Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Original Female Witch Harry Potter/Original Female Witch
Original Female Witch
General Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Chamber of Secrets Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/29/2005
Updated: 12/01/2006
Words: 38,410
Chapters: 20
Hits: 2,979

Lydia's Story


Story Summary:
This is a sixth-year fan fiction following Lydia Meliflua, a girl transferring to Hogwarts from Durmstrang. Unaware of her family's Dark past, Lydia faces many challenges as she tries to find her place in Hogwarts life. When prejudice keeps many of the students away, her infamy attracts some shady attention. But things can never stay the same for long, and she waits for the day her school-mates can learn to see her for who she really is.

Chapter 15 - Up In The Owlery


The rest of Lydia's day seemed rather uneventful. She had managed to conjure up a few small objects by the end of Transfiguration, which only half the class had managed to do. Hermione, on the other hand, had been able to conjure a few small animals.

Lydia had noticed that Harry seemed to be avoiding her eye more than normal. She wondered briefly if it had anything to do with Hermione's book, and a heavy weight of fear settled in her stomach. Her fears were forgotten, however, when Professor McGonagall asked to speak with her at the end of class.

"Miss Meliflua, would you like to submit your name for the Quidditch tryouts? I noticed that your name hasn't been on any of the lists yet. You can leave your name with me, if you like, and I can make sure that you have a place at the tryouts." Her voice sounded very firm, and Lydia realized she didn't have a choice anymore.

"Uh, sure, I'll go to the Chaser tryouts," Lydia said with a nervous smile, signing her name on the roll of parchment.

"I'm sure you'll do fine with talent like yours. Gryffindor wants a winning team, you'll fit in perfectly." Professor McGonagall said reassuringly, much more gentle now that Lydia had complied.

Lydia, however, wasn't so sure.


Astronomy came and went, the class having barely enough time to scribble a note about Saturn's rings. Lydia was grateful to return to her bed, and even more grateful to drift off into sleep.

When Lydia woke up the next morning, she quickly emptied her Astronomy things out of her bag, packing it instead with the books she would need for Herbology and Divination. As she pulled out her last star chart, she noticed a slightly crumpled envelope lying in the bag. Picking it up, she quickly recognized the writing as her mother's.

Oh no, the letter! She remembered suddenly. It's been two days! I forgot all about it!

With a glance at her watch, Lydia realized that there wasn't much time left for breakfast. She hurried down to the Great Hall, the letter clutched in her hand. As she shovelled some food into her mouth, Lydia wrote a hasty reply to her mother's letter.

Dear Mother, Father, and Delsky,

I'm sorry that it's taken so long to reply to your letter, I have been very busy here at Hogwarts. Classes have been going well so far, my Divination teacher is certain that I'm a Seer. She says it runs in the Meliflua side of the family. Is that true?

Actually, there's a lot about our family that I have been hearing lately. I've made a few friends, but many of the students seem distant. There seems to be a general dislike for the name Meliflua.

There is nothing else for me to say right now. I hope you all are well, and I love you all!


Lydia xo

Lydia looked over her letter several times, happy with how it had turned out. She had managed to work in the important details, without saying anything that should scare her family.

It was perfect.


The class was still attending to Retorcerine Shrubs in Herbology, and before long Lydia was one her way to Double Divination.

Up in the perfume-filled classroom, the class was moving on to learning Cartomancy. Professor Trelawney floated around the room, handing a deck of cards to every student.

"Cartomancy is versatile, and can take on many forms," Professor Trelawney explained in her misty voice. "For today, we will be starting with the most basic method. As you can see, the cards before you are simple Muggle cards. When perceived with the Inner Eye, each of these simple cards shows a message of its own. Now open your books to the chapter on Muggle-card symbols and their meanings, and proceed to read the cards on your own."

The double period seemed to go by quickly, Lydia enjoying the chance to practise her skills. When the bell rang, Lydia put her book into her bag and gathered up her cards, moving as slowly as possible. When all the other students had disappeared through the trapdoor, she brought her pack of cards to Professor Trelawney.

"Professor, I have a free period after lunch, and I was wondering if I could come and talk to you then," Lydia said, trying to contain the anticipation in her voice. "I would really like to learn more about my family!"

"You are certainly welcome to visit, my dear," Trelawney answered, putting Lydia's cards away with the others. "I have no class then, and the presence of a fellow Seer is always very refreshing."

"Thank you, Professor!" Lydia said happily. Picking up her bag, she made her way through the trapdoor and onto the landing beneath.

I'll finally hear more about my family! She thought happily. The thought of family reminded her of her letter, and Lydia took a detour to the Owlery.

As she reached the hay-strewn room that housed the owls, her eyes searched the rafters for a sign of Mithra. At last she spotted the snoozing great-horned owl, and called him down.

"I need you to bring this to either Mother or Father," she said softly as she fastened the letter to Mithra's leg. He gave a hoot of understanding before taking off, flying gracefully out of the windowless tower.

Lydia idly watched the departing owl, her mind relaxed in the near-silence of the Owlery. The peace was soon broken, however, by the sound of the door creaking open. Turning, Lydia saw Harry standing in the doorway.

"Oh, hi Harry!" Lydia said with a friendly smile, Harry freezing in his tracks.

"Er - Hi," Harry said awkwardly, his eyes dropping from Lydia's face. He looked very uncomfortable, something Lydia noticed with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"Harry, are you okay?" she asked tentatively.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," Harry mumbled, still not meeting Lydia's eyes. His eyes moved instead to the rafters, darting from owl to owl.

"Harry, you are no Occlumens. I know you're lying. Now tell me: what's bothering you?"

Harry moved towards a snowy white owl, deaf to Lydia's words.

"Harry, talk to me!" Lydia said, her voice growing firm. "Is it about the book? Hermione's book?"

Harry fumbled the letter he was holding, but continued to look resolutely away. "So what if it is?" he said softly.

"What do you mean 'so what?' Harry, it means everything! We got along before, why does this need to change it?" Lydia said pleadingly, her voice torn by hurt and anger.

Harry gave a small shrug, still fastening the letter to his owl's leg. "Maybe I've learned better. Maybe I've finally learned what everyone has been trying to tell me. How can so many people be wrong? I was stupid not to listen earlier."

"How can you say that?" Lydia demanded, her voice higher than ever. "People have been wrong before, and they're bound to be wrong again! You told me yourself that the school was against you when the Chamber of Secrets was opened! And look at that Black guy! For years, the papers world-wide were saying that he was a dangerous murderer. Now, when it's too late to do anything, they tell us he's died, and was innocent after all! Well I don't want to be like that. I don't want to die before people realize that I'm not like the others in my family. I am me, not a clone, and that changes everything, Meliflua or not."

Harry's owl took flight, the letter safely fastened to its leg. Harry stared after it, silent once more. But this time, the silence was different, and Lydia knew that something she had said had hit its mark.

"How can I know for sure?" he said at last.

"You'll need to trust me," Lydia said softly, her voice gentle again.

Harry shook his head slowly. "I have been tricked too many times before. I can't trust. It seems like every year someone turns against me. Quirrell, Lockhart, Scabbers, Moody...me. It's been too much. I've forgotten how to trust."

"Well then, it's time to learn it again." Lydia said gently. "It's important. You need to learn how to trust."

And so do I, said a voice in her head.