Astronomy Tower
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/24/2002
Updated: 08/26/2002
Words: 168,454
Chapters: 16
Hits: 122,190

Serpent's Bride

Reiko Naoe

Story Summary:
In Ginny Weasley’s 6th year, Draco Malfoy saved her life and that’s a wizard’s debt. Now, five years later its payback time. Especially now that Draco’s in desperate need of a wife.

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
In Ginny's sixth year, Draco saved her life and that's a wizard's debt. Now, five years later, its payback time. Especially now that Draco is in desperate need of a wife.

Serpent’s Bride

Chapter IX: The Serpent and the Rose

Author’s notes: Again, I’M REALLY SORRY!!! I just finished this chapter just last week and I’m really sorry to keep everybody waiting. I’m just busy with something, I’ve just graduated from college and currently looking for work. Anyway, special thanks to all my beta-readers: Tuva, Alli-chan, Fred and Violetjersey. Hey! For all you people who are into psycho thriller HP fic, check out Violetjersey’s Goodnight My Someone! That fic totally rocks. A warning though, other than the violence, that fic centers on a completely different HP scenario, alternate universe. So if you’re not used to seeing Draco drive a car or something, then please don’t read and ruin your day.

Another special thanks to Gryffingirl for the wedding portraits! Here’s the url: Here's the url: http://www.geocities.com/gryffingirl960/wedding They are simply awesome! Just what I have in mind! Please e-mail her and tell her what you think. Here’s her e-mail address: [email protected]

Special thanks to Natalie too for the fic suggestions! I’m really sorry but I was so stupid, I deleted your message before I even get to reply. I just want to let you know that your ‘two cents’ were very much appreciated!

Thank you also to the people who gave me their suggestions when it comes to Draco’s wedding clothes! Especially to Pamela! He really does look good. ::sigh:: I wish I was Ginny…

And lastly but certainly not the least, to all the people who tirelessly waited and reviewed! Animagus-steph, Bellus Animus, Coffee, Clavel, Verena Gruen, and lots and lots of you out there! There are just so many I can’t seem to remember… sorry if I can’t thank you all individually but you know my deepest gratitude goes out to all of you! You guys kept me going!

I hope nobody finds this chapter boring… well, at least for the first part… I was even bored myself ::chuckles:: but please do understand that it’s quite essential or you can just skim through it and get to the juicy parts ::lol:: Here’s part 9! Enjoy!

Chapter IX: The Serpent and the Rose


"You are well aware that we are losing time here, aren’t you?"

The tall man just smiled and nodded. "Just be patient."

"I want her out of the way now!" The woman said in a shrill, impatient voice. Then more softly, she added, "I want to be with you."

"We have two days before the wedding, am I right?"

"Yes," she said, pouting like a child being scolded. "And we’re wasting time!"

"Not quite," he replied delicately. "This is a most perfect time for this. I have plans. She won’t go anywhere."

"I want her dead," she said, coiling her arms around him. Her catlike eyes narrowed with blood-raw hunger as she slowly let her tongue slither against her lips. "I want the tender skin of her throat cut, her blood gushing out everywhere. I want those delicate breasts, to stop taking in precious air. I want her creamy and smooth face to be deathly white, pale, screaming out such undeniable agonies that her sweet row of freckles would cease to appear. I want her DEAD."

"Are you afraid that she will make me forget you?" he teased.

"No, but I don’t believe in the idea of sharing. I’m selfish, you know."

"I assure you, you have nothing to worry about. " The man, once again, smiled, a cold, chilling smile. "The right timing, my sweet, the right timing."

At that, the woman gave a satisfied sigh, her blood red lips curling into a cold, cruel smile. "And then we’ll be together?" She pressed her voluptuous body against him, desperately seeking for his warmth. She smiled inwardly upon hearing the man’s hiss of hated pleasure.

He nodded. "Yes, It won’t be long now. When she lays dead," he replied without thinking, his voice silky but menacing, "then we’ll be together."


"Ginny, honey are you all right?"

Ginny looked up to see her mother against the mirror, her plump frame walking towards her with her light yellow formal dress robe swishing with her every step. She was currently sitting before her vanity, already in her wedding dress, studying her face against the mirror, her nerves twisting. She sighed glumly through her veil and turned back at her own reflection. Had it been a week already since the engagement night? It made her wonder. Why did time fly by so quickly without her enjoying a single minute of it? Shouldn’t it have been the other way around?

"What are you still doing sitting down there?" Molly asked. "It’s already 6 and your wedding starts at 6:30!" she exclaimed.

"I— I don’t think I can— I can do this," said Ginny finally. She turned her eyes to her mother. "I’m— I—"

"What are you saying?" Molly cried out. She then summoned a chair inside the bride’s bedchamber and sat down beside her. "Honey, are you feeling all right?"

Ginny looked at her. "To tell you honestly," she began, "no, I’m not feeling all right," she continued, shaking her head. She bit her lip as she felt the blood draining from her face.

Upon seeing that, Molly sighed and decided not to press her any longer. "Ginny, would you like to have a walk in the garden?" she asked instead, standing up.

In spite of the worry and the anxiousness, her daughter looked up, confused. "What? Now?" she asked.

"Yes," said Molly nodding.

"But, my wedding’s at 6:30," said Ginny back. Immediately, she felt something heavy dropping inside her stomach at the thought of ‘her’ wedding. "And I’m— in my wedding dress and all."

"Oh don’t worry about your wedding dress. If it gets dirty, then we can fix it later," said Molly as she helped Ginny stand up. "And about your wedding, let them wait. And if the groom gets upset, just tell me and I’ll take care of him," she added, her voice rich with motherly fierceness.

At that, a chuckle escaped Ginny’s lips in spite of herself. She shook her head and carefully removed her veil and tiara. She then stood and picked her skirts up, following her mother towards the chamber’s pavilion. The pavilion? Frowning with confusion, they stopped before the stone-carved balustrade.

"What are we doing mother?" she asked uncertainly, looking below. A gasp of disbelief suddenly erupted from her lips upon seeing two broomsticks hovering just a little below them, waiting. She turned to her mother and shook her head firmly. "No, mother. If you’re thinking of going down there, using those brooms, with this heavy dress on me then the answer is—"

"Oh pish-posh and all that nonsense! Do you want your guests to see you walking towards the doors as if you changed you mind? Give them something to talk about?"

Molly asked, shaking her head. Then without waiting for Ginny to answer back, she climbed onto the balustrade and hopped onto the broomstick, landing quite awkwardly because of her heavy build, much to Ginny’s disbelief. "Hop on, dear!" she cried as she hovered around the pavilion, her huge robes swirling around her.

Ginny shook her head but nevertheless, she found herself climbing the balustrade as well, as if she had no choice. "I can’t believe I’m doing this. Just what would Draco say if he saw me in my wedding dress, on top of the pavilion’s balustrade?" she hissed to herself as she stood on top of the stone railing for a moment. "Would this even give him the impression that I’m going to jump to my death?" she couldn’t resist asking herself. A soft giggle escaped her lips at the thought of Draco looking up and seeing her on top of the pavilion railing only to realize that she wanted to die because she would be marrying him in less than 15 minutes. She then leaned over the banister a little to survey the drop. Too high. She gathered up her skirts, which were already swooshing and swirling all around her. Then carefully checking her footing, she hopped on her own broomstick, her dress flying out from behind her as she hovered above the pavilion. "Or better yet, what would he think if he saw me in my wedding dress, flying around like a crazy old witch on her wedding day? Or what if one of the guests sees me? What would they think?" she supplied as she followed her mother, zooming away towards the manor’s gardens. "This is crazy. Why did I ever let myself get talked into this?" she thought as she sped towards the dark sky.

But as soon as the wind touched her face, all the sarcastic thoughts seemed to drift away, blown away by the gentle breeze. She closed her eyes momentarily as she savored the feel of the cold night air against her skin. She felt surprisingly a little warm considering that it was already near to winter. She opened her eyes and turned questioningly to her mother who was flying beside her.

Molly, upon feeling Ginny’s eyes resting on her, turned to her and smiled. "I used a simple flame-warming charm on the brooms," she shouted as they neared the Malfoy’s large flowerbeds. Due to the massive lot allotted just for the garden, the flowerbeds looked like tiny patches of scattered islands.

"Flowerbeds?" Ginny thought upon seeing the flower heads just below her. She frowned. Of course with the darkening sky, she couldn’t exactly point out what kind of flowers there were and their corresponding colors. But nevertheless, she thought that they were simply lovely. But then considering that the Malfoy gardens had flowerbeds? Malfoy? Flowerbeds? Actually she had expected 4 ft. Venus flytraps and human-eating plants growing and gnawing every living creature they saw everywhere. Flowerbeds simply didn’t ‘make’ them.

"You still want to go down and have a walk?" Molly asked as they reached the Malfoy woodland. "We’re entering the woods. It’ll be dangerous to fly through it at night"

"No," answered Ginny. It was much better up there, flying and feeling the wind against her face. She kind of missed this, as a matter of fact. Since when was the last time she hopped on a broomstick?

Molly chuckled. "Thought you’d say that," she said. "Let’s go then!"

Then they fell silent as they swept towards the woods, their faces set in deep concentration as they busily swerved and avoided the huge trees. Of course, she was a much faster flier than Molly, considering the fact that she was younger and had better eyesight. Ginny felt the old adrenaline rush she used to feel when she was still playing Quidditch for Gryffindor. She laughed as she nearly crashed against a huge tree.

"Ginny, be careful!" Molly cried upon seeing her daughter just missing the tree by an inch.

"I’m okay!" Ginny yelled as she leaned her body forwards causing the broom to go even faster, leaving her mother behind her. She squinted as she felt the strong gush of wind blowing into her face.

The feeling was just simply amazing! She never felt so free and alive as she swooped up and down inside the darkened forest. She knew how terribly dangerous it was to go cruising through the woods at a time like this, but what made it even more terrifying was the speed of her broom, which was so fast that she was willing to bet that if Draco saw her just now, he would suddenly find himself being plagued by a series of heart attacks. She was flying like mad! And she didn’t care at all! It was like jumping off a cliff and never caring if she would live or die. It was like taking a big risk and not giving a damn about the consequences. And in reality, on solid ground, back at the Manor, with a thousand guests waiting, with her groom standing there, she was taking risks. She was jumping off a cliff but the thing was, with this kind of ‘cliff’, she was so sure that she would live, paving a way for a completely different life, without knowing for sure if she would live happily or live tragically. At that thought, Ginny decided to fly higher, leaving the mass of trees behind her.

She slowed her broom as she lazily circled the night sky, her head swimming with thoughts, questions and realizations, the woodland below her already forgotten. With the coming wedding, surprisingly she finally realized that she didn’t feel any contempt or hatred. Until that moment, she could never comprehend what she was feeling. Other than the fact that she would be marrying one of the wizarding world’s and no doubt, England’s most sought out and richest bachelor, (even if his father had been in league with the dark lord), she would be marrying Draco Edward Malfoy. Harry Potter’s lifetime nemesis. She was practically the girl who chose a man whose father had been a Death Eater, an enemy of the whole wizarding society over The Boy Who Lived, the one who defeated Voldemort more than once! And speaking of Harry, she hadn’t seen him since the engagement party mishap. And just thinking about that brought about melancholy feelings within her. Would she ever see him again? Was he angry? But then—

She shook her head, quite disgusted with herself. What was she doing? She came here to think, right? To sort things out. To convince herself to go on and marry Draco. But what had it gotten her? She was comparing Draco with Harry! She was thinking about Harry and then Draco and back again! "And that’s not a good idea, Virginia Weasley," she scolded herself. What did she really want, anyway? She forced herself to think ‘sensibly’ again and decided to steer her broom back towards the manor. Thinking about these things wasn’t helping. What she should do was to get back at the manor, fix herself, get married and spend a few months of her life miserably. Well, at least she would be getting 201 millions Galleons as consolation. She secretly wondered how Draco was taking all of it. "Think about something that would be of some use to your present situation, would you? And not about the money!" At that, she frowned and forced herself to think about her wedding.

She would be Mrs. Draco Edward Malfoy in a few minutes. She said to herself after a moment. And somehow there was a bittersweet feeling attached to it. Surprisingly, it didn’t mortify her or shock her as it did before. In fact, she was curious about what her life would be. A mixture of fear and reluctant excitement rushed inside her at the thought of marrying Draco, at the thought of starting a completely different life with him. After two months of kissing and bickering and bantering, Ginny had come up with the conclusion that, although she tried to deny it, deep inside she was no different from the other women who flocked to him. But then, she wouldn’t exactly call it ‘flocking’ (she was far more different from other women when it came to that) It was just a matter of getting close to him and not ‘eating’ him alive. It actually shocked her to realize that she actually wanted to get close to him in order to understand him, much like the other women did. She wanted to find out why he was like that, to find out about the real him.

Unconsciously, he intrigued her. Just who was the real Draco? He couldn’t be that bad now could he? She just didn’t believe that someone was capable of being that cruel without a reason. Without her being aware of it, a soft spot was growing inside of her for that man. But to tell exactly what that soft spot was, as of now, was impossible.

Not long after that last notion, her bedchamber’s huge window came into view. Slowing her broom down to a halt, she guided it a little above the pavilion and hopped down from it. She was about to enter the chamber when a strangled sort of cry erupted inside the room. She looked up only to see Narcissa’s horror stricken face staring at her.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR GOWN?" she asked in a shrill voice that nearly shook the wooden posts of the big canopied bed on the center of the room. Ginny looked down only to see the bottom of her dress dirty, torn and tattered, just as she had expected. She bit her lip in order to suppress a smile.

"Foolish girl!" Narcissa scolded as she pulled Ginny inside the chamber. "Just look at you! For goodness sake!" she babbled as she forced Ginny to sit against her vanity table. Ginny frowned with subtle amusement, finally obliging. She watched Draco’s mother fuss over her. "All worried! The rest of us! It’s already 7:15! Draco’s waiting, pacing back and forth with worry! Where were you?"

"Uh— I— just went out for a walk, you know, to think," answered Ginny while Narcissa busily swished and flicked her wand around her.

"Ginny, honey, you will forgive me if I say that I don’t believe that you were just walking and thinking, right?" Narcissa said as she surveyed the sorry state of her wedding gown. Her frown deepened even more when her silver eyes trailed to her face, which was all smudged with dirt. Narcissa nearly fainted when her eyes reached her hair, all disarrayed with leaves and little twigs sticking out from it. She shook her head and turned around. "Molly, I found her!" she called suddenly.

At that, Molly Weasley slowly emerged from the hallway door, looking neat and tidy for someone who just went out to have a rough broom ride. She looked at Ginny and frowned slightly. "Now, dear that wasn’t nice. Sneaking off like that," she quipped.

Ginny frowned with disbelief. She was about to answer back when she noticed her mother looking meaningfully at her and then eyeing Narcissa. Getting her meaning, Ginny sighed and cast her eyes down. "I’m sorry, mother, Mrs. Malfoy," she finally said.

"Now’s not the time to be sorry," said Narcissa as she swished her wand here and there hastily. "Really, honey, I know this is none of my business and frankly it is not my concern if you so want to go out riding your broom at night. But really," she paused as she watched the hem of her gown slowly stitching itself together, "don’t you think that now’s not the right time to go out night strolling?" she finally finished. She gave a satisfied sigh upon seeing the ripped parts of her hem gown all gone. "Just where did you go anyway?"

Ginny, before answering, closed her eyes first as Molly swished her wand around her form, making all the dirt and dust disappear from her hair and face. "The garden," she answered, opening her eyes and looking at her reflection.

"And--," prodded Narcissa, not thoroughly convinced.

With that, Ginny sighed and looked down guiltily. "The— the woodland," she finally.

"The woodland!" Narcissa exclaimed. Ginny could tell that, even with her soft almost calm voice, Narcissa was most displeased by what she did. "You were flying your broom at this time of night in the woodland?"

"Yes," squeaked Ginny. Somehow, Ginny couldn’t tell Narcissa Malfoy that it was not her business if she had so decided to go out and ride her broom like crazy through the woodland. Considering the fact that she made her and everybody worry, it was just that there was something inside her that just couldn’t speak those rude, impolite words to her. And Narcissa had the right to be angry. She had the right to nag her since this was partly her fault.

"What were you thinking? That’s why— with the state of your dress--" Narcissa continued, her voice trailing as Molly then began waving her wand against her head to rearrange Ginny’s hair. "Don’t you have a single idea on how dangerous it was to fly through the woodland at night?"

"I’m sorry," said Ginny soberly.

At that, Narcissa sighed. "Well, what’s done is done, anyway," she said. She looked at her at first before shaking her head tiredly. When Ginny turned to her and met her eyes, she let out a tiny smile. "Okay, you’re already fixed up," she said as she tenderly tucked a single strand of one loose hair behind her ear. "Just do something about your make-up, all right? We’ll wait for you in the grand ball room."

"All right," said Ginny, turning once again to her mirror.

"And don’t try anything funny again, all right?" Narcissa said while walking towards the door. Molly had decided to busy herself by looking for her daughter’s cat. When a soft mew rang inside the chamber, Molly bent down and picked the white cat up in her arms and began stroking it.

"I won’t."

"And be quick."

"I will, thank you."

Once alone, Ginny turned to Molly and frowned with much disapproval. "I can’t believe you didn’t say anything!" she exclaimed, standing up and pacing the room furiously.

"Why should I say anything?" Molly asked, her huge fingers deftly raking through the cat’s white fur making it purr loudly with content. "She won’t understand anything if I try to tell her."

At that, Ginny stopped and turned to her. In spite of everything, she smiled. "You knew about this, don’t you?" she asked.

Molly turned to her innocently. "Whatever did you mean by it?" She let her fingers play over the cat’s tummy making it purr louder.

Ginny shook her head and made her way back towards her vanity. Tiredly sitting down, she turned to their reflection. "There were the brooms," she said, one eye-brow raised.

"And that doesn’t prove that I know anything," said Molly, sitting down on the bed.

Ginny frowned. "Really mother," she began, "did you really expect me to believe that that’s where the Malfoys keep their brooms? If you do, then sorry, I don’t really find it that convincing."

"Did you think it over already?" her mother asked instead. Ginny momentarily closed her eyes upon hearing the tone of her voice, rich with concern and understanding. She cast her eyes down.

"Yes," answered Ginny softly. She turned to her mother and smiled faintly. "Was that what you wanted me to do?"

"What did your heart say?" Molly asked instead. She stood up and finally let go of the cat. It scampered away back to its favorite hiding place, under the bed.

Ginny silently thought about her realizations earlier, biting her lower lip. "I want to understand him. I want to find out the real him. I have so many questions. He couldn’t be that bad could he?" She then looked at her mother. "I’ll marry him."

Molly smiled and made her way towards her. She took out a tiny box from her robe pocket and placed it on top her vanity. "Then it’s time that I give you this," she said, opening the box to reveal a rose breast pin.

Ginny’s eyes widened. "Mother," she breathed while picking the brooch from its dark blue box, "This— this is very beautiful," she gushed as she studied the rose pin against her palm. It’s stem was long as her ring finger with a single leaf on its left side, curved elegantly to hold the five petals of it’s head. It was made purely from gold while the five petals were made entirely from rubies. "Where did you get this?" she asked looking at her mother with amazement.

Molly smiled. "From my father," she said. "The rose is the Aurelius’ crest, you know."

"Yes, but why," Ginny stopped as she turned her eyes once again on the brooch, its red and golden sparkle almost blinding her, "We didn’t know that you had something that valuable! We thought that—"

"It was traditionally given to the women on their wedding day," said Molly, her hands reaching for the pin. She held it against her hand, staring at it with misted eyes. "It’s an antique. Of course I should’ve given this to Fleur or Jane or to Grace or to Hermione, especially to Fleur since she’s your eldest sister-in-law but," she stopped and handed the brooch back to Ginny, "something tells me that I just had to give it to you. Other than you’re my only daughter, I just have this funny feeling—"

"Grandfather didn’t give this to you," concluded Ginny after a moment.

At that, Molly sighed. She looked up and took a deep breath. "Yes, you’re grandfather didn’t give it to me. Actually, I stole it from him."

"Why?" Ginny asked frowning.

"To give it to you."

Ginny’s frown deepened at the vague answer. Molly, in turn, noticed the confused and puzzled expression written on her daughter’s face. As much as she wanted to clarify everything, she just couldn’t. How could she give out clear answers if she herself couldn’t understand what to make of the brooch? She stole it, yes, she did. Why? She didn’t know. Marrying Arthur with or without the rose pin really didn’t make a difference. As long as she was with Arthur, nothing really did matter. And why she had gone through all

that trouble just to steal it away from the Aurelius’ Manor under the hawk-eyes of her father really was unexplainable. She couldn’t even sell the brooch even when they were in desperate need of money. She couldn’t even give it to Fleur or Jane or Grace or Hermione! Something inside her just told her that the brooch belonged to Ginny, and she couldn’t even understand why.

"Of course, I’ll be expecting that you wear it someday," she said instead. It was clear to Ginny that Molly wanted to drop the subject "But for now, I take it that Draco’s

expecting the necklace he gave you?"

At that, Ginny decided to put the brooch back inside its box. "Yes," she answered opening one of her drawers and taking out the velvet box of the serpent necklace. She carefully pulled it out of the box and placed it around her neck, its cold, golden chain coiling against her tender skin, the serpent pendant taking its usual place on her chest, staring at her once again. "I’m really doing this," she thought as Molly, in turn, carefully placed her veil and tiara over her head.

"You look beautiful, honey," her mother said suddenly.

"Do I really?" thought Ginny as she stared at her reflection. "They say all brides are beautiful on their wedding day," she said to herself as her fingers went up to caress the soft material of her veil. It made her wonder. "Am I one of those brides?" She stared at her reflection once again, but what looked back at her dismayed her. Through the thin material of the veil she noticed her eyes, so small and so brown. For her, brown was a common color. Why couldn’t she have had green instead, or even dark violets. Well, she

admittted it would look quite odd for a redhead to have violet eyes, but still, another eye color would be nicer than her boring brown one. And why couldn’t she have those doe-innocent eyes that she had always admired? Her ‘boring’ eyes then traveled to her nose, so small and so very much upturned. She mentally frowned with disgust upon seeing the faint freckles fighting to get free from under the make-up she had put on. She also noticed her lips were too small, her hair too red and her skin too pale… All in all, she thought herself nothing but plain and ugly. She wasn’t built for a man like Draco.

"So what if you’re ugly?" she suddenly found herself asking. Ginny nodded slowly. Yes, so what? Anyway, she was marrying a Malfoy so what did it matter? In fact, she lifted her chin stubbornly. She hoped that she would be ugly for his sake. She didn’t want to please him in any way, let alone to give him a beautiful, rosy bride.

"Ginny, come," said Molly as she tapped her lightly on her bare shoulder. "It is time," she added.

At that, Ginny lifted herself and her heavy dress up from her seat and began gathering her skirts in her hands. Once comfortable and settled, she let go of the dress to take the bouquet of fresh flowers her mother handed her.

"Draco’s waiting," said Molly as she led her daughter outside the chamber. Ginny nodded and took a deep breath.

"Yes," she thought as she followed her mother towards the hallway then to the grand staircase, the long train of her wedding dress creating a pool of white, silken water moving behind her, "Draco’s waiting."


"I think she changed her mind."

Draco turned around only to see Blaise smiling up at him. She had her arms across her chest, her black fitted dress barely containing the generous amount of her bosom, which was provocatively going up and down in front of him. Of all the guests, it seemed that only Blaise was the only one wearing black. His eyes narrowed into slits upon seeing the slow smirk curling her red lips. All in all, Blaise looked luscious and irritating at the same time.

"Virginia wouldn’t do that," said Draco as he willed himself to believe that. When he heard Blaise chuckle, he frowned and tried his best to hide the obvious worry plaguing him. Where was Virginia and what was taking her so long? Was Blaise right? Did she change her mind? What would he do now? What would he say to his family and to his guests? Did she find him most unsuitable? Or worse, did she run away with that Potter moron? Such a thought surprisingly angered him. Then remembering Ginny kissing that scar-faced man during their engagement party made his overwhelming desire to hit Potter again and again increase even more. He looked away from Blaise, partly to hide the building uneasiness from her and partly to settle his eyes back at the grand ballroom’s huge front doors to look anxiously for his bride. "Thinking of stupid things have become one of my habits these past few months."

"What makes you say that?" purred Blaise as she sidled up closer to him, close enough for Draco to feel the rising and falling of her chest but not close enough to make people stare with shock and talk.

"She was a Gryffindor. She doesn’t have the guts to do something like that," answered Draco as he deliberately took a step forward, a little away from her.

"So you think you’re little bride’s all that ‘Mary Sue’ kind of thing?" asked Blaise, unmindful of the curious and restless voices of the guests around them. It was clear that everybody was wondering why the wedding hadn’t even started yet, other than the bride was still missing… "Now, that would be boring, don’t you think?"

Draco frowned. "She’s not a boring Mary Sue at all, Blaise," he said rather icily. "I wouldn’t call her a Mary Sue," he thought remembering the many times Virginia deliberately spat nasty words at him. "And I wouldn’t exactly call her boring either," he added remembering the many times they had kissed. Then he remembered the ‘boring’ sex he had with Blaise a month ago. Sure, this woman did turn him on once in a while, after all he was a normal man with ‘normal’ needs. But when it came to her, as in Blaise IN PERSON, she really bored the hell out of , unlike before. Draco bit back a chuckle. Blaise calling Virginia boring? She might as well look at herself first.

"Oh my Draco," said Blaise sweetly. "Now that’s something I didn’t quite expect coming from you. Tell me, have you forgotten our talk two days ago?"

Draco sighed tiredly. Why wouldn’t just Blaise leave him alone first? Now was not the time for this. "Of course not," he answered with forced patience.

"Good," said Blaise. Then she frowned delicately. "I understand that Virginia’s getting 201 million Galleons?" she asked, changing the subject.


"Does she already know?"


"Conjugal property?"

"Might be," said Draco. He looked around only to see people getting restless. His mother was frowning and going about the room while Virginia’s family was trying their best to ease their guests by saying that Virginia was probably getting dressed or something. What puzzled him the most was his grandfather. Vladimir Malfoy II was actually smiling and grinning as if he knew that this would happen. "Did he?" He found himself asking. "Did he have something to do with this?" Then he forced such foolish thoughts away. "After all Grandfather was expecting for her to do this to me," he finally added.

"Then why doesn’t she just leave you now? After all she got most of the fortune?"

"She can’t," said Draco, smirking. "As long as my Grandfather’s breathing, neither of us can’t get all the money. Grandfather’s controlling it. He gives me some of it occasionally."

"Does that Weasley know?" asked Blaise.

"No, that is a talk that requires just me and my grandfather," he replied flatly. For some unknown reason, he found it very irksome hearing Blaise’s nasty voice calling his bride Weasley as if having Weasley for a last name was both ridiculous and illegal. "But I do believe that Virginia knows that it’s a magical contract, unlike some Muggle contract-signing thing and all that rubbish. My grandfather must be dead and rotting in his grave before she can even think of a way to spend it."

Blaise gave a soft, disgusted sigh. "In that case, we’ll be dating when we’re 50. Look at your grandfather. Does it look like he’s dying?" she asked in that snotty voice she used when very displeased. She turned to the older man only to seem him tossing Sylvia up into the air, completely unmindful of the tense atmosphere around them.

"Don’t let his looks deceive you," said Draco knowingly. "Are you forgetting that my grandfather’s a half-vampire?"

Realizing he had a point, Blaise turned to him and smiled in agreement. "So what are you planning to do now?" she asked instead.

Draco turned to her, his expression unreadable. "Get my fair share," he replied.

Blaise smiled coldly. "And that’s where the ‘cunning plan’ enters?" she asked expectantly.

But before Draco could answer, a sudden hush filled the grand ballroom. He looked around and saw all the people turning towards the ballroom entrance. Frowning, he looked as well only to see Ginny, all in white, finally there, standing just outside the ballroom front entrance, looking so shy and unsure. Draco’s eyes slightly widened as he stared at her, all his anxiety and worry disappearing to be replaced by relief and awe.

Ginny stood there, her brown eyes darting from left to right. She bit her lip upon feeling all eyes turning towards her. She looked around to find her eyes settling on the man standing just beside the wall, eyeing her with those sparkling silver eyes. An unexpected sigh escaped her rouged lips upon seeing her ‘groom’ standing there and actually managing to look very handsome in his white buttoned-up shirt, black trousers and his heavy black cape with its silver serpent clasp holding it in place. Upon feeling her face getting hot, she forced her eyes somewhere else and saw the same people from her engagement party. There were her family, her Gryffindor friends and Selena, smiling and waving at her, Vladimir’s friends and business associates… She gulped. Judging from the now-disarranged seats inside the huge ballroom told her that she had gotten everybody worried. She licked her lips nervously.

"What took you so long, Virginia?" a loud voice suddenly boomed, breaking the ice. Virginia looked around and spotted Vladimir, with her father, walking towards her and grinning. As for her father’s case, he was pensive. Almost immediately, loud murmurs of confusion and relief swept through the ballroom.

"Virginia?" Arthur said neutrally upon reaching her. "Explain."

Ginny again bit her lip before speaking. "I— I had to think first," she stammered.

"Ah, a typical bridal moment," said Vladimir quickly, with a nonchalant wave of his wand. "Nothing trifle. At least she showed up, eh?" He then turned to his guests, all waiting and looking unsure. "If everybody would be so kind as to step a little away from the chairs…" He stopped and looked around expectantly. When everybody obliged, Vladimir then took his wand out and with a simple flick, all the chairs went back to their orderly manner. Then turning to Ginny, he smiled and winked. "Now, let’s have that wedding, shall we?"

Ginny smiled. "Thank you," she said softly as Arthur Weasley offered his arm. Ginny smiled at her father and took it.

"Are you ready, honey?" his father asked softly.

Ginny merely nodded.

"Now will you please take your seat?" Draco hissed at Blaise upon seeing his grandfather and the minister walking towards him.

"Of course," said Blaise while lightly squeezing his right arm. "I’ll see you later?"

"Yes," replied Draco impatiently. At that, Blaise, together with the guests, settled once again to their seats as Draco positioned himself before the guests.

Draco took a deep breath upon feeling his grandfather finally taking his place beside him, just in front of the minister. When everything was settled, the restlessness vanquished, the orchestra started playing the bridal march. Ginny began to walk, arm in arm with her father as the crowd stood up.

"Beautiful, isn’t she?" Vladimir whispered to Draco as Ginny began walking towards them.

"Yes," said Draco without even thinking. He swallowed hard upon noticing the pristine whiteness of her princess-cut gown which bared her creamy shoulders. On her head was a small and delicate-looking tiara holding her almost floor-length veil made entirely from satin. She had her hair swept back, parted to the side, giving him a glimpse of her tender skin. On her chest, just around her neck, was the serpent necklace he gave her, looking straight at him. An unusual burst of pride swelled from within him upon noting her wearing his family’s crest, proclaiming to all the world just whom she belonged to. Their eyes met. She smiled. Draco felt a funny and unexplainable feeling from his chest which settled itself inside his stomach. Surprisingly, and for the first time in his life, he was feeling nervous.

Ginny took a deep, calming breath when they reached Draco and Vladimir. When Arthur proceeded to hand her right hand to Draco, she felt sick with nervousness. As Draco took it gently, shook her father’s hand and steered her towards the minister, she was ready to have a heart attack. She looked up to see the calm and unaffected expression on Draco’s face and wondered just how many times Draco had gotten himself married. It seemed like he was used to it! Well, considering the fact that Draco was a girl magnet everywhere he went…

When the orchestra music slowly faded and the guests sat back down once again, the minister cleared his throat loudly and began the simple wedding ceremony. Ginny, her span of attention drifting elsewhere, half-listened…

"Mrs. Draco Edward Malfoy…"

The name played over and over again, like a broken record inside her head. She frowned upon hearing the voice of the minister slowly fading into nothingness… and before she knew it, she was now facing Draco. Then he was placing the ring on her right left finger and she on his, their hands joined together before a hundred pairs of watchful eyes. She couldn’t even remember where the bouquet of flowers she’d been holding went.

Draco, in turn, smiled at her softly. Then much to Ginny’s surprise, she felt him giving her hand a soft, reassuring squeeze. "Is he trying to calm down my nerves?" she asked herself. Ginny could do nothing but look at him sweetly. Much to her shock, she found the sudden action so endearing. She looked up at him and completely forgetting that this was Draco Malfoy, she let out a grateful, genuine smile.

"Do you, Virginia, take Draco as your lawfully wedded husband, to be of one heart and one soul, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"Such familiar words,"

she thought, her mind drifting off again elsewhere. She remembered hearing it when Hermione married Ron, when Cho married Harry, when Jane married Percy… It was like everybody all around her was getting married, finding someone they loved… then with a single turn of her destiny, here she was, standing in front of the man everybody believed she loved, now being asked that question she had so desired… and now…

"Virginia?" Draco suddenly asked, forcing her mind back from memory lane. Ginny blinked up at him. Draco raised one eyebrow questioningly.

"Oh," she said, forcing her brain to focus. Then smiling sweetly, she looked into his eyes. "I do," she said, her voice soft and clear at the same time.

With that, the minister nodded and continued asking Draco the same question.

"… For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do," replied Draco, loud and clear, his eyes not leaving her face. Then to Ginny’s surprise, he grinned boyishly at her and winked. It took all of Ginny’s will power not to giggle and ruin the solemnity of the ceremony. It actually amazed her how young and better Draco looked when he grinned. It was a look of a child, a boy with no worries, problems or whatsoever and at that moment, Ginny wished that Draco would grin like that more often.

With that, the minister raised his hands, placing it on top of their heads, barely touching their hair. "And with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," he proclaimed. Then turning to the couple, he smiled and let his hands down. "You may now kiss the bride."

"Finally," Draco couldn’t help saying. At that, Ginny couldn’t contain her laughter any longer as a chuckle escaped her lips. Her mirth increased even more when he made a futile attempt to lift her floor-length veil with just one motion.

"Blast it!" he suddenly said rather loudly as he was forced to bend down as she stood still, watching him. Ginny’s eyebrows went up a notch upon seeing Draco looking so… so… comical before her. The crowd laughed and clapped with amusement as Ginny turned to the minister, smiling apologetically, but nevertheless chuckling.

"There," said Draco as finally got hold of the hem. He lifted the veil off her face, the hem scrunched up against his big hands. He then placed the thin material behind her head, letting it fall gently down to her back. "Honestly, could that veil get any longer?" he asked with mild sarcasm. Then without another word, Draco slowly lifted her face up to his, smiled tenderly at first and kissed her.

Ginny closed her eyes as she felt his soft lips against hers. Amidst the loud applause of the people around her, she let out a surprised cry when she felt Draco’s arms tightening about her to lift her an inch or two from the floor. At that moment, Ginny willed herself to pretend that this was all real. That this was the thing that she had been dreaming of ever since she saw Bill marrying Fleur, looking so happy and in love. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms about his neck and deepened the kiss. She gave a soft whimper of pleasure upon feeling Draco kissing her with the same feeling of hunger and urgency.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the minister suddenly said. "Mr. and Mrs. Draco Edward Malfoy!"

At that, the crowd began to clap again, much louder than before. When Draco finally let go of Ginny, they turned and smiled at the huge crowds of people all waiting to congratulate them as they began walking arm in arm. Immediately, the orchestra started playing something lively and the servants rushed in, wands in hand, swishing to and fro. Not long after, a refreshment table was set up and gallons and gallons of champagne and wine were served. Immediately, a lively party was started after the solemn ceremony.

"Ginny!" Hermione suddenly called out amidst the festive noise around them. Ginny turned around and smiled. She then leaned towards Draco and whispered something in his ear. When Draco nodded, she smiled and made her way towards her.

"Congratulations!" Hermione greeted breathlessly, giving her a hug.

"Thank you," said Ginny when Hermione finally let go. "Where’s Ron?" she asked looking around.

"He’s with the guys," answered Hermione. She paused and took a sip of her wine. "Discussing Quidditch and brooms. What took you so long, by the way?"

Ginny shook her head and smiled. "I had to think," she said.

"Oh," said the other woman understandingly. She was about to open her mouth when a bunch of female chatter and giggles reached their ears. She looked behind Ginny and saw Lavender, Parvati and Padma Patil and a girl named Selena approaching them.

"Congratulations, Ginny," Parvati and Lavender said at the same time. With that, another round of giggles came about.

"Mm…" Lavender began as her eyes went from Ginny to Draco, who was conversing pleasantly with a bunch of men. "I must admit that you married a good looking man, Ginny," she said, almost drooling.

Ginny turned to Lavender and laughed. "I did, didn’t I?" she said, turning to Draco as well. "You just don’t know how ‘expensive’ that man was in the marriage market," she kidded. But then partly it was true, that man was worth millions and millions of galleons. The ladies laughed.

"Have you thought about your coming ‘wedding night’?" Padma suddenly asked, smiling so that the ladies laughed again. Ginny’s face immediately went red.

"I— I really—" she stopped and turned to her ‘husband’ as well. Upon seeing his tall elegant frame, his smooth hands, his soft lips, she quickly cast her eyes down and stared at her hands. Unwillingly, it made her wonder. What was he like in bed? How would those hands and lips feel all over her? At the thought, Ginny’s face felt hotter than ever. She forced such lewd thoughts away.

"With a man as good looking as that on top of you?" exclaimed Parvati, looking at Draco’s direction. "I wouldn’t even care if he was from Slytherin!"

"And speaking of your wedding night," piped Selena up. She handed her a wrapped parcel, which Ginny took without a word, "We thought we ought to give you something, you know, useful for tonight."

"Consider that as a private gift," continued Hermione giggling impishly. "You might not want your husband to see that on the pile of wedding presents later on."

"What is this?" Ginny asked chuckling.

"Just open it," they coaxed.

Shaking her head, Ginny proceeded to tear the wrapping paper away. Just then a faint cry escaped her lips when she caught sight of a sexy red lingerie neatly folded inside the box. She looked up and shook her head. "You’re crazy to think that I would wear something— like this---"

"Oh you’re welcome too, Ginny," Lavender said sardonically, rolling her eyes.

"You know the basic rules when it comes to your wedding night, don’t you?" Hermione said giggling like mad. "Seduce and conquer. You must tempt him and in order to do that, you must wear something—uh--- revealing."

"They say red is a very powerful and provocative color," piped Selena up.

"I wouldn’t— not in a million years—"

"Well, well, well," a sultry voice suddenly said behind her. Ginny stopped in mid sentence and turned around to meet the cat-like eyes of Blaise Zabini, her lips curled into a nasty smile. At the sight of the former Slytherin, the laughter died as an uneasy silence dawned on the group. Hermione looked at her as if she was a science experiment gone wrong while the rest of the ladies all became unusually silent and awkward. It was clear to all that Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy had had this ‘wild thing’ before his marriage to Ginny. "I believe that congratulations are in order, Mrs. Malfoy," she continued, giving emphasis on the word ‘Mrs. Malfoy.’

"Thank you," said Ginny stiffly while Blaise ignored the baleful stare Hermione shot at her direction while taking the box from her.

"You wouldn’t mind surely if I steal Virginia from you ladies? Just for a little while." Then without waiting for their answer, Blaise put her arm around her shoulder and steered her away from her friends. Finally alone, she turned to her and smiled.

"I know your pretty little scheme, Virginia," she said suddenly. Ginny turned to her and gasped with surprise, her statement catching her off guard. "But don’t worry. I won’t go off telling it to that blasted old man that Draco often calls his grandfather. Other than Vladimir won’t believe a girl like me, I’m just doing this for your husband."

"I beg your pardon?" Ginny asked, aghast.

Blaise’s nasty smiled widened. "Draco told me everything, honey," she said, her voice rich with poison, but delicate at the same time. "You see, we, Draco and I, have this ‘understanding.’ Surely you knew that before you agreed to this—" she paused and eyed her from head to foot, "contract," she finally finished.

At this, Ginny couldn’t say anything. Surprisingly, a pang of pain sliced into her as she looked at the other woman standing across from her. Surely, Blaise was the kind of woman Draco would like to have as a wife. She was stunning and beautiful. She had an air of sophistication about her. She turned to Draco then back to Blaise again only to realize that this was the kind of woman built for a man like Draco. She suited him well.

Blaise let out a soft chuckle. "Be careful girl," she said upon noting the ‘look’ she gave Draco. "Don’t get your hopes up. Draco makes ‘girls’ like you mothers once a month. Well, unless you do know ‘what’ to do to prevent such disaster, which I doubt…" she let her voice trail.

The momentary pain immediately turned to anger as Ginny saw the cocky smile plastered on Blaise’s face. Then without a word, she smiled acidly. "I don’t see any problem with that," said Ginny as she held up her right hand. "As long as this ring stays here, I don’t see why anything’s your business."

The smile on Blaise’s face turned to a frown. Her eyes narrowed evenly. Seeing Blaise’s reaction, Ginny smiled even more. Then the black-haired woman let out a nasty chuckle. "Don’t push it, Weasley," she said dangerously. "Draco Malfoy doesn’t like girls like you. He married you just for the will, don’t you forget that."

"Oh really?" Ginny said coolly. "In my case, it’s quite understandable. But with yours…" Her voice trailed as her eyes raked up and down Blaise’s form. Then she let out a nasty chuckle as well. "Well, he doesn’t like you either. You know why? Because if he did, then you’d be the one standing here, wearing this god-forsaken dress and this gold band and not me." And with that, Ginny turned around and walked away, leaving the other woman staring at her with complete disbelief and fury.

"Big mistake Weasley,"

thought Blaise acidly. Her eyes narrowed with malice upon seeing Ginny walking up to Draco and Draco taking her by her hand, kissing her in front of the noisy crowd. Then moments later, she saw Draco excused himself, leaving his bride smiling and laughing as if everything were true. "You’ll get what you deserve, someday. And I’m going to be the one who gives it to you!"

She straightened her dress and left the packed ballroom.


"How about now?"

"Are you out of your mind? Now’s not a good time!"

"I want you right now. I want her dead right now."

"Not in front of all those people!"

"Fine! You love her!"

"No, I do not!"

"Prove it! Kill her!"

Tension… Silence…

"No, I have plans. Go on back to the party before anybody suspects. I’ll be right with you."


Ginny sat all alone on Draco’s bed late that night waiting for him. She gritted her teeth impatiently, while taking her veil and tiara off. The fire creating a cheerful glow to match the gloomy state of his chamber. There’d better be an extra room inside here or else. She thought.

After the wedding party, much to her shock, the crowd began chanting and hooting for Draco to take her up into their room. Of course Ginny didn’t miss the ‘suggestive’ excitement and furor of the crowd all around them with Vladimir belting out the loudest of all. Then to her surprise, Draco then easily hoisted her up into his arms and began marching towards the grand staircase with the loud applause and approval of the crowd following them.

"Wait, I haven’t thrown the bouquet yet," she had said when, at last, they reached the huge doors of his private chambers.

"Give it to me," he said without even bothering to put her down. Then without a word, he had taken the flowers and threw them at the people below them. Selena caught it.

And she laughed with genuine pleasure.

He chuckled and kicked the doors open.

And now, here she was, alone and waiting.

She sighed and decided to stand up. She slowly made her way towards the sturdy desk just lying before the huge windows. She let her fingers travel through the smooth edges of his desk made of oak. Deftly she opened one drawer only to see a set of quills, writing parchments and his family seal orderly settled inside. She didn’t quite expect to see how… neat Draco was. Shaking her head, she closed the drawer and let her eyes roam from the desk to the huge bookshelves, then to his big four-poster bed with its heavy velvet drapes. It never did occur to her that Draco was actually a reader. Just seeing the rows and rows of books and thick volumes…

"Looking for something in particular?"

Ginny looked up only to see Draco already inside the room. She was so deep in her thoughts that she hadn’t even heard him enter. He looked at her for a while before walking to his bed while casually taking his cape off and settling them aside in a messy heap on top of the night table.

"Where— where have you been?"

At this, Draco looked up and eyed her sharply. "I just arranged Grandfather’s chambers," he replied with rancor.

"Oh," said Ginny, stifling her giggles. When Draco saw this, he let out an impatient but angry sigh. "I remember I invited him," she quipped.

"Which is why I really—"

"Oh, come on Draco!" Ginny exclaimed, tossing her hands up in the air. She walked towards him. "Can’t you see the man’s having problems with his indoor plumbing or something? He can’t possibly stay there and have water thrown at his face everytime and—"

"No, you did it to deliberately vex me," he interrupted, standing up. He stared her at her, his face scrunched up with displeasure.

"I did not," answered Ginny. Well, although it was partly true but then… "This manor has 15 rooms and I just can’t see the point of saying that it’s too crowded in here to his face!"

"Oh you did too, Virginia," said Draco. "I can see right through you."

"Fine!" she said with exasperation. "Think or say anything you want."

"You know this is war, don’t you?" he rasped.

With that, Ginny stopped. "What?" she asked. When Draco just smiled, her brown eyes flashed with anger. "All right," she said finally. "Bring it on."



The two stopped and glared at each other for a while. Just then Ginny cleared her throat. "Where’s my bedroom?" she asked.

At that, a smile once again grazed Draco’s face. But it was an entirely different smile and Ginny didn’t quite like it all. Well, frankly speaking, she felt warm and feverish but—

"You sure you want to spend the night all alone?" Draco asked in that soft, silky voice of his again that sent warning bells inside Ginny’s head. The warning bells increased even more, when Draco took a step towards her, closing in the space between them till she could feel the rising heat from his body going out to hers. Just then an idea struck her.

"You want war, eh? Then war’s what you’re going to get."

She thought looking up at him. She then smiled sweetly. "As a matter of fact, I’ve changed my mind," she said, putting her arms all around him.

Draco’s eyes widened with shock upon seeing the brave and daring move and actually hearing the sexy drawl that came out of her lips. Whatever happened to the world right now? Good lord! He didn’t know that she was capable of doing something like this! He had always thought Virginia to be prim and proper oftentimes shy and— "Now’s not the time to think of such things, Draco Malfoy!" his body screamed upon feeling Ginny’s small, heated body pressing closer to his with her hands doing something ‘interesting’ against his chest. He chuckled mentally. At that moment, Draco vowed to get to know her better. But in the meantime— He put his arms around her waist.

"Remember, Virginia?" he whispered huskily, bringing his lips to her neck. Ginny threw her head back and gasped out loud as Draco began placing wet, hot kisses on them. "Just as I have promised…"

"I know," she said breathlessly as Draco’s hands went immediately to the back of her gown only to unzip it. She wound her arms around him and pressed her body closer to his. Then mustering all her courage, she lightly brought her lips to his ear and lightly nipped at it.

Draco hissed out with pleasure upon feeling her teeth lightly grazing his skin. With that, he pushed her gently on the bed. Ginny landed with a soft thump and slowly lay down, looking up at him with those big, brown, innocent eyes. "You just don’t know how long I’ve waited for—" he lay down as well and was about to settle his body on top of hers when Ginny sat up abruptly.

"Wait, I— I forgot something," she said. "Draco, honey, where are my things?"

"Virginia!" Draco cried with impatience, rolling over to the other side. "Come back to bed."

"No, I— need that—thing," said Ginny, standing up. Draco finally sat up, disbelief written all over his face.

"What thing?" he asked blandly. He looked at her for a while only to see her hair all tossed up messily and her on the verge of being "gown-less" and it brought another set of warmness within him which gathered between his legs.

"That— girl thing," said Ginny, her voice rich with embarrassment. "You don’t need to know. Where are my things?"

"In your bedroom," he answered. When Ginny looked at him with those pleading brown eyes, he finally heaved a defeated sigh. "Fine, I’ll let you get that—thing or whatever you women have or call it—" he said standing up and walking towards the wall.

"Thank you," said Ginny as she followed him. Then she gave a gasp of surprise when Draco deftly pushed the wall only to reveal a secret entrance leading to another chamber.

"This is your bedroom, by the way," he said "I had my private chambers renovated with another room inside it for everybody not to suspect. Of course, that wall or door can be locked using only magic."

"Brilliant," commented Ginny as she made her way inside her chamber. Then turning to Draco, she smiled sweetly. "I need a little privacy."

"Whatever for? You won’t need that later," he retorted.

"Please?" she asked. "I’ll be back."

At that, Draco sighed. Women and their crazy habits… "Fine. Privacy," he said stepping out of her chamber. After a couple of minutes, Ginny came back only to make his eyes pop out of his head.

She stood there dressed in her white, ‘modest’ nightgown with it’s left sleeve carelessly falling off to one side only to reveal her left shoulder, her hair finally out of the clip, cascading gently to her back and shoulder. Her skin, changing to the color of honey against the faint glow of the fire. She was gazing at him with half-lidded eyes while holding something--- a bottle of some sort—

"How do I look?" Her voice was sultry.

"Beautiful," said Draco truthfully, immediately gathering her in his arms, his need throbbing more than ever. He had actually wanted to say that word to her a while ago. It was like seeing her for the first time and he couldn’t help but feel the so-called unseen magic they say… even during the ceremony, the party! It actually surprised him really. He had never wanted someone so badly all his life! It was amazing and shocking at the same time. When he was about to kiss her, Ginny placed her hands on his chest and gently pushed him a little.

"You think I’m beautiful?" Her eyes slightly widened upon feeling something jabbed against her middle. She smiled mentally.


"Then," she said handing him the bottle she was holding, "I think that giving you this would show you my appreciation."

Draco turned his eyes towards the bottle only to realize that it was some sort of Muggle moisturizer. Then getting her ‘lewd’ meaning, he turned to Ginny, his jaw dropping. "Oh come on!" he exclaimed upon seeing Ginny making her way towards her own chamber.

"Good luck, Draco," she quipped cheerfully. "Use it well."

"Virginia! You—"

"And if you ever try using dark spells to get to my chamber--"

Draco eyed her angrily. But even if— oh the pain…

"This is so pathetic," he murmured turning away for her not to hear. "I’m not even getting laid on my wedding night!"

"No, you’re pathetic. I’m going to bed," she said. "Good night! Seems like I scored another one!" And with that, Ginny sauntered happily to her chamber, casting a locking spell on her door. "Seduce and conquer my foot!" she thought darkly, settling inside her room. "I much more prefer seduce and DESTROY, thank you!"

"Good night," he replied sardonically. Once alone, he then slumped on his bed. Realizing that he was still holding the bottle of moisturizer in his hands, he let out a disgusted snort and threw the bottle aside. It hit his desk and then landed on the floor, creating a heavy clunk inside his still chamber.

"Damn it!" he cursed out loud.


She let out a sigh as she felt his lips on her neck. Without thinking, she put her arms around him and pulled him closer.

"Oh god…" she cried out, feeling his lips slowly treading down to settle on her chest. She arched her body up against him to feel the slow but sensuous movement of his tongue around her breasts, sucking her tenderly.

"Please…" she begged, her hands clinging onto his hair. "Please… don’t… oh my…"

Then coldness, the delicious burden of his body gone.

She momentarily lay there, not moving, waiting…

Ginny snapped her eyes open, her hands on her chest. She swallowed hard and took mouthfuls of air upon feeling her heart hammering loudly against her chest. She sat up and looked around.

She was alone.

She looked down only to notice the buttons of her nightgown intact. Then everything was just— a dream? She frowned and brought her hands to her cheek. A dream? Just a dream?

"But it was so real," she whispered. She really felt it, the kiss, his lips enclosing in on her breasts, how good it had felt… she felt everything, she felt him…


her brain screamed. Her eyes then quickly riveted towards the ‘door’ separating Draco’s chamber from hers. She looked at it suspiciously.

"Why that---" she stopped. But she’s all alone and she used a bunch of magic spells and charms…

"Hello! He knows dark magic!" her brains screamed. But even so—she had no proof. She just couldn’t go on barging inside his chamber and demand him to stop everything! That would make her look stupid. And besides, at this time right now, she didn’t want to go there inside his chamber and find him lying there wearing nothing but his boxers or something. She was afraid of what it might encourage her to do. Just remembering the kisses he gave her was enough to make Ginny realize how hard it had been to resist him. It had actually taken all her will power to come up with that kind of ‘control!’ But it got her thinking: if Draco should try again then, good god, she would surely oblige!

"There’s only one thing to do," she thought as she gathered her pillow, blanket and wand. Then without wasting another second, she Disapparated to another room.


"I can’t do it," said Draco as he lay on his bed that night. He had just been to Ginny’s chamber using dark magic to unlock her door. And somehow seeing her lying there, looking so innocent and vulnerable, was really hard to bear. What made it really hard was to hear her soft cries of pleasure.

"It was her fault for leading you on,"

a tiny voice at the back of his head said. "You almost had her there, you idiot!"

"No, she’s your wife and not some cheap whore you’re used to screwing, Draco"

his brain argued.

He sighed and placed his hands at the back of his head, staring thoughtfully at nothing. Actually, earlier, before the wedding, it surprised him to find himself having second thoughts about the marriage. It was what he wanted in the first place, right? But a while ago, when he was getting dressed, he was actually having doubts about the marriage. He was actually thinking about what was right and what was wrong, about what would make him and Virginia happy. And the shocking realization was, the doubts were all about the marriage and not about Virginia. Since when did he think about other people other than himself? His face darkened momentarily as a name long forgotten suddenly played inside his head. "Forget about her, Malfoy," he scolded himself. "It was a long time ago."

Then he had thought about Virginia and the new life they would be starting as husband and wife. Surprisingly the thought somewhat excited him. Honestly speaking, Virginia was like a breath of fresh air, a completely different person in his life. She was a very, very different woman, a woman he couldn’t even understand which was a rare thing. Actually, he had always prided himself for understanding women much better than they understood themselves. He had always known what every woman wanted to have and what every woman wanted to hear but with Virginia— He shook his head. It seemed like everything he did and said were always wrong! Somehow, he couldn’t please her and it was becoming frustrating and at the same time very challenging. Well, he guessed that was it. The strong compelling force was just the challenge. Then thinking about the incident about the bottle of moisturizer a while ago made him chuckle. Since when had she learned to do that? It was funny, amazing and irritating at the same time. Indeed this marriage would be very, very interesting. He concluded. But then, he couldn’t ignore the unexplainable feeling inside his chest everytime she was near and the near-to-madness-thing he felt when thinking about how and what kind of kiss she gave that Potter imbecile!

With that, he sat up and took his robe. He was becoming a wussy and he hated himself for that. But then, something inside of him told him that it was not right to go on and do ‘it’ with her even though it was clear that she had wanted it too. Her body actually begged for it. But-- hell, it was no different from rape! His brain screamed. And besides, Virginia was a woman who deserved to be treated with respect. She was a very kind and gentle girl, beautiful at that, so much different from Blaise and— he stopped. What was happening to him? Just then, an unknown force jolted inside his chest and at that moment he felt afraid, scared.

Draco stood up and draped his robe about him. He needed a walk. He needed to think, to sort things out. He needed a drink—anything! Anything but seeing her! And with that, he gruffly made his way outside his chambers, slamming the door behind him.

End of Part IX

(End of Chapter)