Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Remus Lupin
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Published: 09/29/2002
Updated: 07/29/2003
Words: 174,431
Chapters: 56
Hits: 27,065

Snape In Love


Story Summary:
When Ella sees Snape again, she can't deny her feelings for him despite his humiliation of her a year before. But what did he really feel for her?

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Ella returns to Hogwarts, but where is Snape?

Chapter 7

. As I lay on my bed in the Leaky Cauldron, I wondered where my future really lay, and whether avoiding him was still the best way to deal with losing him. I had spent all the summer holidays at Beauxbatons too, and had been invited back for the new autumn term. I was expected there the next day, and wished I could see Severus once more before I left. I undressed and got into bed, although I knew sleep would elude me. I was far too aware of his presence a short way along the corridor, and as I lay there tossing and turning I wondered whether there would be a knock at my door.

There was no knock. Instead I heard the rattle of the doorknob and the door was opened stealthily.

"Who's there?" I called, more bravely than I felt, since I knew very well whom it was. A dark figure came in, closing the door behind him.

"It's me, Ella, don't be afraid and don't scream!"

"You don't scare me, Severus!" I retorted, with an animosity I did not truly feel, in spite of everything. "What do you want?"

"I don't have long, I must leave, but you're not safe here." He seemed agitated, and crossed over to my bed, sitting beside me and putting his hands on my shoulders, his eyes burning into mine with an intensity that made my heart race.

"Listen to me, Ella, and listen carefully. You are in danger. Albus has arranged for your fire here to be put on the Floo network for a few hours, and I have some Floo powder for you, use it as soon as I have gone, and go to Hogsmeade. From there, go to Hogwarts- Albus is expecting you, and you'll be safe there."

"I'm due to return to Beauxbatons tomorrow!" I argued. "And I don't want to go back to Hogwarts!"

"For pity's sake, woman, do you have to be so stubborn?" he exploded. "Just do as I say!"

"Don't speak to me like I'm one of your students, Professor!"

He sighed and ran his hair back from his face impatiently.

" Ella, I need to know you're safe!" he stressed urgently.

"Why would you care? You made your feelings quite clear the last time we met!"

"No, my sweet love, I didn't-"

"Don't you dare call me that!" I screamed at him, pushing his hands from my shoulders and scrambling off the bed so that I stood in front of him.

"You have no right to come in here and speak to me like that!"

His eyes filled with anguish and he stood, handing me a small grey bowl, which he had laid on the table as he entered.

"Take this to Hogwarts, and use it there. Please. It will answer all your questions, and it may even make you think more kindly of me. But please, Ella, you must do this! If I ever meant anything to you, please promise me you'll go to Hogwarts! I can't protect you any more, they know too much!"

My eyes met his, which were shining in the moonlight with unshed tears. Taken aback, I answered

"Alright," and his stricken face creased with relief as he took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. I struggled, affronted by his audacity, but the pull of desire was too strong, and I succumbed to his embrace, running my hands through his hair and marvelling at how well our bodies moulded together. As I sank deeper into his embrace, I began to lose my sense of myself, and I clung to him as if he were part of me. Suddenly, he pulled away from me and said,

"I have to go! Ella, I-I love you!" his voice cracking. He threw some Floo powder into the fire, muttered something I could not catch, and, turning to give me one last scorching look, stepped in to the fire and was gone.

I sat on the bed, stunned and elated. He loved me! I wanted to laugh out loud, but stopped short. I still didn't know why he had treated me so cruelly the previous year, but on the other hand I could still feel his splayed fingers pressing into my back, holding me close, and the warmth of his lips on mine, all too briefly.

I was about to lose myself in a delicious reverie, and put aside the awkward questions about his behaviour till later, but a sudden muffled explosion from outside, and the distant sound of people screaming, startled me.

I sprang to my feet, picked up my clothes from the chair, and my packed bag, and ran to the fireplace, stopping only to pick up Snape's Pensieve. Throwing some Floo powder on to the fire, I shouted, "The Three Broomsticks!" and stepped in to the grate. I could swear that as I started to fall forwards I could hear a thin, high laugh coming from just outside my bedroom window.

I tumbled out of a large fireplace into the snug of the pub, which, fortunately, was dark and deserted. Quickly I pulled on my clothes over my thin chemise and went in to the main bar, where I found Madam Rosmerta talking to Hagrid.

"'Ere she is!" beamed Hagrid, coming over to me and greeting me with a huge bear hug that lifted me off my feet.

"Well, yer a sight for sore eyes and no mistake!"

"How did you know I was coming?" I asked curiously.

"Ah, well, you see, Professor Snape particularly asked me to come and fetch yeh tonight. He told me so this afternoon, very specific about it he was. Hagrid, he said, I will be doing everything in my power to get her to come back to Hogwarts, but she's as stubborn as they come."

I bristled, and he said sheepishly, "I probably shouldn't have told yeh that...so, anyway, here I am, and here yer are, and, well, let's get yeh back up to the school, he was very particular about that. Wants yeh to be safe, yeh know, and there's no safer place than Hogwarts, I always say!"

After we had set off for the castle in the horseless carriage, I asked Hagrid,

"Is Professor Snape here?"

"Oh, no, he's off on, er, business. Official Hogwarts business, yes, that's it" he replied evasively.

"It's alright, Hagrid, I know about him. I know he used to be a Death Eater and that he's spying on Voldemort"

"Shh!" he said, looking all around us suspiciously. "Right, well then, if yeh know all that, why didn't yeh come back sooner?"

I looked at him, puzzled, not understanding what he meant, but by then we had arrived at the main entrance and a contingent of staff had come out to greet me, despite the late hour.

I renewed my acquaintance with Madam Pomfrey, Madam Pince, Professor McGonagall and Professors Lupin and Black. They escorted me to my old room, which looked comforting and familiar. Remus came in with me and the others said goodnight, telling me that the Headmaster would be expecting me in the morning.

"It's exactly as you left it," Remus said meaningfully, pointing at the prospectus, which still lay on the bed. I picked it up and it fell open at the usual place. I looked at the photograph, which frowned back at me, and asked him,

"Where is he?"

Remus looked at me sadly and admitted, "We don't know. We haven't had word back yet. But both of you got out just in time, we think. There's news of an explosion in London, near to the Leaky Cauldron. Lots of muggles have been injured, and we're pretty sure it's the work of Death Eaters."

"I saw him an hour ago, briefly..." I told Remus, helplessly. "I don't know where he was going, or how long he'll be. I -I need to see him."

"Well, we're sending an owl to let him know you arrived safely. We might know more when it returns. And you need to see this, I think." He gestured towards the Pensieve. "He wouldn't trust any of us to give it to you, said he had to do it himself. Just like him."

"How much do you know? About Snape and me, I mean?"

He smiled and said gently, "A lot more than you do, I think. But sleep now, Ella. It'll still be there in the morning." And, with a quick hug, and a chaste kiss on my forehead, he left me alone.

He was right, I decided. I needed time to go over the events of the past couple of hours, and get some rest, if I could. I went to sleep with Severus' name on my lips, and his face on my mind.