

Story Summary:
Draco Malfoy has changed sides and is now working for the Order. When his father tells him it's time to take the Mark, Draco decides it's time to tell him that he's changed sides. Draco goes to the Manor, and gets help with his things. Everything is running smoothly until they are surprised by someone who wasn't suppose to be there. There are some pretty dark warnings, but this is a romance, I swear! -- pb

Chapter 03 - Promises

Author's Note:
A/N: Thanks so much to my beta, RobisonRocket. I only own the plot.


Chapter 3

Harry Potter was sitting in his study at number twelve, Grimmald Place when he heard a tapping at his window. He looked over his shoulder and saw Hedwig with a scroll tied to her leg. That's odd, thought Harry. He had let Hedwig out the night before, but he expected her to come home with a mouse, not a letter. Who would be sending his owl to him?

"Well, come in, girl. Let's see who's put you off your hunting and used you for post."

Hedwig nipped Harry's finger affectionately, appreciating his indignation on her behalf.

Harry unrolled the parchment and read the familiar handwriting of his former Headmaster.

Dear Harry,

I do hope this letter finds you and Mrs. Potter in good health...

Harry smiled to himself. He imagined he would love the term "Mrs. Potter" after being married for 100 years just as much as he loved hearing it after only a year.

I need to speak with you and Mr. Ronald Weasley about some rather personal issues. I have already sent a notice to him. If Ginevra is available, please have her accompany you. I understand, however, if she isn't feeling up to it. If that is the case, please do not disturb her.

If you find yourself unable to attend, please send a reply with Hedwig. I hope you do not mind that I asked her to bring this to you. I spotted her this morning, hunting the grounds. She gets lots of attention from the staff and the students. I would like to think she has a loving connection with Hogwarts, but I believe it's more to do with the abundance of owl treats that she receives from her admirers. Nonetheless, she seemed very pleased to deliver this letter to you.


Albus Dumbledore

Harry penned a quick reply, stating that he would be there at seven o'clock the next morning, and made his way to the bedroom to see Ginny.

As Harry entered, he took in the sight in front of him with well-concealed amusement. Ginny was sitting up in bed with her arms crossed over her chest, pouting like a five-year-old. "This is ridiculous, Harry. I don't understand why I have to stay in bed. My mother had seven children, and she was never put on bed rest. Besides, I'm eight months along already. It's not like I'll be doing strenuous activity anyway. I mean, honestly... what in Merlin's name is stressful about checking charts and delivering potions?"

Harry just stood there. He wasn't sure if that was a rhetorical question or if she really wanted an answer. "Gin, come on. You're a Healer now. You know you have to do what they tell you. You don't want to put yourself or the baby at risk. Please try to understand."

She knew he was right, but that didn't change anything at the moment. "What's in your hand? Is that a letter?"

"Oh. Yeah! Sorry... it's from Professor Dumbledore. He needs to see me and Ron. I'll Floo your mum and ask her if she will come and stay with you."

"I don't need a babysitter, Harry Potter!"

"I know you don't, Gin." Harry knew the only way to calm her down was to let her win. Or at least to let her think she's won. "I think you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, and me, for that matter. But this isn't about your needing a babysitter, Gin. I just don't want you to be left alone in case you need anything."

Ginny didn't seem to be satisfied by that answer so he added, "I'll tell you what--how 'bout I get Dobby to hang around until I'm back. You won't even know he's here, and if something happens, he can help you. Will that be alright?"

Ginny huffed. He was trying so hard, and it made her heart flutter, but there was no way she was going to give in so easily. It just wasn't her style. Besides, he looked so cute when he was practically begging her to agree. So she let him sweat...

"What does Dumbledore want to see you for anyway?"

Harry just glared at her. He knew she was changing the subject, but he would get back to it... eventually. "I'm not sure. He didn't say in his letter, but he sent for Ron as well. It probably has something to do with Voldemort. And it didn't say anything about sending one to Hermione, but I think she's off helping Malfoy pack his stuff." Harry suddenly felt uneasy. Shaking it off, he continued, "He wanted to see you too ..."

"Then I need to get dressed," Ginny interrupted.

"But... he said that if you were unable to make it, that would be alright with him. And, Ginny, you are unable to make it. You know what your Healer said. And I won't hear another word on the matter. You are to stay in bed and take care of yourself. Besides, you can't travel by Floo, Portkey, or Apparation. You know that."

He looked even cuter when he was taking charge. "Alright. Fine! I'll stay here... with Dobby. And I'll ready Witch Weekly... again! I won't be happy about it, mind."

"Of course not, Love."

"But I'll stay. On one condition," Ginny grinned.

"And what's that?" Harry asked, a bit frightened of what her one condition was.

"You go into Hogsmeade and bring me back some Chocolate Frogs."

"You're on."

"Now, just because I'm imprisoned by this bed and this house, it doesn't mean that my husband can't join me for a snog. It's time for bed anyway, so stop talking and come here."

Harry couldn't argue with logic. He made his way over to the bed with a devilish grin plastered on his face. Ginny turned so that she was on her side. Harry lay down beside her and removed his glasses. Then he proceeded to snog the daylights out of her.

After a few moments, he pulled away from the kiss, but not from her. "You know, this is sort of how we got into this mess in the first place. It all started with a kiss that was an awful lot like that one."

"Mess, Harry? I hardly think our child would appreciate you calling her existence a mess!" Ginny was amused.

"You know -- what did you say? What do you mean by her existence?"

"Caught on, have you? I know we wanted to wait until the baby was born before we found out, but while I was being examined, Healer Roberts let it slip. She said, 'Your baby is doing well. She is turned and ready to go any day now.' You should have seen the look on her face after she said it."

"Anyway, I didn't feel right being the only one who knew. I was just waiting for the right time, and the right time seemed to present itself."

Harry was completely gob smacked. A girl... a baby girl... a beautiful little girl with long red hair just like her mother's... a clever and beautiful witch who won't be able to keep the boys away from her. GITS! I'll kill them if they hurt her. She's mine. I'll make sure they'll wish they were never born!"

"Harry? Are you alright?"

Harry was cut off from his reverie by Ginny's voice. He shook himself mentally and smiled at her.

"Ginny..." Harry's sudden change to seriousness took Ginny by surprise.

"Ginny, I want to promise you something. And I want to promise her something." Harry put his hand on Ginny's belly.

"I will do everything in my power, and the power of whatever gods will help me, to destroy Voldemort so that you and our little girl will have a happy life. I will do everything I can. Do you understand me?"

Ginny suddenly had tears in her eyes. The sincerity of Harry's words put her off her guard. Bloody hormones. "Harry, you forgot to include yourself in that mix. You take care of old Voldy, and then you live! That is the only way to ensure our happy lives. Now, do you understand me?" Ginny said this with a conviction that Harry had never heard before.

"I love you Gin," was Harry's very passionate response. Moments later they were both lulled to sleep, holding tightly to one another.

The next morning, Harry woke and moved gently out of bed so he wouldn't wake his wife. Closing the bathroom door after his morning ritual, he tiptoed over to a still sleeping Ginny. Harry brushed his lips across her forehead and whispered, "I love you."

Before he made it to the bedroom door, he heard a soft, "I love you, Harry." When he turned toward her, she was already back to sleep.

Harry tumbled out of the Floo at exactly 6:59 a.m. As he stood, he noticed that the only people present for this little meeting were Snape, Professor Dumbledore, Ron, and himself. He assumed they were waiting for others, so he moved to stand next to Ron and clear the way for anyone else who was traveling by Floo.

"By her absence," Dumbledore began, "I would venture to guess that Mrs. Potter couldn't join us?"

"No, Headmaster. She's been put on bed rest. Healer's orders." Harry almost revealed that he was having a daughter, but decided against it. He didn't have his wife's permission, after all.

"Is my sister alright? Is there anything wrong with the baby?" Ron asked with wide eyes.

"No, no. Not at all. Healer Roberts just wants her to stay off of her feet. And you know Gin. The only way to keep her off her feet is to keep her at home. There's no way they could keep her at a desk."

Ron smiled at the thought of the hospital having to make such arrangements because they couldn't control his sister's spirited temper. That's my girl!

"Well, then, everyone is present. Let's be seated," Dumbledore said.

"Professor, where's Hermione? I thought she would be joining us," Ron asked, perplexed.

"Actually, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger is one of the reasons we are here. She is currently in the hospital wing," answered Professor Dumbledore.

At that moment, Ron and Harry both started for the door. They were stopped by Snape.

"Mr. Malfoy is the one who is injured. Miss Granger is holding vigil at his bedside. And before you star questioning why he's there, that's what we are here to discuss. So sit back, relax, and try to keep your mouths shut until we're finished."

Harry and Ron gave Snape matching glares, but did as they were instructed.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Now, I think the best place to begin is at the beginning. You know that Miss Granger had gone with Mr. Malfoy to the Malfoy Manor. While there, they were surprised by Lucius. Needless to say, he wasn't a very... er... welcoming host."

"What happened?" Harry's heart was pounding in his ears.

"They were attacked, Potter," Snape said simply. "Lucius came home early."

Ron had his head in his hands, and Harry sighed deeply. Ron looked up with unshed tears. "Where is he?"

No one needed to ask who he was.

It was Dumbledore who spoke this time. "We are not sure, Mr. Weasley. Professor Snape informed us that Lucius had been punished by Voldemort, so he wouldn't have gone back voluntarily. Which brings me to our next order of business; Harry, I understand that your baby is due any day now. Are you sure that you want to continue with the plans?"

"Yes, Professor, we are both sure. And I am ready to get this over with. I want to get on with my life. I'm tired of looking over my shoulder. I'm tired of always wondering if I'm going to go home to an empty house -- that he took my Ginny and our baby," Harry concluded in a soft, but firm, voice.

While trying to find the right time to confront Voldemort, it was Ginny who came up with the ultimate plan. Remembering something that Dumbledore had said to Harry regarding Lily's sacrifice, and that Harry's greatest power over Voldemort was his ability to love; she thought the best time for the final confrontation should be after the birth of their child.

"Your wife was right, Potter," Snape provided. Everyone looked at him for his most un-Snape-like comment. "If it is love that will win this war, and there is no greater love than a parent for a child, then she is right. When it comes down to it, your heart, like your mother's, will be full of love. The Dark Lord won't stand a chance."

Silence descended on the room. It was probably the most profound statement the Potions master had ever made.

Dumbledore finally spoke up, "Well, Severus, that was very well said. You have my permission to go back to being dark and gloomy for another 20 years."

"Now back to Mr. Malfoy and Miss Granger -- Harry, would you be so kind as to allow them houseroom in the unoccupied portion of Number Twelve?"

"That would be fine, Headmaster. Ginny and I have separate living quarters, so they are welcome to use the Order's portion of the house. Does this have something to do with the attack?"

Dumbledore sighed. "I'm afraid Lucius might try to find them. And that could be a much larger threat than Lord Voldemort."

There was silence again as everyone was awash in their own thoughts. Then Dumbledore stood and clapped his hands together as if preparing to get them dirty. "I believe that is all. You are welcome to go to the hospital wing and visit with your friend. I daresay she would be more than pleased to see the two of you."

"Professor," Ron started, "what exactly did Lucius do to Hermione? You said she was attacked, but you didn't tell us what he did."

"Mr. Weasley, the exact circumstances of what happened remains locked away in a memory that has either been buried so deep that we can't get to it, or it has been stolen from her. We believe it's the latter since Miss Granger had Professor Snape perform Legilimency on her. However, we can only speculate. And it is her story to tell when she is ready."

"And Malfoy? What's happened to him?" Ron asked.

Professor Snape answered this question. "My godson took a curse thrown at Miss Granger. He is currently sleeping so that his body can replenish his magic. He will be alright. He is just magically exhausted."

As Dumbledore walked out of the room, Ron followed. Harry was about to follow Ron out when Snape stopped him. "Potter." Harry turned and saw something akin to weariness in his former Professor's eyes. He didn't answer, he just allowed Snape to finish.

"I don't know how long Mr. Malfoy will need to stay with you. Even when you defeat the Dark Lord, he might need to remain until the apprehension of his father. I trust that Miss Granger will be in good hands, but with the history that you and Mr. Malfoy have..."

Harry put up a hand. "After what he did for Hermione, I will protect him with my life. I owe him at least that. Professor, you said when I defeat the Dark Lord. Do you really think I can beat him?"

Snape regarded him for a moment. "Potter, if you tell anyone I said this, you will pay dearly..." Harry nodded, and Snape continued, "I believe, with my last breath, that not only are you able to beat him; you are the only one who can beat him -- Prophecy be damned."

To Snape's great annoyance, Harry grinned. "Professor, nobody would believe me if I told them what you just said." Harry turned to leave, missing the twitch at the corner of Snape's mouth.

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