Astronomy Tower
Tom Riddle Lord Voldemort
Angst Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/12/2003
Updated: 07/01/2003
Words: 3,885
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,465

His Salvation

punk chik

Story Summary:
Have you ever wondered about what exactly happened to Tom when he was younger? Tom's 16(ish) and the Basilisk is around. With loads of OCs, angst, sarcasm, and a few rip-offs.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Have you ever wondered about what exactly happened to Tom when he was younger? Obviously, I have. So, here's my view on it. Tom's 16(ish) and the Basilisk is abound. With loads of OCs, angst, sarcasm, and a few rip-offs;)
Author's Note:
Hey, thanx 2 every1 who reads this. This chapter is dedicated to Bryanna. Trust me Bry, u don't need those ppl who call themselves your friends. Pfft. Anyways, hope u enjoy this chapter.

Gabby laughed as she dance with Dennis.

"Denny," Arrabella said pulling him away.

Gabby was parched. She walked over to the door.

"Gabby!" someone called to her over the music.

She stopped and looked around. She saw Tom, Julien Malfoy, and Jack Nott.

"Tom!" she beamed. "Can I please have some of your drink?" she asked motioning to the plastic cup her held in his hand.

"Yeah," Tom said handing her his drink, "Have it all."

Gabby drank it down in three gulps. "Thank-you so much," she said turning around and throwing out the cup.

He smiled. Gabby never really noticed how cute he was when he smiled.

"Do you want to -?"

"Dance?" she asked cutting him off.

He nodded.

"'Course!" She took his hand and led him into the dancing bodies. They danced for a while. Occasionally, they'd brush against each other and Gabby would see him blush. A slow song soon came on.

Tom hesitated before pulling her close. Gabby noticed his muggle clothes. He never wore muggle clothes. Why would he wear them now?

She was distracted by something else. He smelled like mint. Gabby's fingers soon became from the intoxicating smell. She looked up at Tom. He was looking down at her with chilly blue eyes.

"You really do have pretty eyes," he whispered.

"Thank-you," she said back, "It was you at the party, wasn't it?"

He chuckled softy, "Yes, it was."


Tom was overwhelmed with feelings. Here she was, his beautiful read haired fairy, in his arms. She was pressed against him. He wished things could be like this forever. There they'd be, Tom protecting her from all the evils of the world.

In that exact moment, Tom didn't want to be evil any more. If it meant being with Gabby, so be it.

"Tom, I'm really thirsty!" she yelled over the now fast-paced music.

Tom led her through the crowd. They found the kitchen. Julien, Jack, and Dorian Crabbe were all talking there. Julien smirked.

"Hey, Gabriella," he walked over to them.

"Hi," she said casually.

"What do you want?" Tom said looking around for a drink to give to Gabby.


"Water please," Gabby said. She kept her eyes trained on Malfoy.

"What? No beer?" he asked teasingly. He waved a cup of it in her face.

Gabby felt her stomach churn unpleasantly. She lurched, doubling over.

"Move," Tom pushed Malfoy out of the way. Just in time too.

She threw-up violently. Tom pulled her hair back as she did it again.

"I think it's time we went back to Hogwarts," he put a cup of water in her hand.

She nodded meekly. They walked quietly towards the castle.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Tom asked breaking the silence.

Gabby shrugged, "I feel really stupid."

"Why? Because you missed Julien?" he asked jokingly.

Gabby laughed. "No, because I was drinking and I threw up."

"That's nothing," Tom told her.

"You've never had to experience that, I bet," she said poking him in the arm. They were now on the well-beaten path that led up to the castle.