The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy
General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 10/27/2003
Updated: 08/31/2004
Words: 47,214
Chapters: 18
Hits: 9,478

The Family Name

Slytherin Tattoo

Story Summary:
Cross-over set during Second Year. Artemis Fowl learns he has magic powers when he is invited to attend Hogwarts. There he meets Draco Malfoy. Egos immediately clash between one evil genius and one nasty Slytherin in a school of witchcraft and wizardry. Meanwhile, somebody's opened the Chamber of Secrets. That's when things really start to get out of hand...

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Crossover with Artemis Fowl set in Second Year. In this chapter:

The Family Name

By Slytherin Tattoo

Chapter 15

Granger pulled Artemis aside just before supper. "Myrtle said she'd gone into the bathroom to cry because someone was making fun of her. She heard a guy's voice, speaking in another language, so she came out of her stall to see why. And when she opened the door, she died. She just remembers seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes. Then her body seized up and she was dead."

"Good," Artemis murmured. "What do you know about house elves?"

"They're treated shamefully! It's a disgrace! They have to work all the time--no holidays or sick leave. They don't get paid. They're slaves!"

"But they can do magic."

"Yes--they're not allowed to use wands, though."

"Why don't they revolt?"

"They're bound to their masters. Why, they even punish themselves if they're disloyal! Harry said Dobby hits his head against dressers and stuff. . ."

"Wait, who's Dobby?"

"Oh! Um. . ." Hermione looked guilty, and suddenly became very interested in staring at the wall.

Artemis's eyes narrowed. "Granger, what are you not telling me?"

She looked at him then and smiled. "I'm not left handed, either."

"Do I have to trick Weasley into telling me, then?"

She glared at him, then sighed. "I really shouldn't tell you, but. . . well. . . just before school started, a house elf named Dobby showed up in Harry's house and told him he shouldn't go back to Hogwarts because his life would be in danger there. Harry didn't care, he wanted to come here. So Dobby blocked the way to Platform 9 and 3/4. That's why Harry and Ron flew that car here. And then Dobby set that rogue Bludger on him, to try and get him to leave."

"Is that normal house elf behavior?"

"Not at all! They're not supposed to use magic on humans like that, even ones that aren't their master. But Dobby says Harry is important to the wizarding world."

Artemis ignored that last part. "So they're fairies that do wandless magic but feel compelled to be loyal servants to wealthy families."

"Um, yeah."

Artemis gazed blankly into the distance, pondering. "Granger, you've given me a lot to think about."

"Yes, well, I want to know more about the whole Myrtle thing. What do you suspect? The creature killed her?"

"She was the death 50 years ago, yes."

"But what killed her?"

"Think about it. Whose house elf is he?"

"Um, we don't know. But what. . ."

"I should go."

Granger frowned. "Fine." Artemis walked back into the Great Hall. She sighed again, then hurried her own steps and said in a loud voice as she passed him, "That was a lovely valentine you got, Fowl! I hadn't known Malfoy was so sweet on you!"

Everyone sitting near the door laughed. There was really only one response he could make to that. "Did you hear that, Malfoy?" he called over to the Slytherin table. "Granger thinks you sent me that valentine because you're 'sweet on me.'"

Draco stood up abruptly. Pansy grinned and clapped her hands. "Oh, I knew it! You are romantic, after all!"

"It's just like her to get everything mixed up! I despise you, Fowl. Even if you were a girl, I'd despise you!"

Granger continued on toward the Gryffindor table. "I think he protests too much."

Draco lost his head. "What would you know, you arrogant Mu. . ."

But by then Artemis had gotten his wand out and cast that same silencing charm on Draco. He stalked over to stand by him and whisper in his ear, "Malfoy, if you shout out the word Mudblood here, half the hall is going to rise up against you, and Dumbledore will have you in detention. Focus, Malfoy. Is it safe to take the hex off now?"

Draco, scowling furiously, nodded.

"Finite incantatum," Artemis chanted softly.

Draco turned and stared at Artemis. His gray eyes seemed to reflect back Artemis's own face, and for once he had no idea what Malfoy was thinking.

Granger had sat down at her table, and most people had gone back to their food, but quite a few were still watching them.

Pansy chose this moment to squeal, "Fowl was whispering sweet nothings in his ear! The feelings are returned!"

Draco lunged at her and started tickling her unmercifully.

Artemis shrugged, sat down, and started eating.

___________ _____________

"Just imagine it's a snake, Potter. I want to hear you speak Parseltongue."

Potter looked from the bit of rubber hose to Artemis doubtfully. They were in the empty Charms classroom. Artemis had asked Potter to meet him there. "What's this about?"

"I'm researching magical languages. Just humor me."

Potter sighed. "Hello, snake."

"That was English."

Artemis watched as Potter narrowed his eyes in concentration and spoke again. A strange sort of rhythmic hissing emerged from his mouth. Artemis stepped closer, so the recorder hidden in his pocket would be sure to pick up the sound. "Keep talking."

"What do I say?" Harry protested, feeling foolish.

"I have a script for you."

When Artemis was finally satisfied, Potter stretched and looked over at him again. Artemis looked back. "Have you heard that voice again?"


"Where exactly were you when you heard it? Did it move around?"

"The first time was in the DADA classroom. Then in one of the dungeons. And it was moving upward through the ceiling. Through the walls. To that passageway on the second floor where we found the writing."

"That's it," he murmured, too soft for the other to hear. "Last piece of the puzzle."

"I want the diary," Potter said in a determined sort of voice.

"All right. I'll give it to you in Potions."

___________ __________

Artemis wrapped the diary in brown paper and gave it to Potter at the start of class. This caused some puzzlement.

"Hey, cool, Harry!" Finnigan tried to take it. "You've got wizard porn!"

"Do I look like the kind of person who would read porn?" Potter snapped, blushing.

"Is there a certain type?" Thomas wondered.

"Male chauvinist pigs?" Patil suggested.

"Fowl gave it to him, it can't be porn," Brown said. "Fowl's as frigid as they come."

Parkinson opened her mouth to speak.

"Pansy," Artemis warned, "don't start."

"But it's not true! You and Draco have expressed your love for each other. . ." Her hands were clasped and her eyes were teary.

Artemis put a hand on each of her shoulders. "Pansy, I'm sorry. We're both straight. You're going to have to deal with it."

Bulstrode offered Pansy a handkerchief. She blew her nose.

"You better bloody believe I'm straight," Draco griped.

"So what did he give you then?" Patil asked.

"It's a Muggle book," Artemis announced, frowning. "Happy? Now all of Slytherin knows I read Muggle books."

"There's nothing embarrassing about that," Thomas complained.

Most of the Gryffindors continued to look suspicious--or disappointed.

Millicent wrinkled up her nose. "You read Muggle books?"

"I've read Muggle books." Chevalier leaned back in her chair, unconcerned.

"Yeah, we still respect you, Artemis, it's OK," Zabini assured him.

Despite himself, Artemis felt strangely warmed.

Snape strode in then, ending the conversation.

But a little later, Draco leaned over and whispered, "Why'd you give it back to them?"

"I don't need it anymore."

"Then what did you figure out?"

"We can hardly talk here."

"Then tell me after our last class."

___________ __________

But after their last class, Artemis used Crabbe and Goyle as a diversion and ducked away before Malfoy could notice. It wasn't until several hours later that Draco found him in an empty classroom in the dungeons that was no longer used.

"I thought you'd turn up sooner or later," Artemis said.

"You're really annoying me, Fowl."

"I know."

"What is that?"

"Draco Malfoy, meet technology." Artemis waved a hand at the equipment he had spread out on a table. "I'm making a dictionary, in case you're interested."

"Yes, your fascination with languages. What does this have to do with the Chamber?"

"Maybe nothing. I thought you wanted to know about the diary."

"Yes. Why'd you give it back?"

"I learned what I wanted from it. They were growing whiny and suspicious so I gave it back to them, so they can lose it." He observed Draco calmly.

This was another of those times when Draco seriously wondered which of them was crazy. "So they can lose it?"

"Yes. After that whole scene in class, Potter's fellow Gryffindors are going to be curious enough to unwrap it. Someone will spread around what he's got. And then someone is going to panic, and steal it back from him."

"Then what? Another attack?"

"Then we track her. Or rather, we set the Trio to track her. I'm going to be busy with--other things."

Draco's eyes narrowed. "What other things?"

"Oh, just an interesting idea I ran across in an old treatise one of our professors wrote. That's what this is for." He indicated the gadgetry again, none of which made any sense to Draco.

"Well, what is that stuff?"

"Computer. Recorder. Speaker. Translator--my own invention."

Draco still had no clue, but was reluctant to admit it.

"Malfoy, are you at all interested in risking your life battling a huge monster in a secret chamber?"

"Obviously not."

"Then you don't really need to know."

Draco scowled at Fowl's superior tone. "Oh, and are you prepared to risk your life?"

"No. But I'm prepared to risk someone else's."

_________ __________

"Dear Butler, the time has come for you to spend a few days visiting Hagrid. Keep yourself available, wait for my signal, and get as much information about taking down a basilisk from Hagrid as you can without making him suspicious. Yes, old friend, my 'scheme' is about to commence. Artemis."

He sent the email before breakfast that day, and by lunchtime, he'd received word that Butler was camped out in Hagrid's hut. After classes, he went to the library, to make himself easily accessible by owl. It was 7:30 when Madam Pince was disturbed by Hedwig flying in and landing on Artemis's table.

"Sorry," Artemis apologized, gathering up his bag. "I'll take her outside."

In the hallway, he gave her a handful of owl treats and read the note. "Meet us in the Owlery at once. Urgent news."

This was it. He took a deep breath and went to meet them.

____________ __________

Draco wasn't stupid. He knew Artemis was close to doing--whatever it was he was up to. He wanted to know what that was. He watched Artemis get up and leave the library with Potter's owl. He stood up from where he'd been sitting cross-legged in the midst of the bookstacks. He stretched his arms over his head--his back muscles were cramping from hunching over to read. He waited long enough to give him a headstart, then he followed Fowl.

____________ ____________

Author notes: This chapter was a little short, but it seemed like a good place to end. The next chapter will be full of action and suspense!

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