The Dark Arts
Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy Narcissa Malfoy
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/21/2002
Updated: 04/06/2006
Words: 33,345
Chapters: 8
Hits: 3,346



Story Summary:
What kind of woman would marry, and stay married, to a man like Lucius Malfoy? A devoted wife and mother, Narcissa has embraced the life that Fate has given her, even if sometimes it seems like a cruel joke.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Narcissa and Erinn visit the Muggle and Squib Relations Department, but Lucius does not approve...
Author's Note:
As always, thanks to my beta, Steph, for her wonderful skills at proofreading and ego-boosting. I’ve noticed there have been a few comments in the reviews that certain details of this story are no longer canon-compliant as of

Author's Note: As always, thanks to my beta, Animagus-Steph, for her wonderful skills at proofreading and ego-boosting. I've noticed there have been a few comments in the reviews that certain details of this story are no longer canon-compliant as of OotP. So, for the flow of this story, I am ignoring the new information provided in that book. Hopefully H-BP won't blow this story even further out of the water come July. Enjoy in the meantime!

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

"Thank you, Mr. Martin," Fudge said to the young man as they all stepped out of the lift.

"You're welcome, sir," Mr. Martin replied.

"Ladies, this is Sean Martin. He will be working with you in this Department. Mr. Martin, this is Miss Erinn Whateley, our new Assistant Director, and Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy."

"Miss Whateley, Mrs. Malfoy," Sean greeted as he shook their hands. He had a friendly smile, and hazel eyes that showed his youthful excitement.

"Would you be so good as to show these ladies around?" Fudge asked him. "I should be getting downstairs. Good day, ladies," he said with a nod to each of them. He stepped back into the lift and looked at the buttons intently. He selected one with a flourish, and the doors closed upon him looking quite pleased with himself.

"Your office is this way, Miss Whateley," Sean said, and walked down the hallway. The women followed him. "This floor has all the administrative offices. Under you, Miss Whateley, we have a wizard named McDowell, and a Muggle woman, Patricia Lloyd Garrett, who head up the Muggle and Squib sections."

"I have to admit, Mr. Martin," Narcissa said, "that I'm not exactly sure what is done here."

"Oh," Sean said, looking surprised. "Well, it's really brilliant. When Muggles have a magical child, they usually don't find out until the child gets a letter from Hogwarts, right? Well, what the Muggle relations side does, is find these families a year or two before the child is to attend Hogwarts, and meet with them in person, to explain the situation. We have folks who can explain some magical theory, and even some history of magic and Hogwarts, so that Muggle parents can feel more comfortable, knowing what their child is becoming involved in.

"The people in Squib relations are here to help Squibs who would rather live as Muggles. They are taught about Muggle history and technology, so they can fit better into their new environment. Basically, the whole Department is here to make the transition from one world to the other easier for those involved."

"That is brilliant," Narcissa agreed as they stopped in front of an open doorway.

"This one is yours, Miss Whateley," Sean said as he gestured inside. "There's not much here, yet. You just let us know how you'd like it done, and we'll have it all fixed up for you."

The women leaned through the doorway and saw there was, indeed, not much there. A single desk and chair sat on light brown carpeting, and a door to the back of the room led to a second office. The windows were undressed, and showed only the side of another grey office building across the street.

"Sorry about the view," Sean shrugged. "The city's not much good for them. You can, of course, have your windows Charmed to show whatever you like."

"They'll do fine, for now," Erinn replied, coming back into the hall. "Who is the Director of this Department?" she asked. "I don't believe Fudge told me."

"Oh, Ambrosius Kendall," Sean answered, waving to the door at the end of the hall. "Don't worry about him. He probably won't be in much, and when he is, he'll probably sit behind his desk all day and bask in his own importance. You'll be the one actually doing things, Miss Whateley. He only wants to sign papers that people put in front of him."

Erinn smiled. "I've dealt with that before."

Sean turned to Narcissa. "Mrs. Malfoy, I hope you won't be offended, but most of us here are half-bloods or Muggle-born. I think you'll be the only Pureblood here," he looked almost embarrassed for her sake. "I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable."

"Why should it make me uncomfortable?" Narcissa asked.

Sean's eyes looked everywhere but at her. "Well, your husband... I've heard... Pardon me, I've never met him, but he seems..." he shook his head. "I'm sorry. What I'm trying to say is: there are certain voices in the Ministry that don't approve of what we're trying to do here."

To say the least, Narcissa thought. "There is not much that Mr. Malfoy approves of," she told him, "but I am resolved to disagree with him; this Department has a noble purpose, and I think I shall enjoy being here."

Sean looked relieved, then embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I just assumed... I thought you might be..." He scratched at his neck. "I'm making an ass out of myself, aren't I?"

Narcissa smiled and shook her head. "That's quite all right; it was a fair assumption." Sean grinned awkwardly.

"Well, Mr. Martin," Erinn said, "I think we have some work to do with Mrs. Malfoy."

"With me?" Narcissa asked.

Erinn nodded. "Mm-hmm. You're going to be our first subject."

Sean's smile returned. "I think Patricia is here," he said, "let me go find her," and he walked back down the hall.

"What are you up to?" Narcissa asked Erinn. Her friend just smiled and put a hand on her back.

"We're going to give you a quick course in Muggle studies," she said as she walked Narcissa down the hall to where Sean was speaking to a middle-aged woman.

"Mrs. Malfoy?" the woman asked as they approached.

"Narcissa," she corrected, and held out her hand.

"Patricia Lloyd Garrett," the woman said, giving Narcissa's hand a solid shake. She was shorter than Narcissa, with short curly brown hair that was feathered grey at the temples. Light blue eyes peeked out from behind small metal-rimmed glasses. "My staff isn't all here yet," she said, "but we'll see what we can do with just us, eh?" she looked at Sean and Erinn, who both nodded.

Narcissa was ushered into Patricia's office, where the Muggle woman told her the basic details of the non-magical world, aided by Erinn and Sean, who turned out to be a half-blood, as well. Narcissa decided that 'ball-point pens' were an ingenious creation that some wizard should have come up with long ago, the 'telephone' wasn't so different from the Floo network, and she remained unconvinced that there was nothing magical about 'electricity.' Narcissa enjoyed her time in the Department, but as the day drew on, she realized that soon she would have to return home and face her husband. In addition to whatever had caused his odd behavior that morning, he was likely not to be pleased with her new involvement, just as Sean had surmised.

Erinn caught the look on her face, and squeezed her hand as they walked back to the empty office. "It'll be all right," she whispered. Narcissa only nodded and took a deep breath.

* * *

A house elf was levitating a stack of linens across the Manor's main hall when Narcissa and Erinn appeared with a pop. The creature squeaked in surprise but managed a bow. "Good evening, ma'am," it said in a tremulous voice. "Mr. Malfoy didn't know when to expect you, so he's taking his supper in his study. Shall Dobby tell him you've arrived?"

"No, thank you," Narcissa answered. "Miss Whateley and I will eat in the dining room." Dobby bowed again and scuttled off.

"So, what do you think?" Erinn asked as they walked toward the dining room.

"Well, I've said the Department is a brilliant idea," Narcissa said. "I hope it runs as smoothly as everyone thinks it will."

Erinn nodded. "I agree, and I think it will. The staff members we've met so far seem to be capable."

"Yes," Narcissa agreed. "Patricia was very efficient and organized."

"And Sean," Erinn reminded her, "what he may lack in experience, I'm sure he makes up for in enthusiasm."

"He does seem rather young," Narcissa said with a small frown.

Erinn shrugged. "I think that might be a good thing."

Rebecca turned the corner in front of them and dropped a small curtsey. "Good evening, ma'am, Miss Whateley. Shall I take your robes?" Narcissa and Erinn removed their outer robes and handed them to her. Rebecca curtseyed again and left to carry the robes upstairs.

Narcissa and Erinn walked into the dining room, where servants were setting two places at the table. The staff made quick bows or curtseys, and then continued with their work. The women sat down and had just begun enjoying the hot soup when Lucius swept into the room with a dark expression and bent over Narcissa's chair. The servants mumbled polite excuses and scurried back into the kitchen.

"What is this nonsense?" he hissed into her ear as he set a piece of paper on the table in front of her.

I expected this, Narcissa reminded herself. Buying herself a moment, she wiped at her mouth with her napkin. "What nonsense, Lucius?" she asked calmly, and reached for the paper.

Mr. Malfoy,

What a pleasure it was to have your wife come and see our new Muggle and Squib Relations Department today. Miss Whateley, as our new Assistant Director, was expected, but what a lovely surprise when she arrived with Mrs. Malfoy! I am honored to have your family's support in this venture. As you know, the Department will be greatly beneficial to the Muggle families of new Hogwarts students, as well as provide much-needed support for those unfortunate Squibs. It will be an honor to have Mrs. Malfoy on the staff.


Cornelius Fudge

"I should have crushed the idea for that department when it was first brought up," Lucius growled. "And now you're involved with it?"

"Yes," Narcissa answered. Lying would only make him angrier once he learned the truth. "I think it is wise to show our support for the Ministry's efforts."

"The Malfoy family does not support decent witches and wizards associating with Muggles and Squibs!" Lucius roared. It was a habit of old wizarding families to look unkindly upon Squibs. Though not as derided as Muggles were, Squibs were still considered 'broken' or otherwise untouchable. "And this department wants to help the families of..." Lucius caught himself, but Erinn still shifted in her seat at what he had almost said. Mudbloods. Narcissa knew that, with a Muggle mother, Erinn felt keenly any hint of pureblood snobbery. Narcissa silently thanked her friend for wisely staying quiet. Lucius had hardly noticed, as he continued his diatribe. "Your actions and associations reflect upon me and the family. Have you no conception of what this would do to our reputation? My colleagues could associate us with people like that Arthur Weasley..." his lip curled into a sneer.

"Whose opinion are you worried about?" Narcissa asked, even though she knew. Your precious Dark Lord has been gone for years, but you and your 'colleagues' still scramble to prove who serves him best. It was dangerous to bait him like this, but she was not going to allow him to pretend to be respectable when all three of them knew what kind of man he really was. "It seems in our best interest to have the goodwill of Fudge and the Ministry," she said lightly, not giving in to the heavy rumbling of dread in her stomach. This conversation would not end well.

Lucius matched her tone, with a dismissive flick of his wrist. "Goodwill can be obtained without such a ridiculous gesture." He took a deep breath, looking only slightly annoyed. "Well, the situation can be salvaged, at least," he declared. "Tomorrow you will withdraw from your position in the Department. And you," he pointed at Erinn, and finally began to sound as angry as Narcissa knew he must be, "are no longer a guest in this house."

Erinn shot up out of her chair, and Lucius had his wand trained on her faster than Narcissa had ever seen him. Before she could think about what she was doing, Narcissa rose and put a surprisingly steady hand on her husband's wand. "Erinn is my guest, Lucius."

Lucius looked at her hand, and then at her. Anger blazed in his eyes. He grabbed her arm and pulled her out to the hall. Erinn took a step toward them, but Narcissa waved her off. If you try to stop him, Rinn, he'll kill you.

Halfway to the parlor, Lucius stopped and whipped her around to face him. "How dare you defy me!" he hissed.

Narcissa tried to twist her arm away, but his fingers were locked in a bruising grip. She raised her chin and met his angry glare. She knew she would pay for this cheek, but her heart was pounding and the rush of blood made her feel almost brave. "That Gryffindor has made you willful," Lucius said with disgust as he released her. He turned away.

You mean, given me a spine? Narcissa thought as she rubbed her arm. "That Gryffindor," she said, amazed at how steady her voice was, "is one of the best things in my life."

Lucius spun around and raised his hand, but this time Narcissa didn't flinch away from him. That seemed to catch him off-guard, and he paused. His hand slowly closed into a fist and his lips curled in rage. Just once, Narcissa knew. He'll only hit me once. But this time, once might be enough. She wanted to fall into the black hole she felt where her stomach had been, and was just about to abandon this show of bravery, when Lucius turned around and lashed out at the first thing within reach.

An irreplaceable porcelain vase fell to the floor, and Lucius' shoes ground the shards into dust as he walked away. Narcissa's heart beat in time with his footsteps as they faded down the hallway, and as his study's door slammed her knees gave way. Her head was swimming so much she hardly noticed the jolt when her hip hit the floor. When Erinn fell to her side, she was shaking.

"Cissa," Erinn said, holding her upright by the shoulders. Narcissa's vision cleared enough for her to focus on her friend, and she smiled. Erinn smiled back. "Did you mean that, Cissa?" she asked.

Narcissa realized that Erinn must have been standing in the doorway the whole time. She nodded; surprised it didn't make her dizzy again. Erinn's smile widened, and she hugged Narcissa. "Thank you," she whispered. "Maybe you should have been a Gryffindor, too."

"Maybe I should have," Narcissa agreed, which made her laugh. Would I be here now, if I had been? she wondered, and the laugh felt stale on her tongue.

"I'm sorry," Erinn said. "I knew he wasn't going to approve. I've put you in a hot kettle, haven't I?"

Narcissa shook her head. "It's all right. I said earlier, there's not much he approves of. A life lived in fear... and all that, right?" She frowned. "But what about you? Where will you go now?"

"I can hire a flat," Erinn replied, "don't worry about me." She looked down the hall now ominously long and empty. "I just hate to leave you alone with him." Narcissa smiled at her friend's concern and let Erinn help her up and back to the dining room, but a voice inside reminded her, I'm always alone.


Lucius sat in his high-backed chair, and stared into the fire. How dare she? His wife had never stood up to him before. Where had she suddenly found that kind of courage? He knew it had to be Erinn Whateley. Only a Gryffindor could inspire others to acts of such foolish bravery. He could have killed her tonight, and should have. She was a terrible influence on his wife. Never, in all their years of marriage, had she taken a stand on an opinion contrary to his; or if she had, she'd at least had the sense not to say anything about it. Now here she was, defying him in front of company, taking it upon herself to join up with an enterprise he was solidly against, forsaking the Manor to work as a common laborer again.

How dare she? She had no responsibilities in the world but to this house and the people in it. She should stay here. He should make her stay here. He was her husband, wasn't he - Lord of the Manor? Why couldn't I make her obey me? He clenched his jaw and a vein throbbed at his temple. What had stopped him from striking her tonight? He'd been as angry at her as he'd ever been, and he'd never quailed before.

Damn it, Lucius, you're completely unmanned! How could a woman do that to you?

A soft knock on his door roused him from his thoughts. "Come in," he growled.

"Good evening, Mr. Malfoy." It was Rebecca. She came into his field of vision and curtseyed. She smiled at him, too, which was a bit of a shock. None of the servants ever smiled at him. He pulled the corners of his mouth back, which seemed to be enough for her. His thoughts returned to his wife. How had she undone him? Lucius Malfoy had always had a power over women, which no one had ever bothered to fight, but this one... His wife, who, of all women, should bow to his will in everything! He pounded his fist into the arm of his chair, and Rebecca jumped.

"What?" he asked.

"I just was saying that you haven't touched anything, sir," she said as she leaned across him to take his supper tray.

"Indeed I haven't," Lucius growled. She should not defy him, she would not defy him. He would make her do only what he wished. He would make her stay here.

"Stay here?" Rebecca said, and Lucius realized he had spoken aloud. He looked at her, expecting puzzlement or fear, but the brown eyes that met his were full of hope. Hope, and hunger. Yes, his mind pushed, in the first clear thought he'd had since Fudge's message came. Here at least was a woman who wanted to obey him, and she would. Lucius gave her a predatory grin and rose from his chair, and the last sound that was heard from the room was his voice, casting a silencing Charm.