The Seventh Year Soap Opera


Story Summary:
Hermione has a secret, a secret that will change all the lives around her. Takes place in seventh year.

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
Here is the long awaited chapter! The trio tell the Grangers and the Weasleys about Hermione's pregnancy, and things don't go so well, and then Viktor Krum arrives....
Author's Note:
Everyone, I am so sorry for the wait! For those of you who are wondering, I am finishing this fic--it's not one where the author starts and just stops. It's just a matter of submitting the chapters! Never fear! I hope everyone likes this chapter! Read and review!

The Seventh Year Soap Opera

RECAP OF CHAPTER ELEVEN-...And He Grabbed Her Arm, She Cried, And He Was Left Confused: Ron and Hermione argue, Harry realizes that he wishes the Trio was just friends, Ginny daydreams and gets emotional in front of Harry, and Harry realizes that he has feelings for Ginny.

Chapter Twelve- The Weasleys, the Grangers, and Viktor Krum

Ron sighed heavily as he sat up in bed a week later. The day I get to tell my parents they are going to be grandparents! Yippee! Not. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep, but he couldn't let Hermione tell their parents by herself.

Groaning, he got out of bed and roused Harry, who was fast asleep. "Harry, get up!" he snapped, in the worst of moods.

Harry merely turned over. "Get the hell off me, you bastard," he muttered. Ron just raised his eyebrows and looked at his friend. Two seconds later, Harry sat straight up in bed looking haunted and determined, and yelled, "DIE!" in a hoarse voice. His heart was hammering in his chest and he felt very stupid when he saw Ron standing over him.

"Bad dream?" said Ron, shaking his head, and feeling a little concerned. Even though Voldemort was long gone, Harry still had nightmares about him.

"Yeah," said Harry groggily, fumbling around for his glasses. "I forgot we tell the parents today."

"It's not like you have to say anything," Ron pointed out. "Your job is to hold Hermione's hand, you know, give her strength."

"How sentimental of you Ron."

Ron smacked him with a pillow. "Hey Harry, what do you think Hermione's parents will do when they finds out?" Harry shrugged. "What do you think my mum will do?"

"Get violent."


Lavendar, Parvarti, and Ginny had to literally drag Hermione out of bed that morning. "Ow!" Lavendar screeched. "She kicked me!"

Ginny stared at Hermione angrily. "God damnit, Hermione, my brother isn't going to do this all by himself! You cheated on Harry and got yourself this way, and by God, you are going to own up to it!" she yelled. She was still incredibly angry at Hermione, for stealing the boyfriend she was supposed to have, breaking his heart, and then breaking her brother's heart. The only reason she was in here was because Parvati had come to her, pleading for help.

Hermione disentangled herself from the covers wrapped around her body and stood up. "I know," she said. "I know." She knew she was being childish, but she couldn't help it. She was supposed to be the perfect and she knew her parents would really be upset with her. Upset beyond words.

She took a quick shower, got dressed, and went down to the common room feeling grumpy. This was going to be a bad day.

When she reached the bottom of the steps, she saw that Harry was sitting relaxed on the sofa (of course he is, this has nothing to do with him) and Ron pacing back and forth, lost in thought. "Ready?" she said nervously. Ron nodded grimly.

"I'm ready too!" said Harry, jumping up from the couch cheerfully. "Breakfast time!"

Ron and Hermione stared at him in disbelief and then glared at him. He shrugged. "I'm hungry," he said.

"Some things are more important than eating, Harry!" Hermione snapped.

Ron put aside his nervous feelings and cracked a joke. "Oxygen is more important than eating," he said.

Hermione dissolved into laughter, her tension breaking down.

"Hermione, your parents are probably not even here yet," Harry reasoned. "We know Ron's aren't. They're late for almost everything."

"True," agreed Ron.

"Let's just go eat and then go to Dumbledore's office."

After breakfast, the trio headed down to Dumbledore's office. They didn't even have to say the password; the door swung open. Dumbledore stood in the doorway, wearing light blue robes that brought out that startling blue in his twinkling eyes. He stepped aside to let them in.

Two scarlet couches sat in the room, directly across from each other, separated by a glass coffee table. On one couch sat the Grangers and the other was occupied by the Weasleys. Both sets of parents looked extremely anxious. Hermione walked inside and sat down next to her parents, Harry and Ron behind her. They sat next to the Weasleys.

The trio stared uncertainly at each other. Might as well get this over with, thought Hermione. Ron looked at Hermione. Why is she taking so long? He thought. Spit it out.

"Hermione's pregnant," he announced, just as Hermione said, "I'm pregnant," just as Dumbledore said, "I'll be leaving now." There was a cold silence, and Dumbledore scooted out of the room.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley looked bewildered. Hermione's parents, however looked angry. "What?" Mr. Granger said in a low growl. His eyes flashed over to Harry and he turned to his wife. "I told you he was no good," he said in a whisper. "You said he wouldn't do anything and now 'Mione's pregnant." His wife glared at Harry as well.

Harry looked quite taken aback. "Honestly!" Mrs. Weasley said. "This is Hermione's fault as well. The blame should not all go to Harry."

But, Hermione was staring at her father, a pleading look in her eye. "I want my baby," she said firmly. Her father was a very strict person, who didn't believe in sex before marriage. He was also a man who wouldn't appreciate the family name being disgraced.

"Oh no!" Mr. Granger said, shaking his head. "You will have an abortion."

"Now, really," his wife said, trying to calm him down.

"No daddy!" Hermione shrieked in a tone reminiscent of a three-year-old begging for candy as though they'd die without it. "I refuse to take an innocent life!"

"You will!" Mr. Granger bellowed.

Ron had had enough. He stood up. "Oh no she won't!" he roared, all eyes in the room on him. He fidgeted rather nervously, his ears turned red, and he cleared his throat. "If Hermione chose to, er--"

"Have sex," supplied Harry.

Ron blushed furiously. "Yes, if she chose to do that, then she should have to bear the responsibility it brings."

"Thank you Ron," Hermione said, giving him a smile that made his knees go week. Ron sat down.

"Why should you care?" Hermione's father said in a harsh tone.

"Because he's the father!" Harry said loudly.

"What?!" Mr. and Mrs. Weasley said, rising from their seats and looking at their son in horror.

"Well, er, yes, we were coming to that," he stuttered, burying his head in his hands. This was not going well. Not at all.

"And I told you he was no good!" Mrs. Granger said to her husband, as Molly Weasley rounded on Ron.

"Ronald Weasley, I don't believe this!" Her voice sounded worse than it did in the Howler from second year.

"This is such a soap opera," sighed Harry.

"A what?" snapped Mrs. Weasley.

"Molly, dear it is a--"

"I don't care what a soap opera is!" she screamed, turning to Hermione and Ron. "You two have made the biggest mistake of your lives." Her voice was now calm, but livid with anger. Her eyes fell on Ron and she turned to her husband. "I can't even look at him right now," she said, walking out of the room.

"We'll send you an owl tomorrow," Mr. Weasley added. "Oh yes, and don't forget...We love you." He chuckled nervously, saw that no one else was smiling, and followed his wife out of the room.

Hermione sighed and turned to her own parents. Her father had his arms crossed defiantly and was giving Ron a look that could kill. His eyes were narrowed, and Ron felt positively terrified. Her mother was shaking her head, clutching her heart. "Mum, dad, this talk didn't go as I had planned. Could you owl me tomorrow?"

"Very well," said her mother, as she kissed her on the cheek. Father and daughter exchanged the briefest of glances.

Hermione knew she had let them down. She was their only child and she had always lived up to their expectations. She was top of her class, always did what she was told...she was the perfect daughter. Until now. Hermione knew she had broken their hearts.

"Come on," she said glumly to Ron and Harry, walking out of Dumbledore's office.

"Sorry about this," Ron said nervously to the Grangers as he followed Hermione out.

"Have a nice day," Harry said brightly, then seeing the look on their faces, he cleared his throat and said, "Er, I'm sorry too?" The Grangers just stared at each other.

"That was fun," Hermione voiced sarcastically as they walked down the corridor.

"Yeah, I don't know about you two, but it was certainly the greatest time in my life," Ron added.

"And to pile on to this spectacular day, we have Double Potions in twenty minutes," Harry said. "Wandfeathers," he said absently to the Fat Lady as they reached the Gryffindor portrait hole.

But Ron and Hermione were staring at something else, or more appropriately, someone else. "Come on--" Harry started, then he noticed who his friends were looking at. He had dark hair and bushy eyebrows and was quite tall. Oh, and another thing. He was slightly duck-footed and wore Bulgarian Quidditch robes.

Ron stepped protectively closer to Hermione, but no one noticed. Hermione placed her hands over her mouth and smiled at the person in front of her. "Viktor?" she said.

Why the hell is he here? Harry thought, confused.

Why the hell is he here? Ron thought, angry.

Why the hell is he here? Hermione thought, surprised. "Viktor, is that really you?" she said in a high voice, rushing to give him a hug. She inhaled his minty smell and stepped back, flashing him a brilliant smile.

He smiled too and looked at her as though they were the only two people there. "You haff grown up very much Herm-own-ninny," he said. She blushed.

Ron did not like this at all. "Yeah, so have we," he said stupidly, trying to be macho. He gestured to Harry and himself.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked Viktor, ignoring Ron.

"Vell, I am only here for a veek. My Quidditch Team was given leave and I said to myself, I haven't seen Herm-own-ninny in a long time, and so I came to see you."

"Me?" Hermione repeated, feeling quite special. Viktor grinned. Ron glared. Harry was still confused.

"Professor Dumbledore said I could stay in Gryffindor Tower vith the Seventh Year boys," Viktor explained.

Boy? Ron thought. Boy? I am a man! An angry man!

"Really?" said Hermione, feeling more excited by the minute.

Harry was suddenly brought down to planet earth. "Wait a minute," he said, linking his arm with Hermione's. "I'm her boyfriend." Harry didn't love Hermione anymore, but he'd be damned if he was going to watch her flirt like an idiot with Mr. Eyebrows while they were still technically "going out."

Hermione's smile faded as she tried to regain composure. "Er, yes, that's right," she said, feeling stupid. Why is he doing this?

Ron grinned, warming to the game. "And she's pregnant!" he added.

Now Viktor's smile faded and Hermione was ready to cry. They are doing this on purpose, she thought damning them both to hell. "Oh," said Viktor, looking subdued. "You are a lucky man, Potter." Hermione smiled sweetly at him.

"Actually, I'm the lucky man," interjected Ron.

"No, no he's not!" Hermione protested, lying through her teeth. She didn't care; she didn't want Viktor to think she was a freak.

"Yes I am!" Ron said, staring at Hermione in astonishment.

Hermione glared at him and shook her head. "No you're not," she said, pleading at him with her eyes and giving him a look that told him to go along.

"Yes I am," said Ron through gritted teeth.

Harry shook his head. "He's not. It's Malfoy's."

Three heads looked at him in horror. "What?!"

"I've had enough!" Hermione screeched. Viktor looked thoroughly bewildered. "Viktor, let's go somewhere where we can talk in private." At the looks on Harry and Ron's faces she added, "As friends." Harry and Ron didn't believe it.

"Okay," said an uncertain Viktor. Hermione grabbed his hand and led him down the corridor.

"I don't believe it," Harry said blankly. "She's my girlfriend."

"I know," Ron responded, just as blankly, color rising in his cheeks, "and that is my baby."

Harry shook his head and stepped into the common room. "Let's play Wizard Chess," he said, whirling around. Ron was gone. Where did he go? Thought Harry as he walked upstairs to grab his Potions book.

He stopped walking at the foot of the stairs, when a glimpse of red hair caught his eye. Ginny was staring into the fire with tearstained cheeks. "Hi Ginny," he said, sitting next to her.

"Hey," she mumbled, not looking at him.

"What's wrong?"

Ginny shook her head and sighed. You'll never get it, will you Harry? She thought. You'll never see why you're better off with me. "Nothing," she said.

"Ginny, you can talk to me," he said, resisting the impulse to run his fingers through her silky hair. Ginny turned her head and he looked into a face showing no emotion. He frowned. "Fine, we can talk about my problems then," he said.

"What, does your scar hurt?" Ginny asked, fear now noticeable in her eyes as they flickered up to his lightning shaped blemish.

Harry was glad to get a reaction out of her. "No," he said with a grin on his face. They were talking!

"You-Know-Who is nothing to laugh about Harry."

"Voldemort. Say Voldemort."

Ginny flinched, and then said "V-Vol-Voldemort is nothing to laugh about."

"Ginny, he's long gone. I defeated him, remember?"

"Oh," Ginny said. She never thought that Voldemort could actually die.

"No, my problems deal with members of the opposite sex."

Oh, God, do I have to listen to this? This is torture. "Really," she said dryly. "Hermione, I suppose."

"No, we're almost history. I intend to break up with her. She's off with Viktor now."

"Krum?" Harry nodded. "Bitch," she muttered, flaring with rage.

"What did you say?" Harry said, amused.

Ginny blushed. "Sorry, I know she's your friend. It's just that, she's such a -a scarlet woman! First she's with you, cheats on you with Ron, and now she's cheating on you with Viktor! Next she'll be with Malfoy!"

Harry grinned. "Not so much into her studies anymore, is she?" he said teasingly. Ginny caught his eye and grinned back.

Seconds later they dissolved into laughter. Once they had stopped, Ginny said, "Okay, talk. Girl problems?"

"Well, there's this one girl I really like--"

"Cho?" Ginny said immediately.

"No. Besides, she just got engaged to Oliver Wood."


"Anyway, I really like this one girl, but I don't know what to do."

Ginny frowned. She wanted to be that one girl more than anything, but if Harry was happy with someone else, she would have to live with that. She wanted him to be happy. "Er, you should tell her. Tell her Harry," she said quietly playing with her hands.

Harry grinned and stood up. "Yeah, maybe I will," he said. "Thanks for the advice. I'm late for Potions now."

"Oh, sorry. But, hey, I'm late for Herbology."

"Professor Sprout cannot compare to Snape. He's foul, evil, greasy--"

"Who's the girl?" Ginny said cutting him off and surprising herself with her own daring.

Harry's grin grew wider. "I think you know her."

"I do?"

"You do." With that he walked out of the common room and had just entered the Potions room when he realized he had never fetched his book. Snape was going to have a field day.


Ron jealously watched as Hermione went off with Krum. "Not my baby," he murmured bitterly. "Who the hell does she think she is?" She followed the couple to the library. They settled themselves at a circular table in the corner. Ron Weasley--stalker.

He grabbed the nearest book to him, covered his face with it, and sat down at a table three away from where Krum and Hermione was sitting. He looked at the girl with pale blonde hair beside him, who was looking quite disgusted. "Hi," he said to her, feeling stupid. Then upon seeing who the 'girl' really was, he let out a small scream.

"Shut up Weasel. This is probably the prettiest face you've ever seen."

"Sod off, Malfoy," Ron growled. "And shut up."

"Spying on Granger, are we? She's quite pretty for a Mudblood. Too bad she's a whore. Special of the day, Viktor Krum."

Ron clenched his fists, but not at what Malfoy said. Krum and Hermione were whispering excitedly, their faces very close together. She smiled sweetly at him and blushed only slightly. Then, he kissed her.

Ron was so jealous it's hard to describe. He tossed the book aside and stood up, knocking over his chair. The sound was so loud that all eyes were on him, including Hermione's and Krum's. Hermione looked absolutely furious. Ron didn't care; he rushed over to where they were and punched Viktor Krum, famous Bulgarian Seeker, in the mouth. Viktor dropped to the floor.

"RON!" Hermione screamed. "Why did you do that?!" Her eyes were filled with rage and she helped Viktor to his feet.

"Out!" Madam Pince shrieked at the three of them. "Out!"

Hermione and Ron ignored her, glaring daggers at one another. "You're Harry's girlfriend!"

"Well, Ron," she said quietly, "that didn't stop you from kissing me either. I'm breaking up with Harry today anyway. Not that it's any of your business." Her eyes darted to Viktor, who was clutching his mouth in pain, blood dripping from it. "I'm taking you to Madam Pomfrey," she said.

"Really, Herm-own-ninny, I'm fine--"

"I don't want to hear it," snapped Hermione. With that, she stalked out of the library, Krum behind her.

Ron glared after them as Malfoy's laughter reached his ears. "Guess what Weasel?" he said. "Now we have to go to Potions."