The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy
Poem Angst
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Half-Blood Prince
Published: 12/01/2006
Updated: 12/01/2006
Words: 637
Chapters: 1
Hits: 277

Draco's Truth


Story Summary:
It's a semi truth/emi alternative outlook of how Draco's feeling! If this fic is well-recieved I will write either further insights into Draco or write more fics about other characters - it's up to you! Please if possible review after reading my fic!

Chapter 01


You people think you know me

You see what you want to see

Why can't you accept the real me?

The person you want to see is him

The glorified hero who wants to be me

Carefree I'm not

My father doesn't bother

He thinks he knows what I think

But he is stuck in the clink

My mother's smile never falters

Though fake, she tries

She thinks I buy these lies

Being pushed and pushed

I want to break free

And be . . .

The new Malfoy me

Pureblood this,

Mudblood that,

Why do I endorse this crap?

I play the 'Malfoy' Draco for everyone

I don't want to be like anyone else

But what's in my heart

Will never be the part

For anyone

But the Malfoy clan

I am the black sheep of the Malfoy sham

I try my best

To leave the Malfoy nest

But what I say in jest

Will cause me due unrest

I come across as sly and cruel

But you are the fool

As I am anything but,

More like . . .


At night there is a flood

Guess what?

I am crying

Can you believe that?

You think I'm flying,

The swagger, the blagger

Gone ...

Except for ...

Emptiness and yearning

You think I'm joking

You see the Malfoy mansion,

I see an isolated and elaborate Azkaban

Appearances are deceiving

Seeing isn't always believing,

But the lies we tell

Are to blame

I'm going insane,

No one likes to tell unpleasant truths

We all like to believe are solid and true

But deep down ...

We are wavering

All this trouble and toil,

Crabbe and Goyle,

They don't know that I'm in turmoil

They hold onto every word

I speak

But there is more to this world

Absent minded ...

I walk,

I feel raw

That's when ...

I speak poison

Well, what did you expect?

I'm Lucius' son

But what now?

How to fill this gnawing emptiness?

Answers by owl please

Material things will not do,

I've tried,

I've sighed,

When they don't work

I need something else

Don't I deserve to succeed?

You think not, you want me to bleed!

I feel out of place

I'm running a race

But time's running out

I need to stop this- fast

Before I become Lucius

You think what's the fuss?

But we are different

Can't you see?

I think I should flee,

Or else I'll never be free

I wish I could wear my heart on my sleeve

Like the glorified hero Potter

It's not fair

I don't have the glorified hero's flair

Emotions ...

Why can't they be potions?

Something to be stored away,

Out of harm's way

Not disconcerting...

I'm recoiling

I have been foiled

The Draco pretence

That made obvious sense

Has come to a screeching halt,

I'm falling

But no-one's calling

What shall I do?

I need to be untarnished and new,

I feel blue

This battle of wills,

Is not helped by rattlesnake

Sorry, I meant Snape

Ever the cauldron stirrer

He is to blame for my woes!

For the fact I can't be close

He chooses my foes

Its propaganda!

But he would say ...

No Draco, that's slander!

The man who orchestrates my life

No offence- but I don't like this symphony

It is definitely not funny

I am drowning ...

In bitterness

I need help...

I have no-one but myself,

Its time to act

The curtain is to unveil

The show's about to start,

Back to the tried and tested part,

I loathe so much

I tried to make you see

The real me

But it is far too late

As they say the sham must go on

Forget wiping the slate

Draco the Fake,

It's overpowering ....

Don't you wish you had listened to me?