The Weather is Here, Wish You Were Beautiful


Story Summary:
A tropical island sets the scene for the escape of The Boy Who Lived from a life of routine. Romance, passion and Ginny all follow him as he stumbles through a vacation that may not end.

The Weather is Here, Wish You Were Beautiful 03

Chapter Summary:
A tropical island sets the scene for the escape of The Boy Who Live from a life of routine. Romance, passion and Ginny all follow him as he stumbles through a vacation that may not end.
Author's Note:
Dedicated to Justin, Pad and Platinum who keep me

Chapter Three: Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy

Raj yawned, stretching her arms above her, trying not to wince as her back cracked audibly. She sat down on the vanity bench and stared at herself in the mirror, taking in the dark circles under her eyes, the wrinkles that had appeared over night. She put her head in her hands, sighing before running her fingers through her hair, griping it tightly, hoping the pain would erase the doubts and fear from her mind. It didn't work and she raised her head again, reaching for her wand, intoning the charms to rid herself of the wrinkles, circles and blemishes tonelessly.

Draco watched her go about a familiar routine before moving up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and kissing the top of her head. "You know you're beautiful." he whispered, kissing her cheek.

"Only to you," she whispered, lowering her head.

He tilted her head up and kissed her lips softly. "NOT only to me. Now get dressed, we're going shopping today."

Raj sighed and grabbed a bottle of rose oil, heading for the bathroom, a tear sliding down her cheek.


Ginny frowned as she stared at a strange, brown, spine covered fruit, trying to figure out not only how one ate it, but what it was...exactly.

"Spiny." Harry said, poking at it, smirking. Ginny frowned and shook her head, setting it down.

"I don't know what half of this is," Ginny said, sighing.

"Just grab a few and we'll figure it out later...oh, Mangos!"

Ginny rolled her eyes and grabbed a few mangos, sticking her tongue out at Harry's back as he moved on to figure out the other foods offered. She was leaning over a bin, trying to grab a coconut when she over balanced and nearly fell head first into the nearly empty bin. Yipping, she struggled to right herself when an arm wrapped around her bare waist and pulled her back out.

Ginny blinked, letting out a breath. She pulled down her shirt and looked up at her rescuer. Long brown hair, held back from the woman's face with what looked disturbingly like an old Hogwarts tie, A green bikini top, and grey cotton shorts that politely covered a slight bulge. Dainty green sandals that laced up the woman's calves finished off the outfit. Ginny couldn't remember the last time someone looked so...ordinary but caused her pulse to speed up.

Raj handed the red-head in front of her a coconut, sizing her up. Petite, red hair, brown eyes, nicely toned body barley hidden in a short, tight, forest green top and black bike shorts. Raj smiled softly at the green sandals lacing their way up her legs. She absently wondered when the woman had been to Greece to get those when she noticed something above her head and the smile grew into a smirk.

Ginny's eyebrow went up as the woman smirked at her and then gasped as soft, oh so bloody soft, lips touched hers, slowly coaxing them into movement. Her eyes fluttered shut and she leaned in slightly to the kiss, a small groan escaping her as the taste of the brunette filled her senses. Coconuts and rum...and faintly, a peppermint taste.

Raj pulled away and tucked a strand of the woman's red hair behind her ear, waiting for her to come back to her senses. As the red-head struggled to think, let alone speak, Raj nodded her head towards the cross beam above the woman's head. "Mistletoe," she said, kissing the her cheek before heading off, soon lost by the crowd.

Ginny blinked up at the small bundle of leaves, her mind still foggy. She took a deep breath and nearly choked on it, whirling around, trying to find the woman as her mind identified the scent surrounding her.

"Roses," she whispered, staring at the crowd around her in shock.


"I'm serious, Harry!" Ginny said, pacing the room while her friend watched her, amused.

"I'm sure you are, but it's not exactly conclusive proof, Gin. Who knows how many people on this island smell of roses. Besides, I thought we weren't going to go around, sniffing people!"

"It's rather hard not to when they've got their tongue shoved down your throat!" Ginny said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And you can't tell me you didn't enjoy a second of it. Admit it, you probably wanted to track her down to get her mobile number, not to ask if she blew me."

Ginny turned away from Harry, but he could see the edge of her cheek turning red.

"Perhaps instead of looking for my mystery lover, we track down yours. Although, I do have one up on you considering I actually got off with mine..."

Ginny flipped him off before turning back to him. "I still say they're one in the same."

"Sorry, Gin. Mine was ALL male."



"What? I grew up in our world, I know what happens if you ignore the mistletoe."

"You don't end up kissing complete strangers who could give you strange diseases?"


"What, it's true. You never know what she could be carrying. You could have herpes, or a cold sore...she could have been wearing a poisoned lipstick and you only have four hours to live."

"Well then lucky me. I won't have to listen to your nonsense anymore. Really. One would think I was a complete slut the way you act." Raj said, viciously stabbing a banana in a way that made Draco scoot over, away from her. "I KISSED her, Dray. Unlike you who gives nameless men blow-jobs in the back alley. Perhaps for Yule I should get you a guest book so they can at least sign in after wards?"

"I can't help it if I'm so irresistible that men just HAVE to have me."

"You mean you can't help it that you're an irrepressible slut who needs a fix every half hour."

"But a sexy irrepressible slut."

"Fine, a sexy irrepressible slut." Raj conceded. "Speaking of which, can you please stop trying to get into the new wash-boy's pants? First of all he's illegal and second of all you make him so flustered he breaks glasses. We need those glasses."

Draco stuck out his tongue at her and wiggled it. Raj raised an eyebrow and stabbed the banana again. Draco quickly found something to do at the other side of the pub.


"So what's this place like, Harry?" Ginny asked from the shower.

Harry paused, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. "Ish 'ery casew, an 'aid ack."

"Are we going there to search for Mr Hot Lips or for drinks? And hand me the loofa."

Harry spit and returned the brush to his mouth, grabbing the pink poof, squirting the peach body gel Ginny loved onto it. He turned to the open shower, ignoring Ginny's outstretched hand and rubbing the fluffy mesh over her back, causing the girl to moan.

Ginny laid her hands against the shower wall, arching her back, muscles tightening as the exfoliating bead things in the gel scrubbed at her skin while the mesh tickled her.

Harry bit on the bristles of his toothbrush to hold it in place as he wet his free hand, gathering foam in it before he rubbed it over the smooth skin of her back, kneading at the muscles as he washed her back.

Ginny moaned again, occasionally flexing her muscles, working out kinks, as Harry did the same with his oh so very talented fingers. This was definitely a perk to being a Quidditch player's friend. Fucking incredible massages. If Harry ever got injured playing he could have people queuing up around the block to get his hands on them.

After a few more minutes of near orgasm inducing massage, Harry dropped the mesh poof on Ginny's head and returned to the sink, spitting again before returning to his brushing. "I was hoping to go just for drinks," he said, rinsing out his brush and pausing to gargle with a mango flavored mouthwash Ginny had bought him that morning. "But if he happens to invite me into a dark alley again..."

Ginny stepped out of the shower, pressing her we body against Harry, smirking as he growled at her. "You'd think, Harry Potter, that you of all people would know better than to go into dark alleys with strange men."

"I like going into dark alleys with strange men. How else do you think I seduced Blaise Zabini? They don't come much stranger then him."

"Hmm, true." She wrapped a towel around her body and started pinning her red hair up, leaving a few stray strands to brush across her face and neck. "Peach or brown?" she asked holding up two tubes of lipstick.

"Peach." Harry said, grabbing her make up bag and rooting around in it before coming up with a strawberry flavored gloss, applying it.

"You should try some mascara again."

"We're not going clubbing, Gin. We're going to an island pub."

"Yes, but you looked good."

"Yes, but tonight I want to TASTE good," He kissed her and then licked her lips. "Mmm, fruity."

Ginny laughed, applying her lipstick, watching Harry as he changed his now damp Quidditch jersey and boxers for pressed black cotton shorts and a white button down shirt that she suspected didn't originally belong to him. She wondered if the suspicion might have had something to do with the fact that the buttons were actually tiny silver snakes.


Ginny smiled at Harry as he pulled out her chair. She sat down, looking over the pub with wide, interested yes, moving slightly to the music floating around them. Harry always did have a knack for finding the most interesting places.

Harry took his seat across from her and started drumming two straws against the table, mouthing the words of the song. He smiled at Ginny who wrinkled her nose at him.

The pub was quite crowded and the pair was glad to get a table, but they wondered how long it would take for someone to find them in the press of bodies and were debating whether or not to wait it out, or send an envoy to the bar to get their drinks.

Raj whispered under her breath, enacting another check of the pub to see if anyone had entered since her last check, absently slicing strawberries and adding them to the blender while Draco did the bananas. Three tables lit up on her mental map and she cursed, reaching for the button on the blender, only to have Draco get it first, smirking at her. She cursed again and grabbed a tray and note pad, stomping on his foot as she weaved her way through the dancers, drinkers, tables and crowd, trying not to get lost, injured or talked into dancing.

"Hello, darlings, what can I get for yo..." She trailed off, blinking at Ginny.

Ginny for her part gaped at her drive-by kisser, at a loss for words. Harry looked between the two, wondering what was going on.

" are your coconuts?" Raj asked weakly.

Author notes: Okay, reader poll time!

Question 1: How soon should Draco and Harry come face to face, and how? (during another alley way sex scene, in the bar, at the beach...tell me your
dream scene).

Question 2: I'm thinking of opening a yahoogroup for this story, and my novel length. Would you join?