The Secret Life of Harry Potter


Story Summary:
The reign of Voldemort is over. Harry, with the help of Hermione and Ron, defeated the Dark Lord at the end of their sixth year. Harry's life is going back to normal, or as normal as the Boy Who Lived can have... but what about love? Hermione's feelings towards Harry have become more open and Harry's feelings towards Hermione are becoming more apparent to Harry...

Chapter 05 - Muddled Minds

Author's Note:
Heya. this has taken ages, huh! well, here's chaper five. Thanks to dark_alley for BETA-ing it :)

Muddled Minds


Harry was just staring at the place Hermione had been.


'I cannot believe I'm starting to like Hermione!

SHI*! What will Ron think? He's liked her for ages!

No, wait, he's with Luna now! Phew, I almost forgot.

And Ginny won't mind, I mean she's with Dean now.

I can't believe this is happening! But what if she doesn't like me?

Of course she does, I mean, why else would she sign 'With Love'?

But she's just a friend; I bet that's what she thinks. A friendly love,' Harry thought to himself.


A fierce battle was raging in his head as he began to unpack his trunk into the wardrobe. Harry was just about to leave, when he felt something in his pocket...HERMIONE'S LETTERS! Harry pulled them out, kissed them, and then placed them under his pillow, their home for the next four weeks.


As Hermione collapsed on her bed, her head was just about the same as Harry's.


'Yes! A whole month alone with Harry! I can't believe I'm in love with Harry Potter! This is awesome!

But what if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he likes someone else?

Argh! I have to get him!'


So with that, Hermione got up to get changed into this cute (and short) denim mini, a strapless shirt and a pair of thongs. She was just sitting down to do her hair as Harry knocked on the door.

"Come in," she called back through the door to the waiting Harry. God, I hope he likes what I'm wearing!

"Hey!" Harry finally got out when he saw Hermione sitting at the desk. Oh my god! She looks amazing! I wonder of she did that for me. Damn, I should've made more of an effort! "Um, so what do you want to do now?"

"Oh," Hermione said as she snapped out of the trance that she had been in since Harry walked into the room. He had a white tee on (which showed off his muscles) and an unbuttoned blue shirt over that. With that, he had a pair of blue boardies on (it was really hot). He also appeared to have flattened his hair (unsurprisingly it didn't work) and had a pair of double pluggers (thongs, well a type of thongs) on.

"Well, seeing as it is half past one, we could have a bit of lunch. Or we could go for a swim, and have Jonathan bring out some sandwiches?" Hermione caught a queering look on Harry's face. "Oh, Jonathan is our helper. Butler maybe? Nanny? Well, something like that. He helps around the house," she answered. "So, what will it be?"

"Well, I think swimming sounds good. It's too hot to be hanging around inside." Yeah, that's not the only thing that's hot! What the... I thought that!

"Yeah, swimming does sound good. You can go get changed. Any preference on sandwiches?" Harry shook his head. "Right, I'll just tell Jon to make up a multi platter. I'll come and get you when I'm changed, Ok?" Harry nodded in agreement and left.

Hermione went and pressed an intercom button and ordered a platter of sandwiches for two to be taken out to the pool.

"Sure thing, Hermione," a voice replied. "They should be ready in about ten minutes."

"Thanks, Jon." With that, Hermione had changed into the new bikini that she had bought over the summer.

Harry didn't really need to do much to get changed. He was already pretty suited to go in the pool (seeing as he had a pair of boardies on). He took of both the shirts, but put the unbuttoned one back on (he left it unbuttoned... hoping to impress Hermione with his muscles). He pretty much just waited for the knock on his door and the appearance of Hermione...who looked stunning! She had this awesome bikini on with a towel tied around her hips. She still had her thongs on and her hair was pulled into a messy bun.


"Hey Harry, are you ready?" Without waiting for an answer, grabbed his hand and led him down the stairs and through a maze of a house (I won't really go into detail, as it is just a house. The rooms needed are already mentioned pretty much.)

"Wait, Hermione! I don't have a towel or anything." Harry said, trying to slow her down enough to look around.

"That's Ok; you can just use one of the towels by the pool. Now come on already!" she replied, grabbing his hand again and pulling him on. Wow, his hand feels so warm! I just want to grab him in my arms and never let go! Hermione's mind wondered while she half walked, half ran to the pool.

"Come on Harry!" Hermione yelled, as she pushed Harry into the pool. She began to laugh... but stopped quickly when Harry didn't appear again. Where is he? OMG! I hope I didn't hurt him! Hermione was to busy worrying to hear the small *pop* behind her... the sound of someone Apparating. Something ripped her towel off and she went flying into the pool.

"HARRY!" Hermione squealed, while she was flying through the air...

SPLASH! Harry and Hermione eventually surfaced and began a furious water fight. "Oh My God, Harry! I had no idea that you could apparate! How come you didn't tell me or anything?" Hermione asked, once they just began to float there.

"Well, it didn't really come up at all. I thought you would just assume. I know you passed without asking," he replied simply.

"Yes... well, that doesn't mean anything. Oh, I'm happy for you! Come on; let's eat these sandwiches, before they get too wet."

And with that, they pulled themselves out of the pool and sat down on the seats on either side of a small table, which held a small plate of sandwiches. (Ok, that just sounded like something out of Lord of the Rings! Haha, I love those books as well!) After they ate themselves through the plate of delicious sandwiches, they lay back onto the deckchairs and ended up just talking to each other.

"Harry, how are you coping? I mean, now that Voldemort is gone, and you lost Sirius..." Hermione's voice faltered at the mention of Harry's beloved godfather. Harry looked over at Hermione, and she had tears falling silently down her face.

"Hey, Hermione, it's Ok!" Harry got up, sat next to her on the deckchair, and pulled her into a hug, which she gratefully accepted. "I miss him too. I just can't believe he's gone. He was the closest thing to a father I ever remember. We can get through this together." And with that, he pulled her into the biggest bear hug he had ever gotten... Hermione just wanted to get lost in it forever.