

Story Summary:
Draco Malfoy has changed sides and is now working for the Order. When his father tells him it's time to take the Mark, Draco decides it's time to tell him that he's changed sides. Draco goes to the Manor, and gets help with his things. Everything is running smoothly until they are surprised by someone who wasn't suppose to be there. There are some pretty dark warnings, but this is a romance, I swear! -- pb

Chapter 21 - Oh Brother!

Author's Note:
As always, thanks to RobisonRocket

Oh, Brother!
Chapter 21

"My goodness, I'm exhausted." Hermione sat heavily on the sofa in her flat. Draco came in behind her, carrying his infant daughter. After depositing her in her basinet, he sat heavily next to Hermione.

"It was quite a long ceremony. Do you think ours will be that long?"

Hermione stretched out and laid her head in Draco's lap. "Oh, I don't know. I think it will be different with us. It will be our ceremony then. I think the only thing we'll be anticipating is the honeymoon."

Draco smirked. "And why is that?"

Hermione looked up at him with her eyes twinkling. "You, sir, are incorrigible. Oh, but I hope ours is at least half as beautiful as your mother's. And I can't get over how incredibly handsome Severus looked. I've never seen him with his hair pulled back and looking so happy."

Draco chuckled. "True. Severus and happy don't usually go in the same sentence. He seems to make her happy though, doesn't he?"

"Yes, he does. But enough about them, we need to discuss arrangements for our own ceremony. Where would you like for it to be? Where are we going to live? I would suggest you move in here, but it will get awfully cramped after a while."

Draco sighed. "You're right. I think I have that worked out. But there are some details I want to take care of first. I would like to get married at Hogwarts. I don't know if that's possible, but I was thinking we could do it by the lake."

Hermione threw her arms around Draco and squealed. "Oh, Draco, that's perfect. I hadn't even thought of that. We could do it in the spring. You know how beautiful it is there in the spring."

There was a tapping at the window, and Draco extracted himself from Hermione to retrieve the parchment that was tied to the large Tawny owl. Violet stirred at the sound, but didn't wake.

"What is it?" Hermione asked, rewarding the owl with a treat before it flew away.

Draco read over the parchment with his eyes smiling. "The details I have been waiting for. Look, I need to take care of a few things. I will be gone for a while, but I won't be gone long. Perhaps we could ask Gin if she'll watch Violet tonight. If everything goes according to plan, I want to take you to dinner."

"Why? What plan are you talking about?"

"Nope, I'm not going to tell you. I promise that you won't be disappointed. Just trust me?"

Hermione giggled. "Trust a Slytherin. Isn't that kind of an oxymoron? I don't know if one can trust a Slytherin."

Draco wiggled his eyes at Hermione. "You don't really have a choice."

Before Hermione could give her rebuttal, Draco Disapparated away.


"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, there you are. You didn't waste any time."

"No, Mr. Johnson. I didn't want to wait another second. Do you have the papers drawn up for my mother?"

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy. I had them sent to her by owl this morning. I believe she will be delighted. However, I do wonder what she and Mr. Snape will do when the new term starts."

Draco grinned. "Mr. Johnson, don't worry about that. If everything works out like it should, things will fall into place."

Just then the door to the solicitor's office opened. "Ah, there you are Theodore. Mr. Malfoy, you remember my sister's son, Theodore Nott."

Nott stuck out his hand. "Hello, Draco. It's been a while."

"Yes, it has been. You stayed out of Azkaban, I see - impressive," Draco sneered.

Nott grinned. "That's the beauty of staying neutral in a war. You win either way."

"Yes, well, that's very brave of you. Listen, I'll be on my way. Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Let me know the moment my mother's owl sends a reply. I'd like to have things taken care of before term starts."

"Yes, of course, Mr. Malfoy. I'll stay in touch."

Draco made his way out the door and into the streets of Diagon Alley. The streets were alive with children readying themselves for the new school term, and Draco took a moment to enjoy the excitement in the air. "Not long and it will be Violet's turn," he said to himself. The thought alone was enough to make him happy, but with a slight bit of dread. How on earth would the other children react to the child of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger?

Before he could get lost in the crowd, Nott appeared from the building Draco had just vacated. "Hey, Draco, care for a drink? I was just on my way to the Leaky."

Draco didn't really want to spend much time with him, but thoughts of Violet growing up and leaving home drove him to need some relaxation. "Sure, why not?"

As they started walking, Nott spoke up again. "So, Draco, I hear you've been getting your hands dirty."

Draco stopped dead in his tracks. "What are you on about?"

"Oh, come on, Draco. Don't pretend you don't know. I heard a rumor that you and the Mudblood Granger were getting hitched because you knocked her up. What's that all about? She got you under some kind of spell or something? You can tell me. What's she really got hiding under those robes? I'll bet the little know-it-all swot has some pretty good stuff. I wonder how Lucius would feel about a little half-blood grandchild."

They were just passing Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes when Draco grabbed Nott's arm and pulled him into an alleyway. He slammed Nott against the wall and had his wand out and digging into Nott's throat before Nott ever knew what hit him.

"It's interesting," stated Draco, "the kind a training one gets when they fight for the right side. Training with Harry Potter - you remember him, right? Dark-headed bloke with the scar? The one who defeated the Dark Lord? We became pretty good friends, he and I. I trained with him. Amazing the sorts of things we learned."

Draco's voice dropped the casual tone. In a deadly whisper, Draco dug harder into Nott's throat and spoke very plainly. "If you ever so much as whisper her name again, I will not hesitate to practice every curse I ever learned. I will not kill you, you sodding bastard, but I will make you wish you were never born."

A pair of hands grabbed Draco's shoulders. "Come on, mate, he's not worth it."

It was Ron. He had just emerged from the twins' shop when he caught the commotion in the alleyway.

Draco pulled away and pocketed his wand. He turned to leave with Ron, when Nott got his nerve to speak again.

"You think you're one of them now, don't you, Malfoy? You think you're better than everyone because you're in with the bloody Chosen One and his bloody friends? Well, you aren't. You are just like me, Malfoy. You are just like your father. You will always be a Malfoy. A leopard can't change his spots, and you will always be a Slytherin."

Draco was seething. Nott had been speaking to Draco's back as Draco was retreating. When he turned back around, he felt a bit of triumph to see Nott flinch.

"You're right, Nott. I am a Slytherin. And while a leopard can't change his spots, a snake can shed his skin. I'm not sure you've notice the world changing around you, Nott, but it has. You don't deserve to even know Hermione. You will never speak of her again. Do you understand me?"

"You're just like us, Malfoy. I don't care how much time you spend with the Mudblood."

Draco pulled his wand again, stepping closer. Ron had pulled his wand as well.

Nott snorted. "Going to hex an unarmed man, gentlemen?"

Neither Ron nor Draco made a move.

"I didn't think so. Now, Malfoy, why don't you run along to your new little friends? I'm sure Potter needs someone to polish his wand for him. And then you can change the nappy on that brat that he had with his little whore--."

Nott didn't get another word out. Ron had dropped his wand and punched him.

"What the fuck was that for, Weasley?" Nott was on the ground holding his jaw.

Draco was doubled up, laughing. "You IDIOT! Harry Potter's wife is Ron's sister. Don't you know any better than to insult Ginny Potter?"

"Something the matter, mates?"

Ron and Draco swirled around to see Fred and George entering into the alleyway.

Fred gestured toward Nott. "We heard a noise; what's going on?"

Ron, still furious and nursing his hand, said, "That git broke my hand with his face."

Draco grinned. "I've something for that back at Hermione's flat. I'll fix you up."

"So," George continued. "Why did you let him use his face to break your hand?"

Draco shook his head at Nott. "You're in for it now."

Ron grimaced at the pain in his hand again. "First, the idiot called Hermione a Mudblood."

Draco smiled again at the look of pure hatred on the twins' faces.

"Then, he called Gin a whore," Ron finished.

Draco and Nott both looked toward the twins to gauge their reaction. Draco almost felt sorry for Nott when he saw identical grins spread before him.

"It's sad, really, isn't it, Fred?"

"Too right, George."

"I've never known anyone so stupid, have you, Fred?"

"Nope. Never in my life, George."

"W-who's stupid?" Nott asked, trying but failing to hide his creeping fear.

"Well," said Fred.

"You insulted our Hermione," finished George.

"That was pretty stupid, seeing as how she has loads of people who love her. Why, even Snape is rather fond of her," continued Fred.

"But, the funniest thing is," George started again. "You insulted our sister. That was really, really stupid."

"I'm not afraid of you," Nott said with a little less vigor than he had meant.

"No, you may not be afraid of us, but you see, Gin has six brothers," replied Fred.

George looked quizzically at Fred. "Can we really count Percy? I mean, I know he's our brother, but he's not very scary."

"There is strength in numbers, George, focus."

"Right," George said. "You have a point there. Besides, there's always Harry. You can't just piss Harry off and get away with it. He's loved Ginny for ages. She's our sister, so we have to protect her. It's the law or something. Harry, though, he chose her. That's some scary business, mate."

Nott pulled himself off of the ground and winced at the pain still in his jaw.

Fred took a step closer. All the amusement left his eyes, and he spoke quite seriously to Nott. "I'll tell you this once and only once. If you ever insult or go anywhere near Hermione or our sister, you will have the whole lot of us come down on you." Then Fred gave him an evil grin. "And when we're finished with you, we'll hand you over to the witches in question."

George snorted. "Oh, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Hermione's reputation precedes her. But, Gin can bring all six of her brothers and Harry to our knees just by pulling her wand out. She's right wicked with charms. I'd watch your back if I were you."

"Well," Draco said. "I think our work here is done. Come on, Ron, I was just on my way to get a drink. Oh, and Nott, don't forget that these two," Draco said, indicating Fred and George, "were the wizards behind Umbridge's departure from Hogwarts."

Just as Ron and Draco were heading down the street, talking animatedly about the things that Fred and George would do to Nott, an owl landed on Draco's shoulder.

"Oi, what's this?" Draco called. Noticing the parchment tied to the owl's leg, he pulled it off. The owl was gone before Draco could even worry about not having a treat to give him.

He opened the parchment and read. With a grin he looked up at Ron. "This just turned into a celebratory drink, my friend."


Hermione had just closed the Floo connection after talking with Ginny and making arrangements to drop Violet off at Harry and Ginny's for the evening. She was now pacing about the room, getting worried. Draco had been gone for a while now, and Hermione didn't know if she should start getting ready for their evening or not. Before she could think on it any longer, there was a knock at her door.

Hermione gave a sigh of relief. Opening the door, she said, "Finally." Then she halted when she saw who it was.

"What do you want?" Hermione asked, not letting the visitor in.

"I'd like to talk to you."

"You can state your business here, Parkinson."

"Please, Granger. I have something important to say to you."

Before Hermione could protest any further, Violet started to cry. Hermione left the door opened and went to the baby. Pansy took the opportunity to come inside the flat.

Hermione heard the door close and looked up. "Why are you still here? I didn't invite you into my home."

"I'm sorry, Granger, I just need to talk to you." Then Pansy looked closely at the baby. "She's really very beautiful. I only got a glimpse of her at the wedding."

"Well, the only reason you got to go to the wedding was because of Ron. Severus and Narcissa wouldn't have invited you. Anyway, that's not why you're here, so get on with it. I want you gone by the time Draco gets home."

"So, he's living here, then?" Pansy asked, looking around for signs of Draco's habitation.

"Not exactly, but that's not really any of your business. We are waiting until after we are married if you must know."

"What's the point?" Pansy asked her. "Everyone knows that Draco is that baby's father."

"Well." Hermione blanched. "I'm sure Ron has shared the circumstances of her birth with you, seeing as how you two are so close and all." Hermione did nothing to hide the sarcasm in her voice. She was still furious with Ron for hooking up with Pansy and daring to take her to the wedding.

"Look, Granger, what if I told you that there is information that could change your circumstances? There is new evidence that could change things for you and Draco."

"What are you talking about, Parkinson? Is this just another one of your schemes to get Draco away from me?"

"It started out that way, yeah, but my own circumstances have changed. I don't want Draco for myself anymore, Granger. I know he's happy with you, and to be honest, I have fallen in love with Ron. So do you want to know or not?"

Hermione stared at Pansy, looking for any traces that the girl was lying. Finding none, she gestured for Pansy to sit down. Pansy did so and squared her shoulders. She was caught off-guard by the beauty of the baby before her for a moment, and words failed her.

Hermione made a coughing noise, which shook Pansy out of her thoughts.

"Alright, Parkinson, this had better be good."

Pansy gave Hermione a timid smile and said, "You and Draco are not bound."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review.