The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy
General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 10/27/2003
Updated: 08/31/2004
Words: 47,214
Chapters: 18
Hits: 9,478

The Family Name

Slytherin Tattoo

Story Summary:
Cross-over set during Second Year. Artemis Fowl learns he has magic powers when he is invited to attend Hogwarts. There he meets Draco Malfoy. Egos immediately clash between one evil genius and one nasty Slytherin in a school of witchcraft and wizardry. Meanwhile, somebody's opened the Chamber of Secrets. That's when things really start to get out of hand...

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Second Year starts. Artemis boards the Hogwarts Express, where he once again encounters Malfoy. Draco is not happy that Artemis is getting as much attention as he is. The Weasleys are not happy that the two Slytherins are dueling in front of Ginny. And Neville is not happy that his toad has disappeared again.
Author's Note:
Thanks to everybody who reviewed. You're great!

The Family Name

By Slytherin Tattoo

Chapter 2

Butler stood in King's Cross Station in between Platforms 9 and 10. They shook hands. "Watch out for yourself, Artemis," Butler said.

"I will. Don't worry about me. You sure you trust Hagrid to get you to Hogsmeade?"

Butler smiled. "I trust myself to make sure he does."

Artemis gave a brief smile back. "Well, I'll go hurl myself at this wall then." He sighed. "There are certain aspects of magic that still disturb me."

"You don't actually have to hurl, you know," said a voice behind them. They turned to see a handsome black-haired boy with a beautiful black-haired woman. "You can just sort of sidle."

The boy looked to be his own age, and like him, wore Slytherin robes. He had a trunk on a trolley, and a hawk on his shoulder. "I'm Blaise Zabini."

"Artemis Fowl," he replied automatically, then added, "the Second," because something about the pair screamed, "we respect lineage and money."

"I'm Edie Nigellus Zabini," the woman introduced herself. She was pale, with deep red lips and a long brown dress sewn with onyx beads. She had a ruby on a chain around her throat. She was eyeing Butler in a way that made him distinctly uncomfortable.

Artemis found this amusing. "Well then, should we sidle?"

"Let's." The boy casually approached a stone pillar and pushed his way through it, trolley first. The hawk on his shoulder remained completely unperturbed.

Artemis turned and gave Butler one last nod, then followed the other boy through.

He found himself standing on a platform outside, the wind blowing in his face. Right in front of them, the Hogwarts Express waited, smoke rising from the engine.

"You can't be a first year, not if you're wearing Slytherin robes," Zabini said suddenly, and Artemis realized Blaise was looking at him.

"No, I'm second. I was abroad last year."


"Amongst other places." Artemis started for the train.

"Where's your luggage?"

"It's at the school already. Zabini--now I remember. Your name was on the card for Crabbe and Goyle. The sweets you sent, before their last exams."

Zabini's eyes narrowed. "How did you know about that?"

"I was there this summer. At Hogwarts. I had to make up a little work I missed while I was gone." Zabini shoved his trunk up the steps of the train. Artemis helped. "You know, those were good sweets. I liked the chocolate frogs."

"They'll sell those on the train," Zabini told him. "Hey, help me find an empty compartment to leave this in."

So they walked down the aisle, looking through windows, until Artemis said, "There's Malfoy."

Zabini stopped and looked in. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were arranging their luggage in an otherwise unoccupied compartment. Zabini knocked sharply, then opened the door.

"Zabini!" Crabbe and Goyle echoed in greeting. "Fowl!"

Draco's eyebrows raised as Artemis followed Zabini in. "You again."


The two examined each other again. Both wore custom-tailored, expensive clothes under their Slytherin robes. Both were pale and slenderly built, with striking eyes. Blue met gray now, stare for stare, radiating confidence and superiority.

"Trying to subvert my friends, are you?"

"Subvert? Do you have them under your authority?"

"Who do you think you are, anyway?"

"Artemis Fowl the Second."

"Fowl? Artemis Fowl?" came a voice from the doorway. A person followed the voice inside. He was somewhat older--third or fourth year, Artemis decided. He, too, wore Slytherin robes. He had sandy brown hair and eyes.

"Yes," Artemis identified himself warily.

To his amazement, the Slytherin smiled with delight. "Keen! I'm Pucey, Adrian Pucey. I'm on the Quidditch team--I play Chaser. I'm from Belfast. I'm--familiar with the circles your family deals in--the Fowls are quite notorious, you know.
Glad to meet you!"

The other boys gaped at Pucey, then at Fowl. "What does that mean?" Draco demanded, scowling. "What circles?"

"You know--the underworld. Black market, criminal element."

"Criminals, eh?" Draco regarded Artemis darkly.

"Naturally. It seems to me your family is a bit on the shady side as well," Artemis retorted, losing some of his normal cool, unshakeable calm.

"Are you insulting my family name?"

"Are you insulting mine?"

They glared at each other.

"Um, guys," Goyle ventured uncertainly, "don't fight."

"Yeah, come on," Crabbe pleaded.

"I know where you can buy chocolate frogs," Zabini put in, trying to distract them.

Draco looked at Zabini. "Chocolate frogs?"

"I like chocolate frogs," said Artemis.

"Do you play Quidditch?" Pucey asked.

"No, I study Quidditch," Artemis answered, to their confusion. "Strategy," he explained. "I'm a strategy man."

"That could come in useful," Pucey grinned. "I've heard of a few little schemes you've pulled off--you're really clever."

Draco scowled again. "If you're so smart, why aren't you in Ravenclaw?"

Artemis looked at him and smiled in way that would have made Draco rethink his position, if he wasn't so Malfoy-ishly stubborn. "The Sorting Hat seemed to feel I was too ambitious, ruthless, and unethical for any other House." He shrugged. "I don't mind."

"Slytherin is the best," Zabini declared.

The train gave a sudden lurch then and they all looked out the window. They were moving. "We're on our way."

"Yeah. Listen, I have to find Flint. Hey--want to meet him?" Pucey offered.

"Why not?" He followed as Pucey headed for the door.

"I think I'll just tag along," Draco said dryly.

Marcus Flint sat with his feet propped up on his trunk. Two large goons sat on either side of him, separated by one empty seat. On the other side of the car were two girls with long blonde hair and vapid expressions.

"Hey, Flint and company!" Pucey greeted them. "How was your summer?"

"Frankly boring," Flint answered lazily. "My little sister drove me to distraction--that was the only excitement I had."

"I was bored, too," Pucey said quickly. "But now, I wanted to introduce a new Slytherin to you."

The three boys crowded into the compartment. Flint regarded him. "How can you be sure he's Slytherin if he's new?"

"I've been Sorted." Artemis's gaze flicked around the various people present. He was definitely the most intelligent lifeform there. 'I'm a second year, even though I wasn't able to attend Hogwarts last year. I was abroad."

"He's apparently infamous in the world of Irish crime," Draco put in with a silky voice.

"Not just Irish," said Artemis, and gave another one of his smiles that caused small shivers to run down Flint's spine. This kid was dangerous. There were two options: befriend him or kill him. And Hogwarts officials would probably notice his death.

"Pleased to meet you, kid." Flint waved his hand benevolently. "Welcome to Slytherin House and all that. This is Derrick," he indicated the goon on his left, "and Bole," the goon on his right. "And that's Cassandra Kroell and her sister, Caitlynn."

They giggled and waved. The goons grunted. Pucey sat down next to Cassandra.

"Well, it's been grand meeting you all," Artemis forced a friendly half-smile, "but I'd best be getting back. It's important to mingle and network, you know."

"True, but you've already just met the Popular People of the House. Still, I agree, you should socialize while you can."

Artemis nodded and escaped. After a few moments, he heard Malfoy behind him. "Going back to my car, are you?" Draco drawled.

Artemis opened his mouth to retort, when a door to a compartment slammed open in between them, and a girl stepped out into the aisle--a girl with wavy red hair.

Malfoy covered his eyes dramatically. "Don't tell me!" He uncovered his eyes and leaned closer to the girl, staring her up and down. "Potter's girlfriend, the female Weasley."

She took a step back and hit the door, which had closed behind her. Her mouth twisted. "You're the Malfoy boy! From the bookshop."

"Yes, Draco Malfoy, that's me."

She tried to brush past him. "Leave me alone."

He moved over and blocked her path.

"Ah, you're the kind who likes to bully younger girls," Artemis said coolly. They both looked over at him as if just remembering he was there. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

"Would you rather have me bully you?" Draco scowled.

"No, I'd rather have you tell me about Flint and Company, but you seem otherwise occupied. Shall I just wait here patiently then?" the last line was delivered with a good deal of sarcasm.

"What is it with you, Fowl? You may be big in Ireland, but here you're nobody, see? The Malfoys are purebloods and you're obviously not. My father is a powerful wizard and influential in the wizarding community. What does yours do, huh?"

Artemis's face closed off and he tensed before he could stop himself.

Draco knew he'd made a hit. "He's probably some loser--a pickpocket maybe, since you're do into crime. He's probably a total imbecile. . ."

"Just shut up," Artemis said very softly. How could he let this kid get to him? He was normally so calm and unrattled. All he'd wanted to do was stop him from messing with the girl, she looked so young and nervous. He took a deep breath but it was no use. Something about this boy had grated under his skin since he'd gotten on the train. He wanted to pound Malfoy's face in, and that was certainly unlike him. "Quit insulting him."

"Why should I?" Draco sneered.

Oh, if Butler were here. . . but he had other means now, right? His hand closed on his wand and he drew it out. "I'd prefer to just drop the whole conversation now and we'll both just walk away. Shall we?"

"I'm not done bullying," Draco smirked. His own wand was in his hand.

Ginny reached around him and opened the door to the compartment she'd come out of. Three redheaded boys looked out into the aisle and saw what appeared to be two Slytherins with wands drawn on their sister.

They stood up immediately and came out into the hall. They all spoke at once.

"What's going on here? Malfoy--dueling already?"

"Get away from our sister!"

"I can give you detention, you know. I'm a Prefect."

Draco sneered at them all but realized his odds were pretty bad.

"Get away from our sister, Slytherin trash!"

Artemis looked at the girl and raised his eyebrows. "Prejudiced, aren't they?"

"That other boy wasn't bothering me," she spoke up quickly. "Just Malfoy."

"Who are you calling trash?" Draco snapped. "Considering the quality of your robes, which should have been relegated to burning some time ago--you dirt-poor, Muggle-loving, pathetic excuses for wizards!"

"Ten points from Slytherin, Malfoy!"

"School hasn't started yet, Weasley." Draco gave them all one last glare, then stalked off.

Artemis sighed. "To the girl, sorry about that whole incident, to the one who insulted my House, yours is worse, and to the rest of you, I'm sorry I got out of bed this morning. Now I'm going to go find somewhere to sit that's not with Malfoy, bye."

The boys stood there, shocked and a little sheepish. He turned to walk away. "Wait! What's your name?" the girl asked.

"I'm Artemis Fowl."

"Why don't you and Malfoy like each other?" one of the boys asked.

"Do you two look exactly alike or is my imagination?"

Pause. "We're twins."

"Bye," Artemis repeated, and walked away.

____________ _____________

Draco Malfoy was not happy. He had almost dueled with an Irish Mudblood in his own House with a reputation for criminality. Why? Well, there was the fact that Mudbloods had no business being in Slytherin, but considering how few purebloods actually existed anymore, most people had at least some taint, even in Salazar's House. Honestly. . . he didn't think that was the reason.

Just. . . something about him. He acted so. . . arrogant, superior. As if being a Fowl, Mudblood and all, was 100 times better than being a Malfoy! As if that could ever be true!

And why did everybody else like him? Crabbe and Goyle had written about him all summer. He'd thought the name Fowl sounded vaguely familiar, so he'd gone looking for it in different records. His family had apparently been around for a long time. Every few generations, he'd see a mention of it, often in connection with a magical discovery or invention. The greatest had been Lord Hugo de Fole, back in the 11th century. He'd even had a fling with some famous Irish witch--Queen Maeve, had her own chocolate frog card.

Well, he'd show everyone that the name Malfoy was far superior to any Fowl, any day. And he'd start with Quidditch. He was going to show Potter what it meant to be a Seeker. Then everyone would notice him.

Maybe even his father.

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