

Story Summary:
Draco Malfoy has changed sides and is now working for the Order. When his father tells him it's time to take the Mark, Draco decides it's time to tell him that he's changed sides. Draco goes to the Manor, and gets help with his things. Everything is running smoothly until they are surprised by someone who wasn't suppose to be there. There are some pretty dark warnings, but this is a romance, I swear! -- pb

Chapter 13 - Slytherins!

Author's Note:
A/N: I really appreciate all of the positive reviews I've gotten on this fic. It really does inspire me to keep writing. Thanks so much to my wonderful beta, RobisonRocket.

Chapter 13

Once Pansy came around, she was sitting up in the hospital bed, still stunned speechless. Draco sat next to her, rubbing her back, calming her. He looked at Hermione, who was wearing a look of disdain. Draco gave her a guilty smile.

He walked over to Hermione's bed and sat down on the edge. Taking her hand, he whispered, "I know you won't understand this, but I really need to talk to Pansy. She deserves an explanation."

Hermione wrinkled her forehead. "Why does she need an explanation? We don't owe her anything."

"We don't owe her one, but I do. Hermione, Pansy and I have a past with one another. If you consider your friendships with Harry and Ron, you might understand better."

"But my relationship with Ron and Harry has always been strictly a friendship." At those words, they both looked at Ron. Hermione blushed. "Okay, so Ron and I have danced around something more, but it's still different."

"Hermione, do you feel strong enough to walk?" Ron asked. "Maybe we could go down to the kitchens and give them a chance to talk. Draco's right; Pansy deserves an explanation. On the way there, perhaps you can explain why he called you his future wife."

Hermione looked hesitantly at Pansy, who still seemed to be in shock. Reluctantly, she swung her legs off of the bed and stood. Draco grabbed her dressing gown and helped her put it on over her head. He rubbed her cheek for reassurance and then moved aside for Ron to take her hand.

Hermione leaned against Ron for support as they walked toward the door to the hospital wing. Before they reached the door, Hermione paused and turned back to see Draco talking softly to Pansy. When she saw Draco rub Pansy's cheek in the same manner that he rubbed her cheek, Hermione pursed her lips and kept walking.

Ron put his arm around Hermione as they walked slowly toward the kitchens. "Hermione, what's going on? Why did Draco call you his fiancé?"

"Because, Ronald, we are going to make it official." Hermione sighed. "We decided that we might as well since there's really no way around the bond. Lucius is dead now, so we can't even force him to remove the blasted curse."

Once they reached the kitchens, Ron sat Hermione down. Taking both of her hands in his, Ron spoke quietly. "Hermione, you talk about the bond as if it's the worst thing that could have ever happened to you. However, I practically had to drag you away because you didn't seem to want to leave him alone with Pansy. That seems like the action of a very jealous girlfriend. What gives, Hermione?"

"I don't know, Ron. To be honest with you, I have never given much thought to the whole situation. He's just different somehow. Yes, the bond is horrible. I don't like being forced to do anything against my will." Hermione rubbed her stomach and continued. "I will never know what would have happened, if anything, if Draco and I were left to our own devices. We might have ended up dating one another, or we might have gone our separate ways after the war."

Ron dropped his eyes. "You and I might have ended up together."

Hermione took Ron's hand. "You know it never would have worked. We could have ended up hating one another, and, Ron, look at me. I could never risk losing what we have. You and Harry mean everything to me. We're the 'Golden Trio,' remember? No matter what has happened, or what will happen, I couldn't survive without you two. Ron, you and Harry are the air I breathe. Nothing will ever change that."

Ron couldn't speak. He grabbed Hermione in a tight embrace and held her for several heartbeats. When he pulled away, Hermione could tell that his eyes were watery. He just smiled at her and then started loading two plates with treacle tart.

He regarded his friend for a moment and asked, "Hermione, do you love him?"

Hermione seemed to stew on her answer for a moment. She finally replied, "I'm not sure. Like I said, he's changed a lot since this whole mess started. I don't know if I know him well enough to say that I love him, but I find myself thinking about him quite often." Hermione flushed crimson, which was not lost on Ron.

He grinned at her and asked, "What are you thinking about that has you blushing?"

"Gods, Ron, when did you become so observant? Okay, when Draco and I were staying with Ginny, we... er... slept together. Well, we actually slept. We didn't do anything else, but it was nice. I got accustomed to having him there. Ron, I really think I could be happy with Draco. Yes, I realize that our relationship is rather unorthodox, but I'm determined to make it work."

"Okay, Hermione. Well, Draco should have had plenty of time to explain things to Parkinson, so I say we head back down. You're looking a little tired, anyway. Come on, I'll walk you back to the hospital wing, but then I have to go. I promised Harry that I'd take his aunt back to her house. I think Harry and my sister are... er... busy catching up on lost time." Ron wrinkled his face in disgust.

Hermione laughed. "It's alright, Ron. I can make it back without assistance. You can go on."

Ron looked hesitant, but kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly again. With his face buried in her curly hair, Ron whispered so low, Hermione almost didn't hear him. "For what it's worth, Hermione, you're the air I breathe as well."

Hermione let a tear slide down her cheek and pulled away from him. "I love you, Ron."

"And I love you, Hermione. I don't care if Draco and I have formed a new friendship, if he ever hurts you, I'll kill him." The seriousness in Ron's expression was frightening, but Hermione understood. She squeezed his hand and walked toward the hospital wing.


Draco told Pansy everything, leaving out the part of Hermione getting raped. He knew Pansy would find out about the pregnancy once Hermione started to show, but there was no reason for Pansy to know that the baby was his sibling rather than his own child.

"Draco, there has to be a way to get rid of this bond. I don't know much about it, but I've heard of it. It can't just end with the death of the caster."

Draco stood from the bed, exasperated and tired. He had been going round and round with Pansy, and he just wanted her to leave so he could get some sleep. Once Hermione returned, and Pansy left, he could curl up on the cot with her and take a nap. He smiled at the thought.

He had to find a way to placate Pansy so she would leave. He really wanted to get rid of her before Hermione got back. The jealous look on the latter's face made him feel smug. Pansy was still ranting about the bond, and Draco had to shut her up. "Look, Pansy, there's nothing to be done. I've already told you."

"But, Draco, you were supposed to marry me."

Draco frowned, and then it hit him. "The arrangement - Oh, Merlin, Pansy, I forgot. Surely you don't think that still stands. There's nothing to be done now."

Hermione had finally reached the door to the hospital wing, which was left cracked open. She couldn't see inside, but she could hear their voices. Hermione knew she shouldn't be eavesdropping, but she just couldn't help herself.

"So, you can't marry me because you're stuck with... with... her?"

Draco could feel the anger rising, but he was too tired to argue with her, so he just nodded. "Pansy, I'm sorry. You and I cannot be married. I can't marry anyone but her, so I am going to marry her. Look, you mean a lot to me, Pans, but there's nothing that can be done about it. Could you just try to be happy for me?"

After a long pause, Pansy sighed. "Alright, Draco, but I'm not giving up. When's the big day?"

"We haven't even gotten around to discussing the date."

"Good, I'm going to find away to get you out of this, Draco Malfoy. When I do, you'll be mine again."

Draco hung his head in defeat. He made a mental note to marry Hermione as soon as possible, but to Pansy he said, "Whatever you say, Pansy."

Feeling satisfied, Pansy stood from the bed and kissed Draco on the cheek. "I have to go now, love, but I'll see you later."

Draco just nodded his goodbye and collapsed on the bed.

Hermione was pale. He's just marrying me because he can't marry anyone else. Of course he is, Hermione, you silly girl. Hermione hid behind a pillar and watched Pansy leave. Hermione couldn't help but noticed an extra bounce in Pansy's step.

Hermione stayed in her hiding place long enough to make sure Pansy was gone. She pulled herself up and realized she was panting as if she'd just been chased by a Hippogriff. Oh, Merlin, what am I going to do? Draco doesn't really want to marry me. He's probably just doing it out of pity. Well, I'm not going to give him the chance. I don't care if I live the rest of my life alone. Alone is better than being in a loveless marriage of convenience. I won't be anybody's fool, not even yours, Draco Malfoy. I thought you'd changed. I'm such an idiot. I've got to get out of here.

Hermione's mind was screaming at her to do something. Hermione put on her best smile and walked into the room. She saw Draco curled up on the mattress. He looked so inviting, and sure enough, when he saw her, he spread his arms for her to join him.

Hermione gritted her teeth and walked over to the bed. She lay down next to him, facing the opposite way so that he couldn't see her face. She prayed that her voice wouldn't betray her heartache. "Draco, I'm really tired, but I have a massive headache. Do you think you could find Madam Pomfrey? I think I might have overdone it." Hermione's voice cracked, but Draco understood it to be due to her headache.

He was nice and warm, enjoying this little bit of snuggling that, in his opinion, was long overdue. However, he knew Hermione had been through a lot, so he rolled out of bed. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. We need to discuss the date of our wedding, and I have some other stuff I want to tell you about my conversation with Pansy."

Hermione smiled shyly and nodded.

Draco left the room in pursuit of Madam Pomfrey. As soon as he was gone, Hermione jumped out of bed. She was still pretty weak, but her adrenaline gave her the strength she needed to move.

Hermione quietly made her way through the corridors until she reached the library. Once inside, she made her way to the fireplace. With one last look at her beloved sanctuary, Hermione stumbled into the grate and Flooed to her flat.

Ignoring her weakness, Hermione rushed to change her clothes, then threw some clothes into a suitcase. She grabbed a few toiletries, then Flooed to the Leaky Cauldron. Once she got her bearings, she ran out the door without a backwards glance. She headed straight for Ollivander's, where she would purchase a new wand.

As soon as Hermione stepped out of Ollivander's, she looked left to right. New wand in hand, she prepared to Disapparate. Suddenly a hand was put on her shoulder to stop her. Hermione gasped and turned to find Severus Snape looking down his nose at her. All the emotions that she had been holding finally spilled. Along with those emotions, her adrenaline finally ceased to exist. Hermione collapsed into Severus' arms and sobbed.

Severus awkwardly patted her on the back, looking around to make sure nobody was paying attention. "What are you doing? Why are you not at Hogwarts?"

"Oh, Severus, I -"

Hermione never finished her sentence. Severus gathered Hermione's unconscious body up before she hit the sidewalk. Holding her tightly, he Apparated to the doors of St. Mungo's.


Draco was pacing back and forth, waiting for Dumbledore to come down. The stone gargoyles refused him entrance to Dumbledore's office.

"Can't you just let him know I'm here?" Draco was on the verge of begging when Dumbledore appeared behind him.

"Are you waiting for me, dear boy?"

"Yes, Professor, Hermione's gone. She asked me to get her something for her headache. When I came back, she was gone. Sir, you don't think someone's taken her, do you?"

"I don't know how that could be possible." Dumbledore gave Draco a piercing look. "Did you talk to Miss Granger before her disappearance?"

"We were talking with each other before Pansy came for a visit. I assume she's the new Ancient Runes teacher?"

"Yes, yes, she is. How was Miss Granger behaving?"

Draco thought for a moment. "I don't know. Before she went to the kitchens with Ron Weasley, she was fine. Well, I mean, she acted a little put out that Pansy was there, but other than that, she seemed fine. When she returned, she said she wasn't feeling well."

"I see. Go back to the hospital wing in case she comes back. In the meantime, I shall make some inquiries."

Draco hesitated and then gave a defeated nod in Dumbledore's direction.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door to the hospital wing finally opened. Draco sat up from the comfort of the bed that Hermione vacated. He did not like the grave expression on the old man's face. And where was that damned twinkle when you actually wanted to see it? Draco sat on the edge of the bed, heart pounding, and prepared for the worst.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy, you are correct. Miss Granger is no longer in the castle. However, she was not kidnapped as you suspect. I spoke with some of the portraits in the Entrance Hall, and I was informed that Miss Granger left alone."

"What?" Draco was stricken. "Why would she do that? We were making plans. And she was sick, Headmaster. She was really sick. As you know, she almost died."

"I am aware of that, Mr. Malfoy. Do not worry. Whatever is bothering Miss Granger, she will contact someone soon. Trust her heart, dear boy, and she will find her way back."

After Dumbledore stalked out of the room, a shadow of the boy he once was passed through his eyes. "Trust her heart, my arse! If she wants to run from me, let her. I will not chase her, if that's what she wants. No, I will not be made a fool of, especially by a Mud --" Draco stopped himself, and then he lay back on the bed and sighed. He needed to find her, that he was sure. Soon, sleep overtook him.

A lone figure stood in the doorway of the hospital wing. He watched Draco sleep for several minutes, then departed.