Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter/Original Female Muggle
Harry Potter
Romance Angst
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 07/03/2003
Updated: 07/04/2006
Words: 135,697
Chapters: 41
Hits: 45,544

Harry Potter and the Last Goodnight


Story Summary:
This post-OotP (pre-HBP) fanfic covers Harry\'s 6th year. Harry is struggling between childhood and manhood. He blames himself for Sirius\'s death and his raging hormones aren\'t helping the mourning period. The war comes to an odd standstill outside Hogwarts, but inside the walls of the school the battle lines are drawn. The students are forced to choose between good and evil. In this romance/angsty fic mixed with a little bit of darkness, Harry finds out what it\'s really like to be a best friend, a true love, and a part of a family. In return, he must pay the ultimate price to save them.

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
CHAPTER TWELVE - THE HOUSE ELVES' SERVITUDE: The legend behind house-elf slavery.
Author's Note:
As always, I don't

One afternoon Harry found himself trying desperately hard to stay awake during Defense Against the Dark Arts. He had spent half the night before in Snape's dungeon practicing Occlumency. Snape was out for blood. And it wasn't enough torture in Occlumency - Harry had the impression that Snape enjoyed watching his misery in Potions as he fumbled for his ingredients. At this rate, he would have no chance at passing a N.E.W.T. Potions test. He could kiss being an Auror goodbye.

Professor Leurre was pacing the front of the classroom, glancing down at some notes she had written. She'd just finished discussing the basics of dueling defense when she turned to the class, her face serious. "The time has come," she said, "for me to answer some of your questions about ancient magic. I must say that you are a very observant group. Most of your essays were impressive." She glanced in the direction of several Slytherins, her eyes narrowed. Harry knew that Malfoy didn't like Professor Leurre much.

The Slytherin house had been treating Malfoy like a hero. Even though his father was in Azkaban, he declared his innocence at every opportunity to anyone who would listen. Harry knew he was only doing it to keep up appearances. He was loyal to his father like some mangy old mutt. However, Harry thought Malfoy was a coward, and if he had actually dealt with Voldemort, he would probably wet himself.

"Now, I only have time to give you a general background on the subject today," Professor Leurre said. Harry glanced at his watch. There were only a few minutes before the bell rang. "But as I said before, ancient magic is limitless. It will never go away. It is hidden in the darkest of places. No witch or wizard truly understands all of its capabilities. Not even Voldemort." Most of the students in the class still shuttered at the sound of his name. Professor Leurre ignored them. "Not even Dumbledore." She paused and leaned back against her desktop. "The only masters of ancient magic, the only ones who really understand all of its secrets, are house-elves."

At the mentioning of house-elves, Harry saw Hermione's head instantly snap to attention. There was some noise from the rest of the class as well.

Harry had never thought of it before, but now it made sense. Dobby had some kind of powerful magic that let him disapparate on Hogwarts grounds. It was hard to believe that such power was given to such a small race. And the entire purpose of a house-elf was to serve a wizard, when in fact, they could rule the world if they wanted to.

"House-elves have served wizards for centuries," Professor Leurre continued. "Their magic knows no bounds. The origin of the first house-elf is unknown, but legend has it that the first house-elf was bound to a wizard family by a curse. The first house-elf had abused its power, and each house-elf thereafter would be forced to carry out his sentence until he was given back his dignity by receiving clothes."

Malfoy glared at Harry with his beady eyes. Dobby had been the Malfoy's house-elf until Harry had sent him free during his second year. Dobby had been the one to save him from Lucius Malfoy's wrath.

Hermione's hand shot into the air. Professor Leurre called on her. "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"What exactly did the first house-elf do to receive this kind of punishment?"

"Excellent question," Professor Leurre said. "According to legend, the house-elf tried to become immortal by feeding off of the wizarding family. So from then on, he had to serve the family to repay them for the pain he had caused."

"And who decided this punishment?" Hermione asked. "Because it all seems rather unfair to me."

"Big surprise," Malfoy spat. "Stupid Mudblood, asking stupid questions."

"Watch your mouth, Mr. Malfoy," Professor Leurre scolded. "Ten points from Slytherin."

"Ten points well worth it," Malfoy muttered. But the professor didn't hear him. Ron, on the other hand, looked like he was ready to launch himself across the room and beat Malfoy into a pulp.

"Actually, the house-elf decided the punishment with the spell he was using. Ancient magic works in mysterious ways. I know this is all very confusing and hard for you all to understand, but there is a certain balance that magic achieves. The house-elf used the family, so in return, the family used the house-elf."

"So just because one house-elf made a mistake, the rest of the race has to suffer for eternity?" Hermione interrupted.

Harry thought Professor Leurre would be upset with Hermione, but she smiled with that same spark in her eye she'd had before. "Who said it was for an eternity?" she questioned coyly. "However, it has always been in the house-elves' nature to serve others. Now, as much as you'd like to discuss the mistreatment of house-elves, I'm not going to allow you to do it during my class time. I'm lecturing on ancient magic, not house-elf history."

But before she could continue, the bell rang signaling the end of class. She sighed. "Next time we'll be discussing a little bit about chapter seven and a lot about ancient magic. Class dismissed."

Most of the class jumped out of their seats and headed towards the doorway, but Hermione had stayed behind. She looked as though she were going to ask some more questions about house-elves.

Harry wondered if Hermione knew of this clan of free house-elves in London. Professor Leurre seemed to be rather knowledgeable about the subject; perhaps she had heard of them too. He considered staying behind and asking, but he could tell that Hermione's mind was on the S.P.E.W., and he wanted to steer clear of that conversation if at all possible.

Professor Leurre was fussing with a jar of toads she'd used for a demonstration. As Harry and Ron walked by her desk, one of them jumped from its open jar and hopped along the floor. Professor Leurre tried to pick it up, but she nearly dropped the jars she was holding. Harry quickly bent over and tried to catch the frog. He got it by the hind legs but it hopped away. He took another step forward and caught it with both hands.

"I've got it," Harry said. He gave it back to Professor Leurre, who put it in a jar with a secured lid and added it to the other frogs on her desk.

"Thanks, Harry," she said brightly. Harry saw that maybe she didn't look so much like McGonagall now that he was closer to her. Her expression was almost child-like. She had a twinkle in her eye that McGonagall only had when she spoke of Quidditch. "Oh, I think you dropped something," she said. She walked over to where Harry had caught the frog and picked up a small, gray orb.

Harry gasped. It was Remus's Moon Guide.

"Where did you get this?" she demanded. She held it in the palm of her hand, staring at it as though it were going to jump up and bite her.

Harry didn't even realize that somebody would know what it even was. What was he supposed to say? That he got it from Remus? "I, well, er... I mean... It was a gift."

Professor Leurre kept her eyes on the Moon Guide. "I see."

He feared for a moment that she was going to keep it until the end of the year - like the fake Moody had done with the Marauder's Map - but she held it out to him. Carefully, Harry took it from her.

"Don't want to lose that, Potter," she said. "Keep it safe." She turned away, her mood substantially deflated, and the sparkle gone from her eyes. She cleared her throat. "The headmaster wants to see you in his office."

What had happened? Why would Dumbledore want to see him? "I... okay..."

Professor Leurre took a step closer to him, her voice barely above a whisper. "The password is Ton-Tongue Toffee."

He didn't know if he was more shocked because he'd actually been called to Dumbledore's office, or because the headmaster was a fan of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes. Harry nodded and glanced wearily at Hermione and Ron. As they walked by Hermione, Ron grabbed her by the sleeve and hauled her outside. She looked like she would have rather bombarded Professor Leurre with questions about house-elves.

"What was that all about?" Ron questioned.

"That was really odd, Harry," Hermione agreed. "D'you think she really knew what it was?"

Harry shrugged. They didn't know the whole story. "There's something I didn't tell you two. Not only does this show me the phases of the moon," he said quietly, "when I look into it, I can see where Remus is. I can see what he's doing."

"So it's like a surveillance item?" Hermione questioned. "Incredible! It even works on Hogwarts grounds? It must be more than an enchanted object."

"Wait, so you can spy on Lupin?" Ron asked.

"As long as he's wearing this special chain around his neck," Harry replied. "He said that it was another gift from Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. I think it's a one-of-a-kind magical item."

"Do you think she knew what it really was?" Hermione questioned.

"Well, Remus did mention that somebody else had the Moon Guide before." Harry tried to think back to his birthday. "If I remember correctly," he said suddenly, "Remus mentioned that it was a woman. He said that whoever had it before, she didn't want it anymore."

"She? Remus has a girlfriend?" Ron questioned.

"Not anymore, by the sounds of it," Harry replied. "But you don't think... Professor Leurre and Remus? She's not at all his type."

"That would be like Lupin dating McGonagall!" Ron cried. He had a sickened expression on his face. "There's no way. Remus is smarter than that."

"And what is wrong with Professor McGonagall?" Hermione asked incredulously. "Some men are attracted to bright, head-strong women!"

Knowing that this was entirely true from his own personal experience, Ron shut up.

"I've got to go," Harry said. "Professor Leurre said that Dumbledore wants to see me in his office straight away."

"What for?"

Harry shrugged. "I've no clue. I hope it's not something serious."

He said goodbye to Hermione and Ron, worrying about the meeting to come. He was lost in thought when he found himself in front of a statue of a stone gargoyle, planted at the entrance to Dumbledore's office. He walked up to the wall and quietly said, "Ton-tongue toffee." The statue rolled away and revealed a staircase. Quietly, Harry followed the pathway to Dumbledore's office.

He wasn't sure why Dumbledore was calling him to his office. He was rarely called there for any sort of good news. The last time he'd been in the office he had trashed it. It had been the night that Sirius died and Dumbledore had told him everything about the Prophecy. He thought back to that night and felt ashamed. Dumbledore was only doing what he thought was best for Harry.

When he reached the doorway, he knocked softly. "Come in," Dumbledore called.

Harry opened the door and stepped inside of his office. Portraits of previous headmasters hung on the walls. Some were sleeping, but oddly enough, Harry noticed that most of them were quietly watching him.

"Don't mind them," Dumbledore announced. "They're a bit nosey these days." He gestured to the chair in front of his office. "Have a seat, Harry."

Harry was a little apprehensive as he sat down. He was afraid to meet Dumbledore's eyes, but when he finally did look the old man in the face, he was relieved to see a smile. "Professor Leurre said you wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yes, Harry. Don't be alarmed. I just thought it would be a good idea for the two of us to have a little chat." He folded his hands together on the desktop. "I understand that you've been busy with Occlumency lately."

Harry nodded. "Yes, sir."

"I realize that you and Professor Snape have had your share of differences, and I truly appreciate your patience. However, I must stress the importance of you recording all of your dreams down in the diary."

Harry was concentrating on the grain of Dumbledore's desk. "Yes, sir."

"The Order has decided that you play an indispensable role in our defense."

Indispensable? Harry was confused. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"Once you learn to control these... visions, as you call them, you will prove to be invaluable. You are our weapon, Harry." When Harry still looked puzzled, he continued. "Not only are you the key to Voldemort's demise, but you share the same sight. Though this sight is a burden, it gives an advantage to our side. That is why we are having you record your dreams, and also why we want to set up a few meetings for you with the Order."


Professor Dumbledore nodded. "The first one will be to discuss the vision involving Bellatrix Lestrange's escape." Harry's heart blazed inside him when he heard her name. He hated her in a way that made his entire body burn. "The Order will choose a time and place for this meeting, and we will set up some transportation for you to meet with them."

"You mean I'm going to leave Hogwarts?"

"Only at night, I assure you," Dumbledore replied. "I wish that these meetings could take place on the grounds, but the fact remains that it would be entirely suspicious to watching eyes if all of the members suddenly showed up in my office. It would not be safe. Which brings up something else I should share with you."

Harry didn't like the sound of that. He gulped.

"Owls are not safe. The Order had a message intercepted only last week and we believe that Voldemort has been tracking us somehow. Please, do not give away vital information in your letters. Use code if at all possible. And finally, there is one last thing I wish to discuss with you. Just between the two of us."

Harry winced. He hoped it didn't have anything to do with using a Fever Fudge Snackbox to get out of Charms a few days before. But when he looked up at Dumbledore, he was smiling.

"I wonder, Harry, when you are planning to resurrect my army?"

Harry's jaw dropped. He didn't know what to say.

"Everyone in the Order was very impressed with D.A. last year. We agreed that you need to put all of your emotions - all of your anger - into something productive. Continuing to teach Defense of the Dark Arts to your peers would be a very healthy outlet."

"I... sir... but you see..." Harry stuttered. How could explain to Dumbledore that he didn't want the responsibility of endangering the lives of his friends?

However, the headmaster seemed to understand his thinking. "Harry, you are not putting them into mortal peril. You are preparing them for the final battle. This nonsense about responsibility just will not do. You must continue with the meetings."

Harry was still in shock, but part of him was wondering where he'd find the time for D.A. Between Occlumency and Quidditch starting and his own studies, he barely had time to breathe. "But Professor..."

"Harry, you are a minor, and as a minor you are too young to join the Order of the Phoenix. However, that doesn't mean you can't make a difference."

Dumbledore was right. Harry was being too cautious. He was behaving like a coward about D.A. He was in Gryffindor, wasn't? He would just have to be brave and take the plunge again. They needed to learn. They needed to know how to protect themselves.

"Yes, sir," Harry replied. "I'll spread the word."

"Good." Dumbledore's blue eyes were twinkling as he stroked his long white beard. "There are a lot of people who care about you, Harry. Myself included. Please, don't hesitate to stop by if anything is on your mind."

"I won't sir," Harry said. "Thanks." He stood up from his seat and headed towards the exit.

"Oh, and Harry," Dumbledore said, "I'm sorry about Quidditch Captain, but I'm afraid there was no way around it. Professor Snape was a stickler for the rulebook. But there's always next year," he added hopefully.

Snape. Harry's hands coiled into fists at his side. So he was behind it all.