

Story Summary:
New History of Magic Professor Hermione Granger goes against popular opinion in defending Snape, and finds more than she bargained for. Complete.

Chapter 02 - First Day

Chapter Summary:
After a brief skirmish at dinner, Hermione spends the evening with Remus.
Author's Note:
Thanks to the best Britpicker in the world: Black Vengeance.


First Day

"How was your first day?" Remus asked, taking the seat beside Hermione at the Head table.

"Fun!" Hermione enthused. "I mean, we didn't really cover anything today, but I think everyone's really excited about some of the things I have planned. I'm going to have the fourth-years put together a dramatic re-enactment of the trial of the Pendle witches."

"The entire fourth year?" Remus raised his eyebrows

"Yes, I think the Houses should be encouraged to work together more," Hermione said, digging into her bean salad.

"Good luck on that," Remus said.

"Hi," Angelina said, breathing heavily as she plopped down next to Hermione. She had apparently just been flying: she had goggles pushed up onto her forehead, one hand was still clad in a leather glove, her cheeks were red, and a whiff of cold air and fresh greenery hung about her.

"You didn't have to rush, there's plenty for everyone," Hermione teased.

"Argh, I know, I hate always being late!" Angelina griped, tucking right in to the scalloped potatoes. "I just want to grab a bite so I can get back out there before the sun sets. I promised Halloway I'd give her a few pointers on her flying tonight."

"Halloway?" Hermione queried.

"Hufflepuff Captain," Angelina answered around a mouthful of potatoes. "Nice girl, brilliant aim, just completely insecure."

"You're right about her aim," Remus interjected with a grin. "She managed to disarm me once last year when we were practicing the Expelliarmus!"

"Well, that wouldn't be difficult," a deep, velvety voice drawled from a little farther down the table on the other side of Angelina. The three of them turned to see Snape neatly impale a slice of potato with his fork and raise it to his thin, colorless lips.

"You've never managed it, Severus," Remus said cheerfully.

"You've never faced me, Lupin," Snape replied calmly, allowing his tongue to curl around the name in a very nearly obscene way.

"Nor would I wish to," Remus returned deferentially.

"Wise answer." Snape continued to chew his food in silence, his gaze fixed out somewhere in the middle of the Great Hall, which was by now filled with boisterous students.

"He just gets nicer every year," Angelina murmured to Hermione and Remus.

"He's had a difficult journey." Remus shrugged apologetically.

"So have you!" Hermione replied indignantly. "I'm sorry," she quickly amended, placing her hand on Remus's shoulder.

"It's quite all right," Remus said with a sad smile, patting her hand. "I think we all have our full moons to endure, so to speak. But poor Severus has endured more than most . . . and not broken because of it. I think we have to give him that."

"If that one ain't broken, I don't want to know what is," Angelina snorted, then gulped down an entire glass of pumpkin juice in one.

Snots. Stuck-up, patronising, arrogant twits. Bloody Gryffindors.

Finding that his appetite was now completely spoiled (as it was every time he was forced to dine in the presence of others), Snape stood up abruptly, threw his napkin down into the unfinished food, and glided away.

"Really, Remus, must you and Severus go at each other every time you and he are in the same room?" Minerva admonished, talking over the top of Professor Flitwick's head.

"He started it!" Remus protested, hurt. "And I thought I handled it pretty well."

"Yes, well, it's not a good example to set for the students, Heads of House constantly bickering," she replied primly.

"I assure you, Minerva, if Severus would refrain from sniping at me every chance he gets, we could all be the best of friends."

"Let's make an extra effort this year, shall we? If only for the sake of Professor Granger. We wouldn't want her to get the impression that this is an unpleasant place to work." She smiled warmly at Hermione.

"Oh, I get it!" Remus laughed. "You're just worried you might get stuck with taking over History of Magic again!"

"Oh, I would never leave my post, no matter how unpleasant it was!" Hermione rushed to assure Minerva. "I mean-- I mean, of course I love it here!" she quickly corrected herself. "It's not unpleasant at all! Professor Snape . . . I know how he is, and believe me, it's much, much, more pleasant now, when I only have to see him at mealtimes."

Minerva sighed. "I know. Poor Severus. Albus really took him under his wing. I think they had a special sort of friendship. I've tried to be that for him, too, but I'm afraid I've failed miserably. He still sees me as some sort of rival, the Head of Gryffindor House or something. Perhaps that is his true quarrel with you, Remus?" Minerva suggested, somewhat hopefully. "House honour and all that?"

"I'm afraid not, Minerva," Remus said with a rueful sigh. "You know all about our history. No, it's a very personal grudge. One that I'm not sure I can ever rectify."

"I wouldn't worry about it, Reem," Angelina said, standing up and grabbing a handful of nuts from the bowl on the table. "Snape's not worth it." She popped several of the nuts into her mouth. "Buck up, eh? Don't let him get to you." She patted him on the back bracingly and strode off.


Idiots! Talking about me as if I weren't even there. Oh yes, they had made a show of trying to be discreet, but it was obvious what they thought of me: poor Severus. If I had a Knut for every time I'd heard 'poor Severus', my bank vault would be a damn sight fuller than it is. Well, after all, I am pathetic, aren't I.

Snape poured himself a steaming cup of his own blend of Calming Infusion and settled back into his chair, staring into the fire cracking in the hearth before him.

And so another year begins. Another dreary, intolerable year of impertinence, incompetence, and general stupidity. If I were a stronger man, I'd kill myself and spare everyone the trouble. If I were a stronger man . . . Albus might still be alive.

He bowed his head and . . . couldn't cry.


"So tell me, what do you hear from Ron?" Remus asked, handing Hermione a glass of mellowed mead.

"He sent me an owl just last week, actually, congratulating me on my job." And warning me to steer clear of Snape. As if I needed to be told twice. "He was in Sweden, picking up some Midsummer's poles."

"Bit late for Midsummer merchandise, isn't it?" Remus took a seat on the armchair opposite Hermione. They were in his private quarters adjacent to the Gryffindor common room, the same chambers that had been occupied by Professor McGonagall during her tenure as Head of Gryffindor House.

"That's why he was getting them on discount," Hermione informed him with a saucy grin.

"Of course." Remus smiled into his glass.

They were both silent for a moment, both of their thoughts clearly drifting to the third member of the famous trio: Harry.

After a moment, Remus cleared his throat and gave Hermione a small smile. "Well."

"Well," Hermione echoed in a small voice, intently studying the play of refracted light in her mead.

"To the triumphant," Remus said, raising his own glass a little.

Hermione looked up. Remus's eyes were shiny, as were her own. "The triumphant," Hermione agreed and took a large sip.

Next: Hermione visits Hagrid.