The Seventh Year Soap Opera


Story Summary:
Hermione has a secret, a secret that will change all the lives around her. Takes place in seventh year.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Hermione has a big secret that will change her life and the lives around her forever. Very comical, very dramatic, very fluffy, very angsty--and, of course, love triangles!
Author's Note:
This is an edited chapter, so you may read it! I hope you like it a lot!

RECAP OF CHAPTER FOUR- Flashback: We learn about Ginny's feelings for Harry, Hermione explodes at the other Gryffindors when they whisper about her and muses about the complications about life. Harry overhears Ron and Hermione in the prefect's bathroom (while Hermione is retching) talking about how they wish he would forgive them. He interrupts their conversation, Ron and Hermione squabble, Harry forgives Hermione. Hermione spots Ginny and tells her about how the Halloween Ball in sixth year and how this whole mess got started!

Chapter Five- Saying Good-bye

"We told Ron of our relationship the next day," continued Hermione in a monotone.

"Poor Ronniekins must have felt bad," Ginny said under her breath, not bothering to be sensitive. She couldn't help it.

"Do you have to rub it in? Just listen." Hermione rolled her eyes. Ginny shut up. She had never heard Hermione take that tone.

Harry and Hermione stepped into the common room after a Gryffindor verses Ravenclaw Quidditch game, holding hands and smiling. Lavender Brown noticed this right away and rushed up to them.

"Ooh, are you guys together? As in, boyfriend and girlfriend?" she said. Harry and Hermione nodded. Lavender clapped her hands in delight while Seamus gave Harry thumbs-up.

"How? When? Where?" asked Parvati.

Ginny, who was standing next to Parvati, dropped the fireworks she had been holding-fireworks to celebrate the win at Quidditch- and began scrambling to pick them up, her face red with shock and embarrassment.

Harry and Hermione walked over to Ron, who was reading a book for a change. "What do you think?" Harry said to him.

"I think it's great," he grumbled, not looking up from the book and sounding as though he didn't think it was great at all. Hermione could see a deep crease in his forehead. The tips of his were pink.

"I'm going to go change out of my Quidditch robes," Harry said, walking off looking rather hurt.

Hermione frowned as he walked up the stairs, past Ginny, who watched him leave the room mournfully. Hermione turned her gaze to Ron, who was still in his own Quidditch robes. He had played poorly during the game, his mind obviously on something else. Gryffindor won only because Harry caught the Snitch. The moment the game had ended, Ron had clapped Harry on the back, grinning. Then, when Hermione ran onto the pitch, he walked away as hurriedly as he could.

"What's got him looking as though someone died?" said Ron innocently. Hermione looked down reprovingly at him, but his eyes were still on the book. She noticed with surprise that the book was Hogwarts, a History. Hermione was about to ask him why he was reading it when she glanced at his solemn face once again.

"Oh, Ron, stop acting like a baby," Hermione said bossily, pulling up a chair next to him. Her knee brushed against his leg and he started viciously, banging his knee into the table. But he didn't look up from that damn book. "Support Harry and I. We're your best friends. Be happy for us. Please," she pleaded.

Ron looked up from the book. "I am."


"Really," he said, staring into her brown eyes. "I'm glad you and Harry finally tied the knot." Hermione tried to determine if he was lying, but his face showed no emotion.

"So you aren't upset?"

He paused, and when he spoke, his tone was crisp. "Why should I be?"

Hermione let out a breath. "So I left it at that. Ron never seemed angry or depressed or left out because of me and Harry."

Ginny asked the obvious question. "Then why did he sleep with you?"

"It was a one time thing. We were both extremely lonely and didn't have anyone to turn to

when Harry went into hiding."

"Tell me about that." Ginny's fingers trembled. She was finally going to learn about when Harry went into hiding and how he defeated You-Know-Who.

Hermione sighed. "Harry and I were together for about four months when Harry told Ron and I...

Ron and Hermione were working on Potion's homework that Snape had assigned when Harry walked into the common room, his Firebolt clutched in his hand. Mud was on his face, his sweater was torn, and he wore a scowl on his face.

"What's eating you?" Ron said, looking from his homework.

Harry sat next to Hermione. "I was practicing Quidditch and--" He cut off. Everyone in the common room was eavesdropping. Harry rolled his eyes. "I love you Hermione!" he said loudly, kissing her passionately, knowing that everyone would avert their attention away from them. They were all tired of the lovesick couple.

Harry broke off the kiss and cleared his throat. He looked around to see if anyone was paying attention and started again, his voice lowered to a whisper. "Anyway, Madam Hooch came onto the field and told me that Dumbledore wanted to see me. So I went to his office and he told me Voldemort was after me--"

"What else is new?" Ron said.

"Ron!" Hermione said sternly.

"Anyway, he said that all of Voldemort's supporters have gone to him, which I already knew--"

"When will you learn to not say the name?" Ron said, flinching.

"Oh, Ron, be quiet! Go on Harry."

Harry's face was grim. "Well Dumbledore said he thinks it best if I undergo the Fidelius charm."

"Oh no!" a voice shrieked from behind them. Lavender, who had been pretending to study, had actually been listening to every word of their conversation.

Ron sighed. "Lav, why do you always have to be so damn nosy?"

Hermione ignored them. "Harry, this is really serious," she said, biting her lip.

"I know."

"Who's going to be your secret-keeper?" Ron said.

"Oh no!" Lavender said again.

"What?" Ron said, irritated.

"Harry, it's a bad idea! Remember what Professor Trelawney said in Divination?"

"Lav, you don't really believe that do you?" Ron said.

"What? What did she say?" Hermione asked anxiously, biting her fingernails.

"Hermione don't do that. It's so unattractive," Ron told her. She glared at him.

"She said someone's going to betray Harry!" Lavender said excitedly.

Ron stretched and put his arm around the chair next to him. Lavender rushed over to them and sat down in the chair. Ron quickly withdrew his arm. "It's a load of dung," Ron said sensibly.

"Ron, you need to take this seriously!" Hermione said shrilly. Ron reached over and pulled her hand out of her mouth. She glared at him again.

"Hermione," said Harry, trying to calm her down, "She always says things like that. You don't really believe it?"

"I don't want you to go Harry," she said. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Hermione, all that Trelawney says is dung. She's a fraud," Ron repeated.

"But Ron, what if his secret-keeper betrays him?" Lavender cut in.

Ron turned angrily to her. "Stop being so damn nosy! Besides, if he doesn't go, he could be killed."

Hermione whirled on the redhead. "But Lavender has a point. What if--"

"Hold it!" Harry exclaimed, and she gave him an aggravated stare. "Can we stop discussing my death and betrayal? Please? I agree with Ron. Trelawney is a fraud. I have to go into hiding."

"Then I'll be your secret-keeper," Hermione said immediately.

Harry shook his head. "Dumbledore said I would have to choose someone Voldemort would least expect." Hermione bit her lip worriedly.

"It has to be someone you can trust," Ron pointed out.

"Ron's right!" Lavender said. "Because a person you don't trust could betray you, like Professor Trelawney said! But wait! A person you do trust could betray you too! Boy are you in a sticky situation."

Harry stared at her with a loss of words. "You wanted to ask her to the ball?" he said to Ron. Ron shrugged.

"Ron that is so sweet!" Lavender said, playfully slapping his arm. "But you know I'm with Seamus now. That makes me forbidden territory."

"Oh no!" Ron said mockingly, clapping his hands to his face.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Lavender said.

Ron turned to her. "Lavender, you are a nosy, ditzy, materialistic person. You were my last resort, which unfortunately, I had to use," he said.

Lavender didn't take offense and said, "I'll take that as a compliment," while Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Hermione cleared her throat, while Ginny looked on disbelievingly. "You guys confided in Lavender but not me?" she said.

"She just sort of jumped into the conversation," said Hermione airily. "Anyway, we decided to use Charlie as his secret-keeper."

"Charlie?" said Ginny incredulously. "My brother? "I don't believe this!" She jumped up and made her way to the dormitory door.

"Wait, Ginny, please, I want to tell you! I know it was stupid of me not to before, since you're my close friend, and I'm sorry. I can't change that. Please, I need to get all of this off my chest. And you have the right to know."

Ginny grumbled, "I had the right to know before," but she took her hand off the doorknob and crossed her arms across her chest, waiting for the rest of the story.

"A week later Harry left..."

The air was cold and Hermione clutched her robes closer to her, holding back her tears. She would say good-bye to Harry today. The thought was painful. She, Ron, and Harry walked to the carriage that awaited him in silence- the carriage that would take him somewhere that Hermione was not allowed to know about.

When they reached the carriage, Harry turned to look at Ron and Hermione, a knapsack over his shoulder, his black hair blowing in the breeze, his green eyes filled with maturity. "I guess this is good-bye," he said.

Ron gave him a hug. "Take care of yourself, mate," he said.

"You take care of Hermione."

"She'll be fine as long as you come back," Ron said, stepping out of the hug. "So don' die," he said, clapping Harry on the back. His face was grim and tense.

Harry grinned. "I won't."

Harry turned to Hermione next, his face becoming serious again. Hermione took a step toward him, tears falling from her eyes. She stared into his eyes, searching for some sign of comfort.

"I know you have to go," she said, saying what he wouldn't. "But stay safe, Harry and don't lose hope. We'll be waiting here when you come back. And we'll miss you loads -" She cut off, realizing she was rambling, and she looked down at the ground.

Hermione swallowed the lump rising in her throat and gave Harry a very tight hug. Just when she was about to kiss him, she caught Ron out of the corner of her eye, watching them sorrowfully. She pecked Harry on the cheek instead, and drew away quickly, avoiding his stare.

"Bye Harry," she whispered.

"Bye," he said, climbing into the carriage.

He waved at she and Ron as the carriage rolled away. Then suddenly, the carriage disappeared into thin air. The tears started to roll down Hermione's face freely and next moment, she was clinging to Ron, her face buried into his shoulder, sobbing her heart out.

"What happened next?" Ginny asked softly, noticing the tears that had begun to glisten in her friend's eyes.

Hermione shook her head. "Ginny, I'm tired," she said. "I-I need some sleep."

"We haven't had dinner yet," Ginny said.

"I don't care."

"Well," Ginny said, "I'd still like to hear the rest of the story eventually."

Hermione nodded weakly. Ginny had her hand on the doorknob when Hermione said, "Gin?" The other girl turned around. "Keep an eye on Harry and Ron," Hermione said. "If they lay one hand on each other, hurt them."

Ginny gave a dry laugh. "I'll make them burp slugs. From what Ron has told me, it was not a pleasant experience." Hermione laughed.

"Goodnight," Ginny said, closing the door. She released a heavy sigh and put her head in her hands. She didn't quite know if she wanted to hear the rest of the story now. Of course, she did know things from her point of view. She didn't want to drag up old memories, but they still invaded her mind...

Ginny sat straight up in bed, panting hard. She had dreamt of Tom Riddle finding her and forcing a black diary into her hands...

She told herself to put the dream out of her mind, and climbed out of bed. After going into the loo to splash some cold water on her face, she stood beside her four poster bed, knowing she really wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep. Most likely, she wouldn't dream of Riddle, but of Harry being tortured by him. Those dreams weren't pleasant, either.

It was the middle of March and Harry Potter had been gone from Hogwarts for about a month now. Things definitely weren't the same without him. Ginny found herself missing some of the late night talks they had shared in the beginning of the year. Mainly they were talks about Sirius, and about her possession. And then the talks had turned to more friendly topics, and they got to know one another better. She missed mealtimes during which she would study his face, wondering what he was thinking. She also missed him at Quidditch, soaring high above the air, reaching out for the Golden Snitch...

Ginny tugged on her dressing gown, and walked down the steps to the common room, thinking that maybe sitting by the fireplace would help her to relax a bit.

She was on the bottom step when she heard two voices. Not wanting to interrupt something, she hid behind the door, listening closely.

"When are you going to go up to your dormitories? You can't very well stay down here all night." It was a male voice, and she easily identified it as Ron's.

"Oh, honestly, Ron, you're one to talk!" That voice was shrill, and it was Hermione's. "I suppose you're up for a bit of late night studying?"

"No," he said tensely. "The only reason I'm still down here is because you are. But I'd like to go to sleep now, so come on."

"Let go of me!"

Ginny heard them coming toward the stairs - she suspected Ron was dragging Hermione toward them because of the shuffling sounds, and then she heard a 'SMACK' and then Ron exclaim, "Ow!"

She let out a small sigh. Hermione had been horribly uptight since Harry had left, snapping at everyone, especially Ron. He tried his best to make her eat, make her sleep, make her put down a textbook, but she would only viciously respond. Apparently, she had just slapped him.

"Bloody hell, Hermione!" he said angrily.

"Oh, for heaven's sakes, keep your voice down, you'll wake up the whole tower," she whispered.

"Hermione," Ron said quietly, "there's no point in you staying down here."

"I can stay down here if I like," she huffed, but Ginny could hear the quiver in her voice.

"Harry's not going to walk through the portrait hole anytime soon," Ron said rawly.

Ginny closed her eyes painfully and heard Hermione gasp sharply. "Hermione!" Ron called, but it was too late. From her hiding spot, Ginny saw Hermione's bushy head race up the staircase, her eyes shining with tears.

"Ginny! Where have you been? Come down here, won't you?" Ginny looked up as she saw Colin Creevey running toward her. "There's going to be a New Year's Eve party, and I need your help setting up!"

"Do I have to?" she whined piteously, knowing she sounded as though she was about three.

Her friend merely winked at her and dragged her down the stairs.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Ron, are you coming down? The party's about to start!" Dean clapped Ron on the back.

"Ah, I don't think so," said Ron uncomfortably. Harry had said he was going to go to the party and though he wanted to make up with his friend, he didn't know how Harry was going to take that idea. He'd been very stiff toward Ron the entire day.

"Oh come on," Dean coaxed him. "It'll be fun. Seamus and I have Firewhisky..."



Ron mumbled, "I'm a prefect, you know."

Dean grinned. "I know. Come on, mate. Harry'll be there, but Hermione won't. And your sister is looking pretty down."

Ron looked up. "What's wrong with Ginny?" he asked, concerned. It took a lot to make Ginny upset.

Dean shrugged. Ron sighed. "Fine," he said, as Dean led him out the door.

The common room was decorated quite nicely. The chairs and sofa had been moved against the wall, and the floor was covered in confetti, so the floor was open for dancing. There was a small table for refreshments and snacks, and Ron smiled appreciatively. There was a large blue and silver banner reading 'Happy New Years' hanging over the portrait hole.

"I see you managed to drag him out of the dormitory, Dean," said Parvati, coming over to them. She was dressed in a simple set of black robes, with silver and gold bracelets adorning her wrists. For some odd reason, she was wearing a tiara on her head, and as Ron looked around, he noticed that several of the other girls were dressed up and wearing tiaras as well.

"How was your Christmas?" said Ron.

"It was all right, but I sort of wish I had been here. You know, to provide Hermione with support." So she had heard about Hermione's pregnancy, too. Ron wondered how many other people knew. "Is she coming?"

Ron shrugged, then blinked as Colin Creevey snapped a picture of him. "Happy New Years!" he said brightly.

"Right," said Ron, eyes now scanning the room for Ginny. She was arranging the photographs that Colin had already taken, looking extremely bored.

Ron made his way toward her. "Hello, Ron," Ginny said, her throat sounding dry. "I didn't think you were coming."

"What's wrong, Ginny?"

"It's nothing. Just shock over Hermione's news," she said. "I just can't believe it. You're going to be a father, Ron! And Hermione will be a mother. But Harry...I mean to say, she is his girlfriend. What is he going to be?"

Ron sighed. He had asked himself those same questions many times, but had come up with no answers. He bent his head awkwardly to look at the pictures, as though they would give him wisdom. A picture of a sullen Harry stared up at him. "Where is he?" he asked determinedly. He was sick of this. They had to talk. Tonight.

Ginny didn't even look up from what she was doing but responded immediately. "Harry's sitting over by the fire with Seamus and Lavender." Ron looked around the room and found him. A sickening feeling rose in his stomach.

Well, I don't have to talk to him right away, do I? Ron thought. Oh, you're such a wimp.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry glanced down at his watch, which read 11:16. He wished it would reach midnight already. That way, he could go back to bed. That way, he wouldn't have to put up with all the pity filled glances everyone kept shooting him, or Ron's nervous stares.

In his opinion, the party had droned on way too long anyway. Someone had spiked the punch, and Dennis Creevey was now wandering around the room, clutching his chest and telling random girls "My boobs are bigger than yours!" What made it funny, was that Dennis Creevey was skinny. Fifth year girls kept playing Exploding Snap and bursting into high pitched giggles, which were straining Harry's poor ears, third year boys were being told off by a fourth year prefect for attempting to fly their broomsticks indoors, and the first years looked partly entertained and partly horrified.

"Here," said a voice. Harry focused his attention on Ginny as she handed him a cup of orange punch. "I made sure it wasn't spiked."

"Thanks," said Harry, taking a drink. He observed that she hadn't really dressed up for the occasion like the other girls, but was wearing what looked suspiciously like the robes Ron had worn to the Yule Ball in fourth year. Her bright hair was styled into a messy bun, held in place by a pink clip.

"How are you?" she asked.

Harry didn't need clarification on what she meant. "I don't know," he responded truthfully.

Ginny seemed to accept this answer. "I'm sure if you just talked to Hermione..."

"It's not Hermione I want to talk to."

Ginny couldn't hold back a smile, as she was remembering another conversation like this one. "Who is it then? Ron?" Harry nodded, cheeks flushed. He did miss his best friend. "I'm sure he wouldn't reject you if you wanted to fix things," she said soothingly.

"I know." But he didn't know where to start.

At that moment, a stumbling Neville, who was clutching his forehead in pain, knocked into Ron, who was laughing falsely at a joke that had been told to him by Anthony Goldstein, a Ravenclaw who had once dated Ginny. The impact pushed Ron toward where Ginny and Harry were sitting. His face immediately sobered as he caught sight of Harry.

Harry took a deep breath and stood up. They stared at the suddenly very fascinating floor for a long while, and then Ron's voice cracked the silence. "I'm sorry," was all he said.

Harry looked up from the ground and scanned his friend's face. He could tell he was truly sorry, that he didn't mean to betray him. Harry was, naturally, still angry that it had happened, but he couldn't change it. Hermione was pregnant and he would have to deal with it. Might as well clear the air of unneeded tension. Harry knew that now was the time to forgive Ron.

"I know you are," he said.

"So things are back to the way they were?"

Harry chuckled softly, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. "Ron, she's pregnant. Things between the three of us will probably never be the same again," he said sadly. "But I forgive both of you."

A smile broke out over Ron's face. Harry felt a huge weight being lifted from his shoulders and he could tell Ron felt it, too. "Friends again?" said Ron.

"Friends." He extended his arm to Ron and he shook it, then pulled Harry into a large hug. When they broke apart, Harry smiled. "You know what?" he said.


"We should fight more often. I've found that punching you not only relieves stress, but improves my boxing skills." Ron stared at him, bewildered, and Harry burst into laughter.

"Ooh, Harry, Ron, it's wonderful that you two have made up and everything, but in exactly a minute, it's going to be a new year!" squealed Lavender Brown, thrusting a glass of punch into Ron's hands. Ron rolled his eyes at her and Harry grinned, raising his own glass.

Ginny stood up, as people began counting down to the new year. "The three of you can start over," she whispered, only so Harry could hear. He felt his heart swell with happiness.


"Lavender! Stop dancing around for cripes' sake! You've just spilled my punch!" said Ron loudly.

"Sorry about that!"


"And what's wrong with your bloody boyfriend?" said Ron. Seamus was staggering around, looking very drunk and very sick. Harry pointed this out to Ron. "Yeah, s'pose you're right."


There was a pause in which Harry simply looked at Ron, feeling the happiest he had felt since returning from defeating Voldemort. He had his best friend back.


"Here," said Parvati, handing Harry a silver scarf. He looked at her incredulously. "For decoration," she explained, as if any fool should know this.


Colin Creevey was laughing hysterically now, taking photographs of Dennis, who had started doing the macarena. Harry rolled his eyes, grinning.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" squealed Lavender, Parvati, and half the other girls in the room.

Justin Finch-Fletchey, one of Ginny's close friends, walked over and pecked her on the cheek. Dean kissed Parvati. Seamus tried to kiss Lavender, but she pushed him away, giggling, and he fainted. Lavender, still giggling, stood on tiptoe and kissed Ron on the cheek instead. Harry laughed, as Ron looked horrified.

"You don't mind if I don't kiss you, do you Ron?" said Harry. The expression on Ron's face was enough to send him over the age.

He burst into laughter, and soon Ron was joining in as well. In that moment, they were nothing but two young boys sharing a laugh, with no problems or complications in their lives. And for now, mused Harry, that was all right.

Author notes: So, what did you think? Obviously it's longer than the first version, but is it better quality? Review!

Thanks to all my lovely reviewers who reviewed this chapter the first time!

Stellar Snape, Sally-Anne Perks, nerdypurdy, ginny1313, Lady_Theresa, pucca_fan, blackaerials, sicirus, Mellie Granger, silverwand13, QWeasleyqo, Mellie Granger (again!), MoNkEyBeAtEr, g-d,h-hr4eva, and Mellie Granger (once again!)

Fun Fact: Originally, the secret keeper was going to be Fred Weasley!

Next Chapter: Hermione has morning sickness, Draco gets angry, and Seamus faints yet again!