Astronomy Tower
James Potter Lily Evans
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/21/2004
Updated: 07/21/2004
Words: 3,102
Chapters: 1
Hits: 907

As Lovers Go

Siofra The Elf

Story Summary:
The sequel to Hey Girl. After the events of the previous week, Lily finds herself questioning James. A night in the Three Broomsticks pretty much seals the deal.

Chapter Summary:
The sequel to
Author's Note:
Katicle challenged me to write a songfic to a song she actually knew. Whoops, didn't work.

"Come on, Lily," Alice pleaded, batting her eyelashes at her best friend. "Come with me, please?"

"I've told you already," Lily sighed, "I have too much homework."

"And I've told you already," Alice mimicked, "you need to take a break."

Lily Evans was about ready to strangle her best friend. Alice Black was trying to convince her to leave her studies. Did Alice not realize that it was N.E.W.T. year? If Lily wanted to get enough O's to become a healer, she had to study...a lot.

"Plus," Alice added, "I have a surprise for you."

Lily giggled. "You always have a surprise for me. And it's never a good surprise."

"It's a good surprise this time!" Alice promised.

"That's what you said the time you gave me bubble wrap," Lily reminded her.

"No, I'm being perfectly serious," Alice insisted. "I swear!"

"You're being perfectly like Sirius," Lily amended. "That no good cousin of yours is rubbing off on you."

"I resent that," Alice said, pouting prettily. "I rubbed off on him, thank you very much."

"Sor-ry," Lily said, rolling her eyes.

"But, in all seriousness," Alice said, "you have to come with me."

"Where are you going?" Lily asked, curious despite herself.

"It's a surprise," Alice said, smiling archly.

Lily groaned. "Alice, just tell me what it is, and I'll go with you."

"I don't know," Alice said. "Sirius said he had a surprise, but it's at Hogsmeade."

"Last time Sirius said that, he gave me a gigantic picture of James," Lily said.

"And you're complaining?" Alice asked incredulously.

"Hey," Lily said, in a threatening voice. "No fancying your cousin's best friend."

"Not even a little bit?" Alice asked pitifully.

"Well," Lily said thoughtfully, "I'll make an exception for Remus."

"You just don't want me to steal James from you," Alice said.

"I don't like James," Lily argued. "I hate him."

"You do not," Alice denied. "You are just covering up your feelings."

Lily did not see fit to inform her best friend just how close to the mark she was. Over the past year, James had changed so much that she barely recognized him as the boy she loved to hate. As the year progressed, she fell more and more in love with him, much against her will.

This is Potter, she reminded herself. He's arrogant and mean, and you don't like him at all. But then, there was that incident in the corridor last week. Snape had cursed him, and James had been ready to lash out at him like always. Lily had been prepared to rush in if needed.

Suddenly, James had done something that left Lily speechless. He had told Sirius to let Snape go. Lily had been elated, for reasons she didn't want to analyze.

Alice rolled her eyes. "Remus is way too calm and serious for me, anyway."

"You could do with a little calmness, if you don't mind my saying so," Lily said.

"Nah, I got my eye on a guy," Alice said offhandedly.

"Who?" Lily asked eagerly. Despite the generally held opinion that she was not interested in boys, Lily loved interfering in her best friend's love life.

"None of your business," Alice said mysteriously.

"Oh, come on, you have to tell me," Lily pleaded.

"Okay, I will," Alice said. "On one condition."


"You have to come with me to Hogsmeade," Alice said, giving Lily a snarky grin.

"Fine," Lily said, giving in to the inevitable.


"You aren't going like that, are you?" Alice asked.

"What's wrong with it?" Lily asked, looking down to inspect herself.

She was wearing a black, knee-length skirt, a white long-sleeved blouse, and black thong sandals.

"As much as I appreciate you wearing my signature color," Alice said, "you need a bit more of just that...color."

Alice, it turned out, was quite handy with Tailoring Charms. Within a few minutes, she had transformed Lily. Now her skirt only reached halfway down her thighs, and her blouse was a green color that exactly matched her eyes, in addition to having three-quarter sleeves.

"Much better," Alice said in satisfaction, watching Lily's vain attempt to pull her skirt down so that it covered more skin. "But wait," Alice said dramatically, "I've yet to present the crowning article of this outfit!"

Alice rushed off, leaving Lily standing in the middle of the Common Room in bare feet, feeling extremely stupid.

"Found them," Alice said, rushing back into the common room with a huge smile and holding up a pair of knee-high, black leather boots. She held them out to Lily, who obediently put them on.

"Are we done yet, ladies?" Sirius Black asked, having been watching the entire spectacle from the doorway of the boys' dormitories. He was leaning against the doorjamb, his hair falling rakishly into his eyes and a grin on his face.

"Just about, Sirius," Alice said absently, looking Lily over once more. "What do you think?"

"I think the pair of you look wonderful," Sirius said gallantly. "I have to get to Hogsmeade, though, so I won't be able to escort you."

Alice snorted. "Escort us?"

"It sounded good in my head," Sirius shrugged. "It just didn't sound so awesome when it came out."

"That happens a lot with you, doesn't it?" Alice asked, giving her cousin a smile.

"I resent that," Sirius said with a pout, unknowingly imitating Alice's earlier remark. They really were that much alike.

"Hey, guys," James said, coming down the stairs. Lily noticed with a mental groan that he gave her a very un-subtle once over, and cursed her short skirt. She was going to make it a point to keep up the façade of hating him. James hadn't changed that much. In fact, she wasn't sure he'd changed at all.

"Hey, James," Alice said cheerily. When Lily said nothing, Alice gave her a glare.

"Potter," Lily finally said, inclining her head to him.

James grinned. "Much as I appreciate it, my darling Alice, you really should stop browbeating dearest Lily into being nice to me."

"Fine," Alice said. "I'll beat her with my fists, instead."

"Alice!" Lily said, outraged. James and Sirius looked on with nearly identical evil grins.

"So, Lily dearest," James said, "since you've been so nice to me today, I've got a question."

"No, I will not go out with you," Lily said in a monotone.

"It was worth a try," James said with a shrug.

"I'd advise you to stop trying about now, James," Sirius said.

"Well, as much fun as I've had talking to you girls," James said, "and I assure you it's been my pleasure, Sirius and I must be getting on to Hogsmeade now. Isn't that right, Sirius?"

"Very much so," Sirius said. "Goodbye for now." He nodded in their direction.

"Bye, you heathens," Alice said.

"See you later, Sirius," Lily said. Catching another glare from Alice, she added, "Potter."

"I love you too, Lily," James said, giving her an unrepentant grin.

"You wish, Potter," Lily said good naturedly. James just winked roguishly.

As he walked out of the Common Room, though, someone who happened to be standing by the portrait hole would have noted that his face fell as he turned from Lily.


"I am proud to announce that tonight is the very first Amateur Night here at the Three Broomsticks," Madame Rosmerta said, from the center of a newly erected stage.

"This is what Sirius wanted us to see?" Lily asked skeptically.

"I would imagine so," Alice said. "I wonder why?"

"Where is Sirius, anyway?" Lily asked, looking around the room for a familiar thick shock of dark hair.

"No clue," Alice said. "This is kind of fun, though," she added, as a group of Ravenclaws took the stage and began to sing.

"They're awful," Lily whispered in Alice's ear.

"Tell me about it," Alice said. "Should we conjure up some tomatoes?"

"Alice!" Lily exclaimed in a scandalized voice. "That would be exceedingly rude."

"Don't use big words," Alice told her. "I've turned off my Big Word Translator."

"Meaning your brain?" Lily asked.

"Something like that," Alice shrugged.

The next few groups and singers didn't break their ear drums, but weren't worth the energy it took to applaud. Lily was starting to get bored.

"We've been here for two hours, and I haven't seen hide nor hair of Sirius or James or any of them, anywhere," Alice said angrily. "Sirius did this on purpose."

"It was Potter's fault, and you know it," Lily said.

"You are so biased against that boy," Alice scolded. "What did he ever do to you?"

"You want the full list, or the one I've edited for time?" Lily asked sarcastically.

"Go ahead, give me your best," Alice challenged.

"Number one," Lily began, "he tortures Snape."

"He hasn't done that since fifth year," Alice said. "You are holding a grudge, and that's dumb. Number one doesn't count."

"Fine then," Lily said. "Number two, he's arrogant."

"If you were the Quidditch Captain, absolutely brilliant, and one of the most popular people at school, you'd be a tad arrogant yourself," Alice said. "In fact, you are arrogant. Swaggering around in that Head Girl badge, always perfectly polished, always ready to give James detention for every little thing."

Lily gaped at her friend. "I do no such..." She stopped. Did she act that way? It panged her to admit it, but Alice was right.

"See?" Alice asked smugly.

"Fine, fine, fine," Lily said, admitting defeat. "Point taken."

"So what are you going to do now?" Alice prodded in a singsong voice.

"Stop giving Potter detention?" Lily asked, deliberately being evasive.

"No," Alice said. "You are going be nice to James. You are going to stop calling him 'Potter.' You are going to give him a chance. You are going to be his friend."

"Do I have to?" Lily whined.

"Yes," Alice said. "At least try it."

"No," Lily said. "This doesn't change anything. I still hate him."

"Be nice to him for a week," Alice pleaded. "Just a week. If you don't change your opinion of him by the end of the week, you can be mean to him forever. Do it for me."

"Okay," Lily said. "For you. But I'm not going to like it."

Alice smiled triumphantly. "You don't have to like it, Lily dearest, just as long as you do it."

"And now," Madame Rosmerta's voice cut into their conversation, "I am especially excited to present to you...The Marauders!"

Lily and Alice looked at each other with wide eyes. "They didn't..." Lily began.

The two girls turned as one to the stage, where they saw a most unexpected sight.

"They did," Alice said, in a voice that rang of surprise and something oddly like awe.

Trooping onto the stage were Sirius, James, Remus and Peter. James was strapping on a guitar as he walked, while Sirius was twirling a pair of drumsticks. Peter walked over to the keyboard as Remus picked up a bass guitar that had been waiting onstage.

"Did you know about this?" Lily demanded of Alice, in a rather accusing voice.

"I had no idea," Alice said, still staring at the stage. "I didn't even know Sirius played the drums."

"Neither did I," Lily said. They then made shushing noises at each other as The Marauders began to play.

The song was a fast one, and Lily smiled as she watched Sirius wield his drumsticks with surprising skill and enthusiasm. Remus was wearing a rather sheepish smile as he picked the strings of his bass guitar, looking uncommonly laid back as he did so. Peter was completely Peter, and she could see him sweating as he masterfully stroked the keys.

Lily's attention was caught by James, and the picture he made up there rocking on his guitar. His messy hair was falling slightly into his eyes, and his fingers skillfully maneuvered their way along the frets. He looked intense, and his eyes were filled with pride and excitement as he belted out the lyrics to a Boston song.

"It's more than a feeling," Lily sang along, still staring at James. "It's a pivotal something, it's more than a feeling."

"Is it more than a feeling, dearest Lily?" Alice asked. Without looking at her, Lily could tell she was smirking.

"I've no idea what you're talking about," Lily said innocently, not taking her eyes off the lead singer. "I didn't know James could sing," she added wonderingly.

"I did," Alice said. Lily looked at her in confusion. "I've heard him singing occasionally, when he didn't think I was listening. He was singing a song I've never heard before."

"How did it go?" Lily asked.

"Can't remember," Alice said, frowning in thought. "It was beautiful, though."

Lily looked back at the stage, and caught James's eye as he surveyed the crowd, still singing. He winked at her and grinned. Surprising herself and him, Lily grinned back. If possible, James's smile got wider.

After the song ended, the crowd called for an encore. And another encore. In fact, three more encores. When James had strummed the last notes to "All You Need is Love," the audience made the now familiar call. Lily screamed enthusiastically with them, ignoring the look Alice gave her.

"Okay, one more," James said. "But then we have to leave." He smiled at the groans from the assembled witches and wizards.

James nodded at Sirius, a strange look on his face. Sirius shook his head emphatically, and James glared at him.

"Sorry," James said. "Sirius doesn't want to play this one." Even Sirius smiled as the crowd called encouragement to him.

"He doesn't want to play it," James explained, "because I wrote it."

Lily and Alice looked at each other in astonishment.

"I wrote this song, as you will be able to tell, about a girl," James said. "I want to play it, but Sirius is afraid I'm going to make a fool of myself."

"I second that," Remus put in.

"Shut up, Remus," James said. He looked at the audience. "Do you want to hear it?"

The crowd cheered excitedly, Lily and Alice the loudest of all. James grinned at them.

"You heard them, Sirius. Get playing," James said. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"A girl?" Alice enquired quietly.

"Shut up, Alice," Lily said, blushing to the roots of her hair.

"How do you know it's you?" Alice asked indignantly. "He could have gotten over you and be singing about...I don't know...my cousin Narcissa."

"Narcissa?" Lily asked, raising her eyebrows.

"You're right," Alice said. "Forget I said anything."

Lily looked back up at the stage. James nodded at Sirius again, and he began to set the beat. Seconds later, James, Remus and Peter joined in on their various instruments.

Then James began to sing, and Lily forgot all else. He looked directly into her eyes as he plucked his guitar, and she knew without a doubt that he was singing to her.

She said "I've gotta be honest,
you're wasting your time if you're fishing 'round here."
And I said "You must be mistaken,
I'm not fooling...this feeling is real."
She said, "You've gotta be crazy,
what do you take me for...some kind of easy mark?"

Lily smiled. Even if he hadn't been looking into her eyes, she would have known without a doubt that this song was about her.

You've got wits...you've got looks, you've got passion,
but I swear that you've got me all wrong.

all wrong
all wrong
but you got me...

I'll be true, I'll be useful
I'll be cavalier...I'll be yours my dear
and I'll belong to you
if you'll just let me through
This is easy as lovers go,
so don't complicate it by hesitating
and this is wonderful as loving goes,
this is tailor made "what's the sense in waiting?"
and I said

"I've gotta be honest..."

"I've been waiting for you all my life..."

For so long I thought I was asylum bound,
but just seeing you makes me think twice.
And being with you here makes me sane,
I fear I'll go crazy if you leave my side.
You've got wits...you've got looks, you've got passion
but are you brave enough to leave with me tonight?

you've got me...

I'll be true, I'll be useful
I'll be cavalier...I'll be yours my dear
and I'll belong to you
if you'll just let me through
This is easy as lovers go,
so don't complicate it by hesitating
and this is wonderful as loving goes,
this is tailor made "what's the sense in waiting?"

This is easy as lovers go,
so don't complicate it by hesitating
and this is wonderful as loving goes,
this is tailor made "what's the sense in waiting?"

Lily gasped as he played the final notes of the song. He was still looking at her, in a way that made her knees go weak.

Alice had grabbed her hand and was squeezing it excitedly. Lily was conscious that the entirety of the crowd (which was composed mainly of Hogwarts students) was looking between her and James anxiously.

"Jeez, I'm sorry," she said sarcastically. "I didn't quite get the message. Think you could spell it out just a little better?"

James laughed, Sirius shook his head, Remus smiled, Alice squealed, and Peter just looked confused. Lily gave James a big smile.

"So, what exactly do you mean here, dearest Lily?" James asked. "For clarification purposes, of course."

Lily rolled her eyes. "James, I still won't go out with you."

James's face fell. "You won't? I should have guessed that," he added, as Lily shook her head.

"But I will be your friend," Lily said. "For now."

"And I solemnly swear that I will not ask you out again," James said. "I'll let you make the first move."

Lily laughed, and rushed up to the stage. James bent down and extended his hand. Taking it, she let him pull her up on the stage.

She promptly proceeded to kiss him soundly, amid cheers from the crowd.

"Was that a move?" James whispered against her mouth. They were both unaware that they were close enough to the magical microphone so that their words were broadcast throughout the room.

"Did your toes curl?" she whispered back.

"Yes," James said, grinning.

"No, it wasn't a move," Lily informed him. "When I make a move, everything curls."

Laughter and loud cheers from the crowd made the two of them look around. Lily blushed, which made James grin even more.

James turned to Sirius, still grinning. "See, Sirius?" James asked happily. "I told you it wasn't a dumb idea."

Author notes: And the song was heard by none other than Chris Carrabba. Years later, he viciously plagarized James Potter and made lots of money and people think that "As Lovers Go" describes James and Lily. I wonder why?
No, seriously, the song belongs to Chris Carrabba and Dashboard Confessional.
Sorry, Katy, I couldn't find a song that I thought you'd know. Email me a list or something, and stop griping about it.