The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley/Lucius Malfoy
Ginny Weasley Lucius Malfoy
Angst Drama
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/27/2004
Updated: 05/17/2009
Words: 108,772
Chapters: 23
Hits: 12,841

Mala Fide: In Bad Faith

Sue Bridehead

Story Summary:
COMPLETE! Sequel to "My Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds." The aftermath of what happened on the night that Ginny Malfoy's life was forever changed by Harry Potter.

Chapter 17 - Chapter 17

Chapter Summary:
Sequel to "My Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds." The aftermath of what happened on the night that Ginny Malfoy's life was forever changed by Harry Potter.
Author's Note:
Moving right along, here is the next installment. Thank you, persephone33, for the beta read. :-D

Mala Fide: In Bad Faith - Chapter 17

Ginny left Neville's shop in a huff, deliberately slamming the back door shut behind her with all the force she could muster. She knew it was childish, but she couldn't help herself. It was a simple act, meant not only to clear her mind of all she'd heard, but also of how she'd been forced to stay and just listen to their mad ravings.

Clearly, Hermione has slowly been losing her mind, unable to accept the fact that her late, great 'perfect husband' Harry Potter forced himself on me! Just look what she's sunk to.

She stomped her foot in the snow angrily and bit down the urge to scream out at this lunacy. Her fingers itched to draw her wand and shoot off a handful of angry sparks, just to make her feel better. After popping off three or four in no particular direction, she returned her wand to its place within her robes.

Yet none of this satisfied her like she thought it would. She felt a multitude things, but satisfied wasn't one of them. She felt . . . well, honestly, she didn't know what to feel: angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, betrayed at having been lied to - but who was lying?

Not wanting to Apparate home just yet, she started to walk away. She had to think.

Wandering out into the alley, she gasped for breath. She barely noticed the cold wind that was whipping around her. Ginny longed to remain confident and feel sure of herself. Instead, her tears spilled over. It was a lot to take in. There was so much to consider: Brian's letter, Hermione's so-called 'evidence', all of their accusing eyes.

But were they accusing? Or were they concerned, even compassionate? She crossed onto the main road when her mind started reeling again. A horrifying thought struck her: What if some of what they said was true?

Rubbish! Ginny scoffed to herself as she stepped up onto the pavement on the other side.

She longed to run home to Lucius. He would hold her tenderly and assure her that everything was all right. In his loving arms, she could forget, and this would all become just the bad dream it seemed to be.

It was obvious, really; her old friends were simply jealous. They envied that she had found such a caring, devoted lover. One who needed her and gave her a wonderful home with such finery she had only dreamed of as a girl growing up in the dirt and squalor that was the Burrow. Sure, the Weasley family had love - they had that in abundance - but some decent robes and a pair of stylish new shoes now and then would have been nice. Rather like the ones that just caught her eye in the store window in front of her. They were shiny, black shoes, adorned with thin straps and little bows that were slightly off-center on the toes and trimmed in rhinestones.

Those are cute, she thought. Muggle-looking, but cute just the same.

Only then did she stop to consider her surroundings. Ginny realized she had unintentionally wandered into a Muggle part of town. She looked around for some sort of landmark or street sign she might recognize.

"Where am I?" she asked the empty street. The overcast skies of the grey winter day gave no hint as to the direction she had been walking. Looking over her right shoulder, she couldn't even be certain if that alley was the one that led to the back entrance of Longbottom's Herbology Emporium.

Looking up the block, she spied a coffee shop. The place seemed vaguely familiar to her, almost as if she had been there. She wondered if maybe she was near Stella's neighborhood. Seeing no one on the road or pavement, she cautiously withdrew her wand; keeping it under her cloak, she whispered, "Point me." Once she knew which direction was north, she quickly found her way to her Muggle friend's modest flat.

On her way up the stairs, she thought, I could have called her from a phonebox, but I don't have any Muggle money with me. I just hope she's at home. I need to speak with her. She arrived at the door, rang the bell, and waited. At last, Stella opened the door.

"Hello, Ginny. I thought you might drop by today."

The witch blinked as her jaw dropped slightly. She stood at the doorstep and gaped at her. "So you knew?"

"Knew what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Stella. You knew I was having tea with two of my old schoolmates and that they would have some 'devastating news' for me," she replied sarcastically.

The physician sighed. "Please, come in and sit down. Can I get you anything?"

Her visitor sniffed. "Unless you mean some answers, then no thank you." At last, she passed through the front door and swept into the cozy living room.

Stella noticed her guest's attitude, but it didn't really surprise her. She herself had delivered enough bad news to fill the Tower of London, and most of those times, the response had been eerily similar. The doctor decided to take an approach of comfort and concern to win her confidence.

"Ginny, you must know we only have your well-being in mind. Did Hermione tell you what we learned about Narcissa Malfoy's death? That she was possibly murdered?"

The redhead fought to keep her composure. "She did, in so many words," came her stiff response as she paced around the small room.

"And you do understand that you need to be tested, just to be sure you're not ill?"

Ginny crossed her arms and fairly shouted, "This is ridiculous, Stella. I feel fine!"

"As I'm sure your late mother-in-law did when she first contracted the disease," she replied calmly. "But it would still be prudent for us to check you. Had Narcissa had the care of Muggle physicians available to her, she could have--"

"Yes, I know, Miss 'Know-It-All' already told me!" she snapped at her. She quickly apologized, rubbing her head and eyes tiredly as she did. "I'm sorry, Stella. This is all so very upsetting! I just can't believe that Lucius would . . . do that to his own wife." She sunk down onto the sofa, put her elbow on her knee, and rested her chin in her hand. She felt like crying.

Her friend sat next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. The fire crackled in the background. "I know, this must be so hard for you to grasp. He's the man you love, after all."

Ginny sniffed as her tears continued. "It's not just that, Stella - we're getting married. I'm carrying his child."

Stella's heart jumped: it seemed this was her lucky day. She hadn't expected Ginny to drop by, much less confess that. Hermione had rung her up about ten minutes before their mutual friend had arrived at the flat and relayed what had happened in Neville's office. "Thought I'd fill you in, just in case she contacts you," Hermione had said. "You're not that far from here. She may want to talk to you; after all, you're safe. You're outside of our world. She doesn't speak to her mother anymore, and as far as I know, she doesn't have anyone else. Not anyone I would call 'trustworthy'."

But this turn of events gave the Muggle physician a fortuitous advantage. Without saying a word, she watched as the young witch sobbed softly, her face in her hands. Finally, Ginny looked up at her, tears streaming down her freckled cheeks and said, "I-I don't know what to do, Stella. I'm scared."

Her friend took her hand and patted it consolingly. "Well, since you're pregnant, you should definitely be tested - for your own peace of mind, and for the sake of your new baby. If you're healthy, then the child will be too, and you can put this all behind you."

Ginny fretted nervously. Biting her thumbnail, she suggested, "Can we do it at your office? Tomorrow, perhaps? How soon would we know?"

"Tomorrow's fine. It shouldn't take long. And the sooner we know, the better, right?" The assurance that she could be seen right away seemed to calm Ginny, and she stopped crying almost immediately.

She relaxed a little and started to wipe her reddened cheeks and eyes. Then she gasped as her hand flew to her opened mouth. Feeling genuine concern for her fiancé, she asked, "What about Lucius? Shouldn't he be tested, too?"

Ahh, we've reached the only sticking point in the plan, Stella thought. She gave her friend a wry smile. "Do you actually think he would submit to a Muggle test?" The very thought of it made Ginny chuckle lightly and shake her head, and the physician went on. "You see, my idea was to test you first, and if you haven't been exposed, we can assume Lucius is out of danger."

Reassured once more, the young mother dropped the subject. She gazed into the small fireplace and watched listlessly as the flames shifted about. Suddenly, the kettle screamed, making both of them jump slightly.

"Excuse me, I need to get that." Walking into her kitchen, she called out, "You sure you don't want anything?" But still her guest declined. Stella returned soon after, a cup of cocoa in one hand and a saucer in the other. She sat down in the chair closest to the fire.

Worried that Ginny might be compelled to go home, Stella forced herself to ask the very thing she had been dreading. "I'm sorry to have to ask you this, but, uh, you haven't had relations with anyone else, have you?"

"No. No one since Draco. And you know, him--"

"Potter?" Stella interjected. At the mention of his name, her friend turned away. "Well, do you think your fiancé may have, umm, slept with someone else who might be infected, even if neither of them knows it?"

Although she didn't mean for them to, her words cut like a knife. It was something Ginny hadn't really considered before. He was so very much in love with her . . .

"I don't think so. Frankly, I'd rather not think about that. But I may be able to do some checking. There are ways in our world to, you know, find out the truth." She looked at her sadly and added, "I just don't know if I'm ready for it."

Stella sat silent for a moment. She didn't want to overwhelm her, but she didn't want to lose the momentum.

"Ginny," she began again slowly, "there is one other possibility. I know you thought very highly of Narcissa - but could she have had a lover? A servant, perhaps?"

For some reason Stella didn't understand, this tickled the witch. "Hardly!" she said with a muffled laugh. "Our servants are mostly house-elves - that, and the occasional ghost - not someone a witch or wizard would typically be attracted to."

The Muggle nodded and smiled at her own ignorance. "I see."

Then Ginny's eyes lit up. "There was Severus, but . . . " She stopped in mid-sentence.

"Severus, you say? And did he love Narcissa?"

"I don't know, but - I rather think he did."

The doctor nodded, excited that they may have finally stumbled onto something. "Can we go and see him? Where does he live?"

"He doesn't. He was killed."

The physician cocked her head and looked at her, bemused. "Ginny, I'm beginning to think associating with you and your family is a very dodgy business."

But her friend didn't laugh. Sounding rather forlorn, she said, "It would seem that way. The investigators thought he may have been killed by a . . . a Muggle. He had no love for them, but still - it was just so tragic. So senseless."

Stella nodded then took another sip of her cocoa. "I am sorry to have to be so blunt, but were Narcissa and Severus . . . sleeping together?"

Ginny's breath caught in her throat. It was like a switch had been thrown. Her eyes lit up and a smile gradually spread across her face. Astounded, she slowly rose to her feet.

"Of course, that's it! She got it from him! It all makes sense now. I knew that Lucius would never have hurt her. They were married for over 20 years. He wouldn't have had his son without her!"

Stella looked at her questioningly. "What are getting at?" she asked.

"The virus!" Ginny said, pacing excitedly around the small room as she wrung her hands. "Hermione said it was transferred by sexual contact. Narcissa had to have slept with Severus; it's the only logical explanation! Because I'm pretty sure I don't have AIDS, and Lucius wouldn't take a chance with his own life, mine, or his unborn child. He wants children more than anything. He said he always regretted not having more with Narcissa, and he's very excited about this one."

"I hope you're right, dear."

Donning her warm cloak and other trappings of winter, Ginny stepped toward Stella's front door. She look revitalized, as if there were some hope, and that not all was lost. "Look, Stella, I have to go. I'll stop by your office tomorrow. Any particular time?"

"Mid-mornings are usually best, but you might want to call early to confirm."

"Yes, of course, whatever you need me to do. I promise, I'll be there!" She rewrapped herself in her warm outer layers and hugged Stella. "Thank you! Goodbye!" She was out of the flat and had vanished before the woman inside had a moment to set foot onto her stoop.

"See you tomorrow, then," she said to the thin air and clouds of breath Ginny had left behind.

* * * * *

It was nearly 6:00 in the evening, and Ginevra wasn't home yet. Her absence, although slightly alarming, gave Lucius just enough time to meet briefly with Lord Voldemort. He was required to give his master a weekly update on what was happening outside of Malfoy Manor. While Lucius would rather have skipped this meeting, he felt it was still unsafe to disobey a direct order. For though the Dark Lord was somewhat weakened by the final battle with Harry Potter, the Dark Mark on his servant's forearm still burned now and again.

When Lucius stepped back through the portal and into his study, he was surprised to see a figure sitting in the darkened room.

"Nicolette! How did you - what are you doing here?" He spoke somewhere between mild annoyance and stunned surprise.

"Nossing, really. I just, I miss you, is all. I miss your arms around me, your leeps kissing me." She sighed then added breathily, "Your body on top of mine. Don't you vant me anymore, Monsieur Malfoy? I am a good lover, no? I pleased you, didn't I?"

"Of course you did, my dear. You're very good, but I . . . "

She stepped closer to him and folded her hands in front of her as if she were praying. "Please say you won't sack me, zat you won't throw me to zee volves!" she pleaded desperately. She was now standing next to him, expecting him to wrap his arms around her.

He didn't disappoint.

She sighed contentedly into his chest. Lucius exhaled heavily. He stroked her hair and told her, "I don't intend to sack you. You have been a loyal servant. We just need to . . . see what else you're good at."

"Let me show you," she whispered in his ear then knelt down in front of him. Tossing his robes aside, she grabbed for the zipper of his trousers. "I can do vickedly delightful zings viss my tongue."

"No, please, get up. I can't - my fiancée will be coming home any moment." He reached two fingers beneath her chin and gently raised her head so he could see her entire face. "I do like you, Nicolette, and although that does sound wonderful, I can't risk breaking her heart."

Nicolette rose up and crossed her arms indignantly. Standing arms length away from him, she pouted like a spoiled child. She was tempted to sneer at him but decided that wouldn't help her chances if she wanted to keep her job.

"Zen lock zee door. And just memory charm her if she sees somezing she shouldn't. You've done it before," she reminded him with a smirk.

He cleared his throat. "Nicolette. Please, sit down." The maid complied, her arms firmly in place under her breasts. She looked rather angry, clearly disappointed at his denying her the chance to impress him with her skill. He merely looked at her.

"Listen, Nicolette. I can't memory charm her is because Obliviating a pregnant witch can be dangerous."

Her face fell. "She's - she's pregnant? But she can't be!"

"She is, and we're marrying soon. I've always wanted more children."

Seeing her career at Malfoy Manor suddenly going up in smoke, she began to shake. "Please don't make me go!" she begged, planting kisses on his face as she clung to him. Nicolette's heaving breasts pressing against him and her sweet vulnerability were almost too much for him to resist. But his ears pricked up at the sound of the manor's large front door falling shut. He removed her arms from his shoulders and backed away from the sobbing girl.

"Please, sit down," her employer said to her in an authoritative yet calming voice. She took her place in the chair that was behind her; he chose the sofa that faced the doorway so he could see his fiancée as she entered the room. And judging by the way the front door had been closed, he could almost sense Ginevra was agitated.

"Now, what seems to be the problem, Nicolette?" As soon as he said this, she heard his voice inside her head saying, 'Tell me you don't get on with the housekeeper. She is envious of your youth.'

Nicolette stared at him. The wizard nodded his head and raised an eyebrow, encouraging her to follow his instructions. She complied, and before she had finished the first sentence, Ginny came into the study. Lucius looked up at her.

"Oh! Good afternoon, Ginevra," he greeted her pleasantly. "How was your visit with Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom?"

She didn't respond right away. Instead, she pursed her lips and avoided both of his gaze and Nicolette's. What would she say? How could she ever tell him the horrible accusations they had made about him? She had run through it over and over in her mind, rehearsing it, even imagining his responses, his fervent denials . . . and the very idea of it made her nauseous.

"Excuse me," Ginny uttered as she ran to the loo to throw up. When she returned several minutes later, her stomach empty and her nerves much calmer, she grinned uneasily and explained her abrupt departure. "Sorry - morning sickness. Stella says it's a misnomer. It can happen anytime of day." When she returned, she noticed that Lucius was holding a brandy snifter in his hand, and there was a glass of ice water setting on the table before him.

"I took the liberty of getting you some water," her fiancé said kindly. Then he asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, I am, thank you." But her voice betrayed a confidence she didn't feel. She still couldn't fathom how this would turn out well. Yet the others were looking up at her expectantly, so she felt she should say something.

"I hope I haven't interrupted anything important," she began.

"Not at all, my dear."

Ginny walked over to where they were sitting. She straightened her shoulders and crossed her arms. "I need to speak to Lucius," she announced. Then giving the servant a pointed look, she added, "Alone."

"Certainly," her future husband said, bowing his head slightly. "If you would excuse us please, Nicolette?"

By then, the girl was already standing. She curtseyed and made a hasty exit. Once the door had latched shut behind her, Ginny shook her head and clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Honestly, darling, I don't know why you keep her around. She's positively worthless! Every time she's in my room, photos get moved and my brush disappears. What purpose does she serve, anyway?"

"Funny you would ask that. We were just discussing her duties."

She took a step forward and turned to face him, her expression serious. "Which are what, exactly?"

He sighed. "That's the trouble, you see. She can't cook, she's not good with children, and her cleaning . . . well, to her credit, she did come to me, rather than the other way around. So she knows there's a problem and she's trying to improve."

"Well, I suppose that's somewhat admirable. But if she has no skills, why was she hired in the first place?" Lucius didn't answer right away and instead gazed into the fire. Exasperated, Ginny scoffed. "Oh, never mind. You obviously have plans for her."

"Why was she hired?" he asked absently as his finger slowly circled the rim of his snifter. "She was hired after her older sister, Dominique, left to marry Vincent Crabbe."

Ginny's mouth fell open as her arms dropped to her sides. "Really? Nicolette is Vincent Crabbe's sister-in-law?"

"Ex-sister-in-law," he corrected her. "But then, you know he's divorced."

"Right. But still, I had no idea. So she worked here?"

Lucius nodded. "That's how Vincent met her. Dominique used to serve drinks and hors d'oeuvres at the large parties that were given regularly here at the manor. By the time the couple got engaged, we had all but stopped having parties, so Narcissa decided not to fill the post. But Dominique had always hoped that her little sister could come to England. She asked Narcissa if she would consider hiring Nicolette anyway. So as her wedding and farewell gift, my wife kindly agreed to offer the young girl a job as soon she was able to leave France. She arrived after Dominique had her second son, and she's been with us ever since."

He took another sip of his brandy and set it on the table in front of him.

His answer, however noble, didn't exactly appease his fiancée. "That's very generous indeed. But if we have no work she's qualified for, then why is she still here?" She stared at him as if the solution were obvious.

"I don't know. I suppose it's - kind of an obligation to Dominique for her years of service here."

She shook her head and gave him a sardonic smile. "I think you've more than covered that. I'm sorry, but Narcissa's the one who made the promise, and seeing how she's gone now, I just . . . I don't think we should honor it all our lives."

Lucius steepled his fingers and placed them under his chin. "You know, Ginevra," he said at last, "you may be right. Perhaps it is time we let her go. Tomorrow I can tell her she's being given 90 days notice - that's more than enough time for her to find another post. It even gives prospective employers time for a one-week trial period. Surely, she'll find something suitable. I'll start asking around the office to see if anyone might need something young, pretty, and French to grace their home," he finished with a smirk.

"But," Ginny said, "before she goes, let's keep her around for one final party: our wedding celebration." As she said this, she paced to where she stood directly in front of him. He took her hand in his and smiled.

"A splendid idea. So did you decide whether you want a large ceremony or a more private, one followed by a gala party announcing the start of our new life together?"

"Oh, I don't want an extravagant wedding; I just went through all that with Luna! I think something small would be perfect. It's too bad the weather is so dreary just now. I think an outdoor wedding would be wonderful."

"We could even charm the gardens so the flowers are in bloom and the air is warm. Wouldn't that be lovely?"

Ginny sighed. She bent down in front of him and laced her arms around his neck. "Oh darling, I love you so much. You're not a monster, are you? You're a wonderful, loving man."

"Me? A monster? Of course not! I've just agreed to dismissing a servant, at your request, and giving her three months to find another post. A home she can be happy in - I even offered to help her find it. How could anyone say I'm a monster?"

She sat down next to her fiancé and shook her head. "I don't know. Anyone who does . . . well, they just don't know you like I do." She kissed him again, and he returned it passionately, pulling her closer to him.

Their kisses grew in intensity, and his hands went inside her robes. She backed away a little and whispered, "I'd love to, but not here, darling . . . not now, anyway. Rhiannon and Lucas will be coming down for dinner soon. But ask me later."

"It's a date, then. I won't let you forget." He kissed her once more, as if sealing her promise.

She leaned into his chest and relaxed. After a few moments of peaceful reflection in each others' arms, Lucius stirred. He gently raised her head off his shoulder so he could look at her and then took her hand.

"I completely forgot. You came in here to tell me something. What was it?" He kissed the back of her hand delicately then pushed the sleeve of her soft jumper up to expose her arm.

This is nice, she decided and rolled her head back against the sofa. The nagging feeling that she should confront him returned briefly, only to slip away as she fell into the sensation of his lips inching up the softer side of her arm.

"Umm . . . " Ginny hesitated momentarily, pretending to have forgotten. Then she exclaimed, "Oh yes! I remember now. I ran into Stella Winterbourne today."

"Who?" he asked. Meanwhile, he continued to languidly kiss his way over her elbow and toward her shoulder.

"You know, the Muggle doctor I'm friends with. Percy and her cousin Brian Gilpin were mates at Hogwarts."

Brian Gilpin.

It was a name that still grated on Lucius's nerves. Ginny tensed ever so slightly when he stopped kissing her arm. He sat back and turned to face her. For a moment, his expression was unreadable, and a flicker of concern shot through her. But it was stilled quickly when he smiled and asked cordially, "Really? And how is Dr. Winterbourne?"

"Fine, I suppose. But she was more worried about me, being pregnant and all."

It was then that he dropped her hand. Straightening up, he looked at her more deliberately. "How did she know that? You didn't tell her, did you?"

Oh, dear, I never dreamed he'd be upset . . .

"I was sick while I was visiting her flat," she lied.

He bit down a snarl. "I thought you were visiting the Longbottoms," he said, clearly annoyed but trying to hide it.

"I was. But I saw Stella on the way home--"

"Why didn't you just Apparate home?"

She shrugged. "I felt like walking for a bit."

"In the cold?"

Finally, Ginny decided she'd had enough. "Yes! In the cold. What is this, a bloody inquisition?" she practically shouted as she turned away from him and toward the arm of the sofa.

So many in one day! she thought. And here I am, trying to protect you . . .

"I'm sorry, Ginevra. Please. Look at me," he urged. His tone was quiet and caring. She complied, feeling guilty for having lost her temper.

What she didn't know was that Lucius was already reading her mind, probing for details of her outing, and searching for the truth. He took hold of her shoulders so he could see her straight on. He held her gaze and asked what he really wanted to know: "Was her cousin there?"

"Brian? Of course not," she replied honestly, not daring to laugh at him but wanting to.

How ridiculous men can be!

Ginny smiled in disbelief. "Is that what's bothering you? Even if he were there, I would have barely said hello to him. He's just a friend. You're my love." She placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him softly.

When he was satisfied she was telling the truth, he released her mind. And yet, there was something he couldn't quite get at . . .

A loud pop announced that a house-elf had joined them.

"Oh! Please excuse Shilla, sir and madam. Shilla not want to be rude, but Toddy said for Shilla to tell master and mistress that their dinner is being ready, and will master and mistress please to be coming soon." She smiled a toothy grin. Lucius rolled his eyes, but Ginny smiled back at the eager servant.

"Yes, Shilla, we'll be along shortly," she assured her. "Please see that the children are ready and seated at the table." The elf nodded quickly, causing her ears to flap. And then she was gone.

Ginny turned back to Lucius. The moments of tension and doubt vanished, he said to her, "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just the jealous type. You're so lovely, and I know that Brian had sort of a thing for you . . . Until we're married, until you've given me your word and we are magically bound for life, I suppose I'll always worry a little. Do you forgive me?"

"Of course, silly. I told you, Brian is just a friend, and mainly because he knew Percy. He could never be anything more to me." She laced her fingers in his. "Let's go join our family for a nice, quiet dinner."

But instead of following her out of the room, he gasped and said suddenly, "I've got it! I have an idea who to ask about a post for Nicolette."

The disappointment clear on her face, she asked him petulantly, "Can't it wait?"

"Darling, I'll join you in five minutes. I promise."

Pointing a finger at him, she teased, "You'd better, Lucius Malfoy." He smiled at her. She walked down the hallway toward the dining room.

He walked over to his study fireplace. Taking a handful of Floo powder, he brought a chair closer and settled in. "Karl von Krauss!" he called into the hearth. Moments later, the head of the man who had made Ginny's skin crawl a little at Luna and Neville's reception was in the roaring flames.

"Hullo, Malfoy! How are you this evening?"

"Doing well, Karl. And yourself?"

"Not bad. Verla's going out of town tomorrow for two whole months, and our stock of wenches and maids has never been finer. Karl's going to have a lot of fun over the next few weeks," he added with an obnoxious wink.

"I'm sure you will," the blond wizard said with a nod. "Say, Karl, we need to remove one of our servant girls, a squib, and I told Ginevra I'd help find her a new post. Do you have any openings that might work?"

Karl looked at his old friend suspiciously. "That depends. How old is she?"

"She's just turned twenty."

This intrigued the fat man. "Does she have any experience? Is she, uh, well-trained?"

"Well, she's not much on domestic chores . . . but she can serve drinks, and she can bring you to your knees. And I must say that I've enjoyed having her around."

"Then why the hell are you sending her away?" Karl narrowed his eyes. "She's not getting all clingy, is she? Wanting to marry you, have your babies, and all that rot girls who don't know their place sometimes say?"

Lucius chuckled. "No, nothing like that. It's just that, well, Ginevra and I are about to be married, and--"

"But that's when you'll need her the most, old boy! When the wife gets to be, you know, the same old, same old. Got to keep things exciting!"

"No, Karl. Ginevra's all I need."

"Well, if you really feel it's time she moved on . . . Is she good-looking? Good figure?"

He laughed out loud at this. "Really, Karl! Would I sleep with someone who wasn't attractive?"

The other wizard was considering it very heavily. But for some reason, he wasn't quite convinced he should add her to his household staff. At least, not yet.

"She's French." Then Lucius revealed in a hushed tone, "She enjoys role-playing. Polyjuice games are a favorite of hers."

That sealed the deal, and Karl could barely get the words out quickly enough.

"All right, I'll take her!" As if he was afraid Lucius would change his mind, he snapped, "Can you send her over the day after tomorrow?"

"Calm down, man. She can't leave until after Ginevra and I are married, so it will be a few weeks. We're going to have a large celebration party, and Nicolette was trained for that sort of thing."

"Nicolette, eh? Sound delicious. Well, thanks, Lucius. I owe you one!" he said as he waved goodbye.

"That you do. I'll be in touch." Once the flames had subsided, the master of Malfoy Manor went to join his family for dinner.

* * * * *

Later that night, as Ginny was drifting off to sleep alone in her bed, a nagging thought entered her mind that kept her from resting for a while.

When did I ever tell Lucius that Brian was interested in me?

~End of Chapter~

Hope that satisfied your L/G cravings for now. :-)