The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Narcissa Malfoy
Angst General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 10/02/2003
Updated: 01/18/2004
Words: 13,526
Chapters: 6
Hits: 1,875


Slytherin Tattoo

Story Summary:
If Narcissa Malfoy was Voldemort's right hand... if she ruled her son... if Draco had been told from the beginning, won over Harry Potter... if his life was lived for the Lady.... An AU fic, starting with first year, that will reveal to you the House of Malfoy, its Lady, and her son.

Chapter 01

If Narcissa Malfoy was Voldemort's right hand...if she ruled her son...if Draco had been told from the beginning, won over Harry Potter...if his life was lived for the Lady...

Words: 1,292
Hits: 651
Chapter 02

If Narcissa Malfoy was Voldemort's right hand...if she ruled her son...if Draco had been told from the beginning, won over Harry Potter...if his life was lived for the Lady...

Words: 2,275
Hits: 149
Chapter 03

To Draco's chagrin, he is sorted into Slytherin, and Harry into Gryffindor. Now how is he supposed to win Harry over as his mother requested? Especially as he has to deal with finding his own place in the Slytherin hierarchy and getting used to Hogwarts.

Words: 2,022
Hits: 264
Chapter 04

As Draco adjusts to Hogwarts and being a Slytherin, he continues to try and befriend Harry Potter, as per his mother's orders. Things go awry when Weasley comes between them.

Words: 2,780
Hits: 239
Chapter 05

Will Draco be able to reconcile with Harry as Lady Narcissa Malfoy commands? How will his first Potions lesson go? Will he really steal a broom and go flying?

Words: 2,755
Hits: 260
Chapter 06

Draco continues to try to make friends with Harry, as per his mother's request. The students settle into Hogwarts as they try to establish rank for themselves. Draco and the other Slytherins taunt Hermione and Neville.

Words: 2,402
Hits: 312