Astronomy Tower
James Potter Lily Evans Severus Snape
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/13/2003
Updated: 07/12/2003
Words: 8,766
Chapters: 15
Hits: 37,547

For the Love of Lily

S.C. Johnson

Story Summary:
Lily Evans and Severus Snape are in love, but James Potter is in love with Lily too.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Lily and Severus are in love, but James likes Lily too.
Author's Note:
Thanks Stacey for editing. Thanks everyone who read and reviewed the previous chapters.

Chapter 3

Severus stepped inside the apothecary, and was greeted by the scent of cabbage. He pulled his list of ingredients out of his robe pocket and walked up to the counter.

"What can I get you today, Master Snape?" the wizard behind the counter inquired.

Severus handed the man his list.

"I saw you out there holding hands with Miss Evans. Are you two dating?"

"Yes, sir, we are," Severus answered, a smile creeping across his face as he thought of his precious Lily.

Her straight red hair smelled of apples and her green eyes were always shinning like a pair of emeralds. Everything about her mesmerized him. He'd never felt this way about any other girl. She was an angel to him.

"That'll be ten sickles," the wizard said bringing Severus back to earth.

"Thank you," Severus replied and walked out of the shop.

He still had five minutes before he had to meet the others. I'll go find Lily he thought. She's probably already at Flourish and Blots looking through all the charm books he thought as he walked up the street.

Sure enough, she was already there. Her head was bent over, scanning the book that was resting in her lap. He opened the door and heard a bell tinkle above his head. He walked up to her and stood above her, watching. Eventually, she looked up and saw him.

"Severus! You scared me to death! Why didn't you say something? How long have you been standing there?" she questioned.

"Not long, dear. I just love watching you. You were so engrossed in your book. What are you reading?"

She held up the book for him to read the cover.

"Perfecting Your Charms Technique," he read out loud. "Why do you need to perfect your technique? Your already perfect."

He reached down to kiss her, but out of the corner of his eye he saw James and the others approaching the bookstore.

"Did we interrupt something?" Remus asked with a silly grin on his face.

"Shall we get in line to get our books?" Lily asked breaking the awkward silence between them.

The five moved towards the counter and got in line. Why did they have to come in at that exact moment Severus wondered to himself? He looked around the room to see who he knew. In the back he saw Lucius Malfoy along with several other Slytherins. If they see me with them I'm never gonna hear the end of it. His fellow Slytherins often tormented Severus, because he hung out with Gryffindors.

Finally, everybody had his or her books in hand. Severus walked up to Lily and took her hand in his. They walked the rest of the way hand - in - hand.

When they got back to the Leaky Cauldron, Severus walked Lily upstairs to her room. He left her at her door with a goodnight kiss and the promise to be there when she woke up. He opened the door to let her in, and closed it behind her.

For the Love of Lily