Astronomy Tower
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/07/2003
Updated: 12/22/2006
Words: 10,535
Chapters: 6
Hits: 4,377

Melting Ice


Story Summary:
Can a flame burn warm enough to melt the ice of Draco's heart? Or will both be left in the cold?

Chapter 05 - Chapter 5

Chapter Summary:
Fluff. Pure Fluff.

There were no astonished gasps as the two entered this time, just a few glares from the handful of students who could not accept their friendship as genuine, and a lot of smiles from the professors. As the rest of the students entered the ball, Professor Dumbledore held up his arms, waiting for their attention to speak.

"In our past Yule celebrations, we've had the Head Boy and Head Girl open the dance, along with the Prefects and their escorts. This year, we'd like to continue that tradition. If the prefects would kindly join the aforementioned pair at the door to the side, we can begin."

Ginny and Draco both looked surprised as they headed to the door Dumbledore mentioned, smiling up at each other as they realized this would mean even more stares from a few people. He placed his hand over hers on his arm, smiling down at her with that smile only she saw before he masked it quickly with his normal, haughty stare as he looked out over the other students.

Dumbledore's voice was calm as he announced the students, first Harry and Hermione, then Ron and Lavendar, followed by Draco and Ginny. Ron was careful not to look at the two, having read into his mother's note that his family was not going to interfere in Ginny's choices. It didn't mean he was happy about it, but he didn't really have a choice.

While Ron continued his inner monologue about various ways to kill Draco if he broke Ginny's heart, Lavendar was sighing over the romance of it all.

"If your brother stares any harder at us, he might actually manage to do magic without Granger's help..." Draco smirked down at his favorite Gryffindor.

Ginny bit back a laugh. "You're bad. But I like you that way." She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder, the green of their dress robes almost identical as they danced.

When the music slowed, they looked to find a table, but most were occupied already. Finally, Professor Snape gestured to them both, offering them seats at the table he and Dumbledore had taken. As they complied, Professor McGonagall arrived as well, a cloaked figure beside her. There was an awkward pause as Draco reached for a chair, intent on assisting his date. Until the cloaked figure removed the hood and a glimpse of white blonde hair revealed Narcissa Malfoy.

"Mother!" Draco stood up straighter, and rested a hand on Ginny's shoulder as she sat in the chair he'd pulled out for her.

"Yes, Draco. Your professors thought I might like to see for myself how good your new friend has been for you." The woman turned to smile at Ginny, "It's obvious from your owls, however, I couldn't turn down the opportunity to see you, or this young lady who's captivated you so. Miss Weasley, a pleasure to meet you. My son has told me much about you."

Ginny smiled. "The pleasure is mine, Mrs. Malfoy. As for whatever your son has told you, only half of it's true." The redhead winked and grinned up to her friend as Professor Snape stood.

"Lovely to see you, Narcissa. You look beautiful." The sallow faced Potions Master smiled, a rare sight, and bowed over the blonde's hand.

"Severus. You look well." She smiled herself, truly pleased to see someone she considered a friend. He'd looked after her son well the last few years, and she had rested much easier knowing Snape would be there to help Draco in ways that her husband would not.

Dumbledore and McGonagall were smiling and talking quietly, glancing at both the two students and the other two professors often. There was a twinkle in the Headmaster's eyes that was contagious. The six sat down to eat, quietly requesting their food from their plates. When they'd eaten, the music started up again and Ginny leaned over, whispering that perhaps Draco should have a dance with his mother. Her friend smiled at her, and then rose, bowing before his mother and asking for the dance.

As mother and son made their way onto the floor, there were a few surprised looks, as most hadn't noticed McGonagall's guest until that moment, merely thinking it another professor or Ministry official. Few could miss the smile on the youngest Weasley's face as she watched the pair. Fewer still missed the surprise on her face when Professor Snape bowed before the sixth year prefect. A quick glance showed her brother's face going a strange shade of purple as she placed her hand on the Potions Master's arm and rose with him.

"Ahh, it appears your brother disapproves." Snape glanced at the table where Ron sat with Lavendar, Harry and Hermione. "Mr. Potter, Miss Granger and Miss Brown seem to have their hands full keeping him in his seat." There was an underlying air of mischief in his words, as if he were greatly amused and having trouble hiding it.

"My brother is a twit, Professor. He despises Draco, has told me in no uncertain terms to stay away from all Slytherins, and would probably be doing so this evening had I not written to my mother the other day." Ginny smiled. "Mum already knew about our friendship, had received letters from Headmaster Dumbledore himself, as well as from Draco. I left her letter in Ron's lap as I headed down to the entrance hall this evening, so he could be reminded that I'm old enough to make my own choices. I suspect he'll explode shortly, however."

The professor smiled again, surprising Ginny with seeing it twice in one evening. "I really must comment again on how impressed I am with your dramatic improvement in potions, Miss Weasley. It was rather painful to give a Gryffindor full marks, but I couldn't do otherwise."

Ginny grinned. "Well, perhaps then you'll see that we're not all hopeless. My brother is not always the best example..."

Snape smiled. "I should hope not. And now, I believe I should relinquish you back to your escort for the evening."

Ginny smiled as the professor handed her back over to Draco, carmel eyes meeting silvery-grey as they both grinned. The floor was filling up with dancing students and professors, so the two decided to take a walk.

Draco touched the emeralds glinting at her ears, smiling as he did so. One hand trailed down the chain to finger the dragon that rested in the hollow of her collarbone. "When I saw these, I knew you had to have them. I do wish you'd keep them."

"I already told you, I'd be devastated if anything happened to them." She smiled and gently touched his face.

"Then why don't we find a way to charm your dragon to protect them? I'm sure it wouldn't be that difficult..." Ginny smiled as he leaned into her touch while speaking.

"Perhaps tomorrow. I'll bring him to breakfast with me and we'll see what we can do. If it works, I'll keep them."

"Oh, it will work. Even if I have to ask Granger and Potter to help us, it will work." He'd almost spit the names out, still not exactly fond of her friends, but accepting that Harry was like another brother to her, and Hermione like a sister. Besides, they'd put in an effort, and he was at least willing to do the same.

The moonlight shone down on the pair, red hair and white blending together so effortlessly as Draco rested his head against hers. Narcissa smiled at the three professors who'd joined her in watching the pair from the window of the hall. When Ginny looked up at Draco, all she could see was how silver her hair glinted in the moonlight. And all Draco could see was the reflection of the stars in her eyes before they drifted shut, his mouth drifting down to hers.

The pair remained oblivious to the stares, and smiles from the adults who watched for a few moments before turning back into the dancing, leaving the pair to their youthful discoveries.

This is effectively the last chapter, though there will be an epilogue added in the next day or so, just more fluff. I like my fluff...