Astronomy Tower
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/17/2004
Updated: 12/13/2004
Words: 132,122
Chapters: 41
Hits: 39,713

The Master Plan


Story Summary:
In Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts, he goes looking for a way to survive the war with Voldemort. What he finds is a reason. Severus Snape isn't hopeful he'll survive the war; all he's looking to do is save Harry once and for all--from his own stupidity if nothing else. What he finds is redemption. And a little laughter and hope along the way.

Chapter 37

Chapter Summary:
Snape has been recruited to tell Harry somthing upsetting. Naturally, he takes him down to the dungeon of love and gets him drunk first. Harry gets a lesson in the facts of life via the snake's POV... He learns about quite a lot, including the much anticipated snake-ball.
Author's Note:
Hello to everyone...welcome to one of my favorite chapters. Hope you enjoy it. Now I have to go work on that Ginny/Draco (ack! het!) for a friend of mine. And yes, damn it, he's dead! I'm sorry but that's that!

Chapter 37: Dungeon of Love

"Se--Professor!" Harry gasped in surprise, and the man grunted in return.

"Potter. I shall require your presence downstairs. Not immediately. After supper."

Harry could not fail to notice the man was particularly pale, his eyes dark and large and glittering. Afraid. His hands were tightening at the knuckles, and then relaxing, and then tightening again as they hung at his sides. It was as though he were a gunfighter, and expected, and any moment, a voice to cry out behind him, "Draw!" Except, of course, it would be his wand he drew, instead of a gun, and Harry did not think Voldemort so noble as to give warning before he cursed someone. Harry did not like the man's tenseness.

He was frozen to the spot, debating, when Severus stepped closer, gently brushing his fingers against the sleeve of Harry's robe. Harry reached out, barely grazing those fingers with his own.

Blaise reached the top of the steps and froze. There had been no voices to warn him of what was going on in the upper hall; although he could see that Harry's lips were moving, the boy was talking so quietly that no sound traveled beyond the small confines of their private world. He saw Harry's hand reach up and gently push back a strand of the Potions Master's hair--as if he needed further confirmation of their sudden intimacy. Blaise took a hesitant step backward, watching carefully.

Harry was looking up into the man's eyes; his own were large and soft with tender radiance. His movements were shy, but the shyness hardly managed to dim the burning emotion that infused them. The old man didn't even seem to realize. He looked uncertain; insecure--as though, in fact, he didn't have any idea how Harry felt about him.

Blaise had no such incomprehension. Harry's green eyes were flaring and flickering with emotion, as though they were showing off a flame in his soul, and Blaise knew Harry, too, had glimpsed the truth in the myth. Love. And the veiled longing in the Potions Master's eyes told everything Blaise needed to know about how the man felt in return.

And nothing left on the table for Blaise. Fuck. Unrequited love was such a bitch. Suddenly, the Potions Master's head whipped up, and he looked directly at the younger Slytherin. Blaise saw the man's eyes narrow, and felt his mouth grow dry. The professor looked very...dangerous, for a moment. The hatred he felt for Blaise was coming off in nearly visible waves, each one pulsing with bitter envy.

"Mister Zabini," Snape intoned in a deep and dreadful voice. "Was there something you wished to say?"

Blaise walked quickly towards the two of them. He would have to stop it, now. Take this thing and snap it in half, so that it could never be mended again. It was the only way. He needed some pride, after all. He was a Slytherin. He ignored the sound of other students coming up the stairs.

"I need to talk to Harry," he called in his seductive undertone as he came closer.

Oh, fucking great. This is JUST what I need. Like trying to communicate with Severus isn't nearly impossible at the best of times. Out loud, Harry remained patient. "Yes, Blaise?"

"I've decided this has just gotten too...too monotonous. I mean; I am somewhat fond of you, but I cannot remain abstinent for the rest of my life. Your persistent adhesion to maidenhood is touching, but just a tad...well, pathetic, to tell you the truth. I just can't wait for you. I'm very sorry but, well...you knew I would get bored eventually. Don't feel too badly about it; it was just another fling for me, and I'm sure you'll eventually find someone decent, though undeniably not someone so skilled as myself." Harry was staring at his fellow student, giving Snape another excellent demonstration of the art of dropping one's jaw. "Do take care of yourself, won't you?" Blaise bit his lip a moment, but found he was unable to resist his impulses. He grabbed Harry by the front of his robes and pulled him into a short, but very deep kiss, ending with a swift tongue over the boy's front teeth. "But if you should ever decide on losing the cherry act, I'd be willing to give you a one-shot lesson in the art of sexual satisfaction," he informed Harry in a low, sultry voice, before stepping back and giving him a goodbye wink.

Harry didn't even notice that the hall around them had filled up with students. He completely ignored the multiple witnesses to his scandalous breakup, his ignominious dumping. He watched Blaise walk up to Severus--who looked as though he'd been force-fed a glass of vinegar--and mutter something to the man, before turning and flouncing his way back down the hall. Harry found he was shaking a little.

"Oh, Harry, I'm so sorry!" he heard Hermione cry, and he shook his head at her, giving her a warning glance.

"That was kind of a shitty thing to do," Seamus said somewhere behind him.

"Yes, but quite predictably Blaise all the same," Jack sighed in return. "The Great Zabini does it again! Be amazed at his miraculous contortions! Let him astound you with his mysterious disappearing act!"

Harry felt something plucking at his sleeve, and followed as Snape motioned him off to one side.

"Eight o'clock. Understood?"

Harry recalled his former pledge to keep the man safe, and tried to harden his resolve. "I can't," Harry croaked, stepping back. "I have--I have to. I just can't. I'm sorry."

Severus looked frankly astonished for a moment; obviously he thought the youth would leap at the opportunity to spend further time in his company. "Do you have other plans?" he demanded, eyes narrowing.

Harry couldn't meet them. "Yes," he said, searching his mind frantically.

"With Mister Zabini, perhaps?" Severus's voice was alarmingly glacial.

Harry remembered Ron saying that Severus was jealous of Blaise. At the time, it had seemed amusing, but now he felt a twinge of fright. Besides, jealousy didn't feel very nice. He hadn't liked feeling it when he'd thought Snape and Lupin were together, and he certainly didn't want to inflict the feeling on anyone else. He didn't want to hurt the Potions Master, so he didn't say 'yes,' but merely shrugged and looked away.

To Harry's surprise, instead of immediately becoming angry, Snape leaned in close to him.

Severus wanted to shrug and act as though he didn't care. He wanted not to care. He really, really wanted to do the responsible thing and tell Potter that the meeting was nothing personal, just something Albus asked him to do. Instead, he heard himself say, "I suppose I should not be unduly surprised. He is every bit as appropriate as an after dinner mint, don't you think?" and was horrified by the ache and envy that were so blatant in his voice. It did have one positive affect: Harry's head jerked right up.

"It isn't like that," Harry protested in a voice hardly above a whisper, and flinched at the self-mocking sneer that curled the man's lips, the cynical shake of his head. "It isn't like that at all." He lifted his hand timidly, again brushing a lock of hair out of the man's face. "I'm not going to see Blaise. I just don't...think. I...don't...God. You'll remember it. I just don't want anything to happen to you," he whispered, trying to disregard the way he could still hear the other students talking about him in the background.

Severus relaxed a little. "Then stop being stupid and follow my instructions," he told the boy. "Trust me." Harry chewed his lower lip in a far more enticing manner than ought to have been allowed, clearly still indecisive. "I've obtained a new bottle of brandy," the Potions Master said in a siren's voice, playing his trump card.

Harry felt his lips quirk up at the corners. Really, it was sweet of him to bother with bribes, when all he really had to do was go into 'I-AM -The-Professor-You-Will-Do-As-I-Say' mode. All right. Trust. He could do that. "Eight o'clock," he agreed.


Harry made his way down to the dungeons that night, tired and confused. He worried about how he was to get back, with no invisibility cloak to shield him, and although he could have used the clasp Severus gave him for Christmas, he was too afraid of losing it. Maybe Snape would give him a pass or something. Two passes: one for him and one for Junior, who was going along for small, green moral support.

When Snape opened the door, he led Harry into the study as always. Something had changed, though, and it took Harry a few moments to realize what it was; there was another smaller, more cushioned armchair across from Severus's antique wingback. He stared at it in surprise for a few moments before a snifter of brandy was held up in front of his nose.

"Oh, so you do have brandy!" he exclaimed, taking the glass and turning to his host. "And you're actually offering me some."

"And what, Mister Potter, is that supposed to mean?" Severus took a small drink of his own, studying the boy over the rim of the glass.

"Nothing," Harry replied. "It's just that it would be so like you to say you had brandy, and not actually mean anything by it."

The eyebrow arched. "Are you implying that I'm a tease?"

Harry, who had been in the process of swallowing, choked a little on the liquor, while Snape rolled his eyes and patted him lightly on the back. "Brandy is to be sipped, Potter, not chugged down mouthful by mouthful," he remonstrated.

"Yeah, well," Harry coughed, "You're just lucky I had already swallowed most of that, or you would be wearing that particular mouthful."

"I see you've brought your obnoxious little serpent along." Severus took another sip and arranged himself in his chair. "I fail to comprehend the reason," he sniffed.

Harry set Junior on Snape's knee, forgoing the new chair for his preferred place at the man's feet. "Because ickle Sevvie missed his daddy," he said sweetly with a wicked smile. Snape's eyes flashed at Harry, causing him to laugh, and Junior demanded to know what Harry had said.

Harry made an attempt at translation, and repeated himself to the snake in Parseltongue. 'The one that spawned me?' Junior echoed in a puzzled voice, causing Harry to collapse in mirth. He leaned weakly against the man's legs and took another sip of brandy before trying to explain further. Severus watched him with concealed pleasure, wanting to run his fingers through the boy's hair, but settled for petting Junior.

Harry told Junior that he liked Snape, and enjoyed teasing him. Junior, however, still did not fully grasp the idea of 'like' as opposed to 'dislike,' and wanted Severus put in a more familiar category. Harry reluctantly reiterated what Snape was to him, and Junior replied wisely, 'Then he is one you will make more snakes with?'

Harry must have looked dubious, because Severus gave him a speculative look and said, "I feel rather left out. What exactly are the two of you discussing? The mysteries of the universe, one would assume?"

"Sex," Harry replied inattentively. Severus blinked, but Harry did not even notice. Junior was asking him, 'But where are all the others?' "What do you mean, 'others?'" Harry asked the snake. "There aren't any others. Just Severus. What others would there be?"

Junior tried to unfold the reptile world for Harry. 'One is not enough, is it? I am young, and have only mated once, but there were many others. Where is your ball? You should have a ball.'

"Er...like a party?" Harry responded, picturing a scaly version of Cinderella.

'I do not know 'party.' Is 'party' when many come together, in the sunshine, and form a ball to mate?'

"Oh, yuck!" Harry said in English, laughing. Severus was still raising his eyebrows, so Harry repeated the conversation for his benefit.

"Ah. Ophidian orgies. How nice," the man commented, throwing back the rest of his glass, and Harry laughed again. "And it's called a mating ball," he added as an afterthought.

"I like 'snake ball' better. He wants to know, since I like you and want to be with you, where all of the others are," Harry told the man. "I suppose we could invite Lupin and Blaise to join us," he added teasingly, earning himself a sour look from the man. "Come on, you know you want to." Still snickering, he moved Junior out of the way and slid onto the Potions Master's lap. "No? I guess you'll have to settle for me, then." He pressed his lips lightly against the man's neck. "We can make a two person snake ball."

With a will of its own, one of Severus's arms wrapped around the youth. "A two person snake ball. My life's ambition come to pass," he said dryly, and a soft pair of lips captured themselves over his own.

For a few minutes, both wizards were lost in the warmth of one another's mouths. Harry's fingers tangled in Severus's hair, while Severus found one of his own hands sliding down to cup the boy's arse. Harry moaned into his mouth, causing the man to jerk back. "That's enough," he murmured. "I didn't call you down here for this." He pushed Harry gently away, trying to ignore the low, disappointed groan that touched off signals in his groin. "Harry. This is serious. We need to talk."

Harry slid reluctantly out of Snape's lap onto the floor, stopping with his head perched on the man's knee. Severus elevated a brow at that, but Harry just scowled in return. He was damned if Snape thought he could get him any further away. Then the man sighed, his face turning troubled, and Harry felt his pulse quicken in alarm. The Potions Master rarely revealed any negative emotion other than anger. Worry was definitely a new one. "What is it?" he questioned gently.

Snape paused, looking as though he would rather not answer, but finally responded, "Draco Malfoy is dead." Harry gasped. It couldn't be. He just saw Draco--snogged him even--at the Christmas party. It was only a little more than a week ago. "He'd been marked. The Dark Lord charged him with a task, and it was beyond his ability to complete."

Harry heard the skittering sound of an unpleasant truth being avoided. He couldn't believe Snape would do that to him. He was cruel, but generally forthright. "What aren't you telling me?" he growled with a determined chin.

The man sighed unhappily. "He was told to seduce you. He was told to bring you to Voldemort. He was made to entrap you, Harry."

Harry suddenly sat ramrod straight at this news, as the realization dawned. "In the bathroom...that's what he was doing. And I ended up killing him. I did, didn't I? It's my fault he's dead," he croaked in horror.

"It's nothing of the sort," Severus sharply snapped at him. "You have the most revolting habit of acting as though you are the cause and consequence of all things in creation. It's pure arrogance to speak that way." Harry looked a little calmer at this, and Snape felt himself breathe again. He had been convinced the wretched pup would cry, and that always caused the Potions Master to react in the most mortifying ways. "It was purely Draco's choice, and he was always a weakling. He made a good many ill decisions, and this is where it led him."

Harry's eyes immediately filled with indignant tears. "How can you say something like that?" he hissed. "My God, Severus, he's dead. And whatever choices he made, it was my choice that led him into that washroom that night. It was my choice that led--to his death," he choked, the sobs beginning to well up. "He died because he warned me. Isn't that true? He died because of me. Just like Sirius. And Cedric. Be--because of me. The Dursleys should have kept me locked in that closet forever," he added. "I'm a menace." He was dimly aware of bowing his head to Snape's knee again, and the man's long, agile fingers running compassionately through his hair. "I should come with a label: WARNING--having this product in proximity may cause sudden death."

"Stop that," Severus ordered thickly. "What a load of bollocks. You were not the cause of any of that. Do you hear me? Stop it!" He cupped Harry's chin and forced the boy to look him in the eye. "If you want to blame someone, then you may bloody well blame Voldemort! He was the cause of their deaths. He was the one that wanted them to die."

Harry was so shocked he stopped crying. "You said his name. You've never done that before." Snape winced. "Oh, don't," Harry breathed. "It was--very brave. I'm awfully proud of you."

Snape's lip curled at the corner. "You are much too easily impressed, then." Harry leaned up and pressed his lips to the Potions Master's again. Severus, tasting salt, softly kissed back for a few moments before excusing himself to obtain a second glass of brandy. Harry asked if he might have some, as well, and Snape, surprised to see Harry had finished his first as well, acquiesced. "I bought that chair especially for you," he pointed out gently. "Don't tell me that you intend to be a colossal waste of money, on top of everything else."

Harry wrinkled his nose, smiling, and retrieved Junior to try out the chair. "It's very comfortable," he admitted. "But it's just not close enough to you."

Severus raised his eyes heavenward, dryly proclaiming, "Yes, it's my uncontrollable animal magnetism that draws everyone near. Stars fall from the sky and birds drop dead at my feet whenever I go by." He sighed dramatically. "If you must, you may move the chair closer."

The teen giggled wildly for a long moment before he could catch his breath enough to deal with the chair, and Snape mused that Harry really did not have the head for strong liquor. He should buy a bottle of light sherry to try instead, next time. NEXT TIME? What the hell was getting into him? Ah, yes. The brandy.

"I think it's supposed to be 'stars fall down from the sky and...birds 'suddenly appear,' not 'drop dead at your feet,' Severus," Harry grunted, hauling the chair across the room. "Although I would agree that you have a rather intoxicating personality."

The man shrugged. "I think the word you actually intended was 'toxic.' Either that or you are confusing me with the brandy. And as I am not overly fond of birds in any case, I fail to see what difference it makes. You do realize that with a wave of your wand, you could have saved yourself the brutish effort of having to heave that heavy object across the room, don't you?"

Harry shot him a dirty look before flopping down, red faced and sweating. He'd placed the chair so close that their knees touched. "You could have offered that little tidbit before I got it all the way the hell over here," he pointed out.

Severus sniffed. "I fail to see why I should enlighten you to such simple things. If you weren't cocooned in your own idiocy you would have come up with the insight on your own." Besides, the view of Harry bent over as he pulled the seat across the room was not one he'd have given up voluntarily. But the boy didn't need to know that. Severus took a nonchalant sip from his glass, wishing this would help chase away such thoughts, rather than augment them.

"How did Draco die?" Harry asked quietly, causing the man's eyes to dart over to him. He seemed subdued, but no longer on the verge of hysteria. Thank goodness.

"Avada Kedavra," Snape muttered untruthfully, for he had no idea. "It was very quick. The Dark...Voldemort had not an excess of patience that night." They sat in silence for a long time, drinking and reflecting. "I need to tell you what happened in Hogsmeade," he finally told the boy, loathe as he was to twist the knife.

"It was Death Eaters," Harry replied dully. "I was there. Or at least, I saw it, and they saw me. There were people running all over the place, screaming, panicking. It was awful."

"It was Lucius," Severus responded. "The--V--Voldemort told him that you were the one to kill Draco. He wanted revenge. And, since not all of the Death Eaters feel that a mentally disturbed megalomaniac is, in fact, the most competent chairperson, they threw their weight behind the elder Malfoy when he suggested attacking Hogwarts. Well, actually, I doubt anyone feels Lucius is remotely saner than the D--. Voldemort. Some have just come to fear him more. And others, perhaps, believed Voldemort's lie, and feared for their own hellish progeny. At any rate, I am given to understand that Voldemort believed either you or Mister Malfoy Senior would be destroyed. However, Dumbledore protected you as he should have, and Lucius escaped. Back to square one, lucky us," he added bitterly.

Harry was impressed by how often the man managed to say the name in just a few sentences. It was as though, by voicing it, he was trying to purge it from his being. "Severus?" he said, savoring that specific name. "When I was...in Hogsmeade, Dumbledore said, 'To the hideout in the far south!' What did he mean? Why did he say that?"

"Ah, that," Severus said, looking just a trifle smug. "We had had a meeting place; a 'hideout,' if you would prefer, in Brighton. As a way of appeasing my superiors, I was allowed to let its location be known. Dumbledore had them abandon it while Hogsmeade was being attacked. He had been prepared to do so, of course."

Harry smiled. "That was clever," he praised. After a few moments he added, "So now I have two magically adept, homicidal psychopaths after me?" he asked plaintively.

Severus covered the boy's hand with his own, earning an enormously undeserved wide-eyed gaze of adoration. "If it is within my power, I will never let them harm you," he told Harry in a low voice.

Harry smiled softly, and pulled the slender hand up to cradle it against his face, then kissed its knuckles. "Severus. You do know that I love you very much, don't you?"

Severus grunted. "Do NOT put that in writing," was all he managed to reply, and felt badly when Harry gave him a brittle half-smile, trying to cover up the hurt. "And you must have had too much to drink, to start spouting such nonsense."

Harry just sighed in response, and the sigh turned into a long yawn. Harry clapped both hands over his mouth, and tried to look alert and energetic afterward, in an effort not to get sent back to his own rooms.

"You're eyes are very red," Severus observed pointedly.

Harry looked angry. "I've done more than a little crying in the past couple of days," he replied.

"When was the last time you slept?"

Harry didn't respond for a long stretch. Finally he grunted, "The night before last." He turned to the Potions Master, pleading. "Don't send me away, please? Not just yet. Just a little longer? Just...just let me finish this glass, all right?"

Severus hesitated before nodding. Harry took a couple more sips, and Snape noticed Harry look away, his brow troubled. It was no great leap to realize that the boy was once again thinking about Draco's death, and a stray tear slipped down the boy's nose. Reaching out, the Potions Master deftly brushed them away. "Do you...want to...talk...about it?" he managed to grate out. Damn it! That wasn't what he meant to say at all! Bloody little urchin, looking like some sort of tragic waif, forcing him to feel all...sympathetic, and touched. Ha. Touched in the head, perhaps.

"I didn't like him. He didn't like me. And he died anyway. You'd think hating me should offer some protection, huh? We didn't like each other. I loved Sirius, oh God, how I loved Sirius," he broke down into real tears again, and Severus was infuriated with himself when he promptly leaned over and swept the boy out of his chair, taking him back to his lap and holding him there. He found himself fighting a terrifying swell of...of...anti-hatred, as he kissed the top of the inky-black head. "He died...he was the only person who ever loved me like that." Severus would have been offended, but found this annoying overdose of... amity....drowned out everything else. "He was like...like my FAMILY, he loved me and touched me and acted like I was--I was--important, not because I'm the Boy Who Lived but because I'm me, and they only hated me, and it should have been them! Or me! It really was my fault--"

"Shhh. Stop it, stop it, stop it," Snape whispered to him. It was obvious the youth had been living with this for some time, and it needed to be dealt with. Stupid Lupin, for not dealing with it when he should have. "It wasn't your fault. Sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes we could have done something differently. That doesn't mean it's our fault. We didn't even know, Harry. Don't you understand? It isn't your fault, because you couldn't have acted differently, because you DIDN'T KNOW. You did your best, pet. You did your best." He was appalled and disgusted and somewhat relieved by the words coming out of his own mouth.

Harry's sobs slowed considerably at hearing them. Then he grew angry instead. "You don't understand," he rasped acidly. "You don't know what it's like."

"I don't know what it's like?" Severus repeated in disbelief. He took the boy by the hair, gently but firmly, and pulled back until he could look into Harry's face. "I don't know what it's like? When I have killed before, purposely killed? When I stood and watched two decent wizards tortured until they lost their minds? When, by my own inaction, by my own stupidity, by my own avarice, people died, cried, fell into hopeless despair? I don't know what it's like?" he repeated angrily.

Harry had stopped crying. The look on his face made Severus's stomach twist for a moment--God, not pity. Not from this boy, not from anyone. Please, never pity. "You do understand..." Harry sighed, lifting a hand to run a fingertip over Severus's lips. "And I don't; not really. I'm awfully sorry. That was a stupid thing to say. I was just...lashing out. I didn't mean anything by it."

Severus replied, "You were upset. Think nothing more of it." He ran a hand lightly along Harry's back and said, "You're obviously very tired. Let's go to bed." He stood with the youth still in his arms, heading for the bedroom.

"Wow. Really?" Harry sounded suddenly much more awake, and eager.

"You need REST, Mister Potter. You will be sleeping. Any extracurricular activities will be resolutely quashed. Is that understood?"

"Ooohhh. You're no fun. Besides, we really might as well. With everything we've done so far, this won't add much to the list Voldemort can't find out about, and Dumbledore already knows. So why not?"

"Oh Mister Potter, you hopeless romantic, you," Snape deadpanned. "You are underage. You will not be 'legal,' as the general populace so eloquently puts it, until next year--in wizarding society, which, need I remind you, is the only one that counts?"

"You're going to make me wait a whole year?" Harry exclaimed, nettled.

Severus used his Slytherin mind games to full potential. "Yes, I should have realized you would not think it worth it." He felt Harry's indignation deflate.

"I never said that. It's just...what if we don't live that long? What if you die? What if I die? What if we both die?" Harry asked petulantly.

"I can see it will be sweet dreams tonight," Severus remarked, irked. "Mister Potter," he said, placing the Gryffindor on the bed, "I cannot. And if we were to do something like that, I must point out that I would, in reality, have a nearly impossible time hiding it from Voldemort. We are still in danger, Harry. Both of us. And as long as you are in danger, so is the rest of the world. This is a matter of responsibility."

Harry refused to let go of the man's robe until he reluctantly settled in beside him, then anxiously twirled a lanky black strand of Severus's hair around a finger. "I understand," he answered. "I really do, and I'll try really, really hard not to do anything stupid."

"Promises, promises," Severus huffed. "I would appreciate it, Mister Potter, if you would remove your shoes whilst sharing my bed. This isn't how you slept when you commandeered my sleeping quarters while I was away, is it?"

Harry flushed, jumping up and untying his shoes. He paused. "You--realized that?"

"I inferred it from the placement of the journal, and you just confirmed it," Severus responded, secretly relishing the fact that Harry had been sleeping in his bed. He wandered over to his wardrobe and pulled out a couple of pairs of silken pajamas, raising his eyebrows in offering.

"Thanks," Harry grunted. Severus changed right there in front of him, moving fluidly and without shame. His skin was like alabaster, and Harry found he had to shake himself out of a reverie after tracing the line of dark hair on Severus's lower abdomen with his eyes. He was so enthralled that he tried to step out of his jeans without first removing his sneakers and, without more ado, fell over.

He heard Snape snort in amusement. "As always, Mister Potter, I am captivated by your incomparable poise. Come to bed, Harry," he added warmly.

Harry set his glasses on the nightstand and crawled in next to the Potions Master. "So...no snake ball tonight, then, huh?"

"Go to sleep, Mister Potter."

"Severus? Whatever happens...I think it's worth waiting for. And you're worth waiting for. I love you," he whispered.

Severus panicked. He couldn't deal with this. "Where did you put that bloody snake?" he said, in lieu of an answer.

"Uh oh."

It took them a little while to find Junior and get him a place to sleep, and by the time they did, Severus hoped Harry was thoroughly distracted. He let the boy wriggle into his arms, and they fell into a more rejuvenating sleep than either had experienced in many months.

They were still cuddled together the next morning, when they woke to the Headmaster's gently cleared throat. Harry's dismayed eyes popped open, and turned to the blurry man in the doorway. "Gentlemen?" he inquired. His face, so far as Harry could discern, was very grave. "I shall need to speak with Professor Snape."

"Shit," Snape replied.

Author notes: Thanks to:

SighsandTears: Yeah, that would be a fun threesome. I'm toying with the idea of a Sirius/Harry/Remus for live journal...denial fic, of course.

Aerynsun2: The problem isn't the writing quickly, it's having the time to post. I never have time any more, and the computer acts up half the time.

SilentShadow007: *g* Slytherslut. Good one! I'm so pleased you like this so much! Don't worry; I will not drop off the face of the earth with no finish, just as long as FA doesn't suddenly shut down, or all of the computers in my life spontaneously combust. It's all written and waiting to be posted. Four more chapters...

Caryla: TMP is really tame compared to Research and Development. I made TMP completely PG-13, actually. The romance is there, but the story's in the tension and waiting.

Marie Goos: Yeah, Blaise got the short end of the stick. Well, I guess it was karma. You break enough hearts, it comes back on you. He'll be fine, though. He's a Slytherin!

Wu Jao: *primps herself* Aw, thanks! Sometimes the chapter names are really hard: chapter 38 was almost impossible, and I had to resort to a 'Friends'-ism.

Cass972: Yes, torture is fun...can you tell I'm a Slytherin? Born for BDSM! Squee!