Original Female Witch/Severus Snape
Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Published: 02/04/2006
Updated: 09/14/2006
Words: 74,195
Chapters: 16
Hits: 10,112

Beholden To No Man


Story Summary:
Severus Snape, Deputy Headmaster, is beholden to no man with the Dark Lord finally vanquished and Dumbledore gone. He is free to choose the course that his life takes, to make friends, to finally know what it means to lead a normal life. How does he adapt to being able to experience this normality. Sequel to "Wounded" . The rating is for later chapters. There is also the possibility of some torture in later chapters, but it will not be overly explicit.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Severus and Aurelia get ready for the big changes that are coming in their life.

  • Chapter 14

Aurelia forced herself to sit still. She was incredibly nervous about talking to her daughters. She knew that this would be a huge shock to them. It had been a huge shock to her.

Not surprisingly, Helen was the first to arrive. She hurried across the room and hugged Aurelia. "Good to see you, Mum."

Aurelia hugged her tightly. "You, too, dear."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, don't worry, dear. Nothing's wrong. Let's just wait for your sister before I tell you why I'm here." While they were waiting, Aurelia asked Helen about her classes, even though it had not been very long since they had last spoken.

When Julia entered Snape's office, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Aurelia replied nervously.

"Mum, something's bothering you."

Sitting down on the small sofa, she motioned the girls to sit on either side of her. "Severus and I have decided to get married." She had tried to determine the best way to break the news, but had not found any one way that she thought was likely to go better than any other.

Helen smiled and hugged her. Julia had a somewhat surprised look on her face. "When?"

"End of February."

"That's a little soon, isn't it?" Julia asked suspiciously.

"I know it seems that way... but as you get older, you also become more confident in your emotions. The two of us love each other, and we are good for each other. I know it seems like we are rushing into this..." She knew that she was repeating herself, but she had a tendency to do that when she was nervous. Wrapping her arms around the girls, she hugged them to her, trying to find the strength to tell the whole truth.

"Mum?" Helen asked in a strained voice as she tried to breathe.

Aurelia stood up and scooted Helen over so that she could look at both of them at the same time. "There is a reason for the wedding coming so soon." She paused, knowing that she had set a very bad example. Thankfully, the two of them were old enough and level-headed enough to understand what she was about to tell them. At least she hoped so. "The two of us were careless, and I'm pregnant." Her heart sank. She could not pretend to be surprised by the stunned silence that met this announcement.

"Are you serious?" Julia finally asked.

"I am. I know that what we did sets a very bad example. But I think you can see why we have set the wedding so soon."

Julia still looked shocked. Helen finally leaned over and hugged her mother. "Are you really going to have a baby?"

"Yes, I am."

"I can't believe you did that. Dad has only been gone a year, and you're already replacing him?" Julia was nearly shouting now.

Aurelia hadn't expected her announcement to be met with anger. "I am not replacing your father. No one could ever replace him..."

"But here you are, getting married, having a baby, starting a new family. It's disgusting."

She took a deep, calming breath. "Julia, please. None of this changes the way I feel about your father. I still miss him, and I wish with all my heart that he were here with all of us, but he's not. He's gone. And I know for a fact that he would want me to find happiness again." She was suddenly having a hard time holding back the tears. Julia's words cut like a knife.

"You're lying," Julia shouted defiantly as she sprang to her feet.

"Julia, please. You are being unreasonable." She had never thought it would be this difficult. Helen had nuzzled herself under her mother's arm.

"You and Professor Snape..." Julia shuddered.

"You had no problems with the two of us being friends, with him staying over the holidays."

"That was different. But now, with what you did... You're screwing my professor! What are people going to say?" Julia was now shouting.

Aurelia tried not to let the words sting, but they did. "That is why the wedding is happening as soon as it is," she explained. "I know I made a mistake, but I can't take it back. What's done is done. This fall, you will have a brother or sister, but that won't ever change how I feel about either of you." She gave Helen a reassuring squeeze. "I'll be living here, but I will keep my distance. You won't see me any more often than you do now, except perhaps on weekends."

"How is it going to look for you to be married to one of my professors? That's going to be too weird, mother. Everyone's going to know..."

"Only if you tell them. Neither of us is planning on making a big deal about the wedding. I know how important privacy is to both of you. I can imagine how odd it would be to have your step-father teaching you..."

"No. You have no idea," Julia turned on her heel and slammed the door on her way out.

"Well, I'm happy for you, Mum," Helen said after a few moments of silence.

Aurelia hugged her younger daughter tightly, pleased to at least have her support. "Thank you, darling. I'll try to talk to her again later, once she's had time to calm down. Now, I think you should head up to dinner. And remember, you are not to tell anyone."

"I know. I won't. I love you."

"I love you, too." Aurelia gave Helen a quick kiss and sent her on her way.

Severus joined her a few moments later. "I presume from the slamming of the door that it did not go well."

She sighed. "No. Julia was quite put out. Understandably so. I think she just needs some time to accept what has happened."

"And Helen?" he asked as he sat beside her.

She leaned against him. "She seemed happy about the news. I think she's excited about the idea of being a big sister, which is good. Julia, well, she's sixteen. There's not much more explanation required." She took comfort in his presence and the touch, the feel of him. "I love you."

He wrapped his arm around her and finally replied, "I love you, too."


Severus had given his testimony the day before. He had hoped that it would be strong enough that there would be no need for Aurelia to appear before the Wizengamot, too. Unfortunately, they had not seen things as he had, and they were still insisting that she testify.

He hurried the fourth years out of class as soon as the bell rang, not that they needed much encouragement. As he was leaving his office, he ran into Adrian.

"Do you think you'll be back for your afternoon class, then?" Adrian asked as he fell into step next to Severus.

"I don't know, though, I think it is doubtful."

"Take your time. I know this will be a difficult day for her. I've always found this sort of trial horrible for making the victim relive the crime. Send an owl if you won't be back for class tomorrow."

"I will be back tomorrow," Severus said firmly.

Adrian reached out and took hold of Severus's arm. "If she needs you to be there for her, then be there. The school can live without you for a few days."

"I have obligations here," he protested.

"You have obligations to her, too. Don't turn your back on those obligations and risk losing her."

He looked into the older man's eyes and could see sorrow that the headmaster was very much trying to hide.

"Severus, listen to me. Be there for her. She will need you."

Severus found that he could not argue with the look he was being given. The moment that Adrian released him, he hurried back toward the gate. Once clear of the Hogwarts boundary, he landed and Disapparated to Aurelia's house.

As soon as she opened the door, he could see that she didn't look well. "Aurelia?"

She threw herself against his chest, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked. Slowly he placed his hands on her back. He was still somewhat uncomfortable with the amount of physical contact she displayed, especially the random nature of this contact, though he was slowly growing accustomed to it.

"No. But I don't have a choice, do I?"

"I'm afraid not. At least it will all be over soon."

Pulling away, she nodded and wiped her face dry. "I know. I just don't know if I can look at him."

They traveled to the Ministry in silence. As he led her to the lower level courtroom, she gripped his hand tighter. He stopped her outside the door. "Concentrate on the Interrogator. Don't pay any attention to Malfoy. He will attempt to intimidate you. Answer the questions simply, and it will be over sooner. Do not concentrate on any details that you don't have to." She had looked down at her feet, and he lifted her chin, so that she was looking at him. "You can do this. I know you can. As soon as it's over, I'll be here for you." Looking at the fear in her eyes, he leaned down and gently brushed her lips.

When they entered the courtroom, he took a seat in the gallery as she was led to the witness stand. He sat in the back of the room, not wanting to draw any more attention than necessary. He was surprised at how compassionate the Interrogator was. But even with his gentle questioning, Severus could see how difficult testifying was for Aurelia. He cringed as she explained the details of what had happened during her captivity. Much of it he had not yet heard, not having pressed her for details.

As she fought back the tears, he wanted nothing more than to whisk her out of the courtroom and take her somewhere safe. Unfortunately, that was not an option. He glanced over to Malfoy and could see the man's smug look. Even during his testimony yesterday, he had sensed that Malfoy was not acting like a man who expected to be sentenced to life in Azkaban. Knowing Malfoy, Severus would not be at all surprised if the man had worked out some sort of deal.

When Aurelia was finally excused, he slipped out of his seat and met her at the door. She nearly collapsed against him as he led her out of the courtroom. "Please. I want to go home," she choked out in a very small voice.

He wrapped his arm protectively around her as he led her up to the Floo.


The Saturday after Aurelia testified, she and Severus were enjoying breakfast when the Daily Prophet arrived. "I can't believe this," Aurelia said and threw the paper to the table.

Severus picked it up and saw that the verdict had come down in Malfoy's trial. As he had suspected, the bastard had avoided a life sentence at Azkaban. Instead, he had been given probation and a rather stiff monetary fine, though Severus knew it was but a pittance to one of Malfoy's means.

"After all I said, after all the others said, all he gets is a slap on the wrist?" she said bitterly.

"Sadly, money can buy a lot of things," Severus replied as he reached across the table to take her hand in his.

"But... that. He was one of You-Know-Who's biggest backers. How could they just ignore that?" She tried hard not to think about what he had said about the wizarding community needing him. Could he really have convinced the Wizengamot of the same thing he had tried to convince her of? Unfortunately, she knew enough of the Ministry to realize now that his Galleons most definitely could have. After all, she had not brought herself to tell anyone that he had given the endowment to the Potions Ward. At least his money would finally be doing some good, and there was no chance that he could take credit for it. That was the one small pleasure she could still take.

"They don't forget that, but if they imprison him, they know they will lose his money." He knew it was a poor answer, but politicians were always prone to corruption. It had always surprised him that more of them were not Slytherin.

"Their lack of morals is disgusting. With enough victims testifying, he should have got more than that."

"Aurelia, there weren't many others," he said soberly.

"What do you mean? Surely others would have come forward to testify against him. If he has wronged them..."

"As I said, money can buy a great many things. For the right price, I'm sure others were convinced not to testify. Even though he was incarcerated, he would have accomplices who could ensure that people wouldn't testify."

"Then why didn't they approach me?"

"They were likely not instructed to as you had been his last victim. That, and you have been protected both here and at Hogwarts. Perhaps they did try, but were dissuaded by the wards." He truly didn't know why, but these were the best theories he had.

She shuddered at that thought. "I need to get some air," she said and rose from the table.

Not wanting her to be alone, he joined her for a walk.


Severus barged into Lupin's office. Remus immediately looked up from the paper he was grading. "What can I do for you, Severus?"

Severus stared at his colleague a moment. "You will be my best man on the twenty-first."

Remus set down the quill and removed his glasses. "Oh? Is that so?"

"What do you mean, 'is that so'?"

"You just don't tell someone he is your best man. You ask that someone."

Severus gritted his teeth. "Fine. Will you be my best man?" He felt like a fool asking this question. Lupin could have clearly said no; instead, he was just playing a game.

Remus leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers.

"Well?" Severus asked impatiently.

"I'm thinking," Remus replied simply.

"About what? You are attending the wedding. What more is there to think about?" This was one of the reasons he disliked Gryffindors on principle: they were exasperating. Albus and Minerva had been the same way.

"You see," Remus began contemplatively, "the best man is normally the groom's closest friend. Now, I'm not entirely sure that we have reached a level of friendship that would make it appropriate for me to be your best man."

Severus was aghast. Clearly, the werewolf wanted something; the question was: what? Not wanting to draw this out any further, he asked, "What is it you want of me before you will acquiesce?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Remus asked innocently.

It was all Severus could do to keep his temper in check. "Clearly, you want something from me. You have offered your friendship to me. I am accepting it and asking you to be my best man."

"In that case, you should apologize."

"Whatever for?" he asked sharply.

"I have apologized countless times for not being a better Prefect. I have even apologized for things that were not my fault that happened while we were students. You have not accepted those apologies nor apologized for things that you have done."

Finally, he was getting some answers. He knew that this would have to be a sincere apology. "When you last taught here, I was upset and humiliated by what happened the night Black was captured. It was not your fault that he escaped that night. And he was innocent of the murder he was imprisoned for in the first place. I should not have told the students the nature of your affliction that night." He paused, and once he realized that was not going to be enough, he choked out, "I'm sorry."

Remus waited a few seconds before a broad smile spread across his face. "Apology accepted. I would be honored to be your best man."

"Why do you have to make things so difficult," Severus muttered before leaving.


Aurelia had finished preparations for Remus's transformation and was resting in the living room, waiting for his arrival. She had forgotten how exhausting being pregnant could be. Severus had tried to insist that she allow Remus to transform at the castle. He had offered to watch over the werewolf, but she had insisted on having him at her house as usual. She had told him that she had all her notes and necessary antidotes there right at her fingertips in case anything went wrong, and that it would be too much trouble to move them all to Hogwarts. Grudgingly, he had admitted that this made perfect sense, and even though he didn't like it, he had allowed her to have her way. He had offered to stay with her, stopping short of insisting, but she would not hear of him wasting his time when he still had work to catch up on, having already spent quite a bit of time away from Hogwarts on her account.

When the bell rang, she quickly rose and answered the door. "Remus, good to see you."

He gave her an appraising look. "Are you all right?"

She smiled weakly. "I'm just tired. It's nothing unusual."

"There's still time for me to go back to the castle," he offered.

"Really, I'm fine. I was just taking a nap. Everything's ready downstairs."

He followed her down to the cellar and they talked for a few minutes until moonrise was imminent. Before she shut the door on him, he said, "Here's to hoping you've made some more improvements."

"I think maybe we have. I've made some more refinements on last month's changes, since we seemed to be moving in the right direction. Hopefully, this time you will remain more man than wolf."

"That would truly be a marvelous gift. Aurelia, I can never repay you for all that you've done."

"It's my job as a Healer. I'll check on you after the moon rises." After closing the door, she took a seat at her workbench and pulled out her notebook. The moon would be rising shortly.

Looking out the transom window, she stared at the darkening sky. In just a couple of days, she would be getting married, and she let herself get lost in that thought. It would be a small ceremony at the Three Broomsticks. Severus had decided not to invite anyone other than his mother, not that it had surprised Aurelia.

The sound of knocking from the storage room door returned her attention to the present. Cautiously, she approached the door and pulled back the viewing flap. She was quite surprised to see yellowish-brown eyes staring back at her.

"Aurelia," Remus said.

She could feel her heart racing in excitement. As he moved back from the door, she could see that he was more or less completely human. His fingernails had elongated, slightly resembling claws, and he was hairier than normal, but he was essentially human. "Remus?" she asked tentatively.

He grinned at her, baring larger than normal eye-teeth. "Yes. I think you've made a definite improvement."

"And there was no pain?" she asked hopefully.

"Minimal. Basically just my hands and feet. If you don't mind, I'd like to come out. I'd like to see the moon."

She thought about this for a moment. Severus would be completely against it, and if he ever found out, he would insist that she must have totally lost her mind, but she told herself that if Remus was able to speak rationally with her, the wolf inside the man must be completely contained. "Sure."

Unlocking the door, she tried not to look nervous, but she still gripped her wand tightly at her side.

When he emerged, he did so slowly, holding his arms wide to hug her. Perceiving no danger, she welcomed his embrace. "Thank you so very much. I cannot begin to tell you how much this means to me," he said.

She could tell that he was crying tears of joy. "I'm happy to have helped. Are you ready to go outside?"

"Most definitely," he beamed.

They sat outside on her back porch, saying nothing for a long time, just enjoying the night. It was cool, but not cold, and would in fact be considered unseasonably warm. They talked about the wedding, and how excited Aurelia was, for a little while. She was pleased to learn that Remus would be the best man, knowing that it would be good for Severus to have a male friend. After about twenty minutes, they fell silent again.

"I've dreamt of this all my life. Being able to sit outside and enjoy a full moon. Though, I can still smell all the scents of the night." He gripped the bench tightly as he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes.

"Next month, I'll see if I can refine it some more." She could tell that he still retained some wolfish qualities, that he was fighting an internal battle between his human and beastly sides, and it was in her nature to want to do more for him.

He took her hands in his. "This is good enough for now. You have enough work to do without spending your free time working on this potion. I don't want you tiring yourself out too much. I know how much time and effort you must have been putting into helping me."

"Really, it's..."

He cut her off. "Aurelia, I'm serious. You're positively exhausted. And you told me earlier that you tire more easily now. I'm safe. I'm myself. This is good enough. After the baby is born, you can start work on the potion again. Besides, some of the ingredients you are using might be toxic."

"I know my potions," she replied defensively.

He said softly, "I know you do. You've done more for me than anyone else has ever been able to do. I've talked to Severus, and he has agreed to brew the best version of the potion for me."

"You talked to Severus?" A part of her felt betrayed that he had gone behind her back, though, she understood the reason why.

"We're both very concerned about you." He brushed her cheek.

She wanted to argue that the two of them were meddling and that there was nothing to worry about, but she could tell that he thought he was doing this for the best. When she had been pregnant with the girls, Henry had likewise had to insist that she take it easy. "I do appreciate your concern."

"That's good. Now, as it is getting late, I think you should get some sleep. I'd like to sit out here a bit longer, and then I can move up to the spare bedroom if you don't mind."

She thought about this a few seconds, still not quite sure about leaving him alone. Finally, she said, "All right. Goodnight, then." Once she was upstairs, she found that she was too tired to change for bed and collapsed, still fully clothed.

The following morning, she woke under the covers. She couldn't remember crawling under them. She was just about to get up when she heard a soft knock on the door.

Remus cracked the door. "Aurelia? Are you awake?"

"Yes. Please, do come in."

He backed into the room, carrying a tray. "I thought you might like some breakfast."

She sat up and smiled at him. "You didn't have to do that." She thought that he looked quite a bit better after the transformation than he had in the past. Normally, he would not be moving about this early in the morning.

"It's the least I could do for you. I take it you slept well? I hope you don't mind, but I came in and tucked you in last night."

"Thank you. I really appreciate that."

"Well, I'm going to clean up, and then I should get back to the school. I don't need Severus griping about having people cover my whole day of classes. I'll see you Saturday at the wedding."

"All right. And, Remus, thanks again for breakfast."

"It's the very least I could do." He smiled warmly before leaving.


Saturday morning, Severus was a nervous wreck. He still couldn't believe that he was getting married in less than an hour. This was not a day that he had ever thought would come.

"Severus, you are going to wear a hole in the floor," said Remus.

"I just can't sit still. Is this a mistake?"

"Why would you think it's a mistake?"

"She could do so much better than me. She could find someone... more caring." Less like me, he added.

"I don't think she wants anyone but you. She's quite happy to be marrying you."

"Are you sure?" The rational part of his mind knew this was true, but the part of him that had grown up insecure from being bullied and ridiculed still found it hard to believe.

"Positive. She loves you. Don't ask me why, but she does."

Severus shot him a murderous glance, only dimly aware that he was joking. "That is a very good question."

"There are some things in life you should not question. Her love for you is one of them. She's good for you."

"Too good for me," Severus muttered.

"Don't start that again. Come on, have a glass of whisky. It'll calm your nerves a little."

"Are you advising me to get drunk before my wedding?" he asked suspiciously.

"No. I'm asking you to have one glass. It'll help. Really. You know, you really should try trusting me. I'm mostly harmless."

Severus kept his back to the other man. Right now, there were only two people in his life that he trusted unconditionally: Aurelia and his mother. He had to admit that Remus had been trying to make amends for what had happened back in their old school days ever since he had first returned to Hogwarts. Could he finally let bygones be bygones? "I'll take that drink." It was a small step, but that was how he did things.


Eileen and Michelle were helping Aurelia get ready. She had chosen to wear a pale blue dress.

"You look so lovely," Eileen said, wiping at the tears she was unable to hold back any longer. Wrapping her arms around Aurelia, she said, "I can't believe that my boy is getting married."

"It is wonderful, isn't it?" Aurelia replied. She was trying not to be nervous, but her morning sickness wasn't helping, either. She had already taken one potion to calm her stomach and knew that it would be several hours before she could take a second dose.

"Are you just about ready?" Michelle asked. "Everyone's here and the guys are downstairs already."

Aurelia nervously smoothed her dress again. "Yes, I'm ready."

The ceremony was brief and simple. Neither of them had wanted anything elaborate, Severus especially, though he had politely asked her if she was sure that the simple affair would be enough. She had explained to him that she had already had her large wedding and that to have something lavish attended by so few would be silly.

Adrian had filled in as father of the bride, escorting her to the front of the room. Before they began their walk, he had whispered to her, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to him."

The reception was also simple. Instead of a formal sit-down meal, they had decided to have a buffet that would allow people to mingle as they wished. It felt more like a garden party, aside from the fact that it was February and they were indoors.

Charlie came up to congratulate them. He had just resumed his teaching duties earlier in the week, finally recovered from his injury. Adrian had determined that as soon as Hagrid returned to England, the former Gamekeeper would be sent to remove the creature from the forest as it was far too dangerous and lurking far too close to the school grounds for comfort. And he was under no circumstances to adopt it as a pet.

Helen was positively joyful. She was like a ray of sunshine on the cold, gray afternoon, happily chatting with those in attendance, and most found her high spirits infectious.

Severus leaned over and whispered to Aurelia, "Times like this, I can hardly believe she was sorted to Slytherin."

Aurelia smiled. "I'm sure that you have learned not to trust her innocent nature. She's incredibly manipulative."

"As some of her classmates have learned, though many have not."

She chuckled at his comment, but the smile faded when she noticed Julia sitting sullenly in the corner. "I had hoped that Julia would come to accept this better."

"She was close to her father, wasn't she?" he asked softly.

Nodding, Aurelia replied, "Yes, the two of them were inseparable. He used to teach her Auror tricks during the holidays. I just don't like to see her acting like this."

"I can assure you that her behavior is quite typical for one her age. She doesn't hate you."

"I know. Now, let's turn to happier subjects. Like where we are going for our honeymoon."

He arched an eyebrow at this question. "I have told you, I leave that decision to your discretion."

He was saved from further discussion when Remus came up to them. "Are the two of you ready for your dance."

"Dance," asked a startled Severus.

Aurelia looped her arm in his. "It is customary for the bride and groom to take the first dance." Turning her attention to Remus, she replied, "We're ready."

He began to wish that he had researched wedding customs, but it was too late for that now. Resigning himself to his fate, he wrapped his arm around her waist as the music started. She moved much closer to him than she had during their dance at the New Year's Ball, and he was growing very self-conscious. He was not fond of public displays of affection, and he considered this to be a very intimate moment.

About halfway through the song, others joined them. Remus and Kalliope were dancing together, as were Eileen and Adrian. He would have to ask her about that as the two of them were maintaining intense eye contact.

When the song ended, he tried to leave the dance floor, but Aurelia held her ground. "I'm getting more than one dance out of you tonight, my love," she said playfully.

After three songs, he was finally able to convince her that she should rest a little while before they left. When he went to get her some punch, he saw that Remus was still dancing with Kalliope, if that's what you wanted to call it. At least the two of them had moved toward the corner, and he made a mental note to discuss the unprofessional behavior with Remus on Monday.

When he returned, he saw that Aurelia was keeping a discreet eye on them. "I find it disgraceful," he said.

She smiled at him. "I think it's wonderful that he's found someone." She leaned over and nuzzled against him. "Jealous?" she teased.

"Not here," he replied quietly.

"Then perhaps it's time for us to make our exit," she replied before nipping at his earlobe.

He had thought she would not participate in that sort of undignified display, but he found that he didn't mind so much this time. "I think perhaps you are right."

After they said their farewells, they retired to her house.

He noticed a trunk by the door and arched an eyebrow at her.

She grinned mischievously at him. "Do you not want your wife to move in with you?"

"I most certainly do, only I hadn't expected it to happen so soon. So, tomorrow evening?"

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she reached up to kiss him. "Tomorrow evening, yes, but tonight, I'm all yours." As she kissed him, she pushed him toward the living room. "How does it feel to be a married man?"

He rubbed his thumb against the ring on his left hand. It was a very unfamiliar feeling. "Ask me again in the morning, Mrs. Snape," he replied as he pulled her onto the sofa and kissed her deeply.


A/N: As always, thanks to ZenLady and nota, my loyal beta readers. You keep me on track and let me know when I leave stuff out and catch some of my stupid mistakes. Also, thanks to my readers. I'm glad to know that so many of you are enjoying this story.

As you can probably guess, this part of the saga is winding down. At some point, I do have ideas to revisit this particular AU to see what the future holds.

Finally, this story is nominated for the Multifaceted Awards in Aphrodisia and Identity. I hope that you will consider voting for this story. Voting closes on 22 July. http://multifaceted.creative-musings.com/main.htm