The Dark Arts
Percy Weasley
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/19/2005
Updated: 02/09/2006
Words: 7,103
Chapters: 3
Hits: 671

Into the Belly of the Whale


Story Summary:
Percy has led a life of which he is very proud. Ear-marked by success and effciency, he has climbed professional ranks and achieved what he has always wanted--a job at the Ministry. He decides, however, that it may be time to branch out, expand his horizons, hell...have some fun. He encounters a new world in a new pub which has just opened in his neighborhood. Aided by familiar faces, he breaks out of his old life of monotony and schedules, and begins to explore what he now knows that he has been missing out on for too long. For Percy, however, things aren't always what they seem, and unfortunately for him, they may exact quite a toll.

Percy has led a life of which he is very proud. Ear-marked by success and effciency, he has climbed professional ranks and achieved what he has always wanted--a job at the Ministry. He decides, however, that it may be time to branch out, expand his horizons, hell...have some fun. He encounters a new world in a new pub which has just opened in his neighborhood. Aided by familiar faces, he breaks out of his old life of monotony and schedules, and begins to explore what he now knows that he has been missing out on for too long. For Percy, however, things aren't always what they seem, and unfortunately for him, they may exact quite a toll.

Words: 1,243
Hits: 343
Chapter 01

The Belly of the Whale is a new pub where Percy finds himself challenged to choose between who he already is and who he thinks he wants to be. He is pushed to try new things, and to understand and participate in a life that is completely foreign to him: the life of the average person. He is torn, he is tempted, and he is taught in this new pub where he learns there is more to life than being efficient.

Words: 3,333
Hits: 172

The Belly of the Whale is a new pub where Percy finds himself challenged to choose between who he already is and who he thinks he wants to be. He is pushed to try new things, and to understand and participate in a life that is completely foreign to him: the life of the average person. He is torn, he is tempted, and he is taught in this new pub where he learns there is more to life than being efficient.

Words: 2,527
Hits: 154