The Dark Arts
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/27/2005
Updated: 01/10/2006
Words: 9,221
Chapters: 6
Hits: 1,401

The Raven's Claw

Prometheus bound

Story Summary:
Who says that Harry and his friends are the only ones to have adventures at Hogwarts? Join the Ravenclaws as they find secret passages, discover hidden rooms and attempt to recover an ancient artifact

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Success! The Ravenclaws are congratulated by Dumbledore and prepare for the rest of the year with renewed confidence of an adventure they can't tell anyone about.

Chapter 6

"Congratulations are in order, I would say," said Dumbledore, with a smile. "It has been some time since anyone found their way into that clever little room."

"You knew it was there?" Alastair asked.

They had emerged from the Library into flurries of rumors about Katie Bell, the Gryffindor Chaser having been cursed and sent to St. Mungos. They had felt that they couldn't hide the dangers they had faced, in case someone else found their way into the hidden rooms and was hurt or killed. They had gone to see Professor Flitwick, who had taken them to see the Headmaster, when he returned to the school on the following monday.

"Oh yes," replied Dumbledore. "I admit that there is quite a lot I do not know about Hogwarts, even still." He gestured around him, and the students saw his blackened hand. "But this I knew of, yes. In fact I believe Filius here discovered the secret himself, back when he was a student at this school."

Professor Flitwick nodded. "I certainly did. I'm very proud of you for being able to discover the secret yourselves. Of course, you may have had it a touch easier than I did - when I ventured in there, I was by myself," he said, with a chuckle.

"But Professor," said Tess to Dumbledore. "What about the traps? We were worried that someone else, if they weren't as smart or as lucky as us, might get hurt in there."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "You know, it's never happened before. And trust me, there have been many fine Ravenclaw students who have found there way in there over the years. I rather think that any student who has been placed into Ravenclaw and discovers the secret shall be able to negotiate their way through safely." Ash opened his mouth to reply, but Dumbledore continued. "Also, I doubt that Rowena Ravenclaw meant for any of her students to be harmed during a test that she herself made for them."

"So it was all just a trick, then?" asked Ash.

"Oh no, certainly not," replied the Headmaster. "I expect that if you had not managed to pass through, then you would have been sent back the way you came and never discovered the secret." He stood up. "But we mustn't simply sit about all day, I'm sure we all have much to be doing." The students stood up as well. "As to a reward, I think that twenty house points to each of you should suffice, considering of course, the reward that Rowena Ravenclaw has already bestowed upon you."

"Thank you, Professor," they each said.

"Come along then," said Professor Flitwick, climbing down off of his seat. They all turned to go, but Tess turned back to the Headmaster.

"Excuse me, Professor, but is Katie Bell alright?" she asked.

Dumbledore's face turned serious. "She is alive, which is the important thing. I'm certain that given time, she shall make a full recovery." He smiled again. "Goodbye, Miss Lyndon.

"Goodbye, Professor," she replied.

Outside, in the corridor, the three were silent as they headed back toward their Common Room. It all seemed rather strange to them now. The school was just as it had always been, but they felt changed. They now had a connection to each other, to their Head of House, and to one of the Founders of the school, yet they couldn't tell anyone about it.

"We're quite special now, aren't we?" Ash said. Alastair noticed an extra spring to his step.

"Yes, we are," replied Alastair, a grin spreading across his face. That was something to be proud of. He decided that he would actually tell his parents about it before swearing them to secrecy. They would be proud too, he was sure.

"Absolutely," agreed Tess. "I must say though, that you two were lucky I went along to help you through!"

"Hey, none of that!" Ash said, laughing. "You know, I'm sure that I can win the chess tournament this year."

"I'm going to ace every class, I know it," said Alastair, nodding.

"We're definitely going to win the Quidditch Cup this year," added Tess.

"The House Cup, too!" said Ash.

"This will be the best year, ever," said Alastair. They all truly felt as though they could do anything.

"What shall we do to celebrate?" asked Ash.

"I can't," said Alastair, his grin fading slightly. "I've been distracted all week. I need to catch up on class work."

"Oh," said Ash, remembering. "So do I"

"I've got Quidditch practice as well," said Tess. "I guess this means that things are back to normal."

They were momentarily disappointed. For a little while, Alastair felt as though he had satisfied the child's Gryffindor/hero urge. But everything was back to normal.

"Normal isn't so bad," He said.

"No, it's not," replied Ash. "Normal is good, but then, we're not normal are we? We're great!"

They were smiling again as they reached the base of Ravenclaw tower and began the long climb back up to their common room.

Thanks to my beta, Christina. This is my first fan fic, and i've certainly enjoyed writing it. I'm planning a follow up, featuring the same characters, which may end up in AT rather than TDA.