The Progeny of the Pure-Blood


Story Summary:
Holy Horcruxes, Harry! All of your BOOK SEVEN questions answered before July 21st! If the killing curse leaves no mark, why does Harry have one? Why did it take Hagrid twenty-four hours to get Harry to the Dursley's? Find out in this drama/romance, as Harry's phenomenal adventures continue. Reeling from the events of his sixth year, he must now begin the hunt for Voldemort's Horcruxes. To his dismay, everyone in his life is keeping secrets from him! Who will survive? Will Harry defeat the Dark Lord? And whose side are Snape and Draco Malfoy really on? Reviews warmly welcomed!

Chapter One - The Magic Carpet

Words: 3,243
Hits: 2,386

Chapter Two - Uninvited Guests

Words: 3,447
Hits: 1,416

Chapter Three - The Wedding

Words: 2,826
Hits: 1,144

Chapter Four - Coming Of Age

Words: 2,156
Hits: 1,091

Chapter Five - Godric's Hollow

Words: 4,553
Hits: 1,065

Harry tells a little white lie, but it pays off, and he finds exactly what he's looking for. He wasn't the youngest Seeker in a century for nothing!

Words: 3,558
Hits: 1,000

There is much more to Snape and his past than meets the eye, which is very, very distressing for Harry.

Words: 2,498
Hits: 1,007

Temporarily stuck at Grimmauld Place, Harry finds a rather pleasant way to spend his time.

Words: 2,579
Hits: 976

Dobby makes a reappearance, and along with him, he brings an item that will change everything...

Words: 3,945
Hits: 941

Harry makes a great deal of progress with his hunt and also takes a trip into the Pensieve.

Words: 4,707
Hits: 889

Everything has suddenly changed within The Trio, and Kreacher takes them all on a little adventure.

Words: 3,024
Hits: 962

The Death Eaters hadn't known where Harry was, but now, someone has informed them...

Words: 2,941
Hits: 866

Harry, Ron, and Hermione refuse to go home with the rest of the Hogwarts students.

Words: 4,178
Hits: 895

Harry is supposed to stay put at Grimmauld Place, but when have we ever known Harry to stay put?

Words: 3,977
Hits: 875

Harry didn't think he'd be returning to Privet Drive, but since he must, he may as well have a little fun with Dudley while he's at it...

Words: 3,252
Hits: 865

Stuck in Grim Old Place, moody and claustrophobic, no one is getting along...

Words: 3,028
Hits: 785

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are at it again - running off into dangerous adventures that will bring lasting consequences.

Words: 2,851
Hits: 737

The Weasleys return home for Christmas - every last one. Harry receives a bizarre gift and has a row with Malfoy.

Words: 3,183
Hits: 783

Harry finds out who revealed that he was at Hogwarts and Malfoy receives some great news.

Words: 3,228
Hits: 745

All of your questions about her will be answered...

Words: 2,940
Hits: 776

Harry deals with the aftermath, and his confusion finally lifts.

Words: 2,358
Hits: 759

The title says it all...

Words: 3,039
Hits: 836

The rescue mission for Draco is under way...

Words: 3,192
Hits: 898

The Love Room, the battle, and the confession.

Words: 4,559
Hits: 878

The ramifications of the battle are more than anyone expected...

Words: 3,674
Hits: 701

Loads and loads of talking round and round in circles. hehe.

Words: 5,538
Hits: 707

Grief. And hope.

Words: 3,163
Hits: 635

Harry vs. Voldemort

Words: 3,477
Hits: 720

Voldemort is defeated... but how?

Words: 3,662
Hits: 633

Will Harry be able to free Sirius from the Veil?

Words: 3,461
Hits: 619

Harry finds out why it took Hagrid twenty-four hours to get him to the Dursleys'...

Words: 3,466
Hits: 638

Harry gets a lesson about walking in other peoples' shoes.

Words: 2,895
Hits: 554

And in conclusion... conclusion!

Words: 4,219
Hits: 545

The End.

Words: 2,464
Hits: 568

My final say on the final book.

Words: 2,732
Hits: 328