The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Action Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/02/2003
Updated: 11/28/2004
Words: 115,459
Chapters: 28
Hits: 20,025

Elemental Genesis

Raven Dragonclaw

Story Summary:
Harry finds himself in the middle of a peaceful park after escaping from his uncle's abusive household. After recovering, he finds himself with no memory of his identity or past. Now, Harry must begin a new life as an elemental as Voldemort starts his new reign of terror.

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Harry Potter finds himself in a quiet peaceful park after escaping his uncle's abusive household. However, he has no memory of his past or identity. Now, he will begin a new life under a new name as an elemental mage. Meanwhile, the wizarding world will fall into chaos as Voldemort's power increases.
Author's Note:
Thanks to everyone who's reviewed!


Chapter Fifteen: The Hall of Kings

A whispered voice said from the shadows, "Pheta has freed the captured Death Eaters, Lady Melania."

She sighed as she adjusted her dark hair, swept up in a loose elegant French braid. "I figured as much," she replied. "She doesn't want her lackey to lose followers. Also, by freeing them, it shows off the rising presence of the Death Eaters. What did she advise Voldemort to do?"

"She sent the rat after Severus Snape and to do what he wished while she was gone."

Melania scowled at her reflection in the silver mirror. "Wonderful. A bloodbath is just what I need right now. I would not worry about Snape. Remus Lupin will catch Pettigrew as soon as the rat gets close enough and if not him, Sirius Black would. Besides, the backstabber is more idiotic than a dumb seal on crack."

"Have you ever seen a dumb seal on crack? And how would you explain his successful deception of the wizarding community in the past?"

"Cowardice and a sense of self-preservation are powerful tools. And yes, I actually have seen a dumb seal on crack. Blame it on Nat; you know how crazy he can be. How is Tom?"

"Getting suspicious about the increasing number of dead souls arriving. Of course he noticed. I believe he is wondering why you haven't seen him about it."

"I can't let him know everything yet or it will endanger him. Sometimes knowing too much can be just as hazardous as knowing too little." She paused here. "By the Almighty, I'm sounding like my aunt."

"Your aunt is a very wise and respected lady."

"She meddles in things and hardly ever lets something go exactly right. Hence, acting like my dear aunt is a bad thing. Can you watch the Order of the Phoenix?"

"It won't be a problem. Wizards here seem to be very short-sighted with very limited magic."

"How true. Rin has complained about it for centuries. Thank you, Raistlin. Wish me luck!" Melania stood up from her seat in front of the mirror. Her dress was a diamond-studded black, her usual choice of color, and accentuated by off-the-shoulder sleeves. "I'm going to need it. I hate going to these things!"

The man standing unobtrusively to the side asked in that same quiet voice, "Then why do you go?" He had golden skin, shoulder-length white hair, and observed her with alert gold eyes. These eyes were like her own: strange. Instead his were a startling gold with hourglass shaped pupils.

"I'm obligated."

"Thanatos will be there to stand by you."

"Knowing my dear brother, he will be asleep the entire time. That isn't exactly helpful."

"Then I do wish you luck. It seems as if you need as much luck as you can get."


She teleported to the Hall of Kings with little difficulty, but she had enough reluctance to make up for it. The Hall of Kings was a palace in the third highest level of the Light Realms, Nirvana. As one who was the queen of a dark land, Melania hated being here. She had a responsibility to though. Think. It could be worse. It could always be held in Elysium. She shuddered here. Heaven isn't that bad, even though it's the highest level. But something please have mercy and kill me if I ever have to go into Elysium. She walked into the main hall of the sprawling structure.

The Hall was made entirely of a shiny white marble that made her cringe. Combine that with the large amount of light pouring in from the gigantic windows and she wanted to scream. The people in white already sitting at the golden round table glanced her way as she walked in, but continued to talk amongst themselves once they saw that she did not respond to their venomous glares. A blue-haired man in teal robes nodded in recognition as she passed while a dark-skinned woman with green braids and emerald gown waved. Spying Thanatos sleeping with his head and arms at the far end of the table, she took the vacant gilded seat next to him. Shaking him harshly, she said, "Nat. NAT, WAKE UP!"

"Wha...oh it's just you, Mel," Thanatos groggily mumbled.

"Why were you asleep?! You're embarrassing us!"

"Who cares?" He yawned loudly and stretched. In the process, he knocked a full wine glass onto the white dress of the goddess who was unwillingly forced to sit next to him. She flipped her perfect 'blonde' hair and haughtily moved to the other side of the table. As soon as she sat there, she immediately started whispering to another blonde. I hate Pheta look-alikes. Three centuries ago, that girl was a redhead. Children. "We're here because we are dark deities who have jobs that actually affect these idiots. You know that the only people who have anything important to say are you, Rin, Pheta, Aquarius, Kybele, and myself. The other major light-born gods aren't here because they can think up great excuses while our dear relatives really don't give a damn. These other morons here are just taking up space since they think they are entitled to be here as 'light-born'. Pyramis just doesn't know what do with himself anymore and Gyelia probably forgot. Why the Almighty doesn't tell them to go away is beyond me."

"That is because the Almighty isn't like Dad or Black Wolf."

"Which may or may not be a bad thing. While it is nice not to be called 'stupid' or 'guacamole-heads', we would get a lot more done."

"That's the truth," chuckled a female voice behind them. The pretty brunette in the canary yellow kimono took a seat beside Melania, grinning. "I don't even know why He even bothers to hold these meetings anymore."

Melania smiled back. "I suppose you have some news, Rin?"

"Of course, I do! I'm the goddess of magic!" Lowing her voice and checking for eavesdroppers needlessly, she said, "There is something important I need to bring up, but there is something else. Rumors are going around that Pheta is going to suggest something big. Real big." Amber brown eyes inquiring, she asked, "Does this have something to do with you?"

"Most likely, if I know her."

Thanatos leaned back in his chair. "We know her well alright. Now we only need her to arrive to begin this waste of time. Hey! Dumb people!" The light-born gods all looked at him with loathing. "Glad to know you know who you are! Where's the prima donna you people worship?! I'm so bored that I think I should just cause another Black Death!"

As soon as he finished his exclamation, the lights suddenly dimmed. Everyone glanced immediately at Melania, but knew she had nothing to do with it when they saw her make a face. Must she always do this?

A woman who would probably turn the heads of most men walked in, glowing brightly. Figures. She always just has to make a huge entrance. Wearing a sheer white gown, she sat in between Pyramis, god of fire, and that 'blonde' from before. "Sorry, I kept everyone waiting," she said with a voice like honey.

Thanatos sarcastically replied, "I'm sure you are. What were you doing, preparing that little show? You did a wonderful impression of a flashlight, I'll give you that."

Pheta glowered at him and was about to shoot back another retort, but she was interrupted. A majestic voice that came from no one present boomed out, "PHETA, PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME. THANATOS, SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR THE GODDESS OF LIGHT."

"I will when she stops being a self-centered-"


Melania copied her brother and settled in for a long wait. Since she was one of the last to speak, she knew that she was going to be bored. She really didn't give a damn on what the god of marriage thought about the high divorce rate in the world. Thanatos was already off in dreamland next to her while Rin was playing with a piece of string. The green-haired Kybele was reading a nature magazine while the blue-robed Aquarius was feeding some fish in a tank with Pyramis watching with interest. Pheta, or course, was sitting prim and proper in her seat. She was hanging onto every word. She reached into her long loose sleeves and fiddled around until she found what she was looking for. Melania had enchanted all her clothing with long sleeves to carry things so that she did not have to hold everything in her hands or in a bag. She opened the booklet and clicked her erasable pen. It's at these times I think humans are geniuses. Crossword puzzles are amazing.



A fiercely unremarkable two days had passed already. Melania always agreed with her brother when it came to the topic of the minor light-born gods: they were just a waste of time. One of them spent over six hours discussing something that she couldn't remember. She stopped listening after three minutes of that god's speech. The water god with the blue hair put away his fish and stood up to address the group. "I really don't think I need to say anything. We are not going to do anything about the state of the planet's waters anyway," he coldly stated, blue eyes narrowed. He sat back down and paid no attention to the looks he was receiving from the others. "I know what I said was probably disrespectful, but it is true." He has a point. I really didn't think he had the nerve to say it, though.


Like Aquarius, the dark-skinned woman also rose from her seat. "I agree with Aquarius. So I'm not going to bother saying anything as well. Since nothing will be done there is no point. Let us just get this over with." Go Kybele. But it is odd you sided with Aquarius, as you tend to argue with him a lot. She refocused on the council meeting. What do you have to say, Pheta?


Pheta began her speech with a lecture. "I can't believe that some of the people here have the gall to disrespect the Almighty-"


Everyone was startled out of their collective daze with this shout. Thanatos rolled over in his sleep, a large smile on his face. Melania tried to shake him awake, but he was to put it frankly 'dead to the world'.

Aquarius smiled. "Must be having a great dream."

Pheta made a face of both disgust and disapproval. "As I was saying-"

"You weren't saying anything," Kybele broke in. "Do you mind sparing us that nonsense and getting to the point?"

The voice of the Almighty commanded, "APOLOGIZE."

"Fine. Sorry. But for what is beyond me." Typical of her, she's always blunt.

Pheta's face contorted into an ugly grimace of rage before she masked it with an expression of hurt. "It's alright." Great, she's doing the pity face. She's so manipulative that it is sickening. Watch the others take her side. True to that thought, a majority of the deities present began to look at Kybele with hatred. Aquarius didn't look all too concerned and Rin was still playing with that infernal piece of string. This is it. I'm not coming next time. This show is getting too old. "My followers have been getting killed by a demon and I'm very concerned with this. Something must be done."

"I'm sure you are worried, you old hag!" Thanatos was once again talking in his sleep. Melania, however, found the statement to be highly appropriate for the situation.


Be careful. If you openly oppose Pheta, Heaven won't take your side. Guess I better listen to Dad. He would know after all. She stood and clearly said, "I have nothing new to say that I haven't said before." She pointed to her slumbering sibling. "I think the same goes for my brother as well."


"Same old, same old. But I do have a concern over the Staff of Kardis."


"As we all know, the Staff of Kardis is a powerful tool used for channeling vast amounts of chaotic, dark necromantic, and elemental magicks. It was hidden in the tomb of a wise Egyptian pharaoh who realized the destructive power it could wield if in the wrong hands. I think that tomb-breakers and archaeologists are getting too close to finding it. My request is that we remove the staff to a safer location."

"You can't be serious," Pheta drawled. "We have much more important matters to deal with than moving some silly old staff."

Melania raised an eyebrow. "You think that relocating so dangerous a weapon such as the Staff of Kardis out of a place where the wrong hands can get to it is not important? If you remember correctly, the Egyptian peasant Tazunses created the Sahara and Nubian deserts by handling the staff incorrectly. He wasn't even trying to do anything with it in the first place; he was just using it as a walking stick. Do you really think we can afford to ignore this?"

Pheta twirled one of her golden curls around her pinky finger. "I doubt any of the mortals are smart enough to find it. Besides, I have my own suggestion to make." She made a dramatic pause before continuing. "I suggest that all descendants of immortals be eliminated."

The shock of this mere sentence was so great that even the sleeping Thanatos woke up to ogle at the light goddess. Aquarius said in a low voice what everyone was thinking. "That's insane."

"Hardly," Pheta replied. "I don't see why we should let them remain living. It is a disgrace for a god to have a mortal descendant and many of them just cause trouble for us anyway. We should take care of them now while there are so few of them."

Melania was appalled. Oh crap. She can't do that! "That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life!" Instantly all the light gods fixed her with murderous glares. She had enough, though. "All of you idiots stay out of it! Your opinions hardly account for anything since not a single one of you has one of your own!" She turned to the smirking Pheta. "What you are implying is that we kill about fifty mortals just so you can feel better about yourself! That's absurd! These are living people!" The room was soon shrouded in a thick darkness as a result of her agitation.

"I think it is a great idea."

"Need I remind you," cut in Rin, "that you don't have any mortal descendants? Some of us do!"

A minor earthquake accompanied Kybele's shout of dissent. "We can't allow you to do that! They are of our blood after all!"


Kybele and Aquarius nodded meaningfully to her as they left. At least some people see my point of view. Rin smiled at her before disappearing with a sharp crack. Pyramis tried to catch her eye, but he was soon dragged away with the other light-born gods. She turned to her older brother, who was now thankfully awake but still seated. "Aren't you leaving?"

"I'll leave in a second. I just need to ask something first."

"Suit yourself." With that, she shrugged and exited Nirvana by teleportation.


"You know what is going on. Why aren't you doing anything about it? Practically everything is at stake because of what she is doing."


"I'd love to hear them."


"I'm a dark god which means I think. That means I'm different from the light gods. Unlike them, I don't follow you because you are high and powerful and also not through blind devotion. I was born from Erebus and Nyx, dark deities themselves. The Universe itself created the dark gods, not you. So I don't have to follow your orders if I don't want to. So I'm not being impudent. Now what are your reasons?"


"You can't?!"


"Who told you that?"


"Figures. Aunt Destiny always messes things up."


Voldemort let a smile grace his snake-like face as he watched the small town be devoured by red flame. The Muggle village of Hilton would be gone by the morning, which should arrive in a mere three hours. It would be quite a sight. What would be even more amusing would be to see how that idiot Fudge was going to explain this one away. He could not use Sirius Black as a scapegoat anymore since Wormtail had been captured before. He had put the Cruciatus curse on the coward for a full five minutes for that screw-up. He did not kill him though: he may be a weakling, but the Animagus had its uses. His smile grew wider as he heard the rustle of leaves behind him. Without turning around, he said, "Now where do you think you are going? Do you think that you can escape?"

The muggle tried to run for it, but he was too slow. Before he knew it, he was being held up in the air. Thin white fingers were choking the life out of him. He tried to kick the monster in an effort to get away, but it was in vain. The demon's red eyes were shining maliciously. "Isn't it wonderful? My followers aren't here. That means I can kill you using my own power instead of through weak human methods." A sword appeared in his raised free hand. It was made from a strange dark red metal and glittered fiercely in the light of the burning down. Raising the blade high in the air, he brought it down on the wide-eyed defenseless man.

For a moment, every living thing nearby stopped as a bloodcurdling shriek rang clear through the destruction/


"Death Eaters."

"Auror Orville, this can't have been done by Death Eaters. They are gone, disbanded. The Ministry says that You-Know-Who isn't back. It's all a farce."

The middle-aged Auror looked back at the young woman with a glare. She was training to be an Auror like him and was trying to gain some experience by tagging along. In his book, she was a thorn in his side. He had to fight down the urge to stun her every time she mentioned the Ministry. "Don't be dumb, Prewett. Only Death Eaters could do something like this."

"The Ministry says they aren't back."

"The Ministry says, the Ministry says! That's all you say! Don't you see that I don't care what the Ministry says?!" He continued to yell at her while she took a few steps back in fear. "The Ministry is full a bunch of paper-pushing idiots who rarely take a step away from their desks in their entire lives! They haven't been out here, in the field! Don't be naïve! Who else could have done this?! Sirius Black?! Open your eyes!"

"Dumbledore is doing this!"

He rolled his eyes. Youngsters, won't they ever learn? "Explain to me why Albus Dumbledore would murder an entire village of innocent Muggles for a hoax."

Prewett was spared from answering by frantic shouts. Both of them sprinted to the hill overlooking the town. An Auror, looking very shaken and sick, waved them over. "Orville! Thank God! You need to take a look at this. It's horrible - a body - it's sickening." The man rushed passed them to a bunch of trees where they soon heard the sounds of him retching.

Another Auror, pale but still keeping his last meal down, came to them. "Maybe you shouldn't see it. It's disgusting."

"Show me." The Auror sighed and led him to the site. Prewett was at Orville's heels, looking very apprehensive.

Orville later regretted that order. The corpse of the man was cut clean in half, lengthwise. The edges of the cut were slightly charred, but the look of terror was clear on the man's face. Both sides of it, that is.

"That," he said to Prewett, "wasn't done by Death Eaters."
