Forever x Always

Ravenclaw Keeper

Story Summary:
Ron and Hermione realize their pent-up feelings for each other. At the same time, Hermione doesn't realize what's in front of her face. Neither does Ron. This is very SI. Read to find out who it is.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
The final chapter. What happens when Hermione gets out of the hospital wing?

The next morning, Hermione awoke to find Madam Pomfrey standing over her.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake. You are a very fortunate girl. You have friends who really care about you, especially that red haired boy. Well, it seems that everything is in order here. You may go, but I have notified your teachers that you will not be fit to attend classes until next week."

Hermione had learned over the years not to argue with Madam Pomfrey, no matter how much she wanted to attend class.

Hermione started to get up, but noticed something in her right hand. She opened the crumpled ball of paper and read:


I can't believe what you did, but I can't change how I feel about you. I think I love you.


Hermione rushed back to her dormitory. For some reason, she believed the note. Maybe her survival was giving her a new outlook on life. She pulled a quill and parchment out of her bag. Hermione sat writing a reply to Ron. After half an hour of careful choosing of words, she got up, changed, and went to find Ron at breakfast.

Harry was the first to see Hermione when she entered the Great Hall. He didn't say anything to her when she sat down. Neither did Ginny. Neither did Ron, even though Hermione sat right next to him. She grabbed his hand, gave him the note, and closed his hand around it.

Hermione got up from the table and said, "Harry, Ginny...whenever you're ready." She went back to her room.

The three watched her exit the Great Hall.

"Go on, Ron, read it," Harry urged.

Ron reluctantly opened the note. His hand was shaking a bit. Ron tried to open his mouth to read it out loud, but he couldn't do it. He glanced up at Harry, who understood and nodded. Ron looked back at the note and started to read:


I'm not quite sure how to say this, but I'll try. I need to tell you everything. Well, you are the one thing that has ever truly confused me. I've liked you since the first day we've met. The first time I knew I loved you was at the Yule Ball. I know that's weird. I didn't know why I loved you, so I acted mean when you were talking about Viktor Krum and me. I started cutting that night. I have a journal that I write in every time that I cut, except for the last time. I thought that I wanted to die. Not being with you made me want to die. I thought you hated me, so I was shocked when you asked me to the ball. I thought it was a joke. I was stupid and I made the biggest mistake of my life. Remember, I'm always going to be here for you.

Oh, Ron, I know I love you.


As Ron finished the note, he dashed from the table and up to the common room.

He found Hermione reading in a chair by the fireplace. She stood up holding another book when she saw Ron come in.

"Just wait, Ron. I want you to know." She handed him the second book.

It was Hermione's journal. He scanned the pages and read about how he made her feel and about how she wished she would die.

When he finished, Ron looked up at her. "Hermione, would y-"

"Wait," she interrupted, taking her journal back. She tossed it behind her and into the fire. Hermione then pulled her pack of blades from out of her pocket and tossed them into the fire as well.

Taking her hand, Ron said, "Hermione, remember when I threw that shoe at you?"

"Yeah," Hermione replied, laughing.

"Well, I know this is retarded, but there was a note in there asking you to be my girlfriend. Ginny found it and told Mum," Ron said, and he pulled a silver promise ring from out of his pocket. "Mum told me to give this to you if I ever asked you again. So, will you?"

"Of course, Ron," Hermione happily said, and Ron put the ring on her finger.
