Astronomy Tower
Lavender Brown Parvati Patil
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 05/18/2004
Updated: 12/29/2004
Words: 20,541
Chapters: 36
Hits: 32,638

In the Closet


Story Summary:
This is the story of a broom closet at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What inhabitants has it seen?

Chapter 31

Author's Note:
This Chapter: Neville Longbottom and Eliza Moon


"Eliza?" Neville asked.

"Neville? W-what are you doing here?" Eliza Moon answered. Eliza was a sixth-year Ravenclaw. She usually kept well out of trouble. But here she was crying... She couldn't understand what Neville was doing here. Since he aided Harry at the Ministry and helped to overthrow Fudge as Minister of Magic, he had become quite popular. Why would he be interested in a nobody like herself?

"Why are you crying Eliza? Is it because of Seamus?" he asked.

"Seamus left me. I thought he was crazy about me, but it seems as though he is with Daphne now."

"Isn't she that blonde, curly-haired Slytherin in our year?"

"That's the one... Neville. Will you please hold me?"

Neville took her in his arms. Gently stroking her back. Then he picked her up and carried her away to the closet. That place guaranteed some more privacy. And besides he had wonderful memories there! Maybe he could relive those memories together with Eliza.

"Alohomora!" Neville whispered.

Eliza opened the door, and Neville carried her in.

"Make love to me, Neville!" Eliza whispered into Neville's ear as they were inside.

He answered her request by planting his lips unceremoniously on hers.

It was nothing like she ever felt before. Neville was not the guy that he was when he and Ginny were in the closet: he had grown; he had matured. His sudden popularity had brought this change about in him, or otherwise the escape of the Death Eaters from Azkaban the previous year.

He slowly undressed her. He took his time, he didn't want to hurt her. She had bee hurt so much already... and by someone he counted as a friend. Maybe it was not the right thing to do, sleep with the ex of one of your friends right after he dumped her, but Neville couldn't help it. Eliza was just plain beautiful; why would anybody let someone like her slip away! Why would anyone want to hurt her!

He saw himself in Eliza. Himself before he had taken those DA lessons. He had developed a taste for Ravenclaws, just like Harry had done. It was somehow if Harry's fate and his were intertwined. But he didn't want to think about that now. He wanted to concentrate on making sweet love to Eliza.

Eliza couldn't believe she was actually doing this. She was in the closet with Neville Longbottom, the famous Neville Longbottom. She never guessed that the break-up with Seamus would have such an ending. Maybe she wasn't so sad after all, about Seamus leaving her. Especially not, considering who took his place.

Compared to Neville Seamus was nothing. Neville's touch had set her on fire. That was something Seamus had never managed to do.

She let Neville gain access to her most intimate parts and soon she was wriggling, anxiously waiting for the ecstasy to arrive. It did soon enough. It was like she traveled over the rainbow, as she saw an explosion of colours. This was far better than what she had had with Seamus, this was heaven!

Author notes: Next Chapter: Ron and Pansy