

"Come in Sarah," came Chalipun's voice from within. Sarah entered to find the Professor sitting in the corner quietly. "Yes Sarah?"

"I'm sorry," apologized Sarah. Chalipun smiled.

"It's all right Sarah, ask your question," she said rising to her feet and standing next to her.

"Well . . .ah . . . . it's just that," Sarah felt foolish and frustrated by Chalipun's composure.

"I suppose that you and Zoe want to take a trip over to Mr. McCade's encampment," proposed Professor.

Sarah smiled. "Yes. Is that all right ma'am?"

"I suppose that you have worked hard enough to earn a little play time," she said cracking a smile. "I think Mr. McCade may provide you with the entertainment that you need."

Sarah looked at her funny. "Did you know we were going to run into him Professor?"

"Let's just say that everything happens for a reason Sarah. Now go on before he changes his mind," she said returning to her corner. Sarah watched her for a moment and then exited the tent a bit frustrated.

Sarah found that Jesse had given Zoe his portable CD player and which she was enjoying greatly when she returned. Zoe contemplated hiding it, but then opted not to. "Ah, ah, what did she say?" asked Zoe grinning.

"How far is your camp?" asked Sarah ignoring Zoe's stumbling.

"Just over that ridge, close to where you met me," explained Jesse.

"Well let's go then. I can't stay long, although I reckon Zoe doesn't have to get back as quickly as I do," moaned Sarah.

Zoe grinned from ear to ear and hopped to her feet. "I'm out of here," she said heading off that way. Jesse chuckled and then looked at Sarah.

"Shall we?" Sarah nodded and then watched Joscoe started after Zoe as if beckoning her to follow. She of course did. Jesse rose to his feet and joined her. After they had walked awhile, Zoe still listening to Jesse's CD player, he started a conversation. "So what grade are you in at Dragon's Wood?"

"Eighth, well we will be this year," said Sarah. "You?"

"Same," answered Jesse.

Sarah nodded. "Your school doesn't participate in the Inter Mural's does it?"

Jesse shook his head. "No, we're not large enough. You play Quidditch?"

Zoe had caught this part of the conversation. "Hell yeah she does. She the best Beater in North America and we'll be proving that this year!"

"Oh shut up Zoe," said Sarah coldly. They climbed a small hill and emerged at the edge of an encampment. There were several large tents centered on a very large recreational vehicle. Sarah was never so glad of anything. She turned to Jesse. "Your camp?"

"Ah, yeah," he said looking from Sarah to Zoe. "Home sweet home," he said with a great deal of sarcasm in his voice.

Sarah smiled. "Well, I've learned a lot lately about being happy where ever you are." She looked around. She was remembering St Michael's vividly. "Look's wonderful to me."

Jesse looked at her oddly as she started down the slope. Zoe gave him an "I'd rather not say" look and a shrug and then followed her. Jesse started after them, wondering to himself what he had got himself into.

"So," said Jesse sitting across from Sarah in the RV. Zoe was lying on the small couch, watching television and drinking Dr Pepper while Sarah held Joscoe in her lap and talked to Jesse on the other side of the middle section of the vehicle. "You're really not going to tell me anything about your self."

"Not much to tell," announced Sarah looking around. "Besides I'm not the one with the familiar apparating in and out of the desert with pizza," said Sarah giving him a knowing look.

Jesse snorted. "Well, at least I'm out here with my parents and not my Transfiguration teacher," retorted Jesse.

"True." She adjusted Joscoe in her lap and chuckled at Zoe who had rolled over with this last comment and had nearly fallen off the small couch. Sarah drew a deep breath. "Let's just say I'm a little on the melancholy side these days. Professor Chalipun is not your ordinary Transfiguration teacher; she's a Native American Shaman. She's trying to help me find myself, sort things out."

"Oh?" said Jesse not sure what else to say.

"Yeah, well her and there's an obnoxious shrink that shows up on a regular basis that I'm not sure I'd be alive without," muttered Sarah with a soft laugh. Zoe frowned.

"You're scaring him," she announced from the other side of the room.

"Takes a lot to scare me," he assured her, his expression not changing much. "Parent's have drug me through a bit."

Sarah remembered the pain she had felt from him when she had touched his hand earlier and wondered what his parent's had drug him through. "You know we're supposed to be enjoying your luxuries and we're doing nothing but talking about the depressing disposition of my life." Sarah pushed Joscoe gently to the floor and stood. She walked toward the door. "So where's the hot tub?"

Sarah listened to Zoe ramble on and on to Professor Chalipun and David all through diner about Jesse and his camp, rolling her eyes most of the time. However, when it all came down to it, she had to admit she had had a good time. It had been a welcomed break from the routine they had fallen into since they had arrived in Arizona.

Not that Sarah wasn't enjoying her trip and the time she was spending with the Professor and Zoe. So far, though she couldn't really say that she could see the point of being there. All being alone in the desert with no TV, telephones, movies or music had done was given her more time to dwell on what happened at Dragon's Wood.

She missed her Mom and Dad and she missed Eric, especially now that he had stopped popping into her dreams. Sarah felt a pang of guilt. She knew that Eric shouldn't have been there, it wasn't a good thing, the Dreamwalking. She hadn't figured it all out yet, but she knew that part. She knew that pulling other people into her dreams was not something she should be doing.

"Earth to Sarah," said Zoe waving her hand in front of her face.

Sarah looked up at Zoe and frowned. "Leave me alone, I'm daydreaming about life without you."

"I know that's not true," said Zoe sitting on her. Sarah pushed her onto the ground.

"Anyone ever told you you're annoying?" asked Sarah not allowing her to answer. "Oh wait, yes I have!"

Zoe laughed loudly and picked herself up. "You know you love me."


"Come on lets go water the horses before crazy legs yells at us," said Zoe sarcastically.

Sarah chuckled. "All right," she said pushing off the ground.

Sarah followed along and they were soon feeding and watering the horses. Sarah had continued to be quiet, despite Zoe's attempt's to prod her. "You know I really wish things would just get back to normal," she finally moaned softly collapsing next to the horses.

Sarah watched her sit on the ground and felt both guilt and anger. "Normal? What the hell are you talking about Zoe? Haven't you figured it out? Things are never going to be normal for me again!" Sarah kicked the dirt and stormed off a few paces.

Zoe started to rise and go after her, but she didn't know what to say or do and frankly, she had just about had enough too. "Sarah Jane!" she called frustrated. "I don't know a damn thing! You haven't let anyone in." She drew a deep breath. "Do you think the teachers told us anything? Do you think that Eric confided in me? They kept him and Dillon locked away in the infirmary as long as they could and then neither one of them said anything that didn't sound scripted or wasn't said in anger."

Sarah turned and looked at Zoe, her face red, but no tears. "I can't imagine that you didn't hear anything. I mean at the clinic you all looked as though you knew everything."

Zoe sighed. "You can be the most frustrating person."

"Look who's talking?"

They both glared at each silently for what seemed like an eternity. "Well?"

Sarah shook her head. "Do you really want to know?" Zoe contemplated this question. Did she? She nodded slowly. Sarah swallowed hard and kicked up some additional dust. "Do you remember what you read in the library that night just before things really started to fall apart?" Zoe nodded her face twisting into a scowl. "Think about it Zoe, think about the dark magic."

Zoe didn't want to. "Sarah, you can't convince me that you're into dark magic. Even Professor Killainka said-"

"Zoe, listen! It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers!" Sarah huffed. "Okay, remember the original Star Wars, when Alec Guinness tells the stupid Empire guards 'These aren't the droids you want' and they repeat it?" Zoe nodded. "It's like that. Except the Dreamwalker's take over not just your mind and get you to say and think something, but they take over your soul and get you to think and do something."

Zoe was shaking. "Sarah, I don't understand."

"Look Zoe, I told you, you didn't want to know." Sarah started to walk away again but Zoe shouted at her and she stopped.

"You're wrong! I do! You don't know what it was like when we were locked down in the dormitory." Zoe had tears in her eyes now. "First we heard you had killed Professor Ratcliff and Dillon and then we heard that you were dead." Zoe was close to hysterics. "It was hours before Professor Quigley finally brought us all to the common room and explained the little they would tell us. That no one was killed, that you were quite ill and Eric and Dillon had been injured. That someone had been arrested and then finally that Michayla had somehow fled the school."

Sarah turned on her heals and faced the frantic Zoe. She had managed not to think about Michayla for a long time. Her hand went to her head automatically. "Sarah, are you alright?" Sarah nodded. Zoe finally stood and went to her friend. "I shouldn't have started all this."

"No, it's okay," said Sarah bringing her hand down. "I just hadn't thought, I mean really thought about all of this since I left the clinic." Sarah looked up and saw the fear in Zoe's eyes. "You're never going to see me as you did before."

"That's not true," assured Zoe. "You'll always be my best friend."

"But I'm not the same."

"It doesn't matter." Zoe grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

Sarah felt the pain within her friend. This newfound skill was much stronger since her encounter with the Dreamwalker's. Her senses had heightened nearly ten fold. She had thought about this a lot since she had touched Jesse and felt his pain. She hated this part of it sometimes. However, Professor Semiramise said that she could learn to block this out, control it and she imaged someday use it to her advantage. Sarah drew a deep breath. Had that been a dark thought?

Zoe pulled back and looked into Sarah's eyes. "You need to stop worrying about everything. Even if you are not the same, even if you are something special, someone different, you are still my best friend. And you're not evil and you won't ever be."

Sarah nodded at Zoe and then taking her by the arm led her to a place to sit. "I still think I don't remember everything, but when we, Horatio and I went to Dragon's Wood, remember I told you," Zoe nodded as she sat on the ground next to Sarah. "Most of what I hadn't remembered to that point came back to me."

"Eric told me that the Dreamwalker's made you take Dillon to the catacombs again," said Zoe in almost a whisper.

Sarah nodded. "You remember what I was like at that point. It was like it wasn't even me. I don't know why they didn't lock me up. I was dangerous, and I really think they knew it. You know it Zoe, you can't tell me you didn't."

Zoe whimpered slightly. "I didn't want to believe it, maybe they didn't either."

"Professor Killainka said they wanted to believe they had it under control." Sarah paused. "I think they wanted me to overcome it, and I think they wanted to catch who was behind it and it just got away from them."

"Michayla," whispered Zoe.

Sarah sighed and shook her head. "You know, despite it all, I still feel sorry for her."

"What?" Zoe screamed. "If it wasn't for her none of this would have happened!"

"You're wrong, Zoe. Don't you see? She's just another pawn, just another me. She hasn't yet figured it all out, learned what she can do and what to do with it." Sarah paused and looked at her bewildered best friend. "It's just that instead of having teachers, parents and friends pulling her away from the dark side, she has people telling her to use it."

Zoe stared at Sarah open mouthed. "But Sarah she, she tried to kill you!"

"Yes and I, I have a feeling, a very strong feeling that one day I will have to kill her."

Author notes: Sorry there has been a large gap in posting but I broke my hand and haven't been able to work. Hopefully I will be back on track now.