Hide And Seek

Stick Marionette

Story Summary:
"Never leave me, Tom." The games children play. The events of one fateful night, told backwards through the eyes of one Virginia Weasley.

Author's Note:
This little bit of strangeness was beta-d by Blade Mistress and is also dedicated to her for being who she is.

Hide And Seek


Today, Breakfast

When Harry raises his goblet in a toast to Draco, he looks away. When you meet Harry's eyes, you feel a small glimmer of hope. There is darkness lurking behind his facade.


Today, 2 AM

Harry smiles, only it isn't really a smile, it's hissing snakes biting into your skin and tearing your lungs out. You try to breathe, taking in great gulps of air that never seem to reach your chest. You feel suspended in midair, hands tearing at you from all sides. There is nothing left at all.


Today, 1:30 AM

You are swimming in lights and fire, only none of it hurt and everything was beautiful. You run and your legs carry you like wings. You fly through a maze of saws and dust, trying to rise. *Yes.* None of it matters, as long as you follow. He seems to glide along, always disappearing around the next corner, never stopping, never waiting. You might be screaming his name, but you don't care. *Yes.*

Abruptly, it all stops. Everything stops blurring in place and starts spinning around you. You feel like a cog in the mechanical monstrosity of the universe, controlled helplessly like a marionette on strings. *Yes.*

He turns to face you.

"Virginia." There is nothing short of eternity in his eyes and it's all for you, forever. Yes. You nearly weep in joy, although the tears might be blood. *Yes.* You walk slowly forward, willing him to remain.

*Don't go. Don't leave. You promised.*

Do you dare call out his name?

"Tom." You are so close you can almost feel your hands tangling in his dark hair and the cold that seems to seep from his body. *Yes.* So close that you see the blood dripping down his body, the mortal wounds inflected by the snake's fang. You can see through the hole to the stone beyond. *Yes.*

*Never leave me, Tom.*

The word bursts out from within you. The screaming in your mind demands to be heard. "Yes."

His eyes bleed. The blue drains away, leaving stark green poison to infect the blank palette. There is no blood on his clean uniform. His skin is warm.

Harry shakes his head and hisses something in the snake language. The sounds are music to your ears yet you are appalled to find that you no longer understand it.

He runs a finger down your arm. "No."


Today, 1:00 AM

You break away from Draco. He looks angry. It does not become him. You explain that you have to leave, that He is calling you. In your hurry, a glass of wine is knocked to the ground. It stains your robes crimson.

Draco grabs your arm. "Going to chase after Potter now, are you? What are you going to tell your little boyfriend?"

You shake your head impatiently. He would not understand. "No, Draco. It's not."

Confusion transforms his face. The room is stifling and the dust chokes you. You have to go. But he has not finished.

"Not what?"

You turn to go. In the grand scheme of things, Draco does not matter. Only He does.


You flee.


Today, 12:30 AM

The wood of the desk digs into your back as he walks up to you. The glasses of wine have tainted the world, and now you see everything through a haze. The room is a blur.

Draco is very arrogant. You suspect that this business has more to do with your brother and Harry than with desire or any sort of want. That does not matter. After all, your agreement had nothing to do with him and everything to do with what he represents. Sometimes, you can even glimpse Him in Draco's actions, through his eyes. You try to catch and hold on to that shadow before it vanishes, but it is always fleeting.

You always close your eyes. When he kisses you, so violently that he draws blood that you can taste, you don't see Draco. You see Tom.

Someone chuckles lightly, the sound echoing off the walls. Draco starts and steps away. You open your eyes and see Him standing there, just like he'd never left.

He extends a hand towards you. "Come with me, Virginia."



Yesterday, At Lunch

Draco slips a note into Ginny's bag when he passes her. Harry, sitting at the head of the Gryffindor table, smiles at this. He toasts Ginny. She blinks, startled.


A/N: So, what did you think? Comments and criticism welcome, since this is probably the only hetfic I'll ever write. Beta-d by Blade Mistress. Thanks for all your help and where is your hetfic?