The Secret Life of Harry Potter


Story Summary:
The reign of Voldemort is over. Harry, with the help of Hermione and Ron, defeated the Dark Lord at the end of their sixth year. Harry's life is going back to normal, or as normal as the Boy Who Lived can have... but what about love? Hermione's feelings towards Harry have become more open and Harry's feelings towards Hermione are becoming more apparent to Harry...

Chapter 01 - Prologue and Chapter 1: The Letter



Harry Potter and his best friends Ron and Hermione, plus some of the DA, have just defeated the dark lord Voldemort at the end of their 6th year at Hogwarts. Dumbledore is alive, Remus and Tonks are an 'item', Ron and Luna got together after the fight, Bill and Fleur are on their honeymoon, Ginny is still with Dean, Hermione's feelings towards Harry have become more open and Harry's feelings towards Hermione are becoming more apparent to Harry...

CHAPTER 1 - The Letter

As he sat there, on his bed, he looked through the photo album that Hagrid had gotten him for him in the first year. Harry couldn't believe it... he was about to go to his final year at Hogwarts. He was disappointed; Hogwarts had become a home to him over the 6 years of schooling. More of a home than Harry had ever remembered. A tear escaped his eye as a magnificent white owl flew through the open window of his bedroom.

"Hello Hedwig," Harry said as she landed on his bed. As Harry untied the package and letter attached to her leg, Hedwig hooted her own happy birthday. Harry was 17, and no longer protected by his mother's sacrifice. But, now that Harry though about it, he didn't need it! Harry, Ron and Hermione had defeated the terrible Lord Voldemort at the end of the school year. The wizarding world was finally free of the reign of terror upon them those many years ago.

(Right, back to the package)

As Harry's fingers untying the package, Hedwig got impatient and nipped his fingers.

"Alright already, Hedwig! I'm going, I'm going!" As soon as Harry had removed the burden from Hedwig's leg, she immediately flew back out the window to hunt. Harry saw on the front of the letter Hermione's neat writing. Oh my god! It's from Hermione! Harry thought... he couldn't wait for what she had given to him for his birthday.

Dear Harry,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I can't believe were already 17! I really hope you enjoy your birthday present. As soon as I saw it, I thought of you. My parent's are going away next week, and they have let me invite over you, Ron and Ginny. I still haven't got the answer of them yet, but I'm not really expecting they'll be able to come (since Mrs. Weasley thinks Ron and Ginny nearly died at the end of last school term). I really hope the muggles let you! Mum and Dad don't really approve of letting me stay home alone. Please answer soon!

With Love, Hermione xxx

Harry stared at something; I really hope the muggles let you come! And then the with love really got him baffled. Or was it the jolt in his stomach when he read with love that baffled him... Did Hermione really love Harry, or was it just because of his birthday?

Harry jumped off his bed and threw himself to the floor and under his bed to the loose floorboard. He ripped it up, and gently lifted the small bundle of parchment that was tied with a little red ribbon. He hopped back onto his bed and undid the ribbon to read the other letters that he had ever received from Hermione. As he went from the letters from this summer to last summer, it all ended by with love. Harry went to the summer before that and realised that it had changed half way through the summer. The first part of the summer was just From Hermione. But from just before Harry's 15th birthday, it just changed to With Love.

Harry's heart skipped a beat as he re-read her last note. She was inviting him, Harry, over for the rest of the summer. Ron and Ginny probably won't be there. YES!! said something in the back of his head. She really hope's he will be there, and to answer soon. With Love, Hermione xxx This was the part that he really liked. He added this note to his pile of all her other letters, and carefully re-tied the little red ribbon into a bow around them. But, instead of putting them back under the bed, they ended up under his pillow...

As Harry went to open his present from Hermione, Pig came flying in through the window. Harry untied the Weasley's present and Pig went back through the open window. With that, Harry carefully placed Hermione's un-opened present on his pillow. He read the letter from the Weasley's, well mainly Ron but it was said from all of them. Ron and Ginny couldn't go to Hermione's place. YES!! said Harry's head again, and that they would see them on September the 1st.

Ron's present was... interesting. It was simply new writing equipment. Ron's note with it just said 'In case you need it'. Harry thought at this. Could this have been something encouraged by Ginny? Ginny always knew more than she let on. She was always Harry's first choice (bar Hermione) for someone to talk to... She understood him. She wouldn't laugh *cough*RON*cough*.

Harry smiled as he placed Ron's gift on his bedside table, ready to go down to breakfast. As Harry turned around to make his bed (old habit), he saw the present, so neatly wrapped, and smiled. He would wait until after breakfast to unwrap it and write a thank-you letter back...

The Letter! Staying At Hermione's!!! He had almost forgotten! He will have to ask the Dursley's if he could go. God, I hope they say yes!! said the little monster in his chest, as Harry proceeded down to breakfast.