The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Drama Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/09/2003
Updated: 05/16/2003
Words: 38,707
Chapters: 15
Hits: 4,302

Easier To Run

Princess Arianna

Story Summary:
Sequel to "I Only Wanted"``A summer, relatively alone, in Hogwarts Castle. Free to roam the grounds and do as you please. Sounds appealing, but for Katie Bell, freedom and solitude is not what she needs. This summer could be the last she sees if something good doesn't happen soon.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
In this chapter, Katie ponders "trust", gets a potion, and writes a letter.
Author's Note:
padfoot1979(Snape's research is answered. Hope you likey), OlliKat(exactly! Nurse!Katie. A tad bit more suspense here, not much), andrea3382(Paris & Marcus won't be in the story anymore. Well, maybe Marcus. As for the dreams, we get a peek at what they're about), Young Golden Unicorn(Always read my author's notes within the chapter, because I already answered that), KatieWood_2003(Well, I wish I could go AU & have Voldie really be dead, but it was only a dream), Sparkles(Yeah, somehow I don't think it would work coming from Katie), Fluffy(Books are revealed in this chappie, well sorta), annoymouse(Katie will tell Ol when she figures it all out), Jive(Why thank you! I like to channel Draco occasionally), & StarEyed(LOL, it was only a dream. & Draco will always have his Katie if I have anything to say about it).


Katie woke up at stared at her blurry surroundings. She wasn't in her room. The night's events came back with the force of a Bludger, and Katie sighed. She'd had another dream, a bad one, and had come down to Snape's quarters. She rubbed at her eyes and then looked around again, things much clearer than before. She saw Snape, sitting in a nearby high-back chair, asleep. She would have smiled, but something was pulling at her. She knew she had had another dream, but she couldn't remember it. It felt like her stomach had turned to rock. Maybe when she couldn't remember her dreams were the ones that occurred.

If that was supposed to make her feel better, it hadn't done its job. She sat up slowly, trying not to wake Snape, but it was no use. The leather couch made a noise and Snape's head snapped upright. Katie idly wondered how he got any sleep at all then if that small of a noise woke him up.

"Sorry," she muttered sleepily.

Snape blinked a few times and brought a hand up to rub at his obviously stiff neck. "It's no problem. How did you sleep?"

"Well. But I had another dream. I just can't remember any of it," Katie said undoing her hair and pulling it back again, trying to make it neater.

Snape just nodded, albeit with some difficulty. "That may be your curse, Katie. The ones you can remember can't possibly be true, but hold information that you didn't know or understand. And the ones you can't, are your premonitions. Except a true Seer would remember them and have the penchant to warn whoever was in danger or such. You won't know until it's too late. But that déjà vu feeling will be there."

Katie took the information easily. She had assumed that. But now she cod only wait until she had that feeling to know what she dreamed. That was what really upset her. Snape picked up the book on his lap and marked the page before closing it.

"I was reading this last night and I stumbled upon a potion for visions. It may help block out some of the more vivid dreams that you've been having. I can only imagine how scared you are to sleep anymore."

Katie nodded, feeling tears come to her eyes. He was right. She had been procrastinating lately when it came to sleep. Snape was by her side in an instant.

"I'll make it today. If you want to help me, you're more than welcome to. But if not, I know you probably have some letters to answer or send," he said, a hand on her shoulder.

Katie looked up at him. "A few. But I want to help. That way, if it works, I can make it myself."

Snape shook his head. "You'll do nothing of the sort," he said sternly, "It's made with the same ingredients in the Dreamless Sleep potion, with some notable exceptions. But as with Dreamless Sleep, if taken on a regular basis, it can become highly addictive. You will only take it when I make it. Once a week should be alright," he said, his features softening, "Trust me."

Katie nodded. She knew to trust the Potions Master when it came to his area of expertise. An uncomfortable silence fell over the room and Katie stood.

"I'll just go then," she said, heading toward the door.

Snape cleared his throat. "Don't hesitate to come here if the need arises. I'll make sure that the Slytherins don't bother you."

Katie turned an smiled weakly at her godfather. "I don't think that's such a good idea. I mean, it could be dangerous."

Katie didn't feel the need to elaborate. She knew that Snape knew what she meant. After all, the only members of the faculty who knew about the situation were McGonagall and Dumbledore. And Katie was supposed to keep this to herself from now on. She watched as Snape pondered what she had said and nodded reluctantly.

"Come down to the Potions classroom after dinner and I'll have the potion ready for you."

Katie nodded, pushed open the door, and exited the dungeons.



- Some'll laugh and some just sit and cry
You just sit down there and you wonder why -

Coldplay - "A Rush Of Blood To The Head"


Katie spent most of the day on her rock with Hekate. She let the tiny owl flutter around as long as it stayed away from the water. The owl had hooted in its agreement and had obviously learned her lesson in her first encounter with the lake. She couldn't figure out why she had been so uncomfortable around Snape earlier. Something was just....off. In her mind she had admitted to trusting her godfather, but she had never said it out loud. Perhaps out of fear of rejection, but that was silly! He had asked her to trust him. So why couldn't she say it?

He had shown her such compassion for her situation and now with the anonymous letters. But she still felt as if she was taking advantage of his generosity, as he had warned her not to do at the start of the last school year. She worried about him being hurt or killed because of her, and he worried about the same things, she just knew it! Katie sighed. When had things gotten so complicated? Maybe it was because she was growing up, little by little, month by month. She was fast on her way to becoming an adult.

Hekate landed on her shoulder and hooted softly. Katie sighed again, looking out over the lake. This summer had had it's ups and downs. And now she was in a downward spiral. School was starting in less than a week, and Katie was scared to death. What would she do know if she had a nightmare? She couldn't keep Angelina and Alicia up. That would be ever so rude. And she wouldn't be able to run to Snape. That was what scared her the most. The only person who knew about her dreams would be just out of her reach. The invitation had been extended be Snape, but Katie knew deep down that she would be in a world of trouble if she accepted it. What if a Gryffindor heard her leave? What if a Slytherin caught her in the dungeons?

Shaking her head, she decided that that was in the undecided future and she needed to live in the moment, no matter how ironic that seemed.


That night after dinner, Katie went down to the Potions classroom to pick up the potion from Snape. He was sitting at his desk, a pile of papers on his desk about a foot high. He looked up as she entered and motioned for her to approach the desk.

"I want you to take it tonight. And since classes will have started when you need your next dose, I will simply hold you back after Advanced Potions to give it to you. I trust you have a liner pocket to hide it from your school mates?"

Katie cringed, there was that 'trust' word again. "Yes, I do."

A look of concern crossed Snape's features. "Are you alright?" he said, handing her the phial.

Katie's eyes snapped up to meet his. "Fine," she said taking the phial, "Goodnight."

Katie walked out of the Potions classroom, intent on writing a lengthy letter to someone about all of this. But who? Oliver would listen but tell her to never trust Snape, no matter what. She wasn't so sure about writing to Percy anymore. He seemed to have a lot on his plate and she didn't want to bother him. She desperately wanted to write to Lee, but she hadn't told him about Snape. And Snape had told her to tell no more people.

She sighed as she approached The Fat Lady. She noticed the portrait had a visitor. She recognized her as a portrait in the room adjacent to the Great Hall.

"So what's this Violet tells me? Are you staying at the castle because you are in danger, dear?"

"Sort of," Katie said eyeing the other known as Violet angrily, "Dreams."

"Best of luck, dear," The Fat Lady said swinging open.

She walked into the common room and stood in the center of it.

"To hell with him. I'm telling Lee," she muttered, making her way up the stairs.


- You can say what you mean
But it won't change a thing

I'm sick of the secrets

Stood on the edge, tied to the noose

And you came along and you cut me loose -

Coldplay - "Amsterdam"


Katie sat down on her bed, book and parchment on her lap and her lamp lit.


I'm not sure if the Twins told you, in fact I wouldn't doubt it, but I'm going to tell you now.

The reason I'm staying at the castle is because I have a godfather, and he is now my legal guardian, according to my parent's lawyer. And well, my godfather is Snape.

I'll let you digest that life changing bit of information before I continue.

Better? Ok. Don't prejudge please. If you knew him like I do now, you wouldn't hate him in the least. So just bare with me.

You're the only person I have left to talk to about this. I can't change Oliver or the Twins feelings about him and I don't want to write to Percy. I'm afraid I may bother him with his new Ministry job and all. And Ang and Alicia, I don't know. I just don't feel comfortable writing to them about this.

So, here's my dilemma. You know all those bad feelings that I get that always seem to be followed by something bad happening? Well, turns out its hereditary. It's a weak Seer ability called precognition. And I'm also having these terrible nightmares in which stuff is being revealed to me. Like my parents being the only Death Eaters to EVER be released from Voldemort's control. Yeah, scary, huh?

I just.... Life sucks, Lee and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm glad school is starting, but then I'm not. When I have those nightmares, I usually go to the dungeons to tell Snape. When school starts, that won't be possible anymore. I could get caught.

Now I have this potion that he found for me to take. It's supposed to stop visions and its made with some of the same ingredients as Dreamless Sleep.

Then there's the trust issue. You know damn well that I'm just like Percy in that way. I don't trust many people. And I'm being forced into trusting Snape, because I have no one else as a parent figure. I could be grown-up and saw that I don't need a parent in my life, but I'd be lying and fooling myself as well as you. I'm just a kid.

Why does everything happen to me, Lee?

Speaking of, I'm also getting anonymous letters from, who I assume to be, a Death Eater. First a cursed Dark Mark on a piece of parchment and another yesterday, telling me that Snape can't protect me forever. I could say I'm not scared, but I'd be lying again. I'm terrified. In that way, I want school to start. Safety in numbers, you know?

I don't know. Of course, I don't know a lot of things right now.

Write me back. It's boring here.



Katie waited for the ink to dry before folding the letter and sealing it with a bit of Spell-O-Tape. She penned Lee's name on the fold and the stood from her bed. Throwing on her robe, she left the tower and headed for the Owlery. Giving it to her usual owl, she watched as it soared off into the blackening sky. She stood there for a few long moments, just look at the stars. She has started to count them, when a hand clasped over her shoulder. Katie jumped and turned, her hand over her heart and her other fumbled for her wand before the person spoke.

"Calm down, Miss. Bell," Snape's voice said a hint of amusement there.

"Arse," Katie muttered, turning and looking out the window once more.

She had resumed counting, when she felt Snape stand beside her and mimic her actions.

"What is so interesting?" he asked, following her eyesight.

"The stars," Katie said, tallying in her head.

'44, 45, 46, oh! The Little Dipper,' she thought, scanning the sky.

"What about them?" he asked.

"Why does there have to be a reason? They're pretty. They're interesting. I like them. Happy?" Katie said frustrated, "Damnit, now I lost count."

She heard Snape chuckle from beside her. "Attempting to count them all?"

"It's my version of counting sheep," she said starting over in her mind, "What do you want anyway?"

Snape said nothing, but Katie could feel his gaze on her. She continued counting.


- All the summer nights spent wondering

So many questions asked, but no one's answering -

Mest - "Jaded (These Years)"


After a few long moments, Katie turned and looked at the older man.


Snape sighed. "You need your rest, you know?"


Snape arched an eyebrow. "I can't imagine your getting much with those dreams of yours. You very nearly passed out in my doorway last night."

Katie sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Is that potion going to work?"

"It should," Snape paused, thinking, "Why were you so upset this morning?"

Katie knew there was no way around that one. "Well, because you said I was welcome there. You know that's not possible once school starts."

Snape sighed again. "If you need to talk to me, I will find a way for it to be possible."

Katie turned to look out the window again, but Snape stopped her. "You can look out the window in your dormitory," he said in a no-nonsense tone.

Katie glared at him for a moment and then strode out of the Owlery, knowing he was following her. Not trusting her to go to her dormitory on her own. Katie stopped in her tracks. He didn't trust her and she didn't trust him. She turned and looked at him.

"You don't trust me?" she asked softly.

"Of course I do. Why?"

"Then why are you following me?"

"That's part of my job isn't it?" he asked, arching an eyebrow at her, "I'm just watching out for you."

A meow broke the silence between them and Katie looked down to see Mrs. Norris.

"Hello there, Mrs. Norris," Katie said crouching to pet the cat.

It purred in response.

"You've made friends with the demon cat?" Snape said, unable to hide the horror in his voice.

"She is not a demon cat. And she made friends with me, right sweetheart?"

The cat mewed in agreement and seemed to glare at Snape.

"You never cease to amaze me, Miss. Bell."

"Because I made friends with a cat?" Katie said standing and looking at him curiously.

Snape actually smiled. "Yes, because you made friends with a cat. Goodnight, Miss. Bell."

And with that, he strode off back down the hall. Katie looked after him curiously, before giving Mrs. Norris a final pat.

"I better be getting to bed. Have fun," she said, walking away from the cat.

What was the big deal? It was just Mrs. Norris. Just because the cat got everyone else in trouble, didn't mean it was a bad cat. Maybe Katie was just extra fond of animals.

Once in her dormitory, she took off her robe and sat on her bed. She picked up the phial and looked at it curiously. After a moment, she removed the stopper and downed the liquid. The taste wasn't as bad as she had imagined, and she just barely had time to pull her covers around her and grab Mikey, before she was asleep.