Astronomy Tower
James Potter Lily Evans Severus Snape
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/13/2003
Updated: 07/12/2003
Words: 8,766
Chapters: 15
Hits: 37,547

For the Love of Lily

S.C. Johnson

Story Summary:
Lily Evans and Severus Snape are in love, but James Potter is in love with Lily too.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Severus delivers the Pure Potion to Lord Voldemort.
Author's Note:
Thanks Stacey for editing!!! Thanks to all for reading and reviewing!!!

Chapter 14

Severus couldn't believe how much his life had changed in the three months he'd been back at school. He'd lost his girlfriend and unknowingly joined Lord Voldemort's group of followers. The night that he first met Voldemort was still fresh in his mind. So was the night that he was summoned to him to present him with the finished Pure Potion.


He had just finished his homework and was walking up the stairs to his dormitory, when suddenly his left forearm started burning. He quickly sprinted to his room, dropped his books on his bed, and pulled up the sleeve of his robe. Sure enough, the snake and skull were black as midnight. He grabbed his wand and was about to apparate when he realized that you can't apparate on Hogwart's grounds. How am I going to get to Lord Voldemort? he wondered to himself. I wonder if I can change the vile holding the Pure Potion into a portkey? He grabbed his wand, mumbled the incantation, and took hold of the vile. Sure enough, as soon as he touched the container, he felt a pull behind he navel and his bedroom disappeared.

When he stopped spinning through the air, he fell with a thud on a hard stone floor. He was in the middle of a group of people who were all wearing masks and black robes. At the front of the room sat a silver throne with green upholstery. On the throne sat Lord Voldemort.

"Severus, I'm glad you could join us. I was afraid you weren't going to show up, but I'm glad you did. Please, hand me that vile, so I can get rid of my disgraceful muggle father forever."

Severus walked over to the throne and handed Lord Voldemort the vile. He grabbed the vile, pulled the stopper out, and gulped down the liquid. No sooner had Voldemort gotten the last drop in his mouth, then he shot out of the chair. He hovered above the crowd for a few seconds then he fell back down. When he finally sat up straight, a sly smile covered his face, and Severus knew the potion had worked.

"Sir?" Severus asked timidly. "I should be getting back to Hogwarts soon."

Lord Voldemort gave no reply. He just grabbed his wand, raised it, and mumbled something. A bright pink light shot out at Severus. Before he had time to think, he was spinning through the air. He landed with a soft thud back on his bed at Hogwarts.

I thought he was going to kill me, he thought to himself. He took his robes off, pulled down the covers, and tried to go to sleep, but it was no use. That night's events wouldn't let him go to sleep. He rolled around for an hour before he finally drifted off.


What a night that was, Severus thought. It's great to finally be appreciated, even if it was by the evilest wizard in the world. I just wish I could have Lily back, but that will never happen.

For the Love of Lily