Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Published: 09/26/2005
Updated: 06/11/2006
Words: 34,706
Chapters: 7
Hits: 9,179

We Wasted Years


Story Summary:
In Draco's seventh year, he and Ginny Weasley shared a wonderful semester surrendering to their lusts and to their passions. At the year's end, everything fell catastrophically to pieces and they erased each other from their lives. Now, nine years later, they are face to face once again, each of them married off and Draco's wife expecting a child. Yet, after all this time, the passion is still there, perhaps had never left; and so after an unexpected reunion, both Draco and Ginny must cope with the past as well as the present while they carry on a full-fledged affair. Written before HBP. AU for multiple, but slightly small, reasons.

Chapter 05 - chapter 5

Chapter Summary:
In Draco's seventh year, he and Ginny Weasley shared a wonderful semester surrendering to their lusts and to their passions. At the year's end, everything fell catastrophically to pieces and they erased each other from their lives. Now, nine years later, they are face to face once again, each of them married off and Draco's wife expecting a child. Yet, after all this time, the passion is still there, perhaps had never left and so after an unexpected reunion, both Draco and Ginny must cope with the past as well as the present while they carry on a full-fledged affair. Written before HBP. Slightly AU.
Author's Note:
I'm sorry it's taking so long to get to some D/G action, but I swear it will be worth it!!! Just hold out a little bit longer.

It had been a week since he'd seen her face, and yet it lit up every corner of his dark and lonely mind. He didn't have any real chances to see her, besides meals, but it seemed that when he wasn't skipping them, she was. He still couldn't believe that she was actually here with him, and for the next six months.

"Here you are, sir." Draco looked down onto one of the very few house elves Gerard seemed to own. Draco was sure this was probably only the second one he'd seen. It seemed hardly normal for such a large estate, but it didn't really affect him personally so he stopped caring.

The room Draco was led into was much brighter than any other room in the entire house. It had the perfect angle of the sun, and so it drew in the most natural light. Plus, the entire far wall was bedecked with windows.

"Draco, the late sleeper..." Draco looked up and saw Gerard standing near the large windows with Earl at his side. Earl was the only guy who still hadn't managed to get on Draco's nerves. Draco figured that it was only because Earl hardly ever talked to anyone, unless it was about the job. His life fully revolved around hammers and nails.

Draco rolled his eyes and didn't say anything. Gerard had been doing this stuff to him all week, making him feel unprepared and immature, as though he couldn't complete the tasks of the job, even though he was a full grown man. To add to it, Draco hardly did anything at all. None of the other men really seemed keen on giving him any specifics. They were anal about perfection, in Draco's eyes. Just because he didn't have a degree in hammering a nail into a piece of wood didn't mean he couldn't do it.

"Now we can get down to the important business," Gerard announced making Caleb jump. He'd been sitting at the desk with his nose buried into a blueprint, one of the smaller ones that specifically marked smaller areas of the big picture. Frankly, Draco didn't care which one had caught his attention, but it seemed that his half smile had given Caleb the impression that he did.

"Hey there," Caleb said slapping him on the back. "Glad to have you finally joining us. I was just looking over the accessibility of some of the classrooms and such on the second floor. They should be okay, though."

"Whatever you say, you're the architect," Draco retorted letting Caleb lead him over to Gerard and Earl.

Caleb splayed the blueprint out over the table adjacent to where Gerard and Earl were huddled and the four of them grouped around it like they were in a football huddle. Draco looked down onto the design, like everyone else, but he seemed to be the only one of them who didn't really see anything. He had no idea why he agreed to do this. He didn't have a clue about what he was doing, but then again, he wanted to do something. Inactivity was worse than being ignorant. He was sure construction wasn't hard. He would pick it up easily. Someone would just have to lay the foundation down for him first, in both respects; realistically and metaphorically and then he would be ready to go. If only they would hurry up and get started, then he would actually have something to do.

Finally someone interrupted the silence. Apparently, everyone else was done studying the plans now. It was about time.

"Okay, so first things first, the foundation must be laid before we get to start on the frame of it all," Caleb began. I'll be damned, Draco thought as he mused over the word foundation. Perhaps he didn't need very much help after all.

"Yes, my men are ready to go. We'll start on it first thing tomorrow," Earl said, giving Caleb a firm nod. "We'll have it all laid out by nightfall tomorrow, well we should. It's better to lay it all down at once so we'll get it all down tomorrow, Caleb."

"And how long will it need to set up and dry out?" Caleb asked.

"The concrete should take a few days, especially so much of it," Earl said, scratching the skin near his eyebrow.

"Well this is going to be a big school," Gerard added, redeeming Earl for the school's sake. "I'm very confident about all of this. I have no worries about leaving you all to this task." It was a very uplifting and peppy moment for this group of men. Draco wanted to go throw up.

"This will be a fine school, and a definite rival for England's Hogwarts, right Draco?" Caleb laughed confidently.

"Indeed," Draco nodded, but he felt like a fraud. He did hope that all of these next six months would produce something worthwhile because if it didn't, then all of this was worthless and a complete waste of his time.

There was a miniature lull in the conversation. There always seemed to be lulls in conversation around here, or maybe it was just him. He tried to think of something to say, but he didn't try very hard. Then Caleb broke the silence. He was always the one to break the silence, and he did it so easily. Draco was starting to wonder if he ever even noticed the silent tension surrounding the group at times like these. He certainly didn't notice what had happened between himself and Ginny on that first lunch, or maybe there wasn't anything there.

Yes, there was definitely something there. He had felt it within himself and he had seen it in her eyes. Just like it used to be, damn it, everything is just like it used to be. Back before he ever voiced his feelings for her at Hogwarts, he'd lusted after the few chances he'd have to see her each day and whether or not he'd be able to approach her. When he finally did approach her that one day, it was all worth it. They were miles away from that now.


Hearing his name, he snapped back into the present. Gerard was motioning him from over on the other side of the room. Draco looked around and saw that Caleb and Earl were privately conversing over the table. They were pointing onto the blueprint as they talked. Draco looked back to Gerard who was by the windows, and waiting for Draco to join him.

"Draco," he repeated when Draco had reached him, "I wanted to speak with you privately before I go off gallivanting around the States for Merlin knows how long." He paused for a second staring expectantly at Draco who was busy trying to cover up a thrilled smile. It was definitely looking up, now that he knew he wouldn't have his father-in-law watching over his every move for too much longer.

"Yes?" he finally continued after stifling his happiness.

"Well, I've already spoken with Caleb and I've told him that you're in charge of the Kingsley bank. You make the decisions on what we pay for and what we don't," Gerard finished.

"Okay," Draco nodded solemnly, but on the inside he was overjoyed. He was smart enough to know not to show it, luckily.

"I trust in your judgments. You're almost as picky as I am myself. Besides, really you're no help anywhere else in this project. You can't build anything, so you won't really be needed on site from now on, unless Caleb or Earl asks you of something. I still want you to come to the meetings and Caleb knows that too, but you won't have to do very much." Draco thought Gerard was finished, but it turned out that he wasn't. "Okay, everything is set up for me to go. I'm taking off this evening after dinner." To signal the end of their little chat, Gerard slapped Draco on the back.

Draco stiffened at the touch. He wasn't too happy about Gerard telling him he was practically useless just now, but he chose to ignore the comments. Instead, he focused on the fact that he was technically in charge of everything.

Gerard walked past Draco and joined Caleb and Earl sitting at the table. It got so boring listening to the striking conversations that were brought up. He couldn't take another dispute about which length of the screws would be most beneficial in the long run. In Draco's opinion, they should just build the damn thing with magic. He'd gladly do it himself, but no one wanted anything as insubstantial as that. It shocked Draco when Caleb had said such a thing. Magic was the sturdiest and most durable thing there was. He kept forgetting that Caleb was a muggle.

Draco had opted to busy himself in other ways while they discussed useless things in their little meetings. He sat alone at a desk across the room from them and began a letter to the lumber company. He'd asked to do something and Caleb had told him to write to them to confirm the lumber's arrival next week. It was a boring task, and not very challenging, but Draco was grateful for something to do.

Not even two words into the letter, and he already messed up. They were talking about Ginny. He scratched out what he wrote in anger and got out a new piece of parchment while he perked up his ears in his strain to hear the conversation across the room that had caused his blunder.

"That's how we met, through our jobs. Let me tell you, she is a tremendous designer. Everything she does is always cutting edge. She has talent, Gerard, you could definitely use her." Draco recognized Caleb's voice. After him, no one else spoke, and Draco didn't dare look up. He pretended that he was still writing, but he couldn't concentrate on the letter any longer.

Ginny was a designer? And a successful one too, it seemed. He hadn't done anything with his life, but it seemed she hadn't had any problems with hers.

"You know, I think it would be nice to have a woman's touch in this project. Her taste will probably be ten times better than mine, and it is her area of expertise." Gerard was formulating something in his mind with Caleb as co-conspirator. Draco didn't like it one bit, but he was curious to know more about what she'd done with her life.

"If we have her to pick out all the colors and designs and everything else in the interior that just means that we can have more of us working on the construction. Because otherwise, we'd have to send a few workers out to guess at what she knows how to do," Earl continued, teaming up with Caleb now, too.

"I don't know why I didn't see it before, but she is really an asset to this team," Caleb insisted. Gerard already seemed to agree, so he didn't have to persist very much further.

"We'll set her to work straight away. Well, you'll have to ask her first and you'll have to tell her that I apologize for making this trip seem like it was going to be just a vacation for her, but we need her to work," Gerard said, clapping his hands together in finality.

"I'm glad to here it, Gerard. This will be an awesome surprise for her. She mentioned how she would do better helping out than just sitting around. She's really an active person and she hates being lazy. I can't wait to tell her." Caleb was beaming. "She didn't think I was taking her seriously when she was joking about it, but she'll be excited and she'll do a great job."

"She can work alongside Draco," Gerard boomed happily, gesturing toward Draco, who had sat up straight in his seat so quickly that it hurt.

Draco turned around to face Gerard and to say something, but his mouth wasn't working. Neither was his brain, because he didn't know what he should say anyway. Something along the lines of no thanks, or that's really not necessary would do, but Gerard was too quick for him.

"Yes, Draco can't do much here on site, so he'll escort Ginny when she goes out to pick out specifics. Then Draco will make the purchases for me," Gerard reasoned.

"That's perfect, I'll tell her tonight," Caleb agreed.

"How about we tell her at dinner, and that way I can apologize in person and ask her to join us officially?" Gerard asked.

"Sure." Caleb was beyond content.

* * *

Draco was overly tense as he sat himself down for dinner that evening. He didn't want to be around when Gerard announced to everyone that Ginny would be working with him. He still remembered her feisty temper, but he didn't think she'd be stupid enough to go crazy in front of everyone else. He'd get it later, unless she didn't want to talk to him at all.

It wasn't his fault! Gerard had stuck them together. It wasn't as though Draco had asked for it! Merlin knew it was the last bloody thing he wanted right now. It was already hard enough facing her around all these people, but alone? He didn't even want to think about it. And she was going to think it was his idea. Fuck!

The five of them were all seated down waiting for Gerard to make his grand arrival. Earl had joined the crew ever since the first day. He sat on Draco's other side, across from an empty seat. Luckily, Gerard appeared only moments after Draco seated himself. He only had time to make a formal greeting-one to go all around- before Gerard's presence demanded all the attention.

And thank Merlin! Draco hated small talk, especially when the people he was pretending to like were more accurately spawn in his view. It was bloody annoying to have to pretend to be interested in the bore of other's lives, especially here, Draco thought. There was no way he could be chummy with Ginny, or her husband, even though he was a good guy. It just didn't feel right. And then there was Elena, whom he'd rather not talk to unless it was under critical circumstances.

Really, what were they going to do after today, after Gerard left? Gerard was the conversation starter out of the group, which had definitely shocked him a week ago when the other guests had first arrived. He was the host, though. Draco was sure that today marked the first time in his life where he actually wanted Gerard to hang around.

Draco cut off his thoughts once the food appeared. He'd skipped lunch today, which was a rather daft thing to do upon reflection. No matter now, the pork chops were deliciously juicy.

Like the first meal they had all shared, Draco didn't speak very frequently at all. The only difference today was that he had stopped staring at Ginny. He didn't want to make any eye contact with her whatsoever or, for that matter, be suggestive in any way. Gerard would make him look suggestive enough in just a short while.

It wasn't even thirty minutes later when Gerard cleared his throat in that demanding way. Draco looked down the table in Gerard's direction knowing that this would be the moment of his down fall.

"Well, I have something to tell all of you this evening. First of all, you've all heard it by now, in some way or another that I'm leaving to travel the States tomorrow. To promote this school," he added as though he had to justify his departure. "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you all before I left that I have faith in all of you and that I can't wait to come back to see what you've achieved, especially since we have an addition to our team now."

He paused dramatically and glanced at each of them before his gaze focused on Ginny, "Ginny O'Brien. I have heard very much about your craft. I realize how beneficial it is to have you here." He was grinning. His smile was almost as wide as Caleb's, whose eyes were shining liquid pools of love at Ginny.

"What's this about?" Ginny asked looking to Caleb incredulously.

"Ginny, I must inform you that your six month vacation here has officially been terminated and even though I regret to do such a tragic thing to such a lovely woman, I must say, my alternate solution for you is much better," Gerard answered.

"Caleb what did you do? He does this all the time," Ginny laughed to Gerard as Draco watched her squeeze his arm.

"We're not quite there yet, but we need a designer...for the interior, and you're perfect for the job. What do you say?"

Ginny was beaming, Caleb was beaming, and even strict Gerard was beaming. Draco watched from the sidelines as Ginny covered her hand over her gaping mouth in disbelief.

"This is lovely. I don't know what to say!" She squealed bringing Caleb into an enormous hug. Draco's stomach flipped over inside of him at the sight of it, but no one seemed to notice that he was even sitting at the table.

Draco busied himself with his food, as the enthusiasm at the table slowly dwindled. His eyes never left his plate, and when he heard Gerard speak again, they rolled to the back of his head in agony.

"You'll pretty much work freelance. You can start collecting the things you want to decorate now, and we'll store them all in the barn. Draco knows where it is." Gerard motioned towards Draco and he only nodded into his pork chops.

"O...Okay," Ginny stammered, apprehensively. Draco could feel her eyes on him, but he couldn't face her. The worst was yet to come for her.

"He'll be your assistant basically," Gerard announced with cheer. "He'll escort you on all your trips and he'll handle the financial end of your purchases, as well."

"Is that so?" Ginny asked looking to Caleb for reassurance.

"Yes, he's very familiar with Philly now, and he'll be able to assist you with anything you need. Actually, before you get started with you search I have another task for the two of you. It's on Thursday."

Draco looked up at Gerard suddenly, completely shocked that Gerard had had this up his sleeve. He was ready to kill the bastard.

"I needed you to complete a deal for a shipment of this spectacular stone. I'll go over the specifics with you Draco after dinner, but just complete the deal and give them this address of where to deliver. It is quite far from here, though, I think about a seven hour drive, but that is your first assignment... for next Thursday, after that it's up to the two of you to get the job done."

There was a short silence that went around the table.

"Okay, that sounds interesting. I can't wait to get started for you," Ginny mumbled, only half meaning it. The enthusiasm was really more anger than anything else, but only Draco knew that.

Draco didn't say anything else. There wasn't anything to say. He'd be speaking to Gerard after dinner, anyway. Ginny finally realized this, when she looked angrily into his eyes. Draco was able to hold her questioning stare, but his eyes didn't give her any kind of answer that she would have liked. His heartbeat was quickening against his will as he stared into her eyes.

"Well, that was a delicious meal, but I really must be heading off tonight, so I say good-bye to you all." Gerard beamed around the table. "I love you darling," he added to Elena who only blushed at the attention.

"Draco, may I speak with you in the hall," he called just before the door.

"Certainly," Draco replied a little too sweetly for even his own sarcasm to appreciate.

With one last look at the table; one last look into Ginny's deep brown eyes, he rose from the table and removed himself from the room completely. Next Thursday would come all too quickly.


Please review!!! Next chapter is Draco and Ginny's road trip....hmmmm.