The Dark Arts
Regulus Black Sirius Black
Angst Wizarding Society
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince J.K. Rowling Interviews or Website
Published: 08/26/2006
Updated: 08/26/2006
Words: 2,411
Chapters: 2
Hits: 601

Blinder than Bats


Story Summary:
Regulus Black: start to finish.

Chapter 01


Blinder than Bats


"Infidels of thought

blinder than,

O yes much much blinder than


- Mark Z. Danielewski

After Sirius, Walburga thought she'd never have another child. She was thirty-six and with each passing day she could feel herself getting older. Married at twenty-four, it had taken her nine years to get pregnant at all, and with Sirius, Walburga believed he'd be her one and only.

So it with great surprise that she found herself missing the expected monthly event only three years after the birth her first child. She informed Orion at dinner that night, the only conversation among the strained silence.

"Hmm?" he muttered, sounding disinterested. "Well, that's lovely." he remarked and looked up at her across the table.

"Yes," said Walburga stiffly. "Lovely."

Sirius giggled and smacked his fork on the dinnerware with fervor.


Walburga never found it odd that she paid better attention to Regulus rather than her first-born. Regulus was the baby, with his ancestor's dark coloring and a calm, placid demeanor, unlike his brother. Sirius had been a loud and fretful child, a great annoyance to his father who would often yell loudly from his study, demanding peace and quiet.

No, Walburga thought, Regulus seemed to have more promise. Sirius complained constantly at family gatherings and functions, while Regulus sat serenely at his mother's side, docile as a puppy. Walburga would stroke his hair and offer to buy him sweets for his good behavior. Sirius would hear this and sulk; he had never been offered sweets.

"That's because you never do what you're told." Walburga told him when they returned home, "Perhaps if you acted more like your brother does; like a perfect gentleman."

Later, Sirius attempted to lock his younger brother out in the garden for the night, and it only Regulus's pleading cries that alerted Walburga. Sirius was given a hard slap across the face for that one and he cried rather pathetically in his room. Walburga held a sniffling Regulus in her arms, rocking back and forth, whispering soft lullabies in his ear until he drifted off to sleep.


When Sirius was eleven and Regulus was nine, Walburga found herself alone, mostly, with her favorite son. Sirius had gone off to Hogwarts, his small face beaming with excitement, and Orion spent most of his time locked away in his office paying little attention to his wife and son.

Walburga would bring him to dinner parties and other social gatherings, showing him off to the other pure-blood mothers. Druella Black and her grown daughter Bellatrix would often dote on little Regulus, for he was quiet small for his age. Walburga watched with pride as Bellatrix, who was soon to be married, remarked that Regulus was the perfect mold for the son that she always wanted.

That winter, Walburga found that she wasn't disappointed when Sirius sent a letter stating that he would be staying Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays. Regulus seemed rather let down that he had to wait several more months before seeing his brother again, so Walburga made it a point to pamper him all the more because of it.

"Just as well," Orion had remarked after reading Sirius's letter. "He can spend more time with those Gryffindor friends of his."

Orion was still sore that Sirius had disgraced the family by not being sorted into Slytherin.


For Regulus's eleventh birthday, along with receiving his Hogwarts letter, Walburga bought him the best, most expensive robes and supplies she could find. Sirius sulked, as usual. For the past three summers, he had stalked through the house wearing his Hogwarts robes, all ablaze in gold and crimson.

Regulus had been waiting three agonizing years to receive his letter. Sirius had been telling him the most fantastic stories about Hogwarts. The enchanted ceiling, the Giant Squid living in the lake, the Forbidden Forrest that students weren't allowed to venture into, but Sirius claimed him and his friends had gone in dozens of times without getting caught.

Regulus didn't believe half his brother's fantastical stories, but he was still fascinated by them and everything to do with Hogwarts. Walburga on the other hand, was quite furious that her youngest son was being taken from her. Over the years, Walburga had become more angry and bitter. Her husband's indifference and near disdain had twisted her from the kinder woman she had been.

As she kissed Regulus goodbye at Platform 9 ¾, she wished that her saliva was made of acid so that it would burn his skin.