Harry Potter and the Scarlet Women


Story Summary:
Harry is sitting alone in the Three Broomsticks when he is approached by Ginny and Luna who have a rather unique proposition for him.

Author's Note:
Many thanks to Manaki for helping to Beta this and for her suggestions and comments.

Harry Potter leaned back in his chair and tried not to appear the lonesome and pathetic fool that he was. Deep down, he didn't mind so much that Ron and Hermione had both wandered off and not bothered to come back for him. He knew the two of them had feelings for each other, and to be quite honest, Harry was getting tired of their dancing around each other and their feelings.

There were times he wanted to scream with frustration, telling them just to own up to their feelings. The main reason he didn't was the fact that he knew it would seem both ironic and insensitive, if not downright hypocritical, to tell either of them to deal with their feelings when he was having such a difficult time dealing with his own. Not to mention the fact he had about as much romantic experience as a boggart.

He sighed to himself, righting himself in his chair and lifting his bottle to take another sip of butterbeer.

A small chorus of giggling caught his attention, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught two near identical manes of hair moving through the crowded bar. The only difference the casual observer would be able to remark on would be their hair color. One of the long manes was fiery red, and the other, dirty blond. To Harry, however, they were good friends, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood.

Harry was somewhat surprised to see them in Hogsmeade, let alone together. It wasn't known to the general public at Hogwarts, but both girls had secretly confided to Harry that they had feelings for each other. Not even Ron knew of Ginny's feelings, which told Harry a great deal about their would-be relationship as well as the degree of trust they had in him. In fact, both girls had quoted identical reasons for telling Harry how they felt; they could trust him not to reveal their secrets to anyone, no matter what. Given that his skill at Occulmancy was still somewhat lacking, he was unsure just how accurate this was. But since he was now having lessons with Dumbledore, Harry had decided to take their compliments for what they were.

Besides, Harry reasoned later on, if anyone could keep a secret, it was Dumbledore. Harry was also certain the ancient headmaster wouldn't think anything less of either girl for it.

Wondering what had brought the two of them to Hogsmeade together, Harry questioned whether or not they had confessed their feelings to each other. However, a flash of movement quickly brought Harry out of his reverie as Ginny and Luna sat down besides him at the table.

"Hello, Harry," Luna said in her dreamy tone of voice.

"Hey, Harry. Where're Ron and Hermione?" Ginny asked, after having paused to take a sip of her drink.

"Hey, Luna. Hey, Ginny," Harry greeted them. "I don't know, Gin. They wandered off a while ago, and I haven't seen either of them since."

"Let me take a wild guess at what happened. They both had other things on their mind, and neither one of them thought to consult with you about what was going on," Ginny answered sarcastically and then seemed to bite back on a laugh.

Harry, however, could clearly see the merriment dancing in her eyes.

"Pretty much," Harry told her. "So what're you two up to? I thought you were both staying at the castle today to get caught up on your homework."

"We were, but someone let some Nargles loose in my dormitory, and I need to replace several items as a result," Luna told him, her head bobbing up and down at some silent tune as she said this. "I came across Ginny sneaking down to the kitchens, and she was kind enough to escort me to town."

Harry nearly choked as he saw both girls begin to blush, and covered it up with a phony cough.

"Harry? Are you okay?" Ginny asked him, a trace of concern on her voice.

Harry swallowed and nodded, "I'm fine. Something just went down wrong, I guess."

"No, I meant about the Prat and the Princess," Ginny said. She then proceeded to roll her eyes in an overly dramatic fashion.

"Oh," Harry creased his brow in thought, "I suppose so. It's not like I hadn't seen something coming."

"True, it has been obvious to everyone except them," Luna said in a singsong voice. "Perhaps they should both get their vision checked if they are having difficulty seeing things clearly." Her voice returned to normal as she added, "I think you look quite dashing in glasses, Harry." Harry jumped as he felt Luna's hand come to rest on his knee.

"We saw them, you know. Separately heading for Madam Puddifoot's," Ginny scoffed. "You would think they were ickle firsties again, the way they were trying to be subtle."

Harry grinned at this familiar refrain as Ginny applied it to his best friends. He thought it fit them quite well at times, and this was one of them. Neither one of them had shown any degree of stealth in sneaking away from him.

"You all right over there, Harry?" a booming voice suddenly called out, interrupting their conversation. Harry looked up and saw Hagrid standing at the bar. He nodded and waved to him. Luna and Ginny promptly followed suit and waved as well.

"Luna's right, you know," Ginny declared. "Your glasses do suit you, Harry."

Harry suddenly felt himself begin to flush as he looked down and found Ginny's hand on his other knee. And yet, he found himself remaining silent on the matter. It felt surprisingly comforting to be sharing some degree of physical contact with his friends, even if they did seem to have eyes for each other. Still, it was somewhat disconcerting that they appeared to want to be this intimate with him and not each other in such a public place. Perhaps, he thought to himself, they were using him as some kind of conduit; a chaperone of sorts so they could begin their relationship in public view without drawing too much unwanted attention.

As with most of the assumptions he had made throughout his life, he couldn't have been more wrong.

"Harry," Luna said in what sounded to Harry like the most serious tone he had ever heard her speak with. "We need to talk."

"About?" Harry asked nervously. For some reason, at that particular moment, he was finding it very difficult to breathe.

"Us," Ginny said simply.

"Us?" Harry asked nervously.

"Yes, 'us,'" Luna said, a trace of her dreaminess returning to her voice.

"What do we need to talk about?" Harry asked nervously. He wasn't sure why he was nervous, or why he was having trouble breathing, or why he felt like he was blushing so much that he must look like a tomato, but he was.

"Harry," Ginny began, "we want you."

Harry was very glad he hadn't been taking a sip of his drink at that moment. If he had, it would have sprayed out of his mouth and gone as far as the front door.

"What?" Harry asked as he suddenly felt himself gasping for air. He had said this a little too loudly it seemed, as several people at neighboring tables turned their heads to look at him briefly before returning to their own conversations.

"We want you, Harry," Luna said airily. "It is as simple as that."

"What do you mean that you want me?" Harry asked in growing confusion. "I thought you...That you..."

"Wanted each other?" Ginny finished for him.

Harry merely nodded and sagged down in his seat.

"We do want each other, Harry," Luna said easily, and it sounded to Harry like whatever thoughts were behind her words made perfect sense.

"Then how..." Harry was totally off the map now and had no idea at all where he figured into this conversation.

"Harry, Luna and I have been together since the summer," Ginny said, sounding she was stating what she thought was the most obvious thing in the world. "We only pretended not to be because we needed to work a few things out."

"But what about Dean? You were writing letters to him over the summer," Harry said to her, certain he had missed the point somewhere along the line.

"That was just a smokescreen to get Ron off my back," Ginny snorted.

"Those letters were to me, Harry," Luna continued. "Ginny and I wrote each other for most of the summer."

"I see," Harry said plainly. "Wait. No, I don't see."

Harry began to wonder if someone had spiked his drink with something. This conversation wasn't making sense at all.

"It's like this, Harry, Luna and I like each other," Ginny said, "a lot." She then reached her free hand across the table towards Luna, who in turn, clasped it with her own free hand.

Each girl still had a hand on one of Harry's knees.

"And we both like you as well," Luna said, "and we decided that we want to be with you."

"Both of you?" Harry croaked. "At once?"

"Yes, Harry," Luna calmly told him.

"Both of us, at once," Ginny finished.

"But..." Harry was now positive someone had spiked his drink with something. There was no way this conversation was actually happening.

"Look, Harry," Ginny said in a firm, no nonsense tone of voice that reminded Harry of her mother, "we can't quite explain it to ourselves, but we both have feelings for you. Mine never fully went away, and as for Luna... well, Luna just is."

"That's right," Luna said with a pleasant smile, "I just am. I have affections for you Harry James Potter, and for Ginny Weasley as well. Will you please be our boyfriend?"

"Please, Harry?" Ginny asked, as she leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek.

Harry suddenly felt faint; the feel of Ginny's lips brushing against his skin was incredible. It was joy, it was bliss, and it was wonderful.

Then, Luna leaned in and did the exact same thing as Ginny had, and Harry's head exploded. He was suddenly in heaven and if asked at that moment why, he would not be able to explain it for the life of him.

"I..." Harry stuttered as he tried to figure out what to say. Given his infamous lack of romantic experience, he was unsure how to proceed with one girl. He didn't have a clue at all on how to proceed with two of them, let alone both of them at once and dating each other as well. "How do...What...I mean..."

"Harry, it's quite simple, you need to be happy," Ginny told him as she slid her chair closer to his. "Let us make you happy."

"Yes, Harry," Luna agreed as she also moved her chair closer to Harry's. "Let us make you happy."

"But, I mean, how will...I mean, how would we make this work?" Harry was completely beyond confused at this point. Why was he going along with this? The tiny fragment of his rational mind that was still functioning properly was screaming at him to run for his life, but he instead found himself firmly rooted to his seat.

"We simply will," Luna said matter-of-factly. "What is is, and what will be will be."

Harry's face contorted as he looked from Ginny to Luna and as he looked back again to Ginny, he cocked his head as if to ask a question.

"What she said," Ginny said with a grin, and she gave Luna's hand a squeeze.

Harry's face contorted again. A look of sudden panic and fear settled onto it and he said something that nearly killed the mood entirely, "I'm scared."

"Harry?" Ginny asked, suddenly perplexed.

"I can't do this. I'll wind up hurting both of you," Harry said as he surprisingly started to get up to leave.

"Harry, do sit down," Luna commanded. "If you don't, I shall set the Nargles on you."

Surprisingly, Harry found himself laughing at this as both girls gently guided him back into his seat.

"Now, Harry," Luna continued. "Would you care to explain yourself?"

"I hurt people," Harry said in a whisper. "If I don't hurt you directly, I'll get you hurt or worse somewhere down the line."

Ginny promptly removed her hand from Harry's knee, and before Harry could register how vacant his knee felt, she whacked him on top of his head.

"Harry, are we going to have to go through my personal history again?" Ginny asked with a scowl.

"History?" Harry asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"History, it's the study of the past," Luna said airily, not appearing to take things seriously even though she was gazing firmly at Ginny and Harry.

"Yes, Harry, history. Do you remember what I told you last year after Dad was attacked at the Ministry?" Ginny's voice had taken a firmer tone now and Harry was slightly nervous he had offended her.

Harry thought for a moment and quickly remembered what she had said to him then. "I know, Ginny, I know. But after what happened in June..." he began, but Ginny promptly cut him off.

"Harry, we knew the risks, and we still went with you. We'd do it again if we had to. So would Sirius." Ginny's voice was somewhat soothing now, and he felt her put her free hand on his back. It was warm and comforting.

"She's right, Harry," Luna said as she placed her head on Harry's shoulder. "We want to be there for you. We want to be there with you."

Harry was torn and confused. Not only had he suddenly found himself in a situation where two girls were pleading with him to go out with the both of them, but they also were pledging themselves to stand by his side for the future; to say he was in uncharted territory would be an understatement. To say he knew what to do would be an outright lie.

He tried to think what Sirius would have done if two pretty girls both offered to do what Ginny and Luna were offering to do. He smiled as he realized that his godfather wouldn't have hesitated for a heartbeat and would have taken both of them up on their offer.

"If you're both sure about this," Harry said cautiously, "then I guess we can give it a try?" He hadn't meant for the last part to come out sounding like a question.

"No, Harry," Luna told him. "Do or do not."

"For the wizard there is no try," Ginny finished.

"Where did you two hear that?" Harry asked, amusement in his voice at the wizarding take on the famous Muggle movie line.

"Muggle Studies," Ginny told him with a laugh. "So we're doing this then?"

"Sure," Harry shrugged, "why not? It's not like I can help that the two prettiest girls in the school want to date me and each other at the same time."

Luna and Ginny both promptly blushed at this.

"I do have a question, though," Harry said, trying to decide if this was the right place to ask the question that had just occurred to him.

"What's your question, Harry?" Ginny asked, her brown eyes peering at him quizzically.

"I guess I'm just curious. Why did you decide to do this here? I mean, it is kind of out in the open, if you know what I mean," Harry said cautiously.

"Can you imagine a more public place to have a private conversation, Harry?" Luna asked solemnly.

Looking around the room, he could see that no one at all was paying any attention to them or the fact that the three of them were all sitting very close to one another in a very intimate fashion or that Ginny and Luna were blatantly holding hands.

"I guess you have a point," Harry agreed. "I'm just not used to people not scrutinizing every little move I make."

"Oh, they will," Ginny said in a somber tone. "Trust me they will. They just haven't picked up on it yet."

"I'll bet your mum is going to love this when she hears about it," Harry said with a note of anxiety.

"Don't worry, Harry. Mum knows about my feelings for you. I also dropped a couple of subtle hints over the summer about Luna, so I think she suspects something there," Ginny said reassuringly. "But if it makes you feel any better, I'll throw myself on any Howlers she sends your way."

Harry couldn't help but burst out in laughter at the image of Ginny throwing her body on top of a smoldering red envelope, trying to smother it before it exploded.

A moment later, Ginny joined in while Luna merely looked on in confusion.

"I'm confused," Luna announced. "How can you throw yourself on something? Do you have a clone of yourself hidden in your back pocket?"

"Oh, hush, you!" Ginny teased, "It's a figure of speech. I'll show you what I mean later on."

Ginny then winked seductively at Luna, causing the blond girl to blush.

"So," Harry inquired tentatively, "you're both certain you want to do this? The three of us together?"

"Absolutely," Ginny said, her voice resonating with a strong tenor of conviction

"I am at one with myself and without any possible doubts, Harry," Luna said. "This is what I want, and you are both whom I want to be with."

Harry promptly put his hands on the table and covered Ginny and Luna's clasped hands with his own and gave them a squeeze.

"You know," Harry began, "we still have a few hours before we need to get back to school."

"And your point is, Potter?" Ginny asked with a grin that said she knew exactly where the conversation was going.

"Well you see, I've been told I'm not a very good kisser. As such, I was hoping that one, or perhaps both, of you pretty girls would be kind enough to help me out with some practical experience."

Harry blushed at this, silently wondering where he had learned to be such a flirt.

Ginny and Luna then made eye contact with each other and proceeded to break out in a fit of giggles.

Ginny was the first of the three to her feet. "Well, Potter, are you coming?"

It was now Harry's turn to blush as he and Luna rose to join Ginny. They made their way to the door. Harry felt strangely comforted as he slipped his hands into theirs.

Going outside into the crisp autumn air, they came across Ron and Hermione returning to the Three Broomsticks. Both of them began to apologize for walking out on Harry the way they had, but then noticed he was holding hands with both Ginny and Luna. When Hermione asked what they had missed, Harry informed them that the three of them were now dating.

Ron then promptly asked Ginny if he understood correctly that his little sister was not only going out with his best friend, but with Luna Lovegood as well.

When Ginny told him she was, Ron turned to Harry and asked if he understood correctly that his best friend was not only going out with his little sister, but with Luna Lovegood as well. It was all rather confusing for the poor boy.

Harry told him he was and as he said this, he was trying to hide from his face an incredibly goofy grin and failing miserably at it.

"Let me see if I've got this straight," Ron said incredulously. "Not only are you saying that you've now got two girlfriends when this morning you didn't have any. But you're also saying that my sister is one of them? And she's also dating Luna Lovegood, who happens to be your other girlfriend, at the same time?"

Ginny suddenly looked like she was going to attack her brother, and Harry wasn't sure he wanted to be anywhere near the line of fire. Nonetheless, he cautiously, yet firmly, put a restraining arm around Ginny's shoulders and then looked Ron right in the eyes and with a firm tone said, "It certainly looks that way, Ron."

"What?" Ron was bellowing now. "You mean to tell me that my sister isn't good enough for you, Potter?"

To say Ron was not reacting well to this sudden change in events would have been an understatement of epic proportions.

He reacted even worse when Luna calmly replied, "She's not enough for either of us to be happy, Ronald, not enough by far. Although she makes an excellent start, as does Harry."

Several passersby stopped and stared at the rather loud string of mumblings that escaped from Ron's mouth at this point, and Harry was torn between wanting to laugh at his friend or to wash his mouth out with soap.

"Really, Ronald," Luna said, "it is not like the three of us will be doing anything that you and Hermione will not be doing. We will simply be doing it with different people. If you feel inadequate because we outnumber you, I am certain we can find a girl for you and Hermione that would be willing to do what Ginny is willing to do for Harry and me. Or is that 'with Harry and me'? I get so confused with languages at times. Alas, my tongue has a mind of its own."

While Harry and Ginny both blushed beet red at this, Ron began to erupt in a fury of fresh protests, but was quickly silenced by Hermione gently putting a hand on his arm as she gently smiled at them all in an awkward, yet somewhat understanding fashion. Harry was grateful for her silent blessing. For the briefest of moments, he had almost been afraid she was either going to condemn him for acting so improperly, or offer to go out with him as well. Fortunately, she instead announced she needed to refill her parchment supply and that she would talk to them all later at dinner. With a knowing look in her eye, she nodded at Harry, and then proceeded to drag a protesting Ron down the street to some unseen shop.

Her brother's cries of 'Scarlet Woman' ringing still ringing loudly on the air, Ginny smiled at Harry and Luna, and then promptly led them down the street in the opposite direction in search of someplace more secluded to begin their 'private discussions' on the finer points of properly dealing with Nargle infested Mistletoe.