Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Romance Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/12/2004
Updated: 01/20/2009
Words: 37,623
Chapters: 11
Hits: 7,737

I Love You, Don't Touch Me!


Story Summary:
It's the Trio's seventh year at Hogwarts, and love is in the air... or it's supposed to be. If only those involved would pull their heads out of the clouds long enough to notice it! I mean, so what if Voldemort is still on the loose - is that a reason not to snog? (H/Hr)

Chapter 01

It's the Trio's seventh year at Hogwarts, and love is in the air... or it's supposed to be. If only those involved would pull their heads out of the clouds long enough to notice it! I mean, so what if Voldemort is still on the loose - is that a reason not to snog? (H/Hr)

Words: 2,893
Hits: 2,040
Chapter 02

The trio makes it to the train; Harry makes an arse of himself, Ron shows that 'if you love your friends, laugh when they're down' and Hermione thinks they're both nuts.

Words: 3,629
Hits: 704
Chapter 03

The trio sets out for Hogwarts, Harry is confused, and everyone's favorite Quibbler reader is too close for comfort (according to Ron).

Words: 2,842
Hits: 575
Chapter 04

Snape takes points and Harry underestimates the power of a girl's charm.

Words: 3,192
Hits: 577
Chapter 05

Ron and Luna chat a bit and Hermoine finds another reason to dislike Cho. Harry speaks Pareslmouth AND puts his foot in his mouth with all the tact that teenage boys have.

Words: 3,376
Hits: 586
Chapter 06

Hermione discovers that being near your common room does not equal safety and Harry jumps to a conclusion that causes big problems.

Words: 3,208
Hits: 551
Chapter 07

Harry and Ron talk on the Quidditch pitch while Luna thinks Harry's had too much caffine. Ginny tries to figure out what's going on with the Trio with a handful of good old-fashioned angst thrown in for Hermione.

Words: 2,873
Hits: 544
Chapter 08

Ginny and Harry have a little chat out on the cliffs near Hogwarts, and Ginny and Hermione chat in the girls' loo. Let's not foget the kicker...Harry gets smacked! (But who does the smacking??)

Words: 3,902
Hits: 622
Chapter 09

Snape ponders the Death Eater initiations; Harry, Hermione and Draco find that there's more than a good book in the library, and someone get's the business end of a "petrificus totalus".

Words: 4,347
Hits: 648
Chapter 10

The Death Eaters begin gathering; Hermione and Harry have a few awkward moments following the conversation in the library; and Draco takes revenge.

Words: 3,850
Hits: 826

Malfoy is an arse, Hermione and Harry talk, and Ron gets a letter.

Words: 3,511
Hits: 64