Past the Point of No Return

Ophelia Immortal

Story Summary:
The war has elevated to a whole new level. With Harry dead, and Ron and Draco missing, Hermione and Ginny are left unprotected and alone. What will happen when they are taken to the last person they expected?

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Yes, Draco finally has everything he ever wanted. We learn in this chapter who was sacrificed in the war and exactly who a few of the spies were. Very unexpected. AND YES, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A ONE-SHOT, BUT MY LOVING FANS HAMMERED ME FOR MORE CHAPTERS. DAMN YOU PEOPLE, HERE IT IS.
Author's Note:
Yah, jeesh, here's the next chapter you evil people.


It was hard to believe that they had just gotten out of Hogwarts the previous year. They were all only 18 and evil had already corrupted many. Draco was the ringleader once more and Ginny and Hermione were at his disposal. Ginny cried as she thought of what Draco had done to her earlier.


"What a fiesty girl," Draco growled into her ear. "We will have to tame you."

Ginny pushed against his body and he pushed back.

"Ginny," Draco growled once more. "There is no use fighting me. I have what I want now. I have always wanted the Wonder Boy's two favorite ladies. Do you realize that? It does not matter that you are a Muggle-lover and she is a filthy Mudblood. This is the moment I have waited for and I will indeed savor it for a while. So stop fighting me; we are surrounded by Death Eaters and there would be no escape for you even if I let go of you at this moment."

"Did you kill him?" Ginny whispered back to Draco.

"What?" Draco looked confused.

"Did you kill your father just so you could have us?"

"Oh, I have killed many people just for this moment. I even killed Wonder Boy. Did you know that as well? He thought I was on your side. I met up with him and and I fought by his side. And after I sacrificed one of my Death Eaters, one of my faithful followers, I turned on him. Oh, the look on his face was amazing. I loved it, killing him. It was the first step to my plan of getting you."

Draco paused his story for a moment and looked lips with Ginny once more. She winced as his tongue darted in and out of her mouth, yet her clenched teeth somehow couldn't block his invasion.

"You don't like it much, Ginny?" Draco asked rheutorically as he pulled away from her. She avoided his faze. "Yes, well, you better learn to like it, because I have no intention of killing you in the near future. Same with mudblood over there, enjoy yourself!" He turned to look at Hermione, yet held Ginny strong. Hermione was crying softly.

"I made a deal with a certain redheaded someone," Draco said as he turned back to Ginny. "Did you know that as well? Yes, your dear older brother. What a treachery. But Ronald was so willing all along. Until the end. It was inevitable, his death. And he gave me your secrets. He informed me of that wonderful hiding place up in the thick trees and wedges. Yes...exactly where they had planned for their fighters to meet up after the 'victory.' But now it is too late."

Draco locked his lips once more on Ginny's and raised his knee higher against her body. She squirmed as her toes were lifted off the floor and her legs ached from trying to stay steady. She clutched onto his arms for support.

"Yes," Draco purred in her ear as he pulled his lips from her's. "That is so much more close to what I am expecting."

Ginny pushed against him.

"Fiesty, hmmmmmm." He sat quiet for a moment. "Percy!"

Ginny held her breath in her throat. Surely not Percy Weasley. Never. Never in a thousand years. But Ginny choked out a sob as a red head bobbed in through the door. She met eyes with him and immediately regretted it as tears started down her face.

"Take them to their room," Draco ordered as he pushed his body away from Ginny. But not before he pulled his knee from between her legs and crushed her body beneath his.

"I will see you later," he growled at her. His hips dug into hers and she squirmed under his touch as he set his hand to her throat.

Percy grabbed her roughly from behind and pulled her and Hermione from the room before they had a chance to glance back at a lightly chuckling Draco.

*End flashback*

Ginny sobbed again as she lay against Hermione's body for warmth. Percy had shoved them into a cold room with a simple burlap mat on the floor and a small down feather blanket. They huddled together on the burlap mat until Hermione started to drift off to sleep. They lie down next to eachother and Ginny tried to close her eyes, but she could not drift away. Not with the thought of Draco lurking in the back of her mind like an angry cat ready to pounce. Hermione faded into a light sleep and flinched and muttered every few minutes. Ginny had a sneaking suspicion that Hermione dreamed of Harry and Ron and all the other ones lost to the war.

They had run together towards the hiding spot. And as Remus Lupin stepped forward to help them on their path to safety, he sacrificed himself to the Killing Curse so that they could survive. Dumbledore and Sirius had not fallen and niether had McGonagall. Hagrid managed to kill over 10 Death Eaters before they eventually brought him down. Tonks and Moody still survived even after they were injured by minor curses. There were countless other deaths. Fudge died shortly after he begged Dumbledore for forgiveness. He begged Dumbledore to forgive him for his ignorance. And Dumbledore set his hand on Fudge's shoulder and Fudge softly nodded his head as a few tears rolled down his face. This was shortly before the Order had attempted to storm the Manor.

But obviously, their plans did not go as planned.

Ginny snuggled closer to Hermione for warmth and Hermione suddenly turned on her side and curled her arms around Ginny's body. Ginny took in a sharp breath and Hermione started to whisper in her ear.

"We will survive. Stay with me. Don't let him have you. Fight, fight with everything in you. Resist him. Do not follow his orders. Do what you must, for that is what I plan on doing." Hermione slowly sobbed against Ginny's hair and Ginny began to cry softly as well.

They both fell asleep from exhaustion in a puddle of their own tears.

Author notes: Review it or die.