Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/19/2002
Updated: 08/10/2003
Words: 27,526
Chapters: 10
Hits: 18,514

Dark Before the Rising Sun

Rose Fay

Story Summary:
In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money ... and he needs a wife.

Chapter 01

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 2,688
Hits: 5,343
Chapter 02

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 4,937
Hits: 1,303
Chapter 03

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 2,090
Hits: 1,202
Chapter 04

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 2,096
Hits: 1,269
Chapter 05

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 1,527
Hits: 1,204
Chapter 06

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 3,514
Hits: 1,202
Chapter 07

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 3,490
Hits: 1,360
Chapter 08

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 3,355
Hits: 1,388
Chapter 09

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 2,596
Hits: 1,371
Chapter 10

In an attempt to save her dying mother, Ginny Weasley strikes a desperate bargain with Draco Malfoy. She needs money . . . and he needs a wife.

Words: 2,192
Hits: 2,872