The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Drama Romance
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 04/10/2007
Updated: 04/10/2007
Words: 656
Chapters: 1
Hits: 462

My Fictional Family


Story Summary:
Draco used to know Harry Potter. The Harry he knew kissed people in the middle of ministy balls and spouted off nonsense about family. But he ruined that Harry Potter and now he was The-Boy-Who-Was-Soon-to-Be-Wed-To-Someone-That-Was-Not-Him. H/D

Chapter 01 - The End of the End


Nothing is mine except the plot. Enjoy.


The room fell silent and Harry suddenly felt he had done entirely the wrong thing. Draco made something of an excuse before pulling them both out of the room and down the hall to a bathroom. The room itself was larger than his bedroom at the Dursley's had been and he couldn't help but feel how he had moved up in the world. But a certain blonde's face stood between him and that dream at the moment.

"What the bloody hell is your problem?" His voice was not raised, but then, it didn't need to be. He was the son of the most famous of all intimidators and bred far too well to raise his voice for anything but the most extreme of situations. Harry, however didn't have that training.

"I just want us to be a family! Why is that wrong?" Had he said the Queen was seen in her knickers doing the can-can, Draco's face could not have been more shocked.

"Because we're blokes, Harry. We can't be a family." His voice was final. Final in the way he had already made up his mind and nothing was going to change it. Final in the way he had been when he told Harry their relationship was nothing more than what it was.

This was probably the way it was supposed to be. It had never been more than casual but he wanted it to be so much more. He wished it to be something he could keep in his pocket and control, but he knew the blonde would never let him. In his life people had always hated him or loved him. Draco just seemed to merely tolerate him. It was that fiery little blonde in the middle of things that made him want to get up in the morning. It was the challenge of having a better quip; better job; better life than Draco. Anything to prove he was worth the effort. Their rivalry had never really gone away. It had just shifted a little to the left.

But that small shift had taken years. Just before the war had started, it happened. It had probably been every cliché in the book. An unsure touch, a look, and then a fiery kiss. He remembered that kiss. It had smoldered. To this day it was still the most passionate thing Draco had ever given him; done to him. It might have been the looming war or the idea of getting caught, but Draco had never done anything nearly as ardent since.

They hadn't rushed into anything. It wasn't the blonde's style. He liked to do things slowly and at his own pace. He needed a clear plan as to what was going to happen, or he wouldn't participate. He needed to be in charge. But it was getting to be tiresome. Harry just wanted something to call his own. They had been together for longer than most married couples but Draco wouldn't even acknowledge that they were in a relationship to himself much less the wizarding world. So Harry had done something drastic.

He had kissed Draco at the most important Ministry ball of the year.

And he was beginning to see that it was largely unforgivable. The blonde had given him such scathing looks as he pulled him down the hall into the bathroom that the exhilaration from the kiss had worn off completely. Now all he wanted was for things to go back to normal. The fire he had to end the secrecy had died and now all he wanted was for Draco to stay.

But the door had already slammed shut and Draco was gone from the party. He had made the proper allowances of course to ensure he would still be in proper standing, come morning. Harry however did quite he opposite. Come morning, he really didn't care to have friends anyway.